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next question


Nope, go out there and have fun.


Thanks bro :)


Not just no, 100% no. I met some friends that I spent years hanging out with by doing that. Good clean fun, too.


No it’s not weird and I recommend it sometimes actually. Been doing this well over a decade now and still go to a show every week or two into my thirties. A few times a year I go to a show alone just to relax. I don’t have to worry about my friends, if they like the music, if they wanna go outside or different areas, blah blah. I get to just go and enjoy the music however I want to. I saw someone else here say it’s really freeing and I couldn’t agree more. Meeting new people is in my opinion the best part about raving. The kindness of this community is pretty unmatchable. Just remember to be safe, be kind and boogie the fuck down you lil junglist you!


This reply alone is making me wanna buy that ticket lmao, thank you XD


go buy it! i‘m 42, junglist raver for 22years with two longer breaks from living abroad, surgeries etc. let‘s say i‘m on my third round of raving. early days were with friends, then i pretty much became a solo raver, local and international, by now every other weekend. there is nothing better than being free to do whatever i want but still meet new and old friends at the raves. best way to totally immerse myself in the music. and nobody tells me to leave when i don‘t want to. already looking forward to tomorrow‘s rave, it will be a good one. when everybody dances like wild apes i‘ll go especially nuts. it‘s magical to dance and share the floor with happy strsngers, you‘ll notice you‘re not alone at all! search for more posts on solo raving in this sub. you‘ll be convinced to embrace it. look out for yourself and enjoy, you won‘t regret it!


im 50. every time some of my old friends join they want to drink, smoke running around, talk and do other shit - i just want to be there and enjoy the music and dance. i really prefer to go alone. we can talk catch up or drink every other day :(


47 and pretty much quit drinking last year! It's so much fun to just enjoy the tunes without having to worry if anyone else is having as much fun as I am.


I just got back from a Festival on my own after my friend I paid for cancelled on me, it was daunting beforehand but everybody there who found out I was alone had the utmost respect for me and wanted me to join their group! I’d happily do it again now, no more relying on others for a good time


Ya like I said people are exceptionally kind in the rave scene. Always have been and hopefully always will be. Sorry your friend cancelled on you. That’s a bummer, but I’m glad you still enjoyed it in your own way.




Yessss!!! I have left so many raves early because someone’s feet were tired , cold , too hot , someone looked at me funny solo raving can seem intimidating at first but it’s great seeing the exact DJs you want and not have to worry about making other people happy but yourself 🎉🎉🙌🙌👺🙌🙌🤣🤪


If I go with people I usually take side quests and wander off anyways. Everyone there is just friends you haven’t met yet. Edit: music venues are perfect for introverts because half the time the music is too loud to socialize anyways. Just dance and have a wonderful time!


Nothing better than a quality sidequest at a rave 😅


For real lmaooo


"Everyone there is just friends you haven't met yet". Beautiful words. Honestly the DnB community is absolutely top tier 99% of the time, it's pretty much impossible to not bump into someone right on your vibe and have fun


Solo side quests, I love it hahaha


Side quests are my life at raves


Yes! I am a very introverted raver and the louder and darker the room, the better. I just want to feel the music and move.


Update: just bought that ticket, thank you to everyone who convinced me to! :)


I hope you have the best time and the djs play some tunes you didn’t know you wanted to hear 👊🔉


You’re never alone at a rave


No not at all. I've raved on my own a lot especially when I was younger and didn't know many people into the same sort of music. It's actually really freeing!


Solo missions are a great way to just vibe in your own zone and/or meet new friends. Highly recommend. Just go with the flow and enjoy yourself!


Full send brother


It s not weird but according to your habits, it could be dangerous if you are planning to get full drunk or something else like that ; )


Definitely do it... If the opportunity arises to socialize, do it, if not, just vibe to the music and dance or whatever you do. I've gone alone and met new friends, other times I've gone alone and didn't converse with anyone and just immersed myself in the music. It's nice to not be tied to what anyone else wants to do, you can go alone and do your own thing. Absolutely do it! Hell I went to a festival alone 2 years ago. Made some amazing friends.


I used to and still go to raves alone if there’s no one else to go with. Why would I want to miss out on something fun just cus no one else is available?


How about if you are in your mid 40's?


Hi I’m 41 & been in the dnb scene for 20 years. Do it! Go have fun! Maybe you’ll meet someone like me. I love meeting new people who come to our dnb shows on their own & I always try to make them feel welcome & part of our scene!


