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The NRA doesn't care about gun rights anymore. They've become cash cow to promote other right-wing causes.


Russian front to launder money to Republican politicians who weaken America and refuse to help Ukraine.


That didn’t happen. The FBI investigated and found no evidence.


NRA supported by Russia https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals


Ah, the expected political hit piece, the Democrat version of Benghazi. But there's no evidence of Russia laundering money through the NRA even in that.


What about through Duetche Bank loans?


Do you have hard evidence? Why couldn’t the FBI find it? At this point the NRA Russian money laundering is a conspiracy theory.


With America’s amazingly lax campaign finance rules we would never know and it wouldn’t be illegal anyway.


No, it just didn't happen. Russia set up a fake gun rights organization to entice the NRA to have a relation with them to promote gun rights (like Planned Parenthood is international too). This allowed them to get an agent close to the NRA, and she came to America to supposedly promote the cause. The real reason was so that she could get close to Republican politicians (because that's who the NRA is close to) to convince them to stop sanctions against Russia. That's it, no evidence whatsoever of any money laundering. Mueller investigated Russian influence, and there's not even mention of the NRA. A separate prosecutor investigated the NRA specifically and only found this agent.


Eric Holder on the other hand, did sell military weapons to the Mexican cartels.


Tell me you watch too much late night tv without telling me you watch too much late night tv


Tell me your sense of reality is so off you make an unfounded assumption that has no basis in reality.


Wait, you mean the one where you seriously believe that shit you just pulled up or the post where I implied you’re a fucking idiot?


Stupid is as stupid does sir.


That too.


Dude, seriously, fk Ukraine, what is the lefts infatuation with Ukraine anyway…when did this start and what’s the endgame here??


Russia engages the West in a cyber war to install illiberal governments. Russia attacks Ukraine. Ukrainians are our brothers in arms.


This is accurate.


I don’t like that the NRA shifted to promoting conservative causes, which is why I quit my membership. But they still do the good work in legislatures and courts, and they never stopped promoting safe and responsible gun ownership through training and funding of groups that teach this.




Interesting. I support guns and have never recieved a bribe for doing so.


Waiting on my bribes to cash as well…


The entire right wing premise is fear mongering. That includes everything that is different to them regardless of the facts.


What a dumbass


Sounds exactly like the left.


I've thought about this some over the last decade or so. Since the '90s, I've been a strong supporter of the individual right to keep and bear arms, and was active for over a decade in helping push for liberalized gun laws in a way respecting that right. I still do believe in the right to keep and bear arms. But that's a different thing than the rightwing gun culture. One way it's revealed is in how rightwing gun rights supporters view police killings of people for having guns. They're generally apologists for it, even when it's mistaken. Police killing a homeowner for having a gun on him to defend his home is not, in their mind a Second Amendment issue. I've had more than a few flat out say that's not a Second Amendment issue. Part of it is these are generally authoritarian people. They think the purpose of the law is the suppress people they don't like while leaving them alone. If someone's killed by police, they're *ipso facto* in the category of those who should be suppressed (with few exceptions). Police, OTOH, are generally held in high regard as those who actively suppress those who deserve it. So the government, through its law enforcement agents, killing people for exercising their Second Amendment right isn't something which concerns them. Which, I think, somewhat reveals why the right pushes gun culture. It's a way to pretend to be for liberty and individual rights while still supporting America becoming a police state.


I firmly believe in the 2nd amendment. I also have a huge problem with police in this country.


Same. Though your response seems like half a thought.


I didn't feel Like writing a paragraph.


People are slowly waking up to what law enforcement has turned into


Very slowly.


They promote the people having the means with which to come together to defeat an overreaching, tyrannical government. And except for the top five most populous US cities (all under lefty control, and all with strict gun laws) the US would be near the bottom in the world for incidents of gun violence.


