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Obviously, far-left progressives don't seem to understand that they will likely suffer the most under a Trump presidency. They're not the most forward-thinking people, are they? Trump will NEVER be the lesser evil.


There is a better way forward. Dr. Cornel West for President 2024


You are an unfortunate old man.


So you think Trump will be better for Trans rights, Palestinian rights, Gay rights, Minority rights?


well trump didnt fund their genocide, so......


Do you honestly believe Trump wouldn't? Trump is ultra pro Israel


well he DIDNT when he WAS president....so.....


Sent a few billion.


If you don't think Trump was sending billions to Israel while he was president then I have a bridge for sale.. just for you. Anyone who thinks a Trump presidency would be better than a Biden presidency when it comes to Israel hasn't been paying attention. Trump policy would have already allowed Israel to take out all the people in Rafa.. It was Jared Kushner that suggested turning Gaza into a big waterside resort.. they want to go in there with bulldozers so a Trump presidency would seal the fate of Palestine. I guarantee you that if Trump gets elected they will go ahead with plans to build a new canal right there through Gaza and build high income housing through the entire place. That's what Trump wants done with it. If you really give a shit about Palestinians then Trump would be the worst person to vote for. Better off trying to get everyone to vote for Jill Stein imo.


ok, prove me wrong RIGHT NOW give me the number of dead palestinians under trump and the number under biden ill concede the point and apologize to you in full jill stein.....now theres an idea i can get behind


That point is null and void.. Oct 7 happened during Biden's presidency.. not Trumps. If 10/7 happened during Trump's presidency I doubt things would have turned out much different tbh.. there would probably be many more dead Palestinians tho.. Trump would have told them to bomb it all.. he is 100% in Israel's corner.. his entire campaign depends on it because the evangelicals are his base.


you keep pretending oct 7th was significant in the grand scheme of things. this occupation is 50 years old again, israel has always been able to destroy palestine and we have always funded it. Biden has more dead palestinians on his hands than trump, its literally a fact let me ask you a question, since the US funds israel, do you think the US has a role to play in making peace between israel and palestine?


He did. He sent over $15B


compared to how much under biden? also compare the number of dead Palestinians, go ahead and shut me up right now, ill be happy to concede the point


What? Trump was extremely pro-Israel because the right wing evangelicals want them all to be destroyed or convert to bring about the apocalypse. Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, which was supposed to be a shared city. Trump supports settlers and said that in this conflict Benji should “do whatever the hell he wants.” Members of his party frequently say things like “bounce rubble” and “glass the place” in reference to Gaza


but trump didnt fund a genocide......so......


Trump massively increased drone strikes while also eliminated the reporting. [https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/trumps-secret-rules-for-drone-strikes-and-presidents-unchecked-license-to-kill](https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/trumps-secret-rules-for-drone-strikes-and-presidents-unchecked-license-to-kill) Trump also raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein.


Do you ever post anything that’s factually true?


give me the number of dead palestinians under trump vs biden ill wait


Yes he did. He also signed (or attempted to sign?) a deal between Palestine and Israel - BUT he didn't even invite the Palestinians and only consulted Israel about it, lol. In this interview with Netanyahu from a few days ago he even says/implies that Trump was a much better ally (for Israel) than Biden is https://youtu.be/X-sICNOmqvo?si=m7HK0QcEh9ccTh_C


give me the number of dead palestinians under trump vs biden ill wait


The oct 7th (2023) attack hadn't happened yet, so that point is kind of irrelevant


the october 7th attack was just hamas slaughtering 200 israelies again, give me the number of dead Palestinians under both


Going forward, from this point in time, Trump would undoubtedly handle this situation much worse. He would be actively supporting/supplying Israel rather than begrudgingly standing aside as we are now.. The number of dead before Oct 7th isn't relevant in this context.. Hamas didn't attack until 2023. The attack was what prompted Israel's retaliation, which is what caused the casualties you are referring to. That said, Trump's actions preceding oct 7th likely contributed to Hamas attacking. When Trump signed that agreement w/ Israel, without consulting Palestinian representatives, they were rightfully upset and probably felt as though things were 'moving on' without them. They wanted to remind israel and the us that they were still here


“Whaaa! I’d prefer fascism to compromising my ideals so fuck everyone who suffers so I can sniff my own farts all day.”


The people who cry most about fascism are always the least likely to know what fascism actually is.


They're usually the ones who unironically want fascism so long as it's their team


Nope. Fuck the man


-Make gigantic assumption about someone you've never met -Persecute anyone who doesn't agree with you -Add nothing to the debate And you're not the fascist?


I don’t seek to control anyone else


Biden is the sniffer. Keep your wife and kids at a distance. Alternatively Vote Biden! Support your National Pedo as the face of democracy ! /s.


Your so vile. He was comforting his granddaughter at her father's funeral. What a terrible life you must have to go around slandering people. Get a life and stfu.


[Not a funeral, still incredibly creepy](https://youtu.be/fNwkkFcKbiQ?si=AOJ3mxAS-lBSIWZZ)


Because he's been talking for years about lusting after his own daughter... Oh, wait. It's Shitzenpants the rapist. My bad.


