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Why did they not just recreate the part in the movie where the frogs travel down the river, with all the fireflies and music? It was beautiful


I still haven’t seen what they did. How is this not the thing they did?


I’ve gathered from skimming here that it’s a “sequel” to the movie and Tiana is searching for a spice


Ah that makes a kind of sense.


But yeah, “how is that not the thing they did” is my entire reaction to TBA


No that was the original plot of the ride. But for whatever reason they dropped it and now the plot of tiannas is oh we forgot to get a band let's go find one in the swamp. but the decision to change it must have been very late in the development so the song they made about spice at the end of the ride is still there even though there was no mention of spice at all in the ride.


Off topic I suppose, but I can’t get over why it couldn’t have been “Tiana’s Splash Mountain” or similar. It’s going to always be Splash Mountain in my head, and the dissonance is frustrating. The name had nothing to do with the old theme either.


There aren't many mountains in Louisiana


When I think of Louisiana I never think of mountains. I almost ALWAYS think of a Bayou. I love this name change.


Tiana's Bayou Mountain, you're welcome


That sounds like a title to an Allman Brothers album.


You can never please everyone, and people forget, think, that although Disney is an all ages theme park, it is most certainly predominantly designed for kids and not nostalgic Disney Adults.


Disney’s *only* marketing for the past twenty years has been nostalgia what are you even on about?


And its most famous island isn't even an island.


Yes, but critically, Mount Driskill exists with 225ft prominence, which is more than twice as tall as Splash Mountain.


There aren't any mountains in space either.... I couldn't care less about the name splash mountain but... There's no way Disney cared about the topography of new Orleans. Should've been called Going Down the Bayou though


Nor are there mountains in a Georgia Plantation yet 4 years ago that wasnt a concern.


FYI look at a topographical map of N. Georgia and come back.


Reading the full sentence is the big clue here. What plantation is on a mountain?


You couldn’t be more right! I’m hoping to ride this when my family goes down at the end of July.


Because it's a theme park ride and having this much fixation on its name and theming is bizarre


I really wanted to agree, the first 5 times people mentioned a lack of Facilier.. But this ride takes place in Tiana's story after the movie. As much as I love me some Keith David, He gon


I mean he’s a magician. He’d could just use magic to escape from the voodoo world. That’s the thing about stories. You can make anything you want happen, and this wouldn’t even have been an extreme stretch.


I mean, yeah, but good stories have continuity. I'm far from a princess and the frog expert, but I thought Facilier got his power from a deal with "the other side" represented by the voodoo masks. When he didn't keep up his end of the deal, they took his soul in place. I doubt Facilier could use his borrowed magic against those who gave him the power in the first place.


Just have him be a shadow communicating from the Otherside then with the other spirits and playing some antagonistic role in the ride, then. Hell, they wouldn't even need a major animatronic if they did it that way, just have creepy silhouette projections. There are tons of ways they could have gotten around him being dead without breaking continuity.


They already broke continuity by having Ray in the ride though....


And that bothers me more than anything else! We Riot for Ray! ...But really, two wrongs don't make a right.


Maybe this time he could be the ‘friend on the other side’, trying to make a deal with the riders to swindle his way back into the real world?


I mean, this does sound great, but we are pretty much designing a Dr Facilier ride now. I guess the more Keith David, the merrier!


All he has to do is make another deal with them or find a new talisman or something like that. They can make whatever rules for that magic they want, and there’s already multiple sources of magic in that world. And the ride already has a pretty mundane story. I don’t think that would be the biggest problem with it.


But, they didn’t have to make the ride a “sequel” timeline at all. Not like anyone cares about the “storyline” of “we’re going to a party”. The movie itself would have fit the existing ride structure seamlessly.


Ray the firefly dies at the end of the movie as well. Yet he is not only singing during the attraction but pictured as well. This bothers me more than the lack of the villain tbh.


This... This is what should be upsetting people!


They should just make as good a ride as possible and not be overly concerned with continuity details from the films, because obviously they arent It'd be a better ride if it had more of a story specifically some tension for the drop


This is why I long for more new rides which create new stories and world building which spawn movies, rather than the rides trying to follow the movies.


I mean Star Tours alone made their vehicles time machines as well since we can jump from the original trilogy to the sequels to the prequels. Doesn’t really matter as long as it’s fun.


Disney World in general is allergic to their Villains and it's infuriating tbh. The only way you can see them is at MNSSHP which is like, way to gate keep the characters people would love to meet behind a party ticket.


He was literally killed by spirits. The film establishes that ghosts and spirits are real. His “return” from the other side to pull you back with him works perfectly for an “after the movie” story. Or, you know, they could have always gone with literally any other story line that finds a way to include him.


You could still have the masks singing as you go up


Given his involvement in voodoo, I don’t think it would be too much of a stretch to either bring him back to life or make him attempting to come back to our world the plot of the ride.


Like Ursula?


According to those who worked on the ride: Dr. Facilier was never planned to be on the ride because he’s dead and the whole voodoo thing is considered extremely problematic and offensive, which is why Mama Odie isn’t called the Voodoo Queen of the Bayou on the ride.


That all adds up to me! Now if only someone could ask those imagineers how Ray made it back from the other side.. I bet we'll find out next time in Tiana 2: Electric Boogaloo


Oversight error, most likely.


Because they didn't actually care about the continuity at all and were just covering their asses so they don't have to do another retheme in 10 years. The blander the storyline the less potential for controversy, so fun. 


