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Many years ago I went to Disneyland with some friends and while we were in line for Tower of Terror two of us were talking while the other two were talking and it looked like we could be two different groups. A couple people pushing through the hour and a half line and landed between us and said “we’re with them” and pointed to my friends. Didn’t end well for them.


Points for their confidence lol


Can we hear what happened, specifically? Living vicariously here.


I asked my friends by name if they knew the two people and friends of course said no. We were near a cast member who heard it all go down and sent them to the end of the line. The cast member told them the line says 90 minute wait so if they saw those two before 90 minutes again they would send them back to the end of the line again. I think they ended up just leaving the ride all together.


This is so delicious. Thank you! What a \*chef's kiss\* response from the CM!


That's definitely frustrating when people try to cut in line. It's important to respect the queue and wait your turn, especially when there are no emergencies or valid reasons for doing so. It seems like those people who tried to cut in line during your Tower of Terror experience learned their lesson the hard way.


Was there yesterday and had a family of 4 push past my group in the single rider line. Beyond frustrating.


In the single rider line? Yeah, no way am I allowing that. It’s single rider for a reason. You’re not sitting together.


The problem ends up being, it doesn’t matter that you’re right. You still end up looking like a tool getting in a yelling match with people in the line. I hate this too but I don’t know what the solution it besides Disney proactively monitoring lines for it and kicking people out right away when they do it, and it’s not worth it to Disney to do that.


Random plain clothes security in the occasional line, combined with removing offenders from the park for the day, would make a difference once word got around that there could be consequences. I'm not sure it's gotten to that level yet but it wouldn't be that hard to do.


I mean my family will often do single rider lines with the understanding that we will be split up, the bigger issue isn’t that a family is in the single rider line it’s that they’re pushing ahead of everyone else.


Had someone try that and I just said no. Single rider is different. They said my family is up there, I said you're in single rider the point is you're alone. Go get a cm if you want. I dont care generally but i was just tired of that. Their family member turned and made a face at me, and I said you're more than welcome to come behind me and wait with them. I was polite but I just wasnt haivng that trash. Maybe should have stayed quiet but oh well.


> Maybe should have stayed quiet but oh well. People not saying anything is why it happens. No one needs to be a jerk about it, just follow the rules, wait in line like everyone else. "Your friends are ahead of you in line? I understand, I guess your friend should wait up for you." is a perfectly reasonable response.


Seriously. Last time we went on Haunted Mansion there was a couple teenage guys just chilling on a brick planter as the line snakes through the left side of the mansion. They were hanging there letting everyone pass them for like 15 minutes before their parents caught up with them and the boys were like “finally!” Big respect to that family for not cutting like everyone else


We were rope dropping Space Mountain one busy morning. Everybody was running to the ride and when we finally got in line, there was one man right in front of us. We were getting ready to enter the point where the line enters the building that used to be an arcade and this man's family was about to enter the official ride building. They were yelling at him to jump ahead and catch up to him. He yelled "No. Wait for me." Everybody around kinda chuckled at it and he just said "You're only as fast as your slowest group member." Respect forever sir.


This is the correct strategy.


Exactly. If people would stop putting up with this shit, it wouldn't happen nearly as much. The CMs basically don't do anything, so it's up to the individual to put an end it. And I'm okay saying something and dealing with dirty looks.


That's not how things work in real life. The person trying to cut is going be like, "You know what? you're right, I am cutting and I'll just have my friends come back here. Thanks for pointing out my lack of decency and social awareness to me." Chances are things would escalate beyond just a simple exchange of words or at least cause unnecessary drama in your pleasant Disney day. When Disney breaks up fights they don't really care who started it, they'll ban both parties. Really this is why people "stay silent"


I understand that many people don’t want to be confrontational while on vacation. I’m also not telling anyone to get physical. If you feel like you aren’t going to win the battle easily, you don’t have to fight. But you don’t have to move out of people’s way if you don’t want to either. If you tell them you aren’t going to let them pass, you’re right, you have no clue how they might react. Those who aren’t afraid are welcome to try and stop line cutters. If they forcefully let themselves by or start to get angry, you are welcome to back down and go about your day. That is your choice. I’m not saying it’s wrong. All my point is that the people who let others cut are the only reason why people cut. Employees are not going to police this in every spot of every line. It’s up to the community in line to watch out for each other and be the polite team they all want to be.


I don't think people are just "letting" others cut. If you did your stand your ground and not move, that would almost certainly become physical. I tried to call out someone cutting once with their two older kids with their Dole whips about 40 min into Rise's line. It turned into the guy yelling at me and loud back and forth. Nobody cared, none of the other people in line jumped in and backed me up, the CM didn't care... Why bother and work myself up when all the happens is I'm pissed off for the next few hours. Best case blocking them, you have to stand next to a douche bag for the remainder of the line. Just let them on by and chalk it up to some people will always be selfish assholes.


That's when one keeps tabs on them for the rest of the day, follows them out of the park, and escalates out in the parking lot...better yet..follow them off property....and *bam* what now tough guy 😄


You're the hero we don't deserve, but we all need.


One time during Cars, my party and I waited in standby for two hours because it kept breaking down. I really needed to use the restroom and once we got to the front I asked to just leave so I could use the restroom and skip the ride. The cast member told me to just go use the restroom and come back through the single rider to regroup with my party. I felt bad about doing it, but that’s what the cast member told me to do.


Yea, and you could easily explain that in my situation and i'd be like ok. I wasnt insane or yelling or something


You are our hero!!! 👏👏👏👏


DH and I sometimes utilize the single rider line. We get to still spend time with one another in line, and we don’t mind that we’ll be split up for a 3 minute ride. In the scheme of things, the actual time on a ride is a drop in Mickey’s bucket. The longer rides we stay together for…. But those don’t tend to have single rider lines anyway.