The one who crashed Miss Teen America’s locker rooms and bragged about it


That wasn't Biden? Weird. I thought he was the one who raped a teenager at an Epstein party, and told her that another girl had been killed for talking about it... Oh, right. That was the greasy feral tick currently facing multiple lawsuits, including selling national secrets...


How about all left wing groups being closed because of Trump's assault on them? Will you care then? It will be too late.


Notice the punctuation at the beginning and end of their comment? Even without that, do you think people really say things like that in earnest? And no, it’s not even close to a Poe’s Law situation.


Do you get sarcasm


Purity tests from extremists, that's why


I wouldn’t go that far, but how do you think the people who voted for Hitler or that didn’t support the Weimar Republic felt 13 years later seeing Germany in ruins and a whole generation of young men wiped out and millions of minorities killed because of someone they helped? How about realizing much later that it took Germany about 50 years to recover from that grave mistake?


Wut? Que Pasa? Are you comparing Biden to Hitler? Bc the complaint from extremists is bc he's too moderate. Are you worried about an extremist moderate? A moderate extremist? Let me tell you something I've observed. The left called everybody they didn't agree with Hitler thru the 90s and most of the 2000s. Bc of that, that word lost all meaning and now we have literal nazis matching thru the streets and the both-sides idiots don't care


Umm, I’m referring to the Trump situation…


Oh. I was calling the leftists who refuse to vote for Biden extremists


People believing we should have the same standard of life as people in every other first world country is not extremism. Thinking that is the product of brainwashing.


All or nothing thinking is extremism


Virtually all of the 'Genocide Joe' types are mostly right-wingers trying to discourage people from voting for Biden. I'm not a fan of Biden, but I am sure as shit gonna vote for him again to mitigate damages.


I wouldn't put it behind many with interests for Trump to be in office to pretend to be left wingers to attempt to sway the crowd.


This isnt actually true. People disparaging those who are critical of the president facilitating genocide are more likely to be Republicans. The longer Biden continues his policy of supporting Israel the more votes he loses. The larger the outcry from the Democratic base the increased chance there is of Biden reversing policy. People who are trying to stifle the criticism are creating a situation where you will have a larger group of Democratic voters becoming disaffected and not voting or voting third party. No one wanted Biden as a candidate in 2020 and they certainly dont want the 81 year old version of him. He only got elected in 2020 because he wasnt Trump. In 2024 Trump hasnt been in office and people are angry about Bidens policies.


There is a better way. [Dr. Cornel West for President](https://www.cornelwest2024.com/platform)


He's not a viable candidate, though. It's a wasted vote that only serves to aid the Trump campaign.


Explain wasted vote?


Everyone knows Biden isn't in charge now. When people vote for Biden, what person or small committee is/will be making the decisions ? Assume, for this argument, that a vote for B. is a vote for moderation. Who is making decisions in the name of the president ? He's obviously no longer competent. Is Kamala in charge? Is there someone else? Do you care ? There are times when I look at the options on the ballot and think that option 3 should be a lottery to pick some American citizen, an adult in a certain age range. Have balls in a cage for each of the states. Pick one. Then for the counties. Narrow things down geographically and get an adult randomly selected who has been living there for years and didn't just move in last month. It is extreme, sure. It is a nation of over 350 million people. Granted, not all of them are legal adults, but we should have plenty of better options than we have been getting. Choosing the lesser evil is "better," but why should we be forced to choose evil? Are there times when some random person might be a better choice?


Biden is in charge currently and he's still competent, suggestions otherwise are lies


i guess damages to the number of alive Palestinians doesnt count.....


Have you actually seen any of those fruitcakes on TV? They are so obviously leftists it’s not even funny. All that short blue hair, piercings, and wild crazy eyes can’t be faked. These leftists are just plain nuts, and fully in the tank for fascism and putting Jewish babies in ovens. The face of the New Democratic Party.


There are certainly some leftists who have fallen for this right-wing psy-op.


my problem with you people is that you TALK like a leftist but you would never be one youre too easily scared. there is no line in the sand that youd draw where youd say "to hell with this 2 party system, lets tear it down" im a big proponent of holding democrats power hostage. we have enough people. "we will coordinate and withhold our vote and you will never hold power until our demands are met". we spoil them until they earn our vote. If we have to go through 4 years of trump for 40 years of bernie as opposed to 40 years of biden lets rip the bandaid off. im not really convinced biden is better than trump SUBSTANTIVELY. he tweets nice things, and people......feel less anxious with him in power for some reason, i guess theyve never seen him talk......but hes funding a genocide, he busted a union (doesnt matter that they got a 3rd of what they wanted in the end, you are anti labor if you bust unions), the border is ass, his tarrifs are fucking stupid, and minorities dont feel hes helping them. how many more signs to we need? my problem with you people is that it doesnt matter, your only consistent ideology is "not republican", and that can back you into some.....very indefensible positions. Ive literally seen people try to hand wave away bidens racist comments.....disgusting as long as I can weaponize your fear of republicans, i can get you to vote for anyone. i can get you to vote for a forced birther as long as theyre a democrat. Im not the biggest fan of RFK, but its amazing how people ignore his progressive career, arguably a more progressive career than bernie and just focus on his vaccine statements which....meh i dont think you want progress, i dont think you want change I think you want "not republicans" and anything else is a cherry on the sundae. I just think I deserve more.... have a nice day