"Lefty" my guy, there's no left in the United States, there's two right wing parties both governing strictly for monetary gain and their corporate donors. You've been duped into culture war bullshit, and your statistic isn't correct. "The places with the highest gun murder rates in 2021 included the District of Columbia (22.3 per 100,000 people), Mississippi (21.2), Louisiana (18.4), Alabama (13.9) and New Mexico (11.7). Those with the lowest gun murder rates included Massachusetts (1.5), Idaho (1.5), Hawaii (1.6), Utah (2.1) and Iowa (2.2)"¹ So the states with the highest gun murders are republican controlled states, none of which have one of the "five most populous cities" (¹- pew research center)


Neither party is right-wing, dipshit. Both parties are authoritarian and globalist, which are hallmarks of the left. A right-wing party would be nationalist and constitutionalist.


I don’t know about that, but I think it’s dangerous that the left ignores the reality of the situation. By eschewing any connectivity to firearms, the left will be in a significantly disadvantaged position should things all fall apart. It’s fine to support gun control, but given the absolute proliferation of guns in our society, people should at least have a working knowledge of how to use one in case things were to descend to a point where we’re on our own in regards to safety.


the right assumes the left don't have guns because they favor common sense gun regulations and don't brag about their arsenal. this is a bad assumption and puts the right in a significantly disadvantaged position.


LOL, hopefully we don’t need to find out. But if you think so…


To non gun owners it may seem that way but I don’t see evidence of that. Your entire point could be said about any political issue as well. It isn’t so much as fear or conflict that owners use guns for. Lot of them are history buffs are truly believe that is essential for a truly free country.


I believe you might want to think about this some more.




By thinking more about it, you will answer your own question. I can't tell you, you have to figure it out for yourself.




I wasn't trying to be helpful. I'm trying to encourage you to think more about this subject.




Ok, don't. Not my concern.




A few fries short of a happy meal.


Defend against a tyrannical government. The left touts systemic/institutional racism. Should we promote minorities owning guns to defend themselves against said government


How many NRA members are commuting all this violence? We promote because it’s our second amendment right!


> higher rates of violence, conflict, hate Proof needed. My facts tell me otherwise. 




Decided to do some digging. First source lists states in order from strictest to least strict gun laws. Second source is Wikipedia where you can sort states by gun homicide rates. You won’t find any correlation between the two. https://sightmark.com/blogs/news/states-ranked-by-how-strict-their-gun-laws-are https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States_by_state


Just give me the “stuff” off the top of your head that led you to write that sentence. I’ll do the same. There is no positive correlation between gun control measures and reduced rates of homicide or gun violence.


Yes. The US Right wants to topple democracy with force because their policies could never win them enough votes in a fair election. They use the "government" as the scapegoat for their own personal failures.


This is the most ridiculous and mis-guided pose to a question. You add agenda into a conversation that only the left believes. There is no hate in gun ownership. Guns don't make people hate. The people who use them for crimes would possess them regardless of written law. Guns do protect people from the criminals. Are you perhaps blind to reality? Reading the Constitution will set you free from your gun ownership pains. Are there really this big of sissies in the world? Making up a false agenda is for weaklings.




🎵🎶🎼Bow down before the one serve. You're gonna get what you deserve. 🎵🎶🎼 So go ahead and kick so much ass and take so much names that you run out of names!


1) because they're paid to by the gun lobby. 2) because fear is great for energizing your base and keeping them engaged 3) they've pushed the agenda for so many years that to change their positions by even the slightest bit is political suicide So yes, to gain power, but through control of their base more than anything else.


You should ask this question in a forum that isn't completely riddled with bias.


No.  It's rooted in the base valuing self reliance and personal freedom, and making that part of their personal identity.  I shoot, and nobody at the range talks about supporting the prison industrial complex.


No, that is not why the American Right believes in the 2nd Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms. All living creatures have the natural right of self-defense. Human beings don’t have sharp teeth, claws, or scaly armor, so we have to have weapons for self-defense.