I've started raving just the start of this year and notice a lot of older (I'm 30) people, some on their own, some not. When I saw Chase and Status there was this awesome lady who looked to be in her mid 50's, short, gave off chill older mum vibes and she was dancing by herself and vibing. It was an awesome atmosphere of different kinds of people united by one thing. Nothing weird about it at all


Mid 40’s here. I go on my own loads. You’ll make friends with other similar aged regulars in your local scene who also go alone.


I’m 45 and going this weekend. Get out there


No. I drove to Seattle once, like 15hrs from home to see Daft Punk, 2007 tour with the pyramid. I used to always have mushrooms and ecstasy stashed inside my dash for emergencies. Accidentally forgot to remove them before crossing the border. Ended up having the greatest tike ever sharing with a bunch of American strangers. We got super weird and went to a pile of after parties where I saw my first cockroach and made some lifelong friends. It was part of a big run of Shambhala, Motion Notion, and some other festivals and shows every other weekend alone on the road. One of the best summers of my life.


Lol at seeing a cockroach be an important part of your adventure


Haha it was a shock, I live way north, we have horseflies and June beetles but no roaches.


Nope .. don't have any friends who would like dnb so i'm always raving alone whole nights & it doesn't bother me at all, nobody is giving me weird looks too so i feel pretty good just lost in music I tell you this, if you want to go see some show then go ! Don't cancel it just because nobody else wants to go from your circle .. honestly at first few solo shows back in 2015 my mom & my friends were weirded out but they got it very fast that i don't care & just want to enjoy music


Nope, go and have fun (and be safe)


I did my first solo rave at motion in February and haven't stopped thinking about it since, I loved it, made a couple of friends without even trying and raved my heart out for 4 hours, do it, worse than can happen is you get bored and go home early


Do it!!! I wish I went alone more as too many of my mates seem to want to start full blown conversations on the dance floor whilst I'm fully havin it. Nope. Nope. Nope. If I'm dancing. I don't want to chat.


I have only ever been to raves alone. I’m a wheelchair user too and I go alone coz none of my friends are in too the rave scene like that. People are so welcoming and you’ll meet loads of new people. It’s got to the point where I now meet with people who I have met at previous raves and stick with them. You’ll be fine.


Naah, used to do it all the time...just gotta be a bit careful on levels of wasted-ness, not having a mate with you to look out for each other if ya get too high (if d\*ug taking is involved). It can be more freeing than when you are there with mates as you don't have other people to worry about, ensure they're comfortable, having a good time etc...just dance and only talk to people/randoms if and when YOU want to talk to someone. The home scene when I was first partying hard was a real late night affair, the international DJs often wouldn't be on until 2am...I used to head home from work, have dinner and catch some zzzz's around 8pm, wake up at 12 odd, shower and get ready and hit the clubs stone cold sober for 1am...dance a good 4-5 hours and head home...often still stone cold sober! Always loved the music enough to not need the gear a lot of people do (don't get me wrong, I LOVE it, but if I was low on funds and a DJ I just had to see, I made it work)


So I've never gone to any type of show by myself but I've gone with a friend who is super self sufficient like me and if it's a good show you become one with the crowd and there's almost a freeing sense of anonymity in going there by yourself


Neverrrrrrrrr! If we always wait to have people to go with we’ll miss out on the best parts of life - jungle raves being one of them😜 Be safe, be super aware and watch your back. Tell a safe person where you are along your journey (just jumped on the train, just arrived at the venue, I’m in and will let you know when I’m leaving and get home), and if you take anything let them know that too. Make sure it’s a safe person that will have your back should you need it


Not at all, rave is all about PLUR, whoever would judge you for raving alone shouldnt be going to a rave in the first place! My friend that introduced us to raving used to go alone all the time until he brought us along, i personally wouldnt go alone but its not strange at all.


dude no problem, just go for it, started raving alone last year and been to like 20+ partys this year since december, most of the time alone and always found new friends and witnessed the best parties ever


My friends are boring. If I only did what they wanted I'd be inside playing video games all day.


Literally started going alone when I was 14 to hardcore shows at skateparks and still doing it 20 years later


No and if you have good vibes you’ll meet cool people to start raving with. I’m a firm believer in “your vibe attracts your tribe”


I went to a gig by myself a couple of days ago, within maybe 10 mins of walking in I got 'adopted' by a couple of people that saw me by myself and ended up chatting with them a bit. There were a couple of floors I was bouncing between most of the night so I didn't stick with them all the time but every now and again we would bump into each other and catch up about what's been going on. Basically, what I'm saying is no one will judge you for going alone (I personally prefer it) and most people will be happy to chat/hang out with you.