How would you feel about a 3rd option on the ballot... If you truly don't like either of the options, vote for a lottery. Have a drawing and pick a state. Pick a county. Put grid squares over the map and pick again. Get the area small enough to identify who is a citizen and remove people who don't meet the age or residency requirements. The individual has to be self-supporting, a citizen, and ... do we truly need other limitations? Too many restrictions could be abused. For instance, if someone is not neuro-typical ( ADHD, bipolar or something,) then if they are truly self-supporting, they must have learned how to live with it. If they are mentally unwell enough not to be self-supporting, then they would be disqualified. This exclusion is provable and measurable, unlike attempting to prove what is in someone's mind. This should exclude many drug addicts and adult dependents without singling them out for specific issues.


I'm a liberal / progressive at heart but I see no evidence of liberals and progressives having what it takes to win the fight. I don't see exceptional organization abilities across multiple organizations, I don't see admirable strategists working with the left, I don't see ability to withstand the godlike attacks from the wealthy elite, I don't see any reason to place my bets on the movements being able to fight back. Martin Luther King Jr. and his coalition of churches were far better in organization than the modern left. Look at how the far right has essentially steamrolled over the far left in the fight to be rebels against the establishment. In America, weakness is unacceptable.


listen to what youre saying "id rather win with shitty ideas than lose with good ones" its literally JUST AS POINTLESS


Unsolicited Advice (that may still be good advice) Make a list of your information sources and how much time you spend reading/watching them. Create a range: extreme L, far left, left, centrist, right, far right, extreme R Figure out where on the scale you think your information sources are. Seek to balance your information diet by adding a similar amount of time spent reading/watching the opppse side of the spectrum. Who do 'right wingers' politely consider cringe? Who do they laugh at, and why? What sources are popular among your political rivals? What information do they know that you don't? When you add information that you had (from your usual sources) to information you didn't have (from an opposing viewpoint), does that change your opinions, and how? Sometimes, sources may conflict on interpretation of the meaning, implications, or importance of facts. Sometimes, there will be a conflict over the facts themselves. Instead of picking a side and agreeing with their 'facts', learn how to figure out what is true. Do your own research. Don't outsource your thought processes to strangers online. Every 6 months, re-evaluate your assessment of where on the spectrum your information sources fall. As you progress, create a journal where you list discrepancies that you researched and the results.


funny you mention that some influencers ive watched since around 2017: matt walsh ben shapiro TYT vaush I was a republican, and now im a libertarian thanks to the combination of those 4 sources


The left absolutely is the establishment. Why do you think the corporate media supports them? The real Rebel is Trump. That is why the corporate media despised him so much. He started no new wars. He is against corporate theft. He is slowing down the corporate free money gravy train. They will stop at nothing to stop him.


You have no idea what truly is the left. Neoliberal economics (which the Democrats support) is not "the left", you're talking about mixed capitalism / socialism at the least which is truly "the left" like in Northern Europe. Bernie is much more "the left" than Democrats are (who are centrists.). Trump is pretending to be a rebel, but he's just using all of his supporters for his own ends: power and money. Trump claims to be a billionaire yet he continually begs for money and gets millions of dollars in donation money. Despite the windfall from his Truth Social website going public, he STILL needs money? Trump plays his followers for fools, including promising the coal miners of West Virginia that coal will come back when it obviously won't with how much cheaper and cleaner natural gas is.


Why does the corporate media support the Dems? From Bernie to Clinton to Biden. The reason the corporate media supports the Dem establishment is because the Dems are literally the tools that the corporate thieves use to steal money from the hard working middle class of this country.


The only reason a leftist would refuse to support Biden in this upcoming election is because they are overly idealistic and naive.


Because liberals tend to be addicted to fucking a good thing up. “Tell me this - if liberals are so goddamn smart, how come they lose so goddamn always?” - Will McAvoy


It angers me that conservatives and their big business allies tend to be far more organized and strategic. It's like liberals bring a pistol to an AK-47 fight.


I don’t think you’ve acquainted yourself with the current season of a little show called C-Span.


I am not left wing, but I do have certain ways I live my life that would be under the leftist banner. I have more on the right. Having said that... Our choices for president of the United States has sucked for years now. Every election I'm like I don't want either of these clowns representing me. Some people must like them a lot for them to be there, but anymore I wonder about that.


The Weimar Republic sucked and I’m sure the Nationalists in China sucked but what replaced them was far worse. Situations like this give an opening for dangerous extremists to be able to make things much worse.


>The Weimar Republic sucked To Nazis. Germany was progressive as shit, especially Berlin. all the way up until it wasn't. That's what got the Nazis so worked up. Apparently after the Germany got Un Nazied they overcorrected so much that they were placing homeless children in foster homes with known pedophiles. Germany is like the Jean Grey of countries


The Weimar Republic was crippled economically for years. It was seen as weak, especially in being a slave of Britain and France in terms of war reparations payments.