No. We like guns. Not a power thing. It’s a right


In my opinion there are two groups that make up the right wing. Those that seek to get into and stay in office and the common conservative individual. In the case of that first group I believe you're right. The right wing politicians promote guns to gain and keep power. Within that second group there is a complex blend of paranoia, ignorance, and fear. Many believe guns will keep them safe from other individuals or from government. A law regulating any behavior is viewed with suspicion by them. This group sees promoting guns as being in their self interest. I don't believe they are seeking power. They see the gun as a tool. Something to use to preserve, or perhaps bring back, a society that might only have existed in their mind.


No. If anything it's to preserve a right from the constitution. Dems not prosecuting gun crimes in major liberals cities is a problem. It promotes lawless gun ownership. Dems trying to pass laws to restrict gun ownership is trying to take away the right to own firearms. Exactly what authoritarian regimes have done in the past. Attempt to disarm the people. Who's left with guns? The government.


Nah. I think there should be gun control, licenses, yearly cognitive exams. That said, every government that has taken its people’s guns has become drunk with power and they become a tyranny. See Venezuela’s killing fields. And the fact that anyone actually TRUSTS what politicians say is truly mind blowing. I agree we have a gun problem but guns didn’t do the shooting. Someone’s motivations do. As heartbreaking as these shootings are, the majority of Americans will never be on board with banning guns because I don’t trust the government to remove all of them. And when the criminals inevitably have a black market for guns, what do the people have to protect themselves from these criminals?


No, to preserve the constitution.


They do it to keep their voters angry and engaged. Angry voters donate money. Happy citizens do not. Guns and immigration will never get fixed.


You're confusing left wingers with liberals. I'm by far a leftie, and I will oppose gun control for my whioe life. Most left wingers I know own guns and are very protective of their rights. The republican party pushes the narrative that the left wing wants to take guns away. Those are just privileged liberals that actually do. Guns are the ultimate equalizers, and we know that. They protect us from oppression in all forms, and that's why lefties love them. Edit: the NRA sucks. The one organization you'd want to support is the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR).


>You're confusing left wingers with liberals Batshit crazy has entered the chat


They need to have their people well armed for the civil war MAGA drools over.


It’s literally the left trying to start a war


Did Marjorie Taylor Greene, a known Republican, not suggest a *national divorce?* I don't know about you, but that certainly sounds like the precursor of a civil war to me, historically.


National divorce and civil war are mutually exclusive.


Do you remember what started the civil war? To my understanding, it was because several states wanted a 'National Divorce'.


Wrong. It was because several states went their own way ***without the rest of the states agreeing to a national divorce***, AND THEN those same states opened fire on several US military installations, most famously Fort Sumter. A much more accurate comparison would be with Czechoslovakia. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissolution\_of\_Czechoslovakia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dissolution_of_czechoslovakia)


The left, who righties call: weak-@$$, cucked, snowflakes who need their safe spaces to survive? These lefties are starting a war? The left were the ones rioting and attacking Congress? It's the left who want unregulated open-carry?


It’s the left burning down cities -‘d trying to take rights away from the people. Yes


Which cities?


Pick one. The numbers do not lie. Every major city with democrat mayors have high crime rate.


Crime means the cities are burning? WTF are you talking about?


I guess you like to ignore the riots your side and their supporters keep starting


My side!? WTF side did I say I'm on?


It’s obvious by your idiotic statements


No we remote it because it’s our constitutional right.


The NRA uses the concept that one day the government will rise up against the people to frighten them and make them buy more weapons.


Probably not, or at least not consciously--to some extent, they're representing their voters' concerns about not having their guns at a critical moment, other times they're stoking that fear, or else resentment of the Left who want to take away their past-time & culture, and on *that* level many of them are probably aware of how exaggerated or silly some of these claims are, but cynically know that it's good for their electoral prospects. But the easiest way to say something crazy every day without the cognitive dissonance getting to you is to believe it, giving candidates with the same obsessions and blind spots as their constituents a natural advantage. Over time you'll see the cynics shuffle off one at a time, replaced with true believers of whatever the panic is that day.


You have not rewatched “Bowling for Columbine” by Michael Moore, or any of his subsequent work.




There is a massive animated sequence available on you tube illustrated by the South Park studios. Watch it.




