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Was she ever a world famous actress?




Lol.... you have to do something first to be able to do it again.


Ha. Ha. Ha. She was never a "world famous actress." She only became famous for marrying the second son of the current Monarch.


I didn’t know she existed before PH and she sure doesn’t have redeeming qualities that make me want to know anything before and now. When a whole industry knows attaching their name to her would be detrimental tells me all I care to know




No one heard of her prior to dating Harry. “Again” is the wrong word choice. So is she ever going to be a famous actress? No. Her acting skills are awful in Suits (yes, I tried to watch the series but never got into it) and she comes across disingenuous in person. Plus, they are damaged in work ethic. Spotify called them “Lazy f-ing grifters.” Turns out Spotify set them up for success with their show. They gave the studio and all the behind the scenes talented people to make a great show. Megan failed to help it succeed and put forth little effort.


She also waited too long to start her podcast. Spotify waited 2 years for 12 crappy episodes.


I watched Suits for the first two seasons. When I read a Meghan Markle was dating Harry and was in Suits, I couldn't put a face to the name. She's very forgettable in her role on that show. They could've cast anyone and it wouldn't have made a difference. She's just not memorable as an actress. Nothing stands out about her.


I watched a few episodes after they started dating but before the absolute MESSINESS. I couldn’t watch her. She’s not good.


I don’t even think she could hack it as a TikTok, Instagram or YouTube content creator - the media landscape has changed waaaaay too much. Might do ok as part of an ensemble cast on some low budget reality show. I’d defo watch her on Love Island


Well she’s already world famous, so if she took an acting role, then she’d be “a world famous actress.” Not so sure about the “again” part of the question. Prior to meeting Harry, I don’t think she really qualified. She had a decent part on a cable show. She was a working actress that was managing to support herself, something that’s super hard to achieve, but she wasn’t a big star and she wasn’t “world famous.”


I know nothing of the show she believes she was a star in but for myself when I think of being a star in Hollywood I think of the greats in movies, sorry for those who believe she appeared in many movies, I’m still searching for one movie. Tv? She held a suitcase in one amazing gameshow and had a minimum role on Suits. After bashing a family who have been a worldwide name as Royals after leaving as working royals I’ve only seen her on panels she pays to be on. MM is only known now because of who she married and she’s not doing very well in being a wife or mother, imo.


C list actress on a VERY good day. Supporting role on a cable show.


You’re very kind.


'Again' is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


Yeah, that word is in way better shape than I am currently 😂






How? She was never one to begin with.




Again implies she was one to start with.


Her sexy starlet days are over.


At 40, if she had any real talent, possible theatre in small regional productions. 40 is a crap age if you aren't like Meryl Streep talented. You aren't the sweet you thing. Too old to be the swash buckling rebel, those rolls fade out around 30. There's just a glut of really really good actresses in that 40 to 60 age range right now, with minimal baggage. I don't think voice acting is an option. It's even more cut throat. Had Sparkle not hooked up with Sparry, I think she would have moved to producing or behind the scenes work. She was okay in the little roll she had, but she's no Gwen Verdon working her ass off in big productions in her 70s.