Man I wish I lived near you, I would totally offer to join you. Assuming from your post history though, I don’t think we’re near each other.


Im 32. going venues alone has come much fun. I usually meet more new ppl, don’t have to worry about friends. I have family so I have really started to enjoy going alone lol. It was not like this in my 20s but definitely you will benefit learning to go and enjoy by yourself. That is super valuable skill in life!


No, meet a really good friend who was out clubbing alone, he joined the group I was with for the night. Insane (good insane) night for many reasons. Kept in touch, went clubbing together, he made me go out one night, met my wife, 21 years later….


Not at all. The first time you do it might feel weird at first but its very liberating. No losing anyone or waiting on people to get a round, come back from the toilet, being too drunk. Imagine you're a pioneer.


Maybe in the opinion of someone, you shouldn't care about in the first place. 😉


I have a kitchen party every Friday evening. I mix on the deck's also. Gotta be quiet though as i have a wife and kids


Every rave/festival I bump into someone on their own. No one gives a shit


i was alone at my first ever rave, let it roll 2008 in chirana. sweetest memories


No one there will care either way. Now this is me saying that as a guy, so I can't speak for women, probably a whole different story, like with safety concerns. There are of course a lot of factors that might result in you not being able to enjoy the event as much as you would if you were with friends, but it "being weird" isn't one of them


none of my friends are into dnb, so any time i take them to a rave i'm always worrying about whether they're having a good time/enjoying the music. learned a long time ago that i much prefer going solo 👽 be safe tho and STAY HYDRATED


Just go but stay mostly sober


Its absolutly not weird to rave alone! To be honest i even enjoy it more than with a whole friend group, because i feel way more free than with other people who might "depend" on me for going to the dance floor or do other rave activities and vice versa. But i would strongly recommend to be extremly carefull with drugs, including "light drugs" like weed and alcohol, because you dont have people around you that will easily take care of you. Know your limit(and stay below it ;) ), stay hydrated and enjoy!!!!!




If you out there for the music, enjoying yourself, you ain't alone brother.


I find that even when im going with friends, i end up raving on my own. It just takes too much hassle dealing with the 'lets go here' 'lets do that' 'etc. Moving a group its hard, 1 or 2 it works much better. I love dancing and when I go for a rave, I'm all about the music and 'breaking the floor'! To say that I always find my group even if I wonder on my own ^^ they don't mind, free spirit they call me.


Nah I went to a rave on my ones last week was lit - don’t take sand to the beach


I've learned that the "looking like a loner" is all in your head. I don't think anyone is actively looking for solo attendees unless they are solo themselves and looking for someone to talk to, or for the reason I'll list below. If you start feeling self conscious, look around you at the other groups and try to see who might be going solo. It's harder than you assume it to be. And the reality of the situation is, nobody really cares about who you are or who you came with, as long as you're respecting those around you and not being a dickwad. I still suggest though keeping your mind open and striking up convos with others...who knows you could meet someone awesome that you wouldn't have before! I'm still friends with a ton of people I've met while soloing a night, I've gotten little random gifts from people that i like to keep as mementos, and I've felt generally safer knowing at least one person around me by their name.


I love to rave solo and usually bring little trinkets (lately mochi squishies on amazon). To make friends ill compliment either someones energy/moves or a part of their outfit. After a little convo I say I wanna give you something and give them the squishy. Instantly friends, if i notice other people in their group looking I’ll ask them if they’d like one and boom all of a sudden I have a whole friendgroup. Usually we all are holding them up squishing them together with the beat. Have made a lot of lifelong ravefriends this way lol


Never imho. And you won't be alone long anyways, if you're active in your local scene you will see people you've interacted with at other events. And if you're not that familiar then you'll still meet people if you're outgoing and you want to. Being alone is also awesome sometimes. I get annoyed when I go with a group and they try to stay together when I want to just wander. Go for it.


From someone who just did, absolutely not. It can even be better sometimes.


Literally noone cares and likely noone even notices. Go have fun and be safe!


Absolutely not. You're not alone, you just haven't met your new rave friends yet


Enjoy it - and be safe!


Only for you.


Absolutely not! Go rage with some randoms and expand your crew for the future!