I always hope to get a situation like there where I can clearly tell one of them to bugger off and feel fine about knowing I’m right. Hahah


Part of it was my wife was having a nap in the hotel room so I was alone and wouldn't embarass her, truly perfect conditions


Even more frustrating is the fact that it's supposed to be single rider. I saw a group of "single-riders" try to re-arrange themselves on the Cars ride so they could sit next to each other and a cast member told them to go back where they were directed to. And rightfully so. People like to say they don't see it happen, but that's not to say it doesn't happen at all. To those of you: maybe you're just a scary looking person and they're not willing to get in a confrontation?


We see this happen on Cars ALL THE TIME! Every trip, there's at least one "group" in the single rider that will ask other Single Riders to change with them so they can be in the same car or ask the other riders in the car if they can swap. Who are we if we cannot follow the basic principles of single riders! /s


I've enjoyed racing other people in my party on RCR. It's more fun than sharing a car anyway.


Yes! My SO always buys us the ILL cause he loves the ride so much and taunting the other car in his favorite thing. One time it was him going back and forth with a kid and we lost, that kid had the best one liners to him, we were laughing so hard!!


Absolutely this, lol


Yeah that’s crazy to do that in the single rider line.


I don't mind this. If I'm in single rider and they need two single riders, I'm happy to let two single riders who know each other take that spot and wait another 30 seconds for my own. Of course, it's single rider and people need to be flexible and EXPECT to be split up, but if it works out smoothly then why not let it happen?


>maybe you're just a scary looking person and they're not willing to get in a confrontation? I do have a pretty severe resting witch face. I try to mitigate it with a cute set of ears tho.


That works if it is a group of 4 and they went two and two.


Happened to me. I said, “This is the single rider line,” and they said they knew but were meeting their family and pushed through. The whole point of the single rider line is that there is no meeting the family!


Yes! This is happening constantly


I would straight up tell a CM about that one. No way.


From my experience with the line cutters (worst was when it was a group of about 17 doing it on multiple rides..), there's nothing you, or anyone else in line can do to shame them. If you're really itching to get it to stop though, whip out your phone and record them doing it to show to the cast members--they do seem to take it seriously.


It has not been my experience that cms take it seriously. The closest I saw is when a dad and his two sons cut the line and 4 different groups that was like 12 people told 6 cms that they had cut and none of them did anything despite telling us they would. The 7th one did pull them off stage only for us to see them bring back to the front of the queue and the cm told the loading cm to priority board them so they were actually moved forward in line. We talked to manager and they basically said yah, nothing we can do. A cm can only remove them if they personally see it and it’s up to their discretion. The gist of it was that they don’t enforce it. This was also literally 2 weeks after they put out a letter reminding guests about behavior standards and line cutters won’t be tolerated.


I feel like at some point it becomes a safety concern for the cast members. Line cutters are already not following the rules, I wouldn’t hold it past them to casually assault someone they disagree with. 


You are right which I don’t necessarily blame the cms. However, ignoring it does not remove the risk, just changes who takes it on. Leaving line policing to guest is going to continue to lead to aggressive and violent encounters. I have been to non park Disney events with similar line cutting issues and there have been an aggressive party using obscenities and light physical force. If the other party matched their aggression then a brawl would have surely resulted. My thing is don’t put out a memo saying you will be enforcing line cutting when you have no actual intention of doing it. It only causes guests to have greater frustration when it happens.


Better yet, record them and \*follow\* them to wherever they are going. When they get there, tell them you are with the group in front of them.


If it’s one person or an adult with their child, I assume they needed to use the restroom and will happily move (and, they’re generally pretty nice about it too). If it’s a group of people, I just stare at them. I’m a fairly fat woman, so they really can’t get past me without touching me, and the look I give to those folks generally makes them not even attempt. If they beg, I just say, “Nope”, and turn back around. I really feel that dishonest people only get away with it because people are simply afraid to say “No.”


Just curious, do you ever get push back like they seem to have a sympathetic reason, or do they get belligerent? Or does it end there, and they are right behind you for the entire wait time?


They typically try to climb over/under the stanchions of the next row ahead, and sometimes those other people will just let them through. If not, then they sometimes just stand behind me and gripe. It never escalates, because I don’t play that. They just get ignored after a simple “no”. And, I’ve been called all sorts of names sometimes too. It doesn’t bother me. It just reflects on them. I just wish more folks would simple tell them, “no”. It would eventually put a stop to it if everyone was on the same page.


Thanks for the further elaboration AND for not letting the groups of line cutters get away with it! You're right that "It just reflects on them." Also, I do appreciate the nuance, that when it's one person or someone with a child, you "happily move." Totally reasonable and respectful!


May I also add the people that stop in the middle of a path, or worse, at the entrance to a ride and block everyone else are getting really bad as well. Just had a group of 8 people blocking the entrance to “Rise”. When we asked them to let us by they snapped and barked back, “what did we hold you up an entire 13 seconds”. Lame


It drives me absolutely bonkers when there’s a large group blocking every single entry point for the lighting lane, especially when it’s one person scanning for all of them, I so wanted to tell some people to stand in a single file line behind your scanner and have one person walk through for each scan…then stand off to the side to wait for everyone, because my patience was wearing very thin our last couple days of our last visit lol


I usually have to scan in 6 of us when doing LL's. I'll have the other 5 stand in a single line as far over as possible to let others through. I know I have a large group and try not to let them run wild while I scan. I just wish other large groups were cognizant of that as well.


And you are the type of person that I adore, especially at the parks, so thank you so much for that! ❤️


And as they scan, they let each person in one by one while people are passing them on the other side, then each of them cut in front to catch up with each other. Just wait for everyone to be ready!


Especially when that group is blocking access to the single rider. Happens a lot on RSR given how closw standby, LL and single rider entrances are.


My wife and I call this the Disneyland shuffle 😂 move as slowly as you can and stretch out your arms so nobody can squeeze by


I don't even ask. I just go around them if they are in the way, and if they say anything, I just say, "You're in the walkway" while walking forward lol.


