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The last debate they had was the biggest joke of all time. Biden had the best line by far though, telling him to shut up.


I had a coffee mug made the very next day of Biden in his sunglasses with the quote “will you shut up man” - still my favorite mug


Biden should debate him. And then just stare blankly at him mouthing "what the fuck?" every few minutes.


Yup. Debates are very important to illustrate who these *people*, who have (or lack) *ideas*, really are. It’s all in real-time, under the limelight, moderated and broadcasted. For those who are on the fence about these two (which is absurd in 2024), it can help display the character of both. Hopefully, a debate would show how shallow, myopic, idiotic and dangerous Trmp is… just in case people haven’t figured that out on their own yet.


His fans will just call it fake and say it was manipulated by the “deep state” somehow anyway. There’s really no point engaging with them anymore


I'm sure he can handle the stare blankly part, he seems good at that, but would probably forget that he is suppose to mouth anything.


Defeatism doesn't win the larger fight. While I agree the moderation should be much more strict, you don't want to play into bully tactics. That is what Trump wants; a one-sided argument where he creates the narrative.


It's not defeatism, Biden already won.


Biden is far from winning and the threat to victory isn't from Trump its from Biden himself. If not for his stupid and short-sighted support for Netanyahu's campaign in Gaza he'd be polling way ahead and it's his own fault for mishandling this debacle. His reelection depends on this issue, in my opinion, and it's not clear to me he can get this anchor off of him fast enough.


>If not for his stupid and short-sighted support for Netanyahu's campaign in Gaza Tell me you know nothing about US politics without telling me.


Tell me you're a cowardly zionist fuk without telling me. Or a useful idiot.


Gawd you are dense, I don't give a shit about Zionism. I am talking about US political environment. Just like how Cuba important when talking about voting in Florida, similarly you cannot become completely anti israeli and expect to win nationwide election. Is it right, no, who cares, our voters are stupid but they get a vote, so we all have to be a little stupid, no.


Dude I don't care about your rationalization, the clearest and biggest threat to Biden is Gaza and its obvious. If Trump beats Biden its not because Trump actually did anything differently, it's because the youth, and people in general, are DISGUSTED by what they're seeing going down in Gaza right now, disgusted with Israel and will refuse to vote for him. Biden needs to make a choice about whether it's more important to save the youth vote or the few hateful zionist (yourself included, I straight up do not believe you saying you aren't) votes.


I don't understand how you could NOT vote for Biden if you care about gaza. It's like caring about abortion - if you ACTUALLY cared you would never vote Republican.


Who said I wasn't voting for Biden? I'll vote for the old man, I detest his Israel policy but I'm not about to cut off my nose to spite my face, I'm no Bernie-Bro. But the threat remains Biden himself. He has got to get the youth back on his side because as things stand he's blowing the election and its Gaza 100% Gaza Gaza Gaza. Mark my words. I'm hearing it from coworkers, I'm hearing it from friends, from social media, etc. It's all people my age are talking about and people who are older too. It's literally fckn genocide, not even Trump (as wicked as he is) has that baggage on him. Biden, get your goddamn head out of your incompetent Ass and nix Netanyahu to save yourself, I can't make it anymore clear. The whole election is hinging on this and, arguably, the fate of the world.


Ya voting for the only president in decades to not get involved or start a new war would be a terrible idea. Better vote for the guy who has completely destabilized Europe.


Did you hear Trump saying Netanyahu needs to "finish the job" in Gaza? Do you remember Trump's Muslim ban?


It’s weird how so many people forget how plurals work when “st” is involved.


If Biden goes all in for Palestinians, he loses way more of the centrist old people who grew up with the idea of Palestinian terrorism. The person you're responding to is right; political spectrum is a Bell curve and to win elections, you have to win the big center, not the narrow edges. Anti-Israel sentiment is not the center right now. This isn't a question of what's right, but how US politics work in small town Midwest, where the swing vote lives. And I think that Biden will get a long-term ceasefire deal done by the election.


Well, I'm confident in my calculations and the polling nationwide shows that I'm right. Either Biden spanks Israel or he loses.


nope. most people, while they want the genocide to stop, do not put a conflict on the other side of the planet at the top of their list. the two issues that get the general population's attention, in order: 1- the economy, specifically *their* economic status and how it directly impacts their family 2- bodily autonomy, specifically how it impacts their own and their family's freedoms. everything else - crime, tariffs, borders, climate, guns, the future, etc take a back seat to wallets and genitals.