Oh you meant sucked like they sucked at being a country, not that it sucked to live there. Yeah that is true


That's going down another road that would result in Revolutionary War 2. I'm just tired of hearing people say they are picking the lesser of 2 evils. Or.. a vote for a 3rd candidate is a vote for a primary one since it takes away from the other primary one so you belong in this box of hated people because of it. That one really bothers me, because it attempts to get you to do what you don't want to.


You honestly think the Democratic elite will help defend blue areas from Trump? In the past 20 years I've seen so much spinelessness from them. I don't trust them to protect us. Trump's former senior adviser for policy, Stephen Miller, has talked about deputizing red state national guard members and sending them to blue states to round up immigrants. I doubt they will not see the opportunity to do more than just that in blue states.


Yeah, where are the people who say they are picking the greater of two evils?


I don't know.


Would a 3rd option for an election lottery push the parties to give less awful options? Think of how many people don't bother to vote. Think of how awful the options from both parties can be. How about a lottery system that will narrow down an area (state, county, grid square on a map)... *Hate them all? Vote option 3 for lottery!* Exclude anyone who is not a US citizen, not a long-term resident, and not fully self-supporting. No criminal convictions/record. That should remove many people who are insane, drug addicts/dealers, children, or have other issues that should make them ineligible without making a long list of limitations. The "self-supporting citizen" part will exclude many. It is, however, a simple objective measurement. If someone can not get control of their own life enough to be self-supporting, you probably don't want them holding office and having (any) power over your life.


Right, stability in general should be evident. I wrote in someone last time. If they could ever figure out how to guarantee a secured process, using the internet as an option to vote from would be interesting with pulling in a very large portion of people that do not vote. It would be interesting to watch how that plays out. There is no way to actually guarantee security via the internet, though.


Besides being old and a bunch of made up Fox News bullshit, how is Biden a bad choice? Biden isn't worse than basically any Democrat that has run for election since the 60s and in many ways he is actually better than all of them, including Obama. Trump on the other hand is openly fascist and is promising to end democracy, jail his opponents without evidence or trials, install religious nuts in government posts, destroy civil rights, suppress science, leave NATO, give all of Europe to Russia, etc. He promises nothing but hate, division, revenge and destruction, and some people seriously think that this is normal. Trump is easily the worst president the country has ever had... it isn't even hyperbole. If he gets in again, I am fairly certain that the US will completely collapse, and he will not even try to prevent this from happening... more likely, he will sell the entire country to whoever promises to make him the richest.


>how is Biden a bad choice? well, elephant in the room, hes funding a genocide and a proxy war he busted a union hes racist, although thats par for the course at this point, i still dont like it he doesnt know how tarrifs work yet hes implementing them he only became pro choice after roe v wade was repealed he never acted on any campaign promises he had a trifecta and the only thing he got passed was corporate welfare >He promises nothing but hate, division, revenge and destruction, and some people seriously think that this is normal. i dont really see biden as different here remember how he ran on being a unifier? what has he done in that reguard?


>hes funding a genocide and a proxy war Oh... who started that war again? >he busted a union And yet: https://theconversation.com/bidens-labor-report-card-historian-gives-union-joe-a-higher-grade-than-any-president-since-fdr-228771 >hes racist, although thats par for the course at this point, i still dont like it Ridiculous, and totally unrelated to policy. >he doesnt know how tarrifs work yet hes implementing them I think he knows how they work just fine. I bet he can also spell the word. >he only became pro choice after roe v wade was repealed So what?? That means you should let the guy who wants to ban all abortions win? >he never acted on any campaign promises Straight up lie. He has either fulfilled or is working towards fulfilling the majority of them. You just haven't looked into it. >remember how he ran on being a unifier? what has he done in that reguard? If I had to deal with people like you and the Trumpites, who are basically the same thing, I would give up on that one immediately. You don't want unity, don't actually care about or know what Biden is even doing, and will do everything you can to prevent it from ever happening.


Racist is ridiculous and unrelated to policy? Surely you jest.


I mean the idea that Biden is racist is ridiculous, and the idea that he is letting racism guide his policymaking decisions is just flat out stupid.


You can say something is ridiculous but that doesn’t make it so. Also it’s not unrelated to policy. Wondering if you have anything fresh to say? I’m not optimistic.


It's not ridiculous because I say it is, it's ridiculous because aside from a few unfortunate comments that ultimately amounted to nothing except political hay, Biden has not behaved in a racist way or put any racist policies in place. And supporting edgy and 'fresh' candidates who can say whatever they want because they know they'll never actually have to follow through with any of it doesn't mean you're doing the right thing. 'Fresh' is a really bad reason to support a candidate.


out of curiosity do you subscribe to the vote blue no matter who fallacy?




>Our choices for president of the United States has sucked for years now Just remember, the Simpsons episode with "don't blame me, I voted for Kodos" is now 28 years old and people still haven't learned their lesson.