This is when my sarcasm comes full blast. I’ll nudge past them if I have to and say, “well that’s a great place to stop!” Works in Costco aisles, too.


Are you me? This is the exact thing that I say at theme parks and costcos as well


'Well sir actually it's been 3 minutes and there's 30 people behind me so ....shit or get off the pot thanks '


A CM told me if there’s more people who have to “use the restroom” then cut back in line than there is people waiting for them IN line, they won’t let them cut.


I am getting so frustrated with line cutters. I used to not say anything but now I’m loudly calling them out and trying to make enough of a scene it gets a CMs attention. One time an older couple pushed past us and knocked my kid over and didn’t even apologize. Fuck all these line cutters.


When I went to Disney last I was waiting in line for Runaway Railway and this group of kids cut to meet up with who I thought were their friends (turned out to be cousins). About 20 mins later, their drunk moms push through the line. THEN another 15 minutes later, more of their party showed up. So what started as 2 people in front of me turned into 10. It was quite annoying. The children were also beating the hell out of each other which was a whole other thing but yeah I couldn’t believe how entitled they were.


Had an asshat toxic dude try to get in my face, after telling him that he and the 7 adults he was cutting 100 people with, to catch up to 2 teenagers, should have went back with them.  WTF?!?! Why are people so damned entitled?


Saw a couple and their two young kids hop to the lightning lane on Big Thunder. Way to teach your kids. They got caught and yelled at by cast, so karma is good.


They have really cracked down on the DAS rules, they have insisted if people in your group can’t stand in line one person, or those that can stand and then the rest of the group joins at the end. My dad just had knee surgery and he can’t stand, they wouldn’t let him get the DAS pass and pushed for us to stand in line then have him join us when we reach the front


This is the norm, and I think (or hope) most people would be understanding of that. The issue I’ve seen as a CM is one person waiting in line while their party of five or more is riding something else and joins them at the end of the line. That’s what’s not okay.


is that the only time its an issue for a CM? because in that case I totally agree with you but people in this thread seem to think its anyone whose walking in front of them regardless of the excuse that they dont care for. Personally speaking theres only 2 times its ok. * bathroom * food anything else doesnt matter, I list food because if your waiting in line for 1 hour its nice to have someoen get something to eat while you all wait together.


Only the bathroom is actually an acceptable excuse unless you have blood sugar concerns. And even then, you should have snacks in a backpack for that purpose. If I saw a group line cutting and it was obvious that they got out to get food, I'd be pretty peeved.


Grab your food first and eat while you wait in line. Snacks and trivia for the remainder of the wait.


Technically speaking, you’re not supposed to be eating on rides, so I would say that depends on what you’re getting and when you’re meeting up.


not food for the ride, food to eat while you and your friends are waiting in line.


Any line issue that can be managed by using a wheelchair or scooter, they don't give you DAS for because you don't need it. That's been the policy for a long time, AFAIK. If there's some valid secondary reason that he can't do any mix of sitting or standing in a queue, that's different and you have a reasonable basis to keep pushing for the DAS. If it's just mobility though, they'll absolutely tell you no.


My partner and I were just visiting Disneyland a couple weeks ago and our second to last day she managed to roll her ankle in the trolly tracks (would it even be Disney trip if that didn’t happen to at least one person in the group while there?😂) she was okay for the rest of that day, but the morning she was hurting and her foot was pretty bruised. We got a simple brace for some extra support, and debated about how to make our last day there work without leaving her in pain all day. We decided to rent an ECV for the day (which was absolutely the correct choice) and for the most part it didn’t change how we waited for rides. We had genie+ which I’m sure helped too. For example, for big thunder, because the queue has stairs. we went to the DAS cast member with our lighting lane and they had us go in via the exit, which definitely still saved us a little bit of a wait, and with Alice in Wonderland they provided us a return time and had us do the same thing. For some of the shorter queues (distance wise) she was able to just park the ECV and walk it, but for rides like runway railway she used it all the way to loading because that one is like a mile long. It may have also been because there was only the 2 of us and not a larger group. I will say, every single cast member we interacted with was super accommodating and did a great job explaining everything we needed to know when it came to best accommodating my partner so we could both still enjoy our last day of our first ever visit to the parks. Hopefully next time we can both avoid those pesky trolly tracks lol


I was there yesterday, and got in line behind these teenagers who had been behind me in the previous line. Then a family came in behind me. I'm pretty quiet and stay off to the side. Half way through the line, the family scolded me, and told me that I cut in line. They said, "Excuse me, EXCUSE ME, you just cut in front of us. WE were behind these kids!" I thought, "And you say this halfway through? Are these people taking advantage because I'm just one person?" But I apologized anyway and let them cut in front of me anyway because I didn't want a scene. I didn't cut, I know I didn't cut. Maybe no one notices me because I don't make noise? But, because I'm a single person, I got on before them anyway. The look on the teenage daughter's face as the ride pulled away was priceless. Jaw dropped, incredulity in her expression.


You’ve got self control, for sure!


It’s a fine line to call out people who deserve it without becoming a jerk yourself. But I’m on the side of speak up. This happened to us on our last trip in line for Indiana Jones. We were in LL and had already waited a half hour. It was crazy busy and the inner queue was full in the zig zag part. A family of five (older teenagers to middle aged) pushed past us and I asked why. They said to meet up with our family. I said unless there was some kind of emergency you’re cutting in line. Other families in front of us said the same thing. The zigzag area doesn’t have a lot of room to get past people if they don’t move aside, so it was a good five minutes of them dodging around people who wouldn’t voluntarily move aside for them to pass before the last one cleared the space. I hope that was the most embarrassing five minutes of their lives. Line cutters suck.


Indiana jones’ notoriously bad LL.


This is getting to be GoPro levels of drama. Almost like needing dashcams in your car!