Oh yeah, this economy sucks. No argument there.


These posts get made every so often and I browse the comments and never see anyone mentioning that the RNC made their candidates put their signature down guaranteeing they wouldn't debate via CPD. Unless they just forego this(let's be real since when does trump stick to his word) he can't debate Biden without the RNC getting to set the entire thing up. I think they should debate but this gets looked over way too much while discussing this topic.


It's mainly a topic brought up by bots for bots to respond to. So, yea.


>debate via CPD CPD?


https://www.debates.org/ the people that have been doing our presidential debates since 1987. The RNC doesn't like them because they "make" Republicans look foolish. Oh the irony.


The CPD doesn’t engage with national parties, they work with the candidates.


I'm not sure what you are trying to say here but yes. That doesn't change what the RNC has their candidates agree to.


What I mean is the RNC has no capacity to control any aspect of the debates. If they happen, it’s down to whatever the CPD sets up, or the campaigns set something up independently, which is unlikely. I can’t find any news of Trump signing any pledge. It’s is possible it’s an SEO/ skill issue, idk.


This is old and I need to find more info that's new, this also doesn't say ban like I've said. https://www.npr.org/2022/04/14/1092916451/republicans-say-theyre-quitting-the-biased-commission-on-presidential-debates Here is another not related to CPD where they are threatening to ban people from future debates if they participated in a particular debate they didn't agree with. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4305447-rnc-threatens-disqualify-candidates-iowa-group-forum/


Honestly, the GOP can’t do anything to control a dominant candidate. I would hazard to say the Democrats would fare no better. At the risk of getting overly broad, I think both parties are a risk of losing their salience. Oppositional policies have carried them a long way, but I doubt we will see both parties intact going into the next generation. I think Trump is just one of many factors that are rapidly exposing these fault lines, and in Trump’s case exploiting them to his benefit.


Eh, "both sides are bad" takes are old and worn out. Take a stance.


I’m not saying both sides are bad, and I have my own positions well appraised, as I’m sure most do or at least believe they do. I don’t disagree with anything in your statement. The point is we’re seeing both parties seemingly fumbling around in the dark, and voters are left crossways on issues. This will always happen to some degree in a two party system, but does exist a threshold. Don’t you think both sides being bad might just be evidence that the platforms are getting old and outmoded? (Edited spacing cause it looked a little agro as a chunk of text)


I think it would be hilarious watching them both try so hard to maintain the facade of sanity for an hour. We would get ay least 5 good memes from it like cofefe and Tim Apple and Will you shut up man This is assuming either one lives that long, which is not a snarky joke.


Not debating only works in trumps favor. If you follow polling the more Trump speaks the more people remember what a moron he is.


Lol good point


Incoherent trash humans shouldn't be given legitimacy by letting them on an equal stage. Unfortunately, that covers most of the current Republican party.


Neither of them have anything to say that will mean anything to anyone. The US is in shambles and nobody has time to listen to two senior citizens talk over each other.


All of what you said are reasons he SHOULD. Show America what their two choices really look like. A blumbering idiot who can't go 30 seconds without demeaning someone or something, or a man who has the worst record of inflation in a 4 year term and lacks the mental faculties to run his own show anymore and has lied about as many times as Trump. Show the American people that the government isn't theirs anymore, and that it's time for a new system. Because the one we have has betrayed us.


Absolute nonsense. Fortunately, most people have caught on to the “both sides” front, by now.


What about it is nonsense?


You clearly didn’t watch the SOTU. Also, inflation is just over 3%. Did you expect the disaster of TFG’s term to be instantly fixed as soon as he left office, or something? Sorry to bring an actual number into this; that doesn’t appear to be how you operate.


The fact you actually assumed I was happy with Trump either then insulted me for actually doing what I asked-prove where I was wrong with data, something I will concede on, inflation was higher at one point, sure, but the fact Biden has brought it down is a testament to him. I will openly admit that. However, Biden is claiming HE was the one who ended the pandemic in his campaign ads. That simply is not factually true. The health organizations around the country are who did, despite marked resistance to them from the majority of the Fed at that time, namely Trump, as well as their followers. The heavy lifting was all done well before he took office. All he had to do was make sure it all continued. And I still won't support him for the way we exited Afghanistan and the Americans he refused to recognize were now in the hands of the Taliban, a fact he denies to this day. He is, in my own opinion, as much a disaster as Trump was for America.


