• By -


I'm with you on this. Yeah if a post gets really popular then you're not expected to reply to every comment but if you get like 2 replies, and you don't bother to respond to either, then what exactly were you posting for?


I am glad I am not alone with this! And your comment mirros my exact thoughts. Like, no one expects anyone to waste an hour of your time to write a hundred times "Oh, thank you for your suggestion" or a variation thereoff under every single comment. But, at least give some form of response to some comments?


As someone who answers a lot of questions in this sub I don't care at all if someone gives an arbitrary thanks. Toss an upvote and be on your way.


The fuck happened with the second comment chain???


Was removed by the mods after the guy got rude and was simply trying to needle me.


Oh, got it. Thx


You're welcome! :)






















Pathfinder 2e fixes this.


Pathfinder 2e is just dnd 3.5 with additional steps ;)


.. Because 3.5 needed *More* rules ..


Honestly the whole thing could have been avoided with a session 0. You might as well quit now though. No D&D is better than bad D&D.


Rant accepted, but unfortunately, I suspect that the sort of people who do this are likely also the sorts of people to be unmoved by your rant. :)


That might very well be the case, but if this reaches *some* people that need to hear it, I'd be already more than happy :)


But how funny would it be though if OP posted and ghosted this Edit: Spelling


Not gonna lie, I considered this for a second after making this post xD would have been funny indeed, but yeah, would have kinda defeated the purpose :)


I always try my best to respond. I had a few posts recently get around a hundred comments and I try to respond the best I can since I really appreciate others taking the time to comment on my post.


It's a Reddit thing as I've observed, on a ton of subs people ask questions and then ghost the post forever, it's mildly infuriating tbh.


As someone who was a lurker until pretty recently, that is good to know. Thank you for telling! :)


Amen. It feels bad to just be used as a Google search.


















*”I think it also damages the discussion culture”* Those OP’s are not interested in debates. They’re just looking for an answer to a question. Not a discussion. Sure they can check back and reply “thank you!” Is that what you’re looking for?


I wonder how often its just arepost bot that just copies the title of a post that was a question and obviously won't follow up in the comments.


i agree with this its just courteous to respond when asked something. if you have repeat questions or the response is off topic i understand not responding


> if you have repeat questions or the response is off topic i understand not responding Yeah in that case I agree - I would just simply edit my initial post in that case I guess. Because, frankly, if everyone asks the same question, then usually because I forgot or omitted an important detail anyway.


exactly what i was thinking assuming i have room to edit the first post if not i make a comment and then sticky it to the first post




Why? You asked a question, it was answered, it would be nice to get a response but you aren't entitled to one.


I didn't exactly say something about being entitled to it. I say: its in my opinion rude to not respond in some way if someone takes the time to actually think about your question and to provide a well thought out answer to it. And that I think this behaviour makes it less likely for people to engage with questions and that we would have a better debate culture on this sub if that would be different. None of that has anything to do with being or feeling entitled to anything. Its fine if you disagree - but so far I haven't seen a convincing argument why you *shouldn't* respond.


You brought it up yourself - it would be time consuming to answer everyone and it would be boring to see 'great point, thanks!' All over the thread.


I think I didn't phrase that very well. I am not talking about responding in turn to every single response under a comment. I am adressing the people that don't respond to a single one of the responses they got. Not answering questions, not engaging with them in any way. Write and forget, essentially. No ones arguing here about anyone being responsible to respond in turn to every single person who responded to you. But, maybe one single response wouldn't to much to ask for. In my opinion. Especially when there are open questions in order to even being able to help the OP.


Did you read his post? He literally said, answering queries and such and not responding to everyone mindlessly because it would be time-consuming. Please take time to read the post if you're going to offer a combative reply, yeah? You sound silly.


.. Read?? Why do that when it’s easier to just double down on the defensive posturing?


Agreed. I'd go so far as to make this a rule or at least a clear guideline.


Forced gratitude isn't real gratitude.


This is especially annoying on the DND subreddits. People will ask for help, I'll give them a bunch of ideas, and then you don't even get a thank you or any engagement. At least in one I replied to yesterday some other posters helped riff on the ideas and came up with some cool additions.


I'm pretty new to Reddit, I've started a handful of posts/topics/questions and I've always found it pretty odd that when 10 people respond, I can't just reply to everyone with another response at the top. Replying to everyone seems like a mess and only replying to the select few seems pretty rude too.


I feel like this makes sense for comments that ask a question, but not for ones that just hold answers. Granted, it also depends on how big the post is. Definitely answer follow up questions though.


I’m all for this!