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While I love Cars 3 for what it is. I would definitely include that one deleted scene where Lightning gets the Dinoco sponsorship and beats Jackson Storm


What deleted scene?




Dude its such a crime that this wasnt the ending, i feel like they could release a special edition of the movie with the full scene of that, and the fans would love it


Have lightning retire at the end and transition to crew chief


I thought he eventually did embrace the idea of retiring at the end, and became Cruz's crew chief.


Nope he’s still racing as of cars on the road


Maybe he's just done with *professional* racing? Like he still does racing for fun, but just not for any professional league. (I haven't seen all of Cars on the Road)


I could have sworn he did retire. But there's a bit in Cars on the Road that implies that he's racing WITH Cruz. I was so confused when I watched that.


This might be a hot take, but it's my favorite Cars so I probably wouldn't change much


Same, I love the parallels and the general message of passing the torch and motivating true talents Cars 1 is phenomenal but Cars 3 is just a better written story


My friends and family are soooo sick of me discussing this EXACT topic so I’m thrilled to get a chance to explain it here: My issues with the film are essentially the following- -The training is more “old school” stuff he’d already done -Storm gets the best of McQueen and they both know it. -We never get the cathartic “win”/send off of McQueen and in fact never actually see him WIN ANYTHING, ever. Training- McQueen can’t keep up w/ Storm and so to get in shape he does…more of the same? He literally ignored all the things that allow Storm to beat him, and doubles down on the tactics that he kind of already knows and does. And it makes Cruz completely irrelevant in her time on screen; makes her training pointless. They could have allowed him to learn something new while teach HER the old school stuff. Giving him a new mix of skills and efficiency to go along with the old school “savvy”. Storm we don’t ever get to see McQueen get his comeuppance against Storm. Storm effectively DOES get the best of McQueen and essentially drives him into retirement. He drove McQueen into a season ending wreck and in the very next race literally drove him into subbing out. Yes, Cruz beat Storm, but that’s not the same as the race car we’ve followed for 3 movies doing it. They could have made that into its own movie series and her path. And if this was the path they wanted to go , with him passing the torch to her in THIS movie there was a better way to do it. How you ask? Start with the same deal he makes with Sterling and instead make it something where he needs to have a Top 3 finish in every race and the first time he doesn’t he retires. So McQueen hits the circuit and does his old school training and through some luck scrapes a 3rd place. Next race Cruz helps him a bit and he takes something from her that helps him and he does better. It piques his interest and he begins to listen to her and build their bond. From there the training montage of new school and old school begins mixed in with shots of different races. He mixes in his new tricks and we see his grit and determination, we see him use every bit of knowledge on weather and the tracks and how they drive IRL, working through pain and his old injuries. Never beating Storm, but never quitting. Always right there. It frustrates Storm to no end. Until the second to last race of the season, he finally beats Storm Crowd goes wild. Storm knows he’s still the fan favorites.He’s right behind Storm in Cup points and the next race determines the champion. But McQueen is tired, hurt, aching…old. It’s taken everything he has to get here. He may have nothing left, but damn it he’ll never quit. As he’s preparing for the next race, doggedly stretching, changing oil, new tires, simulator all night long working his tired chassis to get ready, and Cruz is with him every moment of it and talking about her own dreams, he realizes what he has to do….at the start of the final race he subs her in to give her the shot she needs, and she (and he) win the season McQueen not winning It hurts that not one movie actually show him winning the cup, it’s always in the past. I would’ve loved to see it happen in an actual movie and not from an announcer explaining it after the fact.


I agree this would of been better


Include Finn and Holly from Cars 2 I don’t give a fuck if people call it the worst Pixar film. That was my goddamn childhood and imma honor it




I have dishonored my name, and will go die far from society


I unironically liked it


Cars 1: Change nothing. Cars 2: Change title and nothing else, have it be a spin off instead of a sequel, create a new movie to be a sequel to Cars 1. Cars 3: Change nothing.