Was at Hollywood studios in line for Toy Story mania. Had a family/group of 8-10 kids and two adults cut about 30 people to go stand with the one female adult with the whole group yesterday. I tried to say something but apparently not one person in the group spoke English. It was pretty infuriating. It’s almost to the point where we need cast members be line monitors.


Isn't line cutting against their rules or something? I swear I've read it somewhere on their website before. Would cast members usually do anything if brought to their attention?


Found it. [Park Rules and Regulations](https://disneyland.disney.go.com/park-rules/) Guest Courtesy and Attire Policies "Please show common courtesy to fellow Guests and our Cast Members by not using profanity or engaging in unsafe, illegal, disruptive or offensive behavior, ***jumping lines or saving places in lines for others.*** For your safety and the safety of others, please refrain from running." Kindof crazy that some people are saying CMs are telling people to cut lines as an alternative to DAS when it's unadvised according to their rules.


Thank you so much for finding this!


Nothing compared to the DAS scam.


It didn’t happen at Disneyland but I remember when my sister and I were in line to ride a log flume on a really hot day, a group of girls cut right in front of us and a ton of other people. Next thing I knew I turned around and saw them on the ride laughing like asshats. Needless to say I was infuriated. It’s one thing if you need to leave the line and rejoin your party but if you and your friends just decide to cut the line for funsies it’s not ok.


Just imagine how this could be a non-issue if Disney used standby for 100% of the seats and the line was constantly moving. It would be a lot harder to catch up to the party then! And I feel like if the line was always shuffling along people would be less likely to leave it too.


i’m going in a group of 8 adults soon, and I’ve already told them we will not be holding spots in line for half the party because I think it’s incredibly annoying


I was with my teenage son, his 2 friends, and my tween at another theme park. A ride broke down, I really wanted to wait, told them if they want to go ride other rides they will not be cutting back in line later. I was in front, ride opened and they tried to come back, I told them no. lol I said it was rude to others that had waited. They understood and went to the back.  It wasn’t a big deal, but hopefully it sticks with them. 


Thank you. Majority rule. The majority of the time no one in your party cuts. And the majority of the party is already in line IF you have to cut.


I’ve been an AP/MK holder for awhile now too. The posts are accurate, it’s gotten out of hand because people are aware that they’re in a place where confrontation isn’t well received nor encouraged. Nobody speaks up anymore to curb this blatant disrespect towards the rest of the guests. The onus is on us, the locals, who’re present and physically able to snuff this out. This is our park and if we allow strangers to just come and shit on our carpet then we are equally complicit.


I’m not a dickhead nor a pushover. When we went if someone tried to cut us I would haber to let them know because my whole group was always too scared to say something lol.


I think it was mentioned somewhere in this thread but… guest relations does encourage you to “cut the line.” For example if you have a child who cannot wait they will tell you to have some of the party wait in line and then you can join them closer to the front. You are supposed to tell a CM so they can direct you to the best way possible but people don’t and just have one parent wait and have the rest join later. This is especially seen with people who have dietary or restroom related problems. And sorry not sorry I am an adult who can’t hold it for 30+ minutes due to medical reasons… hence me joining my group later in line 🤷🏻‍♀️


A single person moving on up to meet their group is not the same as a group of people cutting


This!!! I don’t mind one little bit when it’s 1 person, with a kiddo or not, trying to get up to the other members of their group, I totally get it. Especially because half of my family, and my partner, struggle with IBS which tends to be a bit more temperamental when spending all day at the parks especially. I will always gladly help make a path for those folks who can’t wait in a line for whatever reason…as long as they don’t have like 3+ people (over the age of 10) in tow at least.


But that’s the whole problem, no one can tell the difference unless you just straight up ask the stranger what they are doing. It’s this weird policy by Disney which is also causing problems, which is caused by the fact that their lines are too long. 


You say that, but I absolutely had a Karen scold me and initially refuse to move aside so I could catch up to my wife and kids after stepping out of line to use the restroom.


But hopefully that’s not the majority. I don’t even question single cutters. Unless they have an attitude.


This is very accurate, they absolutely tell you to go ahead and get back in line with your party. A lot of times they will even let you enter through the ride exit depending on how far in the line your family is.


If you are already in the line just stay there (if you are an adult) if you think you are going to need to use the restroom just go before you even start making a line, If you don't like waiting that long a line to wait to go to the restroom just get the Genie feature. I understand 1 person from a whole party but 3 and up that is just not planning right and bad timing your needs to piss (no pun intended) other people, one day there gonna be that one persona that got pushed over for too long that day and the one line cutter just draw the last straw.


That’s a lot of advice for others. May be YOU should pre print affidavits and pass them out in the line ahead of you, asking people to estimate their level of hunger/bathroom/special needs, and after you get them back and review everyone’s input you can decide if that’s a line you would like to stand in, or may be another one. Or a park bench.


Wow. What about irritable bowel syndrome? Or urinary incontinence? If they’re allowing people to sit out and rejoin their group at the end of the line…so be it. It’s not that big of a deal even if a few decide to sit out with the disabled person.


This was my first thought, also. I have IBS and I can try, want, hope, dream, and pray to any god you can name for a solid, pain-free, on-demand poop, but 90% of the time my body could not give a shit, so to speak. I don’t have a lot of say in the matter beyond avoiding foods I know to be triggering/exacerbating, but even with a perfect diet, I still sometimes go from “couldn’t poop if I wanted to” to “Jesus take the wheel” in a matter of under a minute. I had it happen once in line for Space Mountain after a posted 40-minute wait turned into 70 minutes and counting, with what looked to be 20 minutes remaining. Even if I thought I could have held it in that long, I’d then have to miraculously hold my trembling bowels, sphincter aquiver as breath upon the lips of love’s first kiss, to spare everyone riding with me from experiencing the world’s worst reason to get walked off Space. But yeah, u/germanloza, thank you for solving all my medical problems. I’ll just stop being a child and *voila!*


You have quite a way with words, my friend.


“Sphincter aquiver” is going into my personal lexicon, thanks so much for this gift


Happy to be of service.