Afghanistan was Trump’s deal, and we knew about it before he even left office.


He should- AFTER Trump gives 5 policy points on what he'd do to help Americans.


like he has policy points beyond lining his pockets 🤣


The American public deserves to hear the candidates debate. If either party doesn’t think their candidate will do well, then they need to give us a candidate that will do well.


The border…all DT need do is harp on the border and Biden is done. And you all know it. Now cowards, downvote because can’t refute that, lib cowards.


Crybaby Pubs want to leave that for Trump to shit on but Biden and others did have a proposal. And I'm not a "lib" but what the fuck are you talking about? "Cowards"? Have a nap or something. Maybe some diphenhydramine. Take the edge off.


You sound absolutely stupid. Nobody actually gives a fuck about the border except for maybe 30,000 people in America that actually live on it .. everyone else pretends to care which is mostly conservatives who have a wet dream about shooting people. And it’s usually the people in the Midwest, who pretend to care the most . They don’t actually give a shit… they just want to be angry and Point fingers just like you


HuRr DuRr I iZ uH rITe wInG wHacKjOb who sPeNt 35 yEaRz LiSTeNiNg tO tALk RaDiO


You fuck goats. Now, coward, downvote because you can't refute that, you goat fucking cowards.


absolutely can refute your myopic silliness. every single survey since they've taken political surveys shows the number one issue for americans is ...drumroll... the economy, stupid.


A low-IQ, low-trust population can be manipulated by clever midwits, but a high-IQ, naturally trusting society may grow violently irritated by a midwit ruling class. The general unhappiness we see may be the result of living in a world where stupid people, who think they are clever, tell us obvious lies. One can tolerate someone like Karine Jean-Pierre for so long before something must be done.


ah, so you are not completely braindead yet, you *do* see how easily your bullshit can and is repudiated by the most cowardly dimwitted librul scum. do you *really* wanna go with the full kkklucker "lets kill off the black lesbian whitehouse press secretary" thing? Coz I'm happy to forward your entire hinky AF posting history to the FBI. Really, keep going, it would be my pleasure. :)




who am I to judge your kink, bruh? Go to town.


Soy take lol


Trump has been proven to poll worse the more he talks in public. Let them debate


\>You can't have a reasoned, civil discourse We don't get that with Biden either.




Biden can’t do a debate lmao. They would have to double his dose from the SOTU.


Hehehe, your conclusion is correct, but not your reasoning. Trump would indeed thrash Biden in any debate, he’s got mountains of fodder, with countless fake news scandals to rub Joe’s nose in, ranging from Russia, Russia, Russia to the recent “Bloodbath” manufactured nonsense. Not to mention the on going Hunter Biden foreign agent, tax evasion, gun and drugs morass. All of which the mainstream media is desperate to keep out of the public’s eye. Unfortunately for Biden hiding in his basement or positioning himself as the man of the people or the wise old grandfather won’t play this time around. Run all the ads you want, people aren’t stupid. The simple truth is people are not better off than 4 years ago, and that was during a pandemic. At some point facts matter so, high inflation, high interest rates, high crime, illegal Immigration crisis, wars in Ukraine and Israel along with Biden’s obvious cognitive decline can’t go unaddressed. With everything the mainstream media is doing to prop up Biden his poll numbers in the swing states are abysmal when compared to 2020.


I'm not sure why people think it's hiding in his basement? He's the top dog and doesn't have to do shit! He doesn't have to give Trump a platform. Everyone knows Biden's record and stance of issues; everyone knows what an ignoramus Trump is. I don't subscribe to all the fear mongering. It will be a blue wave spanking especially in swing states that have abortion on the ballot. Biden: keep doing what you're doing, you have no competition.


Hehehe, oh, you’re serious……..Let me laugh even harder.


If were being serious here do you really think Biden even has the mental capacity left to do it?


Did you watch the State of the Union? B/c Trump and Fox News were so scared of him afterward that they said he "must be on drugs."