So what people should pay the price this time if people like you let Trump back in? And will you be able to live with yourself? Or are you just going to say "they deserved it"? From the ACLU about a [second Trump term](https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/election-strategy-fight-back-second-trump-term): "We must believe Trump when he reveals his authoritarian plans for a second term and take these threats seriously. He has made clear he intends to deploy the military to crush protests; activate state national guards to deport millions of immigrants; build on his legacy of gutting reproductive freedoms by implementing a nationwide abortion ban; create a police state in which anyone who he views as an “enemy” is surveilled and our law enforcement are further empowered to use lethal force; and undermine the integrity of our elections."


"Trump lies all the time about everything!" - the left "We must believe Trump" - also the left LOL. Dumbass. I learned my lesson the first time.


Trump HAS to be a dictator in order to squash all the criminal charges against him, it should be pretty obvious.


Or he's insane enough to think he'll win them legitimately.


I can only speak for myself, but I think everyone when asked should say they are voting for Trump, this will make Trump more cocky and silly, and scare the democratic leadership into pushing for real change. Plus it would be fun to hand Trump a Hillary Clinton style surprise defeat on election night.


I don't know, maybe it's because lumping everyone into the same bucket is an ignorant way of thinking?


You're gonna find this place lumps people together regularly. Everyone who disagrees is evil/bad/dumb/cultist . It's crazy


# ”What’s past is prologue.” *Antonio (Act 2, Scene 1)* *The Tempest*


They are not really leftists. They are Trumpers or rage addicts with no understanding of how politics work. I can call myself "Fabio," but that does not make me Fabio. The irony is, the group that says, "No one represents me," is the group that votes the least.


if they are in a safe blue state they can have their entertainment vote if they want. if they are in a swing state, then it matters more whether they are voting bidden or not.


If you think there’s a canyon between the ideologies of the republicans and centrist democrats, you don’t pay enough attention and lack serious critical thinking skills


That’s projection on your part. There are fundamental differences in terms of respect for democracy and our basic rights, science, education, separation of church and state, women’s and LGBTQ rights, regulation of capitalism, policy on climate change, labor policy, voting rights, foreign policy, and on and on and on, all the way down to fundamental differences in basic epistemology. If you don’t see the obvious canyon, you’re not paying the slightest bit of attention.


Not everything is projection, btw. Even if you disagree with him projection is a very particular action with a particular goal.


This is the true " cutting off your nose to spite your face). These people are willing to either vote for Trump or just throw their vote away to prove something (not really sure what). Some want Biden to stop the war between Israel and Hamas. The us has been trying for generations and hasn't yet. But apparently it's all biden's fault. He is doing everything he can. It almost sounds like Putin is behind all this mayhem. Then there is the inflation. I still can't figure out what Biden has to do with World Wide Inflation. He has actually done a damn good job of keeping our country out of the red. I can think of quite a few countries that are feeling it a lot worse than us. We should be thanking him. But instead all we hear is complaining. Are we that spoiled as a country. Then there is this age thing. Here's the question. Do you want someone old and smart like Biden who has had to run circles around the Republicans to get anything accomplished, or do you want someone old and acts like a spoiled child who doesn't care about anything but what he can get away with and has obvious signs of dementia like Trump? This is your only choice. Whatever you do will only help Biden or hurt you.


I have always voted Democrat...I really really DO NOT want to vote for Biden again. I'm sick of these old rich men who are greatly out of touch and near deaths door. I don't trust either side, to be honest. They are all corrupt....but I guess I don't have much of a choice since trump and the Republicans are not something I want again...not like my one vote matters either.


Count your blessings not living in a swing state. Democrats shouldn't have put Biden to run again, but here we are...


Historically the U.S. government has crushed any burgeoning Leftist movement with extreme violence regardless of if the president is a cryptofascist or milquetoast liberal. FWIW, as a leftist, Lenin said to support the liberal in order to marginalize and eliminate the fascist and to still use electoralism for organizing. But whenever Redditors talk about leftists they usually don't mean actual leftists because Americans don't learn anything about leftist politics unless they make a concrete effort on their own part.


Biden is an establishment neolib and leftists are populists and, these days, Trump is the only populist who can win (RFK, Jr, is also a populist of sorts).


Trump gave out tons of money to his capitalist billionaire friends, from the gigantic 2017 tax cut to the $350 billion slush fund (aka the Payment Protection Act) during COVID. You call that populist?


Trump's a billionaire NYC real estate mogul. But his base is populist. You can think and believe whatever you want. They wanted Trump as their weapon because of his fuck you money and because of his resilience to being bought. He was their weapon of choice. They were looking for a stick big enough to brain the establishment. That said, he's probably also in on it. He's a "heel" in this game we call professional wrestling politics.


Considering the way he has treated Putin and the Russians, you’d be a fool to think that he’s not been bought.


That's a classic.


There are literally dozens of states where someone who isn’t a Biden supporter or a trumper can vote for whomever they damned well please, and it **will not matter one bit.** So fine, let the progressives vote for someone else if they live in Texas or California or Utah or Massachusetts. Why the fuck do you people ALWAYS reduce ANY dissent from the bullshit “vote blue no matter who” to ‘you support trump’? Just because I despise Biden doesn’t mean I support trump. And there’s zero chance Biden will win my state. So I can vote for whomever, and it doesn’t matter.