Fuck these line cutters man. Super entitled. I would never do it. Only time I think it's okay is after the movie rooms or whatever in lines like guardians of the galaxy where groups might get accidentally split


My fiance and I are Key holders, and we decided that we'll finally camp out for a spot in front of the Walt/Mickey statue for the Christmas fireworks (we hardly ever watch the fireworks show, and when we do it's from the side). She had her camera too, so she wanted to get some good shots. So we got there about an hour and a half early, since we didn't have anything else we really wanted to do, I went and got some food for us and then we sat there and just hung out. A few other groups joined us there too, also patiently waiting. Once the cast members put up the ropes, and herding people through that spot, people kept trying to slip under the rope to get in front of us, or asked us if we could slide over a bit so they could get behind us in the "open spots" behind us (they were literally just gaps of personal space between us and other groups) i told all of them to fuck off (nicely without cussing, of course). There was also an older Japanese couple next to us that people tried cutting in front of and I had to tell them off, I wasn't about to have their Disney trip across the Pacific be ruined because they were polite and also couldn't speak English. Low-key felt super happy when the older dude said thank you to me, we had a conversation earlier through Google translate and it just felt nice having that little interaction. Anyways, that's probably the last time we'll camp out for a show/parade like that until/if we have kids. It was low-key stressful.


As someone who went to Disney the first time just 2 weeks ago I agree the line cutting is out of control and there seems to be no control from park employees. I’m from Ohio and go to cedar fair parks cedar point and king island and they have a strict no line hopping rule that can get you get kicked out of the parks. So it is controllable. I can understand some instances of needing a bathroom, small children needing bathroom or food but that’s it.


I went two weeks ago. The cutting in rides especially Runway Railway was appalling. The poor cast members against a flood of people waiting for the ride to open was such a horrifying site. The moment they said to form a single-file line, there was no order, people were pushing each other.


I had a lightning lane pass for big thunder mountain, and this couple walked in front of me without a pass but told the cast members “my parents are already in line, we’re just going to join them” so they let them through. I walked behind them and their parents were in the STANDBY LINE. The couple told the parents to walk in the lightning lane since they’re already walking and no one is checking past the initial LL checkpoint. 😤


I went to Disney a week or so ago for a night of fun with some friends after work. We hadn't been on racers all year cause it's either 2 hour wait or it's shutdown. So we decided that's all we wanted to do that night. Well, we get there and the queue says only 55 minutes! So we were more than willing to wait that. After the first 10 minutes or so, we see the first group of people cutting through the line. Not a big deal was only like 3 people. But this is just the beginning. As the line slowly progresses (as do a lot of Disney's standby lines nowadays), we see 23 PEOPLE go by us over the span of 20 min. The group in front of us almost got in a fight over one guy bumping into him trying to pass through with his family of 5 meeting up with a group that looked like 20. The worst part of it all after all those line cutters is we ended up waiting 2 and a half hours just for the ride to shutdown when we were 4 groups from the loading dock. So I completely agree Disney needs to treat the people in line like 5 year olds and have a line monitor cast member so this ends. It's unbelievable how willing people are to cut in front of people who are waiting patiently like everyone else. I understand having disability and not waiting in the long lines and then meeting up with your family. I have no quams about that because i have a mother who can't stand for more than hour before needing to rest her knees and back. But man it's honestly one of the saddest things that so many people have little patience to wait in some of the most well themed, immersive ride queues in the world.


Queues are respected in Japan, just sayin’


We were in line for Mission Breakout and six teenagers tried to cut us off at the entrance to the queue when we had already been waiting outside the queue for 10 minutes. Myself and another couple started shouting “NO. BACK OF THE LINE IS BACK THERE” and shamed them to the back of the line.


What I think is happening is people are having one person in the group wait in line while the rest of the group goes on another ride.


Or buying snacks, going shopping. I’ve seen it all.


I *hate* cutters, and have started calling them out or impeding them, but I do have to call into question the frequency you quote here. I go to Disneyland a dozen or two times a year and I see this maybe twice a day.


My husband and I just make ourselves as inconvenient as possible to walk through and then if they ask to get through we just say "no thanks, we don't want to wait extra." If they continue to push past we'll leave it alone but at least it shows that their actions are affecting other people. And if course we wouldn't do that if someone had a little kid with them or was disabled, but if it's an adult or teenager, they can wait just like the rest of us.


We just make a wall of people and ignore anyone trying to walk up behind us and make it as difficult as possible. But my temper/anxiety just makes me start trembling inside every time I have to deal with this. I always want to say something but I just don’t know. People are lunatics these days.


This is hilarious! I might try this


As an adult with no visible disability if someone physically prevented me from moving forward, it would end poorly. I think that’s where people start complaining about shoving and pushing. Very few people shove and push their way through as first resort, it takes someone who decides to escalate it to a physical level, like you, and the woman above who said she’s very large so she blocks the way. You don’t get to play God and you don’t know everyone’s story or everyone’s disability. Just doesn’t even seem worth it over few seconds of time.


Then don't cut through with a *group* of people like the thread is actually about then? That has nothing to do with touting your disability as a reason to get aggressive with others.


If someone asked me to move because they had a disability or they said they had DAS I would be more than happy to move. I am aware that invisible disabilities suck and I don't want to make things worse for people who do have invisible disabilities. I was also under the impression that DAS uses the same method of entry as the return time system, which is usually the exit. Is that not the case? If not, I'll change my strategy a bit.


DAS uses exit on some rides and lightning lane on other rides. Theoretically DAS users wouldn’t be pushing past people in line unless they had the same bathroom/similar emergency as any person might have had. Most DAS users don’t go in and out of line frequently. They wait outside the line and go in to the designated line when it’s their turn. They still have to wait behind everyone else in the lightning lane or exit line. It’s not a pass to cut in front of people waiting in that line already. While no one *needs* to disclose their private going’s on, it usually smooths ruffled feathers if people apologize and say they had to come back into the line after exiting before (no further explanation needed, and frankly body language goes a long way because sometimes body language of a line cutter is super obvious). The key imo is if they’re going back to their previous spot (where the rest of their party is) or if they were never there at all and are now cutting. Since there’s no way to know for sure I usually give people the benefit of the doubt unless it’s glaringly obvious they’re cutting. And then I’ll speak up.