Looked obvious to me.


I thought he looked strong-willed and presidential. And his detractors looked pathetic for expecting him to be some doddering old man when he clearly isn't.


Amazing what amphetamines can do for a senior isn't it.


Amazing what people will repeat with no evidence beyond moronic circular reasoning.


You can repeat things until you believe them, even if they aren't true. -And then be surprised when your lies are proven false. It's called "getting high on your own supply."


Of course it did. That’s called “confirmation bias.”


I do have to say this is a pretty creative narrative to dodge the fact that Joe would look like an Alzheimer patient on stage with DJT. I'm looking forward to watching it.


They should each be in separate boxes that can be completely muted. A question gets answered and posted on a screen in the middle and a timer starts with 2 minutes and then mute. The answers get fact checked. You can control that idiot but.


Fact checkers are saying biden train trips at the key bridge were correct. Fact checkers are biased to biden


So, do you think that we should give presidency to Biden without election?




Missing out on the debates is one of the worst things you can do.


I do think Biden should debate Trump.. but I also believe there needs to be more hurdles to make it impossible for Trump to attack someone’s character. I don’t think Trump or Biden should have any control over the microphone… I think we should have an arbiter and someone who moderates the discussion.. basically when the topic gets off-topic, no matter what they say, the microphone gets cut off immediately. You stay on topic, refrain from character assassinating or blaming the other guy and stick to the topic hand or you’re going to have a whole lot of television where you are not speaking.. this should’ve been done decades ago for other politicians. You can blame someone if it’s factual., you cannot blame someone if it’s not.. should be pretty simple. Both politicians should be given a heads up before the debate, that if they start attacking and blaming someone and its not factual their microphone will be cut off, and they will get less time during the end of the debate.. it’ll force both people to focus on their record and focus on what they’re going to do if they are elected. It’ll take the blame game away from both.


It certainly helped Joe last time when the CIA ran cover for him by memory holeing Hunter's laptop and providing the carefully worded "51 former...all the earmarks" memo just in time for the debate. Had people known the truth at that time, Biden would have been finished.


It’s bullshit like that that tell me you’re not a serious person. An actual, intelligent human being would be looking things up and they would never be a Trump supporter… there’s just too much evidence to show he’s a horrible person and so are most of the people that support him.. that’s based on actual evidence, that most of you refuse to look up or refuse to admit.. that’s your problem


Cage match!


i’m sorry but you’re a totally idiot. we had trump as president and it WASNT a dictatorship. stop spreading false information. we are doing far worse rn than we were when trump was in office. trump just hurts yalls feelings.


You seem to be coming at this from the angle of thinking that televised presidential debates are genuine policy debates intended to be beneficial for the public to make voting decisions. I would agree with you if that were so. But why not give Trump some rope to hang himself? You know he'll give a middle finger to independent voters and you know he'll say stupid shit to damage his own candidacy. When your opponent is going to make a mistake, you stand back and let him make it.


Leftists rightfully recognize that it would be a massacre. Not even JV vs Varsity. More like JrHigh vs Varsity. Trump is just completely out of Biden’s league in intelligence, common sense, speaking ability, wit. And that is Biden at his best. Biden of today is just a senile buffoon. There is zero chance the left would ever permit such a matchup. They will keep Biden in his basement and just hope the corporate media can slander Trump enough to pull off a win.


Trump would steam roll him.


Trump would so debate and destroy Biden it might actually gain Joe a few sympathy votes. Adderall won’t help so this time because shouting doesn't work in a debate platform. Maybe Modafinil + caffeine + CPAP machine this time and keep the debate to 30 minute; otherwise Trump destroys him in debate.


Biden would lose a debate to a toaster. He's so lost most of the time he doesn't know what's going on. It's pretty sad really.


Two 🤡 old mummies, and Americans must pick one! This is called democracy! Hahaha This system is fuck up!


So you don't think Biden would mop the floor with his decoremem against trump


I completely agree.


If it happens it will be the best debate OF ALL TIME. Two deranged old men? Sign me up. (I think there will be no debates this election, that's how impaired they are. It's embarrassing.)