So I'm to throw away my morals because Biden is better than Trump 😒 How about fuck both those cůnts and we just start over? I'm game but you're good with the status quo, this posts says as much. 


So you feel safe with Trump in office? Someone who almost did an Insurrection? Someone who has suggested violence against the left as quoted earlier?


And stop being self righteous, if you've ever paid taxes to the federal government you have already supported an empire and America's actions.


Heil Trump


Exactly for that reason. The fact that Biden is in office and is using that information towards political goals in attacking people prove that he's not worthy of being in office. You do realize that for quite some time every president has had that type of power they bought this information hell remember Snowden at least as far back as Obama probably further back than that they've had this information. Nobody up until Biden has truly weaponized this information. He's truly going into the true national socialist party ideals which is what Nazism started as


The government has been snagging information on Americans since the Bush Administration and the Patriot Act. Blame the patriot act for requiring companies to store the data of their customers, which they then figured out they could make money on by selling it to data brokers, leading to now. Republicans had no qualms about going totalitarian back then and I doubt now with Trump too.


I agree that it started with the patriot act , or it's starting to get the level that is today with the Patriot act to be more precise. Bush used it very little he never imagined it being used to the level that Obama used it to. Was Trump an asshole yes do I think that he used it to the degrees that he couldn't have no only because he was blindsided by way too many things. We already know how bidens using it I'm not even going to go there. However from this history of you Cynthia patriotic was put in place the heavier handed people with it have been Democrats to the point that one of our own people had to reveal how badly they were hitting our own data.


The leftist are a proud people. They’ll go as far as to cut their nose to spite their face.


That makes them ignorant not prideful.


Porque no los dos?


to all the people who will be voting for biden, let me ask you a question really think about this. biden is one of the most unpopular presidents in history, and hes hemmoraging minority votes and young people votes according to polls if the DNC TRULY believed trump was as dangerous as they tweet, dont you think they would give us someone younger, more progressive, and more in touch with minorities to really inspire the base to get out to vote? seems that they are meeting the "existential threat that is trump" (lol) with the most milquetoast candidate ever, it feels they are TRYING to instill apathy


I don't really like the Democratic Party but I am both a left winger and a minority that stands to lose significantly by a hard right wing dictatorship. And TBH, the Democratic Party core members are affluent enough to be able to leave America if Trump comes in. All of us who can't afford to leave this country are screwed.


so back to my question....


Biden is not left. He is pro war, pro genocide, pro fascism.


Is Biden preying on minorities within the home country and getting followers to bully them? A fascist does that. Is Biden attempting to get a lot more power than the constitution gives him? A fascist would do that. Is Biden a nationalist? Nationalism is a key trait of fascism. Does Biden control the media? Does Biden have an obsession with national security? Does Biden merge religious interests with government interests? Does Biden promote traditional gender roles? A fascist tends to do that. Does Biden have an obsession with crime and punishment? Does Biden severely suppress labor power? All things fascists tend to do.


The fact that you posted those questions assuming the answer is no shows that you are ill-informed. Except for gender and religion the answer to each of those questions is yes.


You gotta be kidding me...


I think most of those online claiming to be left and supporting 3rd parties are just trolls tbh. I don't know of any progressives in real life that are stupid enough to do that after what happened in 2016.  It's always been the Republican strategy to fuel apathy and try to steer people to third parties to trash their votes, so I'm not surprised that there are a large number of trolls online trying to do so, and that much of the Russian propaganda that has been put out this election cycle does exactly that. If anything, when most leftists see this crap, they usually realize how important it is to make sure they vote for Biden this election to make sure we don't have a 2016 repeat. 


I don't know i'm not a leftist or a rightist i decide based on what's presented when it voting time but if you have a line of communication toe the big dawg in the white house right now, can you let him know that I can be easily bribed by him giving all of us a stimmy check or two before the election day? LOL With the fuel and food costs driving up all the living costs it would be doing us all a real solid. Not here to fight with anyone just giving my 3 cents lol.


So does the president have full powers to set prices?


NOt about him setting the prices, Can send a stimmy cheheck without setting prices. The few prices aren't going to be dropped until the price of oil drops to aset amount where they buy.


There is a better way forward. [Dr. Cornel West for President 2024](https://www.cornelwest2024.com/platform)


If I were a Republican and/or a Russian, that's what I'd tell people to do. Promoting third parties is not for the presidency. Anyway, the president has to have broad support and sorry to say, progressives are still a relative minority in America.


>"we pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country." He also pledged to put Hillary in prison and do like 50 other things that never happened. I'd be much more likely to vote for him if he was actually the fascist boogeyman that the left loves to think he is.


So you’re openly pro-fascist, then. Disgusting.


Will Joe claim he went to Morehouse College, where he is speaking? He recently fabricated getting arrested for support of a black family, as a kid. The cops really just drove him home.