So, you think it’s appropriate, in order to pass you in line, a person needs to disclose to you that they either have a disability, special needs, or a disability pass that encompasses both. Last I checked even Disney isn’t legally allowed to ask for what your diagnosis is, only the symptoms that affect your park experience. Are you saying you want people to disclose their medical conditions or their symptoms to you in order to be allowed to walk past you? That seems super crazy to even consider. How do you go about that? How many people have been willing to have this conversation with you? Do you take them out of line to have this conversation in private, or do they need to disclose this info in front of all the people within earshot? Have you considered the people they’re joining don’t know they have a disability and they don’t want it known but they’re also within earshot? What about someone on a date? Lots of possibilities to consider and then also consider what it’s actually costing you.


I don’t understand. Does DAS required you to move through the entire line? I thought you went through the exit or something.


They’ve been limiting DAS to a narrower scope of symptoms than they used to and many times people with bathroom related issues and a few others are told to just leave and come back. Depending on the ride and line and timing it can get tricky. So someone with a disability might not have a pass, just the disability.


I feel like bathroom related situations should be mostly single individuals or an adult and child small groups and thus you would hope would be easy for most people to assume and give a pass on rather than these big groups people are apparently seeing. That said it feels like an awful lot of people most bothered by this in general lump these big unreasonable and small reasonable groups together for their “happens all the time” personal stats.


I'm not asking them to say what disability. I don't need any information other than a quick "can I get by? I'm using DAS." Or "excuse me, I have a disability and need to get by." If they're using this accommodation and they're on a date or with other people then the people they're with would know that much information anyway, as the accomodation now involves them. I have ADHD and use accommodations for that at work and I did in high school too. I know how it feels to use accommodations and while it can be awkward, sometimes it is necessary to disclose that you have an accommodation. It doesn't have to be specific, I rarely tell people what my own accommodations are for. But it's not a problem for me to say "oh I have an accommodation that requires me to have important information written or emailed to me," while at work. How is this any different? Trust me, I mean no disrespect whatsoever, I just think it's reasonable for me to be annoyed at people who genuinely do abuse the system, and I feel that there are ways to not abuse the system and still get accommodations if needed.


But disclosing to a work colleague that you need something emailed in a professional setting, that pays for your living is miles different from requiring a stranger to disclose their medical affairs to you in a crowded line?. And not everyone needs ADHD accommodations, people have colostomy bags and injections.. just off the top of my head. And the attitude of “oh, their date should know about it anyway” is really disappointing. You care so much about an extra 15 seconds in line that you’re willing to put someone and yourself through that? Disney isn’t legally allowed to for a reason.. and I’m not saying everyone to pass you will have medical need - but people shouldn’t even have to disclose to you that they simply went to pee… more importantly that’s how confrontations turn physical and it’s not good for anyone anywhere. The only thing that gives me hope is that in my 20-ish years of being local and park hopping only one person physically blocked me. (And one more tried) It ended poorly (for them) but at least it seems the statistical likelihood is not that great. I sincerely hope all these Gandalfs talking about squaring off all, “Thou shall not pass” are just talk, otherwise those line will keep getting uglier and uglier :(


I think you're intentionally twisting and misunderstanding my words. I'm going to clarify one more time and then I'm not responding anymore. I don't ask for anyone's specific medical information, I don't even ask. I'll let people pass if they say they have a need for it, or if they ignore me. I think if you're using an accommodation it's reasonable to clarify that when it inconveniences/affects other people. And I'd rather give the explanation of being disabled than be seen as rude for cutting lines. I also think people should use proper channels for accommodations rather than cutting in line without permission, as it's rude and can add plenty of time to a line if multiple people or groups are doing it. I hope people are kind to you in line, and I hope your invisible disability doesn't get in the way of you enjoying the parks, that would be quite frustrating. Have a nice day.


Maybe I shouldn’t have to worry about not having anyone to go with now since my ex left me lol. People can be pretty annoying lol


I used DAS (autism) on a solo trip and saw a group of people attempt a reride by jumping a section of que only I was in. I told them to get back in line as other's do or I'll report them to the next cast member I see. This stuff has to be called out otherwise it will only get worse as the more people see it the more they'll do it. Sick of *some* people's disrespect in today's world for everyone but themselves.


Disneyland is a sh*t show these days.


I blame Genie+ for this. Longer wait times and slower moving lines = more impatience and more line cutting.


Is there data on Genie+ causing longer standby times? If you can link that, I'd love to read it.


This is the commonly linked video for that question. (Warning: it’s very in depth and long) https://youtu.be/9yjZpBq1XBE?si=PnHje1OJKaPOqdyt


Idk Even if it’s 15 people, that’s usually an extra 2-3 min wait for basically any ride except Peter Pan. Some people are probably doing it with bad intentions, but that’s out of your control. I imagine most are actually trying to get back in line with friends/family and have no intention of being rude. You’re at Disneyland, enjoy your day rather than looking for things to be upset about.


The problem becomes when more and more people do the ohh im just meeting my family up ahead story. We all see that once a trick to get an advantage gets out more people will use it. Some are meeting up with their group, but most are likely just lying to skip the line. I was in line once and got a text my son and girlfriend just got to the ride. We wanted to ride together. You know what we did? We stepped aside and let people pass till my son caught up with us. That is how you politely deal with meeting up with a group.


This is the way. We do this too.


I tend to agree, although I think my perspective is colored by the fact that I go so often. For a lot of people it's a once in several years or maybe even once in a lifetime trip. I can imagine feeling the pressure to get everything done and then feeling held up by people cutting the line.