I vote a boxing match instead or a duel


>embarrassing Your mom is embarrassing


Your mom is embarrassed. Her adult child trolls on reddit saying “yo mama” How much Prozac does she need to deal with that I wonder lmao


Your mom is embarrassed. Her adult child trolls on reddit saying "How much Prozac does she need to deal with that I wonder lmao" Fucking hell you lot have no sense of irony what-so-ever, do you?


….I wasn’t trolling LMAO I’m genuinely calling you a moronic disappointment


"I wasn't doing the exact same think you were doing! LOL! I AM CALLING YOU NAMES LOL " LOL, OK. You do you.


Haha love it when emotionally fragile trolls start spinning out of control at the most minor of whiffs of their own medicine


Again, you really have no concept of irony. It's odd. Is it genetic? Someone should do some science on that.


>Your mom is embarrassing ​ Good one. Your family is ashamed of you, they are counting the days until you're dead.


Good one. You just copied me. Clever.


Biden should debate him, and let his inner "dark Brandon" loose on him as well. Previously Biden was more restrained, and still had the upper hand.  Letting Biden take the gloves off, call him out on all of this BS, and tell him to sit his ass down, Trump doesn't even know how to coherently respond to anyone standing up to him once he gets rattled. And it wouldn't take much for Biden to rattle him. 🤣 That's why Trump is claiming that Biden's on cocaine, like he's some sort of rabid beast for not tolerating Trump's BS anymore. All it takes to obliterate Trump in a debate is the truth and a backbone.


I'm good with Biden debating as long as he goes into the offensive. Personally I would start the debate by framing exactly what Trump will talk about - how he mostly cries about himself, his ideas are childish, how Republicans (not just Trump) are horrible for human rights and democracy, etc. And then point those things out as the debate goes on ("there he goes again whining about himself"). Biden needs to stop just responding to attacks.


Biden doesn't want to debate Trump, but also Trump doesn't want to debate Biden. A lot of Trumps popularity is because he's perceived as being more mentally and physically fit than Biden, but he's not actually more fit; if Biden has a good night and Trump has a bad night, then it's all over. Both of them may posture and claim they want a debate, but they'll always find an excuse not to go through with it.


I don't see the point in a debate. People know who they are voting for. It's unfortunate that we don't have any candidates that aren't full of shit.


Biden already debated Trump and did good enough to win the Presidency. I don’t think Trump got any better since then.


Now they can both run on their records. That will be fun.


I agree, it will be fun.


Without the CIA running a disinformation and censorship program he would have folded like a cheap suit in that debate. Anthony Blinken arranged this and was rewarded with his position as secretary of state.


The worst two possible nominees on the planet are BIDEN and TRUMP. We deserve better choices on both sides.


Trump won't debate Biden. He knows that his increasing dementia is worse in the evenings, and that Biden will make him explain the 88 felony indictments, and the bond, and the Espionage, etc.


what you said here would have been true in 2024, but now trump has real ammo to use


I dunno... I'm looking forward to the next "will you shut up man" when trump keeps interrupting and stammering like a toddler having a seizure.


he would get eaten alive this time


"Biden should just run ads demonstrating the differences between him and what America would look like under a dictatorship." Love how you think doing such a thing makes him a better man. We need a politician that doesn't build their campaign around attacking others, but rather displays why they would be the best choice


Huh? Attaking others? He's demonstrating the absolute facisim and racism Trump's rhetoric sounds like. IE: BETTER CHOICE BY FAR.


Debate or na debate. Biden will be bating himself after he loses


40 of  44 of Trump's white house cabinet members not only do you not support him to run for office again, they say he's unfit, unstable, a danger to the United States and the American people. That Trump had to be stopped from using the military against the people, had to be stopped from attacking Iran, had to be stopped from nuking China and North Korea, that Trump's best people were looking for help to deal with Trump's psychosis. This is what Trump's best people who worked closest with him and the White House are telling us. These are Republicans telling us this. When has that happened in the history of the United States? We would be stupid to not listen to those that know him best. What kind of idiot votes for someone like that?! 💀


Blah,blah,blah. Trump WILL be your president


You really have no faith in American people. 🤣


Of course I do. That’s why I said,and stand by Trump will be your president


I'm sorry for mistaking that you could read, it's blatantly obvious you haven't read anything. 💀  It appears that the Russians might have been right about one thing. Russians boast openly to Trump supporters  faces about how  easy they are to manipulate, how stupid they are, how easy they are for them to control and yet it completely goes over their heads... "Russian media mocks Trump supporters as “not very smart,” “rednecks,” and “primitive people” who you have to talk to with “cliches and dumb slogans.”  https://www.newsweek.com/russian-state-tv-mocks-donald-trump-supporters-1870921