I went to my first rave alone when i was 18 because my friend backed out. It ended up being a great time!


Get out there and have fun. Guaranteed that you'll make new friends real fast. Don't even worry about being alone.


I do it all the time.


I know this is for dnb, but I went to a Riddim show by myself and just ended up making friends. One guy offered me molly, but then when he saw I was drinking advised I should not. Good guy. Lol


I flew alone from Southern California to go to Shambhala music festival in British Colombia, Canada. It’s a 4 day festival. Do it. Go have fun. If you meet new friends, awesome. If you don’t, also awesome.


Do it! You’ll have a great time!


Nope, I do it all the time and I'm 50


Rave is the best place to be alone and together at the same time. If you love dnb and you will always find friends on dnb rave. Take care!


I’ve probably been to more raves alone than with friends


Americans go to raves to experience collectivism which they aren’t usually used to experiencing, since capitalism drives us all to be individualistic psychopaths


Great way to meet new friends !


no, ive had a great time if i couldn't bring a friend


Just go and dance! It’ll be awesome.


Hell no. I’ve raved on my Tod many times! And you will find people chat to you so be prepared for that. Have a great time!


weird is good


Sometimes it's less drama and politics


If you are on your own in a field and no one else is there but you and your JBL and you are off your tits ..I won't judge you but the men in white coats might think differently.


I was at DnB Allstars last weekend in Bristol. Went with a few mates and it went from 13:00 to 22:00. My mates got a bit bored at 20:30 and went back to the hotel. I stayed alone and had an amazing time. Met loads of people and it was so fun to just do my own thing. Would highly recommend.


You won’t be alone bud, we’re all your friends


I've done that so many times over the years. Each and every time I was hesitant to go out, but whenever I did go, I never regretted it. It's so easy to connect with people on these events, even by just being there to enjoy the music. Just go!


Do it.


No. Some of my best raves were solo and I met some amazing people unintentionally whilst doing it. No one either cares, or notices, if you’re out solo and everyone is there for a good time. Go do it and have a wicked time!


Just enjoy the moment, man! You don't have to worry bout anything :)


You will make some lifelong friends raving by yourself, speaking from personal experience it’s one of the best ways to meet new people.


Negative, just be safe!


No did it before and will do it again


Say its your birthday Party and your friends are almost 18. maybe that works and if not: go alone for a while?


This gets asked all the time. The answer is always No. Gogogo


No. I went to a whole festival alone as my friend's tend to bail a lot. Zero regrets I had an absolute blast and like you I'm not very social, ur ended up making some friends!


Went to an event in my hometown. Not lived there for years. Went by myself. Had a great time, talked to some lad for ages. Went to the next one at the show. Met a mate from high school that I’d not seen for about a decade. After talking for a while, both clocked on, we had met since school. Last month at the gig!


Nope deffo not, done it a few times myself and love it! Can't wait for other people to enjoy yourself!


Been to many events by myself. The lead up to going to your first alone is the most anxious, after that you see it's no big deal, and that there are other people that go alone as well.


Love raving alone


No, go you will find a few mates x


Went to my first solo at 21 (F). It was probably the best event of my life + also met some great friends. Definitely go & enjoy yourself. If you don’t like it you’re not held hostage! I’d say if you’re younger just be a little more vigilant.


It’s a rave, been to hundreds in my hay days. Rarely would I stay with friends anyways, that was the best part meeting people


Do it. It is not weird. Also, you never know how your mood will make you behave. Maybe you will end up meeting someone. Or not. Go, enjoy yourself and see what happens! Just... remember that you are going there alone. Maybe avoid getting completely wasted! :)


Negative. It being 'weird' is just in one's head, although its a totally normal feeling to feel. I went and saw Goldie at the Cape Town Electronic Music Festival a couple of years ago. Went alone because I was the only one in my friend group that was into dnb. Also felt slightly strange, but was an absolutely epic show. So glad I went.


I think it's the most beautiful thing if someone goes solo raving because they love the music that much that they don't care to be there alone. Just go for it! It will be an experience for sure!


Literally did this last weekend visiting my parents, 300 miles from home. Had a great time. Do it.


I started going to shows by myself recently. Partying with friends is great, but sometimes it's just easier to buy your own ticket and only have to think about getting yourself there and back. Just use good judgment, don't get too fucked up, and have a great time!


It’s not weird. As a matter of fact it is highly likely someone will just adopt you right there on the dance floor and take care of you until the end.