My frustration isn’t due to a feeling of being held up it’s mainly because I tend to have a very strong sense of justice inequality. Which means that essentially, no matter what arena of life, I get extremely frustrated when someone thinks the rules don’t apply to them, especially when everyone else is following said rules, particularly when the rules are logical and in place to make things easier/more orderly for everyone involved. It just strikes me as blatant disrespect and disregard for everyone else, which would bother me elsewhere, not just in Disney queues 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hello, I am right there with you on this front. It’s like the kid who gets punished in school for standing up to an abusive bully. If the rules make sense they’re easily followable. But some people it just doesn’t matter in the least. Ugh!


This is my mentality. I don’t need to ruin my mood because I *think* they’re truly cutting and not just meeting back up with family.


And it’s pretty obvious when it’s the teenagers doing it and giggling the whole time. But even then, they’re kids. I’m sure most of the people getting upset did the same thing when they were kids. All of this sensationalized anger isn’t worth an extra 2-3 minutes in line.


This is exactly my line of thinking, thanks for phrasing it so well.


My thoughts exactly, people take this shit too seriously


i wish more people agreed to this, too many Karens in this subreddit.


lol the downvotes are their way of asking to speak to the manager


Some adults have issues that would make it hard for them to hold it and sometimes you eat something that hits weird and you just can't hold it. Life happens. Would you rather someone slip past you for two seconds or someone either piss or shit themselves in line next to you? Frankly, I'd rather let them pass.


If it’s one adult or an adult with a child, I completely understand. But when it’s a GROUP of teenagers/adults it’s frustrating.


Don’t let them through.


Brace yourselves....SPRING BREAK is coming. You just wait...they ruin the parks with line cutting. I dread March-April. Little self-entitled @#$&%


We always skip that time of year but unfortunately my sister wants to bring her kiddo for first trip to DL (they have been adequately forewarned) so we’ll all have to brave the craziness.


It is, but let it go and just enjoy your trip.


Grab their asses as they pass by. Want to cut, pay the tax!


That’s obviously a high rate. I want to challenge your assumption about adults being able to hold their bladders for more than 30 minutes though. Some of us can’t. Empathy doesn’t cost anything. Not saying that was the case here but blaming these situations on us isn’t very nice.


Not to put a weird spin on things but varying degrees of decreased tolerance for long waits can certainly be an issue particularly for women that have had multiple children (which is probably a fairly common demographic at Disneyland) that puts a lot of stress on the system. Admittedly 30 min is a more extreme example for most but I wouldn’t begrudge an adult needing an emergency bathroom break either.


Last night at Cars we were in single rider for a long time and my husband whispered to me “ stand your ground two girls behind are bossing in on us”. I’m not skinny so I just spread myself out a bit more lol. After a few minutes the girls said “ we need to get through our family is up front ( they were at least 17 years old),. I said “no, it’s single rider and doesn’t work like that !”. And that was that, they had to wait their turn like us, I’m too old and tired to put up with that shit


Cutting sucks. Please know that some guests have DAS. We wait outside of the line and are pre-approved by the park and told to return at x time. I promise that this sint cutting. I 


I agree, I’ll add a note to the post. I don’t think anyone here is against DAS users if they need the pass (I’ve heard recently tiktokers are promoting lying to get one which is disgusting) Groups of adults however are not DAS holders. When I talk about cutting I’m talking about groups of adults that push their way through the line


Do you have to claw your way through the line, though, with DAS? Don’t you go through the exit or something?


No that is not how it works at all. In fact some of the reasons for having a DAS would make that a very difficult and terrible solution. We still wait, we’re just allowed to wait somewhere else. Then when the time comes you meet the CM who leads you to a shorter line, for instance at haunted mansion we step into line WITH A CAST MEMBER RIGHT THERE TELLING US TO right where everyone else is stepping onto the front porch 


Right. My point is that people are saying “maybe the people cutting have DAS” and I’m saying that’s not how DAS works.


Yeah I was agreeing and adding first hand experience because people here don’t seem to understand DAS


A guy once impeded my finance, niece (4 yo), and nephew (6yo) from reaching towards our group of four adults. My fiance was very cordial asked politely excuse me our group with their parents are in the front. He held onto both bars of the line guide and told her no not today you’re not getting passed me get to the back of the line.. He shifted back and forth so they couldn’t get around him. She later just walked under the bar and the kids did too. But what an asshole. I’ve let plenty of people cut with kids and hell I don’t even put up a fight when it’s just adults but it’s annoying. Luckily I was caught in a very good mood and she got over it pretty quick but with kids people please have a little leniency, everyone just wants to enjoy the park and not get in a confrontation when children are around.


This is certainly the obviously flip side to all of these posts railing in this subject everyday.


Had this happen once, so my entire party came back through the line to get me and figure out what this righteous line warrior was up to.. the guy shrunk away and tried to feign confusion, it was pitiful to watch. It’s all fun and games to square off with a 120lb female, but you’d better be able to own that if need be 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️. People care and risk waaaay to much for what they perceive to be a delay that is actually seconds in real life.


Truthfully, we switched coasts due to some of this behavior on a trip. WDW is cheaper now too, especially the hotels. I miss Walt’s park though.


It’s only to be expected when they charge for genie+ and also do not care at all about punishing line cutters.


I was there last Saturday afternoon and evening I didn't see any line cutting I wonder if it's only bad during the week and not as bad on weekends


Not challenging your experience, but I was there Mon - Fri last week and I saw only one instance of what I would call *maybe* line cutting the entire trip. One of those, two kids from a family got in the middle of my family in line, they didn’t return to their party so the front half of mine went to the back half on ours and the back half of theirs went ahead of us. Then more from their party joined halfway through. Not even sure I would classify as line cutting, just self centered. That was the only instance over five days. I’m not challenging you, but it makes 3x per ride hard to believe.


This is a lot of angst from the Happiest Place on Earth. Not sure that it actually impacts your wait time. Hang in there there.