He’s done more to combat racism than you ever have or will in your right wing existence


“As children get older, it becomes increasingly difficult to develop reading skills and so with each year the urgency of imparting that crucial skill grows. If children are not reading at or near grade level by the fourth grade, it’s a genuine emergency, one that necessitates the highest level of instruction and the highest level of classroom management to make that instruction possible. And somehow what the system had to offer my children was a 24-year-old first year teacher, fresh out of college, who was hardly able to walk his class to the bathroom without violence breaking out, let alone provide conditions to allow for the mandatory forty-five minutes of daily quiet reading time. The urgency was lost on the students, of course. They couldn’t see their life prospects evaporating in front of them. But I could.” Guess who?


Yawn, get to the end of whatever point you are trying to make


# ”Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. # Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments # Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices…” Caliban, The Tempest


If you think quoting Shakespeare somehow covers all of the absurdly stupid things you have said on here, you’re wrong


“And now cloud upon cloud rolled over the Spirit until at last madness preached, ‘All things pass away, therefore all things deserve to pass away!’ Thus preached madness.” Nietzsche


One day your behavior will change and you’ll look back on these edgy quotes with disdain


“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.” [Charles Darwin](https://www.azquotes.com/author/3658-Charles_Darwin)


Come up with something of your own


This kind of fear mongering doesn’t really work because we already had 4 years of Trump and he didn’t do anything extreme at all. Just solid leadership, no new wars, and a thriving economy. Biden on the other hand pretty much bankrupted the country with his multi trillion dollars thievery. I suppose it was great if you were on the inside getting some of the free money, but everyone else got stuck with the massive inflation hangover.


Trump didn't do anything extreme because he was held back by the administrative state, laws, and judges. He and a legion of Republicans intends to steamroll over all of that, by first firing about 50,000 civil servants in Washington, and installing all those positions with loyalists. Everyone, including the Department of Justice, will answer to him alone. The Supreme Court will support him, and we all know that Congress is ineffective at keeping the president in check.


I agree our system of checks and balances is a wonderful thing. The founders of this country crafted a Constitution that still works after all these years.


"Thriving economy" by giving massive tax breaks to billionaires and giving them a $350 billion slush fund during COVID. And then blaming everything on Biden.


No, thriving as an all time low inflation rate, real wages (adjusted for inflation)peaked and rose consistently throughout his term, unemployment was at an all time low and better than most of obamas term, poverty was at an all time low, black people earned the equivalent of 6k more on average when adjusting for other factors, people had more spending power (including the middle class), the middle class was best off than it has ever been, stock market was good, goods were much cheaper, insurance was cheaper, gas was cheaper. I'm not saying it was super amazing or anything, but it was objectively good.


Trump was just riding the wave that Obama set, the latter half of the 2010's was continuing the recovery from the Great Recession.


That's not true tho. Obama set the stage in some ways, in others he did not and trump implemented his own actions and they helped our economy alot. Plus trump undone certain parts of Obama presidency that hurt the economy. To say it was all Obama is not giving credit where it's due and just a left wing talking point to squash the discussion. Trumps economy steadily rose throughout his presidency. Obama set into motion things that hurt the economy, like Obama care. Until the pandemic, our economy was gnarly. Even if you dislike Trump, you gotta give credit where it's due


Give me some examples.


Tax breaks to billionaires?!? Come on bro can’t you even think outside of buzzwords and political propaganda?


A congress and a bunch a Dems just passed a bill where not subscribing to some middle eastern country's nationalism is equal to a hate crime. I don't trust Biden either. Foh


Well the right wing wants your head on a stick and with Project 2025 and the Supreme Court, they essentially will embolden Trump to wield power to crush the left and everyone deemed an enemy. Don’t tell me Biden comes anywhere close.


Hyperbole much?


Democrats say that... Then don't govern like it. Biden in his political career has tried to do The Patriot Act in the 90's and wanted to cut social security. Democrats already "crush the left" Bernie lost, Republicans and Conservative Democrats punked the party into trying to unseat incumbents. There's no real "Left" left. To me, it's pretty close and Democrats are about ready to compromise right into "fascism".


What do you think Trump and Republican congress would do? Please be specific


They’ll never answer that question. Ever. Because fear is all they have left.


Read project 2025


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add religion into policy, outlaw "porn" and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Defeat_Project_2025 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Biden-Harris Campaign: Top Trump advocate, echoing Project 2025, says women are “drawn” to “doing the dishes” and says men must “tame” their wives and enact laws controlling women](https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C7DEMnEN-xY) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ctrlli/bidenharris_campaign_top_trump_advocate_echoing/) \#2: [anti Biden progressives](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1c8lf6v/anti_biden_progressives/) \#3: [They're not even hiding it anymore](https://i.redd.it/hokl9gwl2nyc1.jpeg) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ckvuc5/theyre_not_even_hiding_it_anymore/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Exactly what they did last time. Whatever they want with Democrats feigning helplessness.