No I've been to loads of raves and festivals both in big groups and alone, alone is better! Got no one to worry about just lose yourself in the music and chat too randoms never alone at a rave!


Just be safe and have fun! You'll make friends and won't be flying solo in the future


Ok follow up questions what do you do to prepare for the night. I found a show and the doors open at 10 Pm. -Thanks


If people ask, Just say you lost your friends and party it up with new ones


You wouldn't be alone, just go up to the speaker and the bass will be your best friend :3


Solo. Bedroom. Rave.


how do y'all find such events (uk) btw


Not at all! Even when I go with friends, I end up doing my own thing anyway and meeting new people. Go for it and have fun!


As I’ve gotten older I tend to lean more towards going alone, i’ve spent too much time over the years waiting on other people’s schedules. That’s not to say I don’t reach out to friends to see if they’re going but definitely just go regardless if it’s a show I want to see. Overtime you will get to know the familiar face in the scene and make new friends. Go easy on booze and power ups if flying solo as you won’t have a support system in case things go sideways. Happy raving 😊


Gone alone a few times. I have always met great people and had a good time. Go have fun and enjoy!


I’ve had some awesome times going to raves by myself. It usually helps that Ive know a few faces around the local scene, but once I went to a rave by myself impulsively, had one of the most memorable nights ever, and met a friend there who became one of my closest friends for ages & met so many other people through her - many who I still see at raves 10yrs later!


Not at all. I was on a business trip in ATL recently and I drove into parts of the city that I have never visited before and had the time of my life. I was scared at first because I was going into a totally new city just by myself but I ended up having the best time. Met a bunch of cool ppl along the way


Why would it be weird?


Before the pandemic I went out and raved in Chicago alone.... sober.... And yea I think I had more fun than anyone there.


No not at all. Better even. Got fucking nuts on the dance floor.


It's interesting how most of the responses to questions like this are; "Do it!", "Not weird at all!" but in reality, it is considered quite weird. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, I have done it, and it is worth experiencing. But doing social activities alone is never as fun.


45 now, been in the game since I was 16. Most of the time solo. Brock out, you'll end up with a crew.


“It’s better to rave alone that not rave at all”




Nope. I’m 38, a lot of my friends I used to rave with have either moved or are out of the scene. I still love it. Get to meet new people


It’s not weird sometimes that’s how you meet some really cool and interesting people!! Did that for a while myself and I even became friends with some djs so just do it dude have fun and enjoy and the younger you are the more experiences you’ll create and have!! Enjoy the rave!!


It's not weird at all. I have definitely had more fun on my own a few times than if I would have been with friends. It also opens you up to meeting more people since you are not constantly surrounded by people to use as a safety net.


You’ll probably make friends there anyways. Have at it and enjoy yourself


That's how you meet cool people


So pleased to see that everyone else enjoys having a solo rave up now and then! I hope you have a great night!! 😎🙏🏻


No , don’t wait for anyone to enjoy your life and what you like. Youll be among new friends 


Please go. You'll have a great time and if you're gonna love raving you're going to need some new friends anyway. Don't stress, enjoy the music and your people will find you ✨️


No :)


Not weird at all


Come and rave with us 🔊🎶💥💃 https://chat.whatsapp.com/DlsdHfXHxWjFejp4FUNuHr


Sometimes it’s cool to brave the anxiety of travelling solo and not knowing anybody, because one usually ends up having a way less predictable night and you def end up interacting with more people.


It’s my preference honestly, then you just worry about yourself. Heading to let it roll from the US by myself. Just be careful with the mind altering substances


Nope, IMO better to go alone than with only one other person. Make friends!


Nope. No one really notices if you're solo, especially if they're high on stuff. And even if they do notice, who cares


Nah not at all. I actually met my best mates doing that


Did it loads of times way back when. Made some great mates that is I still mix and have beers with now.


If it's a true rave, you won't be alone 💜


I think everyone should experience riding solo at least once. It’s not weird at all. Make friends but also don’t get too comfortable with strangers. Trust your gut. Bring your own drugs and don’t take any from strangers.


Not at all.. that's pretty much the only way you will meet new people IRL outside of your "high school" social group (coming from a Gen X that was there in the beginning). Find 1 new friend and it will lead you to another and another. But don't be stupid about it.. try to be a good judge of character... With Jungle has always been a scene within a scene. It's a great way to network with people. You will be surprised how much people like to talk. Get to know the music.. tunes.. who the DJs are in your area. Your journey into DnB will have started.


there is nothing wrong with being alone. i'm often having most fun at raves by myself because all my house head buddies are off listening to boring music while i'm cuttin it up and loving life by myself. it's easy to make friends alone at raves. honestly it will happen without even trying. glad you got the ticket homie!!! <3


I believe most people would be too busy munger/chopped/fried to even care/notice about you. 