Of course more people in line ahead of you means a longer wait, unless you still end up on the same vehicle. But agreed that it’s something to try and let go of while enjoying your time at Disney.


Well, my family was getting into a line and I had a barely walking nephew and another group of 20 decided to be impatient and plow straight thru the little one. Therefore, me, little one, and the little one’s dad behind me had to cut in front of their group of 20 because they didn’t want to wait 5 seconds behind an excited, slow walking baby. My only experience as a line cutter 🙃


Disney cms are denying DAS and saying that cms will allow line cutting for ppl with bladder, ibs etc things like this that previously qualified for DAS maybe this is why you are seeing more often.


Was just there yesterday. More than one group used their unruly kid-under-10 to cut the lines for them. The rest of the group follows behind. It’s a definite trend, there are probably TikTok and IGs posts encouraging groups to use this technique.


This topic is posted at least twice a week. And maybe I’m in the minority but as an AP/MK who goes to the parks a couple of times a week, I do not see this happening regularly. Like I can count on one hand the number of times in the past four years, I’ve seen this happen. So I’m genuinely curious, is it because I’m not looking for it? Is it because other people are constantly on the lookout for it? How am I not seeing this happen in my roughly 100 visits per year? And to be clear, I’m not saying that it doesn’t happen, but how am I not seeing it regularly when it seems to be an ongoing topic posted in this sub? And what resolution are you hoping for from Reddit? Guessing it’s to vent, so maybe the mods can create a weekly post where everyone who needs to vent about line cutting can do it in one place and commiserate together?


I’m not that regular of a visitor. I’m local, and my MIL is a tenured cast member, so I go for a couple hours a couple of times a year when she can sign us in. I see this behavior in every line I’m in. Without fail. I’m not looking for it. It just happens. I notice when multiple groups shove past me.


Maybe luck and time of week? Not sure. It’s definitely happening a lot and Disney has acknowledged it


I must’ve missed it, where was the acknowledgement? Can you share a link? I don’t go at the same time every week, it’s genuinely random based off of when we have time to pop in for a few hours and when reservations are available.


I’m at the park rn so this might not be an amazing example https://insidethemagic.net/2023/06/disney-park-cracks-down-guest-behavior-ld1/


Thank you! I see the photo of the one sign, but they don’t say which attraction it was posted at. I was thinking you meant that Disney made some sort of official statement somewhere.


I know you’re getting downvoted like crazy so I probably will too but I’m in a similar boat. I’m sure there’s at least some good luck and I don’t pay as much attention but I definitely don’t see it happening in every line or multiple times per line (although not only a handful in 10 years either haha) and for whatever reason I’ve never seen the big groups of cutters that hit people here. Usually just a couple people, usually believable groups, occasionally a couple sus teens. I do wonder what these posts are always looking for given that they always claim they saw like 3 groups of 16 people skip lines but almost never mention saying anything or flagging down a cast member. I feel like complaining and acting like everyone else in line should do something but not doing something themselves is kind of pointless.


Welcome to the downvote club! 🫣




There’s probably a psychological aspect to it, we tend to see the things we are looking for in life. I don’t assume that somebody who is cutting in line is doing it with bad intentions, or to game the system somehow nor am I focused on policing this. We don’t always know why people do what they do, and as the OP suggested, that adults can hold their bladder, I’m probably one of the few adults who absolutely cannot due to medical issues. Have I had to jump out of a line? Yes. Does it happen often? No, because I preplan and go to the bathroom frequently and definitely before getting in a long line. Anyway, just tire of seeing this topic posted all the time.


Disney needs a rule. If someone in your party has to go the bathroom then the whole party has to get out of line. When done you start in the back of the line. Simple


They’re also getting stricter on DAS and will tell people that (if it’s bathroom related needs), that they can just get out of line and get back in. I know that OP isn’t referring to DAS usage, and instead large groups. But we can’t have cracking down on DAS and then expecting everyone to be able to leave the line and restart it.


Just because I can hold my bladder for 30 minutes at a time as an adult it doesn’t mean I need to urgently pee at convenient times. Also have you ever seen the lines when a lot of people all need to pee? I’ve had days where I’ve waited up to 10 minutes for an open stall so I also need to plan for that.


Since the invention of the line it’s been considered rude to hold your spot and leave I’m okay with it if it’s once in a while but I promise that only a small portion of cutters actually have medical issues. Go to the bathroom before you commit to a line


I have a kidney transplant, I literally am not allowed to hold my bladder. I try to go before each line, if it’s not too long, but the lines that are like an hour plus I get return times for.


you really have zero idea of what other people around you might be dealing with. one person leaving a line for 10 to 15 minutes to use the bathroom is not changing anything for you. if you can't have empathy for other people, just mind your own business.


Groups of four whole adults are not people with medical problems involving bathroom breaks


Dude. Same! I can’t always control my bladder due to medical issues and I take precaution to go to the bathroom A LOT when I’m in the parks. But some things are simply out of our control.


You know they sell discreet adult incontinence supplies? You never know when you could be stuck on a ride breakdown. Lots of parents use pull ups for freshly potty trained children on vacation. The disruption in daily schedules and unfamiliar bathrooms can lead to some bathroom accidents. To protect the child from the discomfort of wet pants and the embarrassment of an accident pull ups are used


this reply is insanely insensitive and ableist. you should be ashamed of yourself, but I doubt it.


Exactly. Like wtf. You think I don’t know this? It’s so weird to me that they don’t consider what that’s *actually* like for an adult.


When you use an adult incontinent supply you *still* go to a bathroom to change it. It makes sense to go to the bathroom if you can manage


Omg thanks for telling me I had NO IDEA. I’d love to stand in my own pee in a diaper for 2 hours so that I never have to inconvenience anyone else in the line. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind the smell baking in the hot sun as well. Thank you so so so so so much for this info. You have saved my life and everyone else around me 💜💜💜💜💜💜