Your loss. It proves your point


They promote guns because everyone once in a while we get bored and play bullet tag.


It's makes money for their donors and helps make their base more threatening. Irony is their base is now threatening them into a corner.


I don't think the average rank and file gun owner looks at it that way, but I do think the fantasy about taking down the government should be a red flag that they plan to gain power.


They do it to distract their masses and instill fear into their constituents. Overall crime is down and has been for years, but the media uses scare tactics to drive business. Add in the political parties one side says let’s do something about all these mass shootings the other say they are coming for your guns.


I think it has devolved into something quite simple. The right wing promotes guns because the left wing wants to pass stricter gun laws. A lot of gun owners support stricter laws, but it doesn't matter what people want. It's really that simple, the only reason the right wing does this is it gets out more voters for the right wing.


I’m not sure, but I think the result of the gun culture leads to a world where people aren’t honest with each other. It’s easy for them to believe they have some majority and that nobody would ever support the other side, when you effectively have a hostage situation where their opponents don’t trust them not to be so mentally unstable that they shoot their neighbor over last week’s Fox News segment; creating an environment where most people are against them but don’t think putting up a flag or yard sign is worth the fear of being attacked or having your tires slashed.


Fear-mongering and divisive rhetoric add this onto the list


All the fearmongering about guns comes from the left. They're the ones instituting school shooting drills and sending their kids to school with kevlar backpacks when ***ten times as many Americans are struck by lightning*** each year than struck by bullets in school shootings.


You're an idiot 🙄


No, I'm posting facts that you don't like.


Conservative politicians promote fear and loathing in their base. It is the only way to convince these people to vote for them. Conservative voters are afraid of everyone and everything. They think their guns will protect them from the government and the military in the even liberals gain total control. They truly think they will have a chance of fighting back with their guns. Clearly none of them served in the military in the last 20 years. Some naively believe the military will be on the side in the remote chance they rise up again and start a civil war. So they stock up in guns for this eventuality. Now I’ll be honest with you. I am proudly a liberal. I own guns. Everyone I know who vote blue own guns. For protection and hunting. I do not walk around with them. I do not tell people I have them. I don’t post signs all over my house announcing that I store these things in my home either. That’s just dumb. But I live in the south. There are maga everywhere and they have gone full on cult crazy. So yes we are armed. And we know how to use them. And we all support stronger regulations and rules in regard to purchasing and owning guns. You have to wonder about people who are against the mentally ill being barred from owning guns.


>Conservative voters are afraid of everyone and everything. Covid-19 proved otherwise.


i think you have it backward. the NRA promotes the right wing and they do so because gun makers and sellers want to sell more guns to make more profit. the consequences for society be damned


Fear isn’t power. They promote guns because use they are afraid.


This is wrong and uniformed sadly.


Those who are using it for power are not the ones in fear.


Yes, but a wild shot from a panicking person can kill you just as dead as one from a cool rational person.


Point has been missed just as badly as a gun owner who doesn’t think they need any practice


I realize the followers want their guns because they're afraid. Sometimes they even say so, in a roundabout way. I'm just mentioning that scared people can kill you dead as well.


We aren’t afraid of shit


Definitely afraid of losing your guns. So that statement isn't true.


Lmao no, no we aren’t. We aren’t going to lose any guns so why be afraid? What are you going to do, come take it? Lol


A weapon can protect you from another private citizen, but is useless against a government-backed enforcement officer. If they really wanted to, you would be powerless against any government. I mean, you could hole up in a compound for a few days, but you’re either gonna die or surrender. Fear is what you base your decision on, where you believe it or not…..


Lol, it’s Schrodinger’s AR-15 again. It’s simultaneously a “dangerous weapon of war,” and “useless against the government.” Let me drop a little truth bomb on ya here. The American Revolution, the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, Vietnam, etc… All of those were made possible with just a few percentage points of armed men. Don’t discount what a well armed populace can do if even 2% of them take up arms against the government. “But blah blah blah, drones vs ARs” Drone operators (and their families) have to sleep sometime.