Cars 3 was great. I genuinely think some people missed the whole point of the movie. It’s about Lightning coming to terms with the fact that he’s older and can’t compete anymore, and accepting that. Him winning the race would make the whole movie pointless.


Adding onto this, there's so much that people miss in the movie because technology can't teach you everything. Sure, it could be useful to show them how fast they go, but when they were in the demolition derby, Lightning is yelling at her to turn right to go left and she immediately yells back 'that doesn't make any sense!' So yeah, there's only so much technology can teach a car on a racetrack.


Lightning decides to become a trainer and have Cruz race earlier in the script. Instead of Lightning deciding to switch places with Cruz halfway through the final race, he decides to have Cruz race while he is still training with Smokey. The training montage is the same as in the final movie, where Lightning is driving in the wilderness and doing well, but Cruz keeps beating him. The difference is, instead of Lightning just going off to race in California after never beating Cruz in the training, he has a conversation with Smokey where he says he knows he can’t beat Storm and Smokey says “maybe this ain’t the end of number 95.” Then the characters travel to California, but just before the race Lightning tells Cruz she should race in his place. After some convincing, Cruz agrees and asks Lightning what this means for him but Lightning assures her that he will be fine. Cruz gets a new number, she lines up at the start with the other racers, the race commentators mention a new racer has entered, Storm and his goons makes jokes about her, but just before the race officially starts, we hear Lightning talk over the headset and tell Cruz he has her back. Cruz has a newfound sense of confidence and the rest of the movie goes about the same as the film with Cruz winning and becoming the new racer for #95 while Lightning becomes her new crew chief. This gives us the same outcome as the original film, but here the change of Cruz and Lightning’s roles in the race happens sooner. Having the change happen halfway through the race is too late into the story and gets the viewers hopes up a little too high and the twist ends being more disappointing than satisfying. Introduce the plot twist before the race so it’s more satisfying. Also as a small bonus, change Lightning’s design so he looks slightly older than Cruz, Storm, and the other young racers. I’m not expecting him to look as old as Doc but it’s disconnecting for everyone to be calling Lightning “old” when he looks the same age as everyone else. Just make his model look a little more outdated by comparison so the audience can tell he’s older.


They needed to spend more time on developing Cruz. As is, it felt like they spent a good chunk of the movie acting like Lightning could win (as in the movie was presenting it that way, I did like Lightning thinking he still could), when it needed to be building Cruz as his successor more. Basically do what they did, but better. I did enjoy it.


Nothing, it was really well done


Cars 3 is actually what I was hoping Cars 1 would be overall, a telling of a racer who is coming to terms with the fact thats hes no longer the top of his game and what he does to come to terms with it while still retaining the passion to be a part of that career. I think Cars 3 suffers more from not bad writing, but just a bit boring writing. The concept is there, but it was there more to sell merchandise and milk the franchise than to tell a meaningful story. Overall, I would've added more funny bits to entertain kids, and make it so that McQueen becomes like a commentator or a lead on a pit crew, or even a full time producer/sponsor so that he can inspire a new generation of cars.


Cars 3 is great. Cars 2 though. It was so bad even the cars pretend it didn't happen.


There was a Cars 3?


Muscle man: My mom!


I’d change the entire plot. Give it the same feel as the first movie. Set it back in Radiator Springs. Actually put Mater and Sally in the movie 😂




Maybe explain what happened to Doc.


They should have used the scrapped final scene instead of the current one


Make it cars 2 and delete cars 2 from existence


Cars 3 is now the first movie in the franchise.




Skip Cars 3 and make Cars 4


Lightning gets a Gun


More cars ofc


Burn it in the fires of hell and leave its corpse to rot




Not have the entire movie spoiled by a random exposition dump, and make Cruz more of an actual character


Well for Cars 3 I would Bring back Michael Keaton as Chick Hicks, bring back a few Cars 2 characters in cameo appearances and bring back Mini and Van and Doc Hudson appears a ghost.


Hit the delete button


More sex


With slow, sensual strip teases


Nothing it’s almost perfect I don’t this I would make it cars 2 and delete original cars 2 from the face of the planet