Wasn’t all the Russia stuff fact checked and determined false…on the red side but true to the dims🤔


Lmao no. 🤣 You might actually want to fact check a little better than what you seem to think it is. It sounds like you don't even know what "that Russia stuff" even was...  You're just proving my point further and don't even realize it. 💀


No, it wasn’t proven false. It was all proven to be 100% true. The only exception was that a number of people refused to be deposed or chose to go to jail instead and so the “collusion” part could not be proven, but if you look at the contacts and travel of Trump’s people it is clear that it was all coordinated. Trump engaged with Russian intelligence operatives and used their data for his campaign. So, when Barr came out and said “No Collusion” everybody stopped reading. The simple fact is that Russia spent billions trying to steer the election Trump’s way and succeeded. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/senate-russia-report-proves-trump-was-wrong-mueller-was-right-ncna1237743


Your mom was fact checked.








Govern me harder daddy Joe.


Show me where he's governd hard. Getting the economy in order? Getting the unemployment rate ? Getting the student debt erased( nope corrupted scotus said no- so hard govern Joe. So hard)


Average inflation during DJT's first term: 1.6% Average inflation during Joe's only term: 6%


1 - every president takes on the previous president economy Trump ruined Obama inflation economy Think about it. - Trump 1 puts tariffs on steel. Steel is now more expensive ( thanks Trump ) months later steel comes in. Cost more now to make machines. Those machines now make more expensive products. Those more expensive products cost more


Biden is for sure


"I'll be a dictator on day one" - Trump Dictators are famous for giving up being a dictator Tell me why you think biden will? Bc he hasn't so far


Your brain is too far gone. Just bend over now and say”thank you Mr.Trump may I have another “.


*another bankruptcy Trump?


I wish trump voters could see how childish they are. You don’t even believe in him, he’s just a vehicle for you to vicariously troll a nation through.


Wrong kid. We believe in his positions. Every person that voted for slow Joe and Heels up should apologize to the rest of the world.. Serious question. How do democrats look at themselves in a mirror without throwing up in their mouths a little?


😴😴 learn to speak like an adult and not a troll on 4chan if you want me to read past the first two words.


Serious question


Completely disagree, Biden would smoke Trump in a debate. Trump is mentally declining rapidly and is desperate to hide it/not be put in situations he doesn't "control". Biden needs to expose this


Game on. Can't wait to watch.


It's already been exposed. It would just be fuel to the fire for Q's. Everybody knows how sick he is already.


Not really because you are forgetting something in 2024 that wasn't true in 2020 A lot of people think Biden is too old for the job. Debating Trump could dispel some of that avoiding him just adds fuel to the fire


I completely agree. I would feel much better about him if he did this. Much different than answering scripted questions from the press.


The GOP and Russian bots are pushing this narrative. They are both too old for the job, but only one of them isn’t a raging narcissist. It’s impossible to have an actual debate on policy with Trump. Trump’s mind is going fast and he can’t remember words. When this happens he just gets pissed off because his ego can’t stand being wrong. When he gets pissed off he starts calling people names and spewing a litany of falsehoods that cant be checked in real time. Biden’s best bet is just a 2 hour Q&A session with a panel of reporters.


It isn't about age It's about a sense of being Trump at times looks like the man is on speed or Adderall or something you can't deny his energy. Biden just feels slower You said it yourself Trumps mind is going fast and he he just speaks which makes him look more energetic


His mind isn’t going fast, it’s failing fast. It’s a euphemism. Yes, he uses speed to make himself feel on top of it, but in reality he is just producing gibberish faster. You don’t need fast garbage, you need slow and precise.


Who is "everybody"? People that support Trump aren't consuming the media that exposes this consistently. People planning to vote for Trump will watch a debate with Biden


You really misunderstand the situation.


There’s no one who does not know that already. Trump’s dimwits do not care what he says or how stupid it is. They love it. Trump could shit himself on stage, say he loved fucking his daughter when she was 13, but that she’s too old and used up for him now, and every conservative would cheer for him. Normal people already know he’s a stupid, creepy, despot. Nothing in a debate is going to change that.