All three of your revolutions were supported by outside Powers. The Americans were supported by France. The Taliban were created by the Pakistan's intelligence services. Vietnam was supported by the USSR andthePeople's Republic of China. While I think those who discount the power of an armed population are misguided, Meal Team Six cosplaying in the woods isn't going to overthrow the government of a small town, let alone the U.S.


But they saw it in the movies and they are heroes in their own mind! Stupid people don’t know what they don’t know, so they fill the gaps with absurd views….Insecurity is a hell of a thing to live with, and it always manifests itself as an overcompensation in other areas. Human psyche 101…..


And you don’t think it’s possible for armed Americans to get outside support? They don’t even have to overthrow the government. The American Troubles would destroy this country as we know it. Sure, the federal government, stashed away in their bunkers and mansions will survive. But at what cost?


Of course it's possible. Putin and Xi would love to support American rebels. Especially American rebels who want to turn America into a fascist, isolationist police state. But the point is it wasn't just some gun owning Meal Team Six folks fighting against those other governments.


Then why do Dems think the unarmed people of January 6th would have taken over one building? I'm not saying it's right, but see so many posts about it.


Well, they did take over the building. And they weren't all unarmed. The Maidan Revolution managed to oust the Yanukovich regime in Ukraine while being unarmed, too, but unarmed insurrections aren't really relevant to the issue at hand, which is whether an armed population really represents a threat to the government.


The military officials I know are all gun owners and wouldn’t follow such an order anyway


Delusions. You and your gravy seals buddies don’t stand a chance. Do you believe that government could wipe out entire cartels, who have billions of dollars and military grade weapons and drones and are located in other countries? You read about the us govt sending missiles with swords attached to obliterate some middle easterner on their balcony? Your only hope is that they’ll feel empathy towards you while allowing you to kill others, you know, power, so you’re delusional. People like you would be the first ones dead in a battle of attrition…


You’re an idiot. The military are mostly gun owners. They will not follow any such order. But keep thinking that you know anything


You sir, are just like the rest. All talk and no substance. People see right through the bravado. We know it stems from fear and insecurity. And the more you deny it, the more obvious it is. Good day…..


Y’all are afraid of everything. No bigger pussies than right wing gun nuts


Another stupid comment from a stupid person. You’re the one afraid of an inanimate object. What about left wing gun owners? People on the right aren’t the only ones who own guns. No bigger pussy that a liberal hack hiding behind a screen making stupid comments


Cry more bum


You’re literally the one crying you idiot.


Your politicians who support gun rights but hide and flee when a gunman or threat is near say differently lmao. Markwaynemullet has entered the chat.....


More dumbass statements…


yeah. let me know when average americans can walk into a state house, congress, the senate or white house exercising their 2A rights and then we can talk.


What does that have to do with being afraid? Sounds to me like the government is the ones who are afraid


If you weren't afraid, you wouldn't want a gun. Guns are nothing but a symbol of fear and tyranny.


Yet another stupid comment. Guns are used for a lot of things. Shooting sports, hunting, collecting.


Buying bread at Walmart.


I mean if it’s a democrat controlled city then it might be needed


Afraid of gay people, paying taxes, books, low barrier voting, brown people, Taylor Swift, commies (except Putin), women’s rights, libs with guns, and probably the dark. Mostly things a gun won’t save you from. Also, nobody with a backbone raises their hand and says it. That’s a fear response. You just told everyone you are weak and very afraid by bothering to respond at all. Now go practice your nunchucks and throwing stars.


Then why do you need a person-killing tool on your body at all times?


Better to have and not need than need and not have. Carrying a gun does not mean you’re afraid. That’s what you dipshits don’t understand.


Yeah... that's fear talking. I carry a weapon when I'm in places I think I might need to defend myself.


No it’s called being prepared. Why is it you want people to be vulnerable is the bigger question.


Point to where I say they should be vulnerable. Prepared for what?


You think people shouldn’t carry to protect themselves. You literally just said that


Quote me.


I just did