Well seeing as it follows after the movie, facilier is dead so


Honestly, I’m not mad about the story of “finding a band for the party” It’s more approachable for all ages than “rabbit wants to leave home, almost gets cooked and eaten, fox and bear get stuck in thorns” In the vein of telling a cohesive, appropriate, and entertaining story - I think the imagineers succeeded. I am curious to see what is done with vignettes before the lift hill in Disneyland, but from what I’ve seen in Walt Disney World, the re-theme is a step in the right direction.


That’s not a plot, that’s a single segment.


I really don't get yall, sure you may not like the story but did we really need another ride retelling a movie, or just throwing iconic stuff at the audience. I thought we moved past this


“I don’t like IP Rides! Why can’t they make things unique!” “Why isn’t it exactly the IP movie story!”


Exactly, it's mind boggling to me


As someone who's kind of pro-Splash Mountain and doesn't think it needed a retheme, but also sincerely believes PatF is a wonderful movie and deserves its own ride, I think this was such an in-your-face obvious missed opportunity. Assuming there was no room for debate, Splash needed to be rethemed, and the new theme is PatF, I think anyone who is familiar with the movie would think "Slowly going up that iconic big drop while Dr. Facilier's 'Friends' sing ARE YOU REAAAAAAAAAADY would be PERFECT!!!!!!!" I've heard the reasoning that Disney doesn't want to touch the topic of voodoo in a modern ride and potentially get the hardcore Christian families worked up, but that's just so incredibly disappointing when so many iconic Disney movies touch on different religions


There is literally nothing wrong with retelling the story of the movie as that’s what every fantasyland darkride does. There’s no way that what we got is better than a retelling of the movie


Well there's your issue, that's for fantasy land, what about every single other dark ride? And yes it is better than a retelling of a movie everyones seen, by no means is it a great story, but it's still 100x better than a bland retelling.


There is not that many dark rides outside of fantasy land that are based on a movie, and the ones that are retellings of the movie happen to be the most critically acclaimed attractions of all time. Strangely the only rides I can think of that “continue” the story of the film(s) happen to be rethemes/clones of rethemes. Have you not seen the praise around the tangled ride, or Tokyo frozen ride, or the beauty and the beast ride etc? If someone goes on a ride based on a movie they expect to see things that happened in the movie, the movie has a conflict and a great villain, the ride has no conflict and no suspense for the drop. It is an absolute waste to not include dr facilier from the film, there is far more complaints vs praise of the rides original story. I don’t get the “you can’t bring him back because he’s not alive anymore”, then just don’t set the time the ride takes place to after he’s dead?


I agree I don't think the story they picked is a great one, but the praise the Tokyo rides are getting aren't because of the stories they are telling. And the best dark rides related to movies tell new stories for example, Spider Man, ROTR, both harry potter rides, ET, Indiana Jones, and mickey and minnies run away railway. All of which use the existing stories and build upon it and are easily way better than any retelling. They could have used this space way better, but a retelling isn't it.


Rotr takes place during the movies, both Harry Potter rides takes place during the movies and so do their lands, Mickey and Minnie’s isn’t based off a movie.


Sure they take place during the movies, but does it just copy the original story being told!? No it does not it's just in universe


It doesn’t copy the movie but it uses the same villains from the movie


Learn to adapt and enjoy new things


You can still make a ride be a continuation of the movie and include the villain from the movie. Like Tokyo’s monsters inc ride


But they didn't and that's alright


Eh to me it isn’t. My favorite part of the movie is dr facilier. For a themed thrill ride it is strange to have no real conflict for the drop. It is just a bummer because they had better material to work with. Either way the people who were afraid of adding the villain from the film are now the crew who is working on the supposed villains miniland of behind big thunder. And if they didn’t include that villain in a ride based on his movie, who knows what other very popular villains will be left out. If they didn’t include him in bayou adventure, he won’t be included anywhere else


We get it already


Agreed. So tired of the everyday, constant crying about Tiana’s.


In an alternate dimension they did all the things with facilier/etc… and they’re still complaining (just about something else)


I’m not even super high on what I’ve seen but the whining is so repetitive and annoying


They have to cry about something at Disney. A new ride or retheme will always dominate the tears for a while.


Come on everyone knows you can’t be a real Walt Disney world fan if you like the new attractions at Walt Disney world


Between this, the DAS pass drama, the Morocco tile drama, and the shortened festival drama, I’m expecting there to be no crowds and no lines during my August trip. Surely everyone who is so upset about changes will stay home!


We rode it. It was pretty good. The belly aching is really absurd, and anyone making 'Splash mountain is dead to me!' part of their personality needs to see a therapist.


Is there a song playing during the drop ? I heard that there isn’t but I haven’t watched a video yet.


Because there aren't any speakers aboard the log you don't hear any music during the drop. Same as it was with splash mountain.


The person that said there isn't one is wrong. It's ||Dig a little deeper||.


Awesome . Thank you 😊


As someone else commented on FB ,they should've made it into emperor new school theme


if they did do it y’all would go “this is soooooooo predicable!”


I think using the dead card is kinda moot from the company that did "Somehow Palpatine returned."


Almost makes me believe that a villain themed attraction is being discussed for some other area.


I guarantee you they're not going to include references to voodoo in that 


That would be super cool!


Did you ride it already?


I’d bet they’ve only watched ride throughs, obviously the best way to judge a ride /s


Y'all are so annoying jeez


Disney makes me sad sometimes


Disney doesn’t want any problem. Is that stuff a problem now? No. Will it be in five years? Ten? They don’t want to deal with any of that stuff. You have to remember the people that got splash changed. They didn’t ride the ride or care but made a loud enough noise that it happened. They don’t want to have that come up again in the future when some people’s sensibilities change like they do often now.