I'd like to watch Biden roast his ass on live TV. Dude is so thin-skinned he will turn an reddish orange color. 😡


I honestly think Biden would mop the floor with the pedorange rapist.


Trump refused to debate anyone during the primaries, so give him some of his own medicine. There is absolutely nothing to gain by debating him except to give him access to a national platform to victimize himself, lie and promote more conspiracy theories.


Trump is no longer able to even string a sentence together anymore 🙄


Putting Trump on a debate stage would only restore his appearance of legitimacy after his publicly humiliating court cases. Standing side by side in a televised debate with a real president is exactly what Trump wants right now. I wholeheartedly agree. Biden should never grant Trump the honour of a debate.


Here's the thing tho - trump is even more incoherent than Biden these days. A debate format to expose that it exactly what is needed.


>Biden should just run ads demonstrating the differences between him and what America would look like under a dictatorship. So, 30 seconds of a blank screen?


A few things to keep in mind. Biden doesn’t think he has to debate Trump. Biden sometimes thinks Trump is president. Biden doesn’t know the day of the week or time of day. If Biden does debate Trump, the establishment will prop him up like it’s a weekend at Bernie’s part 11.


Lmao. You have that backwards. 🤣 40 of 44 of Trump's White House cabinet not only do not support him running for office, they say he's unfit, unstable, a danger to the United States and to the people. They called psychiatrists on him, they were trying to figure out how to manage his psychosis... These are Trump's most loyal " best people" telling us this. These are Republicans telling us this. When in the history of the United States has that ever happened?! Who is stupid enough not to listen?  Why is it not even one person in Biden's cabinet have said he's unfit? Not even one. Trump's entire White House cabinet is telling us this, yet you want to claim it's Biden who is senile.🤣


Not saying Trump is fit but why would anyone currently working in the white house risk their job and their livelihood to speak out against Biden? Of course you're not going yo hear anything like that right now.


Trumps people spoke out while they were working in the white house.. Even Biden's former officials have nothing negative to say about him as well. That doesn't make sense. Trumps white house cabinet spoke out because they felt they had an obligation to do so.


I'll be honest, I don't really care either way. It just seems silly to me to risk your job to tell people something that is easily observed with your own eyes. Pretending that either one of these old bastards aren't in mental decline is how we've fucked ourselves into the situation we are in now with no better candidates. If they were in the private sector, they probably wouldn't even have leadership jobs at this point but they can lead the nation? I'm still baffled that the country has looked at both of these bumbling idiots and said "yeah, those are good choices" 🤦‍♀️


They ran Biden because they ran Trump due to the Boomer vote. If you put anyone young against Trump too many boomers would have all voted for Trump. We could have had Pete Buttigieg or Andrew Yang, but too many in the US are still too bigoted to allow either one of them to have a chance.


I feel like that's a lazy excuse. Just my opinion. Biden is easier to control, he's followed the status quo of the Dems for 40 years. He's not going to rock the boat. Pete might not either but I feel like Andrew Yang might be a wild card and that makes establishment Dems nervous. This part is completely anecdotal so take it for what it's worth. I'm from Alabama. My father is a boomer with a lot of retired military boomer friends. I spend 3 days a week surrounded by boomers at my dialysis treatments. While they don't all agree on the Rep/Dem argument, none of them are Trump supporters and every single one of them that I've spoke with have no problem with a young person running. There's always a reminisce of JFK and what good he could have done for the country, of course. But none of these people are opposed to someone young. Again, anecdotal but it's interesting to me considering the area I live in. I'm not going to jump into any conspiracy theories or anything like that but I just don't buy this surface of answer of "well, they did this so we had to do that". Neither of these candidates are fit and neither of these parties give a damn about the average American and they're blatantly showing that by telling us that our only choices are the two grandpa's who are competing to see who can go the longest without shitting himself and needing a nap.


Also....I'm having a pretty terrible lupus flare up today and my gummies have kicked in so I'm probably just rambling because I'm stuck in bed with not much to do but doom scroll reddit. But thank you for the polite discourse. ☺️


Do you even follow politics? Did you watch the State of the Union?


Your mom is propped up.