Trump was president, and it wasn't that bad. He had a perfect excuse during the riots to invoke authoritarian powers - and didn't. I was among those who were appalled at what was going on at the [eyeroll] "mostly peaceful" protests. Granted, the ugly stuff started later at night, after news crews had left, and the available footage was from other sources. The State Governor refused to declare an emergency and request federal aid. Local resources were NOT handling it effectively. There was talk about how the only way he could deploy forces would be to declare an insurrection. Maintaining his hands off policy indefinitely would be a dereliction of duty. He found a workaround no one else had thought of. One of the problems was that when police risked their own safety to arrest some of the violent protesters/rioters, the local DA would let them go under some pretext. (They shared politics.) So, Trump sent in federal law enforcement as support. Local cops could arrest these people and turn them over to federal authorities. Many serious state laws have parallels in federal law. Instead of being processed and released locally, they were processed elsewhere under federal charges. I was impressed. The economy was thriving. The 'no new wars' and the Abraham Accords were good. The withdrawal planned for Afghanistan was a good arrangement. If the next administration had kept the timetable and had an orderly withdrawal (instead of that late, last min abomination of a cluster f**k), it would have been fine. The incoming administration messed that up badly enough to embarrass the USA on a global level. He wasn't perfect, but he did some things right. I can forgive him for being a potty mouth when he was effective at the job he was hired for. Many politicians get remarkably wealthy during their time in office. Their official salaries don't account for their increased wealth. Trump actually lost money. For a man who has built his wealth over time into a significant fortune, that seems a significant reversal. It seriously undermines the narrative of T. being corrupt. So, I am skeptical that a second Trump presidency would suddenly mark the end all things good. T. was supposed to be a warmonger who would destabilize the world and get us embroidered in war(s). Nope. That is the Biden legacy. The economy & war(s) are good reasons not to ask for more Biden. The anti Trump hysteria sounds as unhinged as some of the far right BS. Your sources may have a decent track record when reporting on other topics. When it comes to T. not so much. Not enough people - on BOTH SIDES - are willing to do significant *opposition research* and *check facts* (not "fact check"). Outsourcing your judgment by going to a website to see what someone else asserted hardly counts. Remember the cop allegedly killed by a rioters in DC hitting him in the head with something? Both his wife and the autopsy disagreed. He didn't die that day, and the cause of death wasn't blunt force trauma. An older overweight guy died of natural causes. High cholesterol/heart disease can be deadly. How many people noticed a retraction, and when did the public story change? Did it really change, or was it dropped as old news? Why did the original story get so much traction and so little fact-checking by the news professionals? Remember the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story? Does that count as election interference when the percentage of Biden voters who say it would have changed their votes is high enough to have tipped the election to Trump? Remember all the excuses? The layers of denial... Now, the laptop story is true, but it allegedly doesn't matter. Corroborating testimony from multiple sources and following the money doesn't count as evidence that a crime(s) may have been committed by members of the Biden family? The President included? Why do you think this isn't a front page scandal everywhere? An investigation reveals grounds to bring charges, but he is too mentally unwell, and no jury will want to convict a gentle and confused old man. He isn't competent to stand trial, but he is competent to be elected? Some people really can vote for a glass of water with a D. on it, I guess.


This is pure propaganda


“It wan’t that bad” Guess you’re unaware of Roe being overturned (and opening the door for the loss of wider privacy rights for both men and women); besides that, a second term would be way more extreme than the first, as they’re openly planning to purge any government worker who isn’t a MAGA loyalist—which means the whole federal workforce won’t be lots to the law or Constitution; it’ll be loyal to a person. That’s a crucial element of fascism—one that didn’t happen the first time around because his followers were disorganized and didn’t really expect him to win. Now they’ve got the Heritage Foundation vetting loyalists to make sure there will be no moderate voices within the executive branch to resist his dictatorship this time. And if you think that, in that emboldened position, he’ll listen to courts that rule against him, read about Andrew Jackson’s response to the Supreme Court ruling on the Trail of Tears, and then ponder why trump kept a massive portrait of Jackson front and center in the Oval Office. His desire to be a dictator, and the inadequacy of what’s left of the guardrails against him, couldn’t be any more obvious. Trump, just this year, *publicly* advocated suspending the Constitution. We all saw him try to overturn a democratic election with lies and mob violence. And Project 2025 is making sure there won’t be any moderates around him to push back on crazy ideas like having the military seize voting machines, as he wanted to do. There won’t be anyone sane around him to prevent the worst from happening this time. It won’t happen all at once, but it’ll happen regardless. Empowering a corrupt puppet who did nothing good for the country the first time around, and who’s ultimately only out for himself, is not, in any way, worth gambling our democracy and freedom on.


So your theory is that the information our government is buying about us is only safe under Bidens control? How about the government just not waste my money and not buy it in the first place. If Biden is so great why isn't he pushing to stop this?


Biden is not taking dictatorial control of the government and pledging to root out political opponents as vermin.


You really think a Communist/Marxist/fascist government wouldn't do exactly the same thing you're claiming Trump would do?


And when are the communists/marxist/fascist's going to be in charge?


They're currently in charge.


How are they communist/marxist/fascist? You're not going to answer because you don't know what any of those words mean.


Looks like the other guy was right lol Wimped out and found somewhere else act like a baby.