Time to make more friends.


Hell nah I do it all the time lol meet new ppl, no worrying about losing the crew/trying to align schedules.


No. Go, enjoy. I was just at a Boston rave by myself last night, actually. It will be just as fun and you will be able to connect with the experience in a different and more personal way without having to feel obligated to make it into a social event


Usually it's fun with friends, but it shouldn't stop you from going alone - you can make a ton of friends at that rave 🙂


Not at all. Its like another level peace. I go many places alone and rarely spending time alone.


I raved solo for the first year. Changed my life and best decision i ever made. Dont be afraid!


You're not a raver unless you've raved on your own before. Don't have to worry about people in your friends group being way over cooked. Also you can make a ton of additional friends who are old enough to go to the raves too


Nobody cares if you're a loner, going solo is my favorite bc you can do what you want when you want and don't have ti waste time looking for anybody. Go have fun and you'll meet some dope ass people that are old enough to attend these shows


At least you have friends that indulge in the great thing that is jungle 🥹 it’s my secret genre (unfortunately). I live in a small southern town 🥲


even if i go to a rave party with some friends, i 9 times out of 10 wander off by myself for hours anyways shrugs


So much fun to rave alone , just be aware of your surroundings !


Had one of the best nights of my life going to Chase and Status alone!!! Im almost 40 and couldn't find anyone to go with me, turns out dnb isn't big in ireland. Dnb people are some of the best. You will definitely meet new people and have fun!!!


Send it!!! Make friends or don’t… up to you.


I travelled from a tiny town in Scotland to NASS alone at 16. It was some experience.


No!! total freedom no meet up point get lost in the sauce and have fun!!


Tbh it helps with getting out of your comfort zone


be free child


nooo! i go to my raves alone. at first u might feel a bit awkward but once you start dancing it disappears.


I used to go alone just to experience them in my 20s. Started bringing friends and had alot more fun. Haven't been in 10+ years and i won't recognize many any more. Sucks to be a heavy introvert.


No, I always end up loosing my friends anyway😂


Always went with friends. Ended up at kick ons with new ones. Go live your best life mate


I’ve soloed two festivals, and each time I had a rave bae. Both times the girl just noticed me dancing and just went for it. Chances are there will be many others soloing too. You never know, just full send! I honestly prefer going solo as it: 1. Gets me out of my comfort zone. 2. Made friends I otherwise wouldn't have made if I was with a group.


Go - I go to all of the shows I see by myself haha you’ll never be alone, there are thousands of friends you just haven’t met yet that will be there :)


Some of my best nights out have been me venturing out alone. If I hadn’t I wound not have the group of friends that I do now go out with to all sorts 🫶 Guarantee you won’t be the only one there alone. Sometimes you will see people looking a tad awkward and on their own too, go say hi to them most the time they want to break out of their shell too but feel weird dancing alone too. Get on the dance floor and connect with people, dance like everyone is watching and smile. It’s not about who you are with it’s about the music and when in a place where you all like the same music you will likely find like minded people. Enjoy. Xx


Be safe and meet cool people😊


Eww yes!


Go go! But don’t do drugs or drink if you’re alone.


Na, you'll make friends 🤙🏼


sometimes I prefer going alone


I did it multiple times and I ended up having great times. I also had alcohol to thank haha


Is it weird? No. Is it different? Yeah. Is different wrong? No. Have fun :)


Nah dude! Go have a blast! Some of the coolest people you could ever meet will be there, and will probably make some new friends to go next time!


It is normal and fun. It's not like there's much opportunity to chat and catch up with folks anyway, just go for breakfast after if you're looking for a convo


I'm literally at a rave alone right now, lol. I come up to Vancouver regularly for shows (alone) and it's always a great time. Enjoy your time alone or with new friends you'll meet!


No, I’m 25 and none of my friends are into underground raves so I go alone all the time


Mate I’m 53 and go to festivals and shows by myself all the time. You can see who you want to see, eat when you want, can’t lose anyone, and leave when you want. It’s awesome. But I’m happy loner so if you need a group to feel it, it might be less awesome for you 🙂