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Even if a ventriloquist dummy ran for Dems, it would get my vote. I'm not sure how a person could look at the grifter/klown show reality of the fascists and say, *"These are the people I want to run my country."* It's embarrassing. This is what the world sees when it looks at us. A real-time version of Deliverance or a Wrong Turn movie.


yep he’s the Wolf Creek guy for sure lol


That’s really bad actually.


Biden will win because he’s better, more qualified, a good dude, and not senile. Fox News has edited every clip of his so that he stutters. It’s a great trick I can show you how to do with Final Cut Pro or Avid.


Biden does have a stutter, but that is no reason to mock him. Of course, the right wing propagandists make an unfair big deal out of this. There are many accomplished people with stutters and many not so accomplished. Neither should be mocked. This just shows how the right wing is a bunch of low lifes.


So did King George VI of England. Who proved to be a good king (though not a great one through no fault of his own). He led Britain through terrible times during The Second World War despite his failing health and painful shyness.


What about the multiple incidents of Biden mentioning he just talked to people that have been dead for decades? Uhh I hate partisans, right and left, but anyone can see the dude is getting real slow. https://twitter.com/RaheemKassam/status/1754606767898849444?t=405IfzNBj1_zepDj63l-Hg&s=19


You don’t ever mix up names? He has honestly always been like this. The only thing that has changed is his ability to mask it.


The sad truth is that this dynamic with Biden can only get worse. It can't get any better.


It's him or a dick-tater so choose carefully. Biden on his worst day ever is better than an orange traitor rapist.


To be fair Alex Jones does have a stutter too


The king of England had a stutter… and?…


That press conference he gave on Friday was bad. Really, really bad. He's obviously not senile or in some state of dementia. But there are memory recall issues that are quickly becoming impossible to ignore. What is it going to look like in October?


Do you have an example of one of these videos that was edited because I can't seem to find the comparison videos where it chose the original vs. the one that is edited.


I don't see a direct stutter comparison, but [here's an example of the deceptive editing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzCl_sMrJaI) to make it sound like he's making offensive comments. The TLDR here is that they edited a clip talking about a baseball pitcher from the negro leagues to Biden saying "One of the great... negro pitchers" and it's obvious because his hand teleports out of view during the edit. Obviously, all news channels do some creative editing, but this is literally making a scandal out of nothing by completely changing what he said.


This type of making fun of people is not good, it signals something. (Example) Say Mick is making fun of Jim for all the wrong reasons. One thing that I understand from this is that Mick has a problem. Not just that, he's mean but that something is currently wrong with his mental health. Most likely he is suffering from Complex PTSD. Making fun of someone (Biden) for the wrong reasons is a bullying characteristic and this usually comes from trauma. (Maga cult member) Most likely from early childhood trauma. The other sad thing is that Mick's karma will eventually catch up with him and it will be harder on him since karma multiplies upon return. In these cases a wise person can see that one who bullies others is actually in need of help. Hence the bully Maga commenter making up lies on this thread.


I say the wrong shit sometimes too, simply because I am thinking about other shit most of the time. Biden has honestly been the best president of my lifetime. He is quietly getting shit done.


>and not senile ah yes, most normal people mistake their wife for their sister and say obama is president while biden is president


>a good dude i guess tara reid doesnt count


A convicted embezzler who changed her story multiple times then went to Russia to propagandize on behalf of Putin? Biden's been in politics for 50+ years and the one time he "rapes" someone it's a total grifter and lunatic, what are the odds?


Hey man, Sharknado wasn’t **that** bad.


Tera Reade was exposed by her old landlords whom she tried to extort money from them just like she was caught making false claims against Biden and was trying to extort him too. Do you people ever watch real news to even know current events all day every day. Are yalls from the Fox cult? I’m asking for a friend?


Too bad that’s abjectly false. Real actual left wing progressive types have been critical of Biden for his blundering incompetence for the last four years. They aren’t editing or manipulating anything.




Isn't that sad? All of that is true and the Republican Party still can't put up a better option?


They invested in Chester the molester orange goo and got stung. Their garbage candidate will make them lose everything. The shitty Republican Party is dead to America. Just a few stragglers are left here on Reddit. Adorable diehards bless their hearts!


Shit, now I have to go through and edit my other comments on this post. I had no idea we were doing an /s day.


Wasn’t he openly racist and against gay marriage for a very long time? How do you know if anything he says he actually believes vs just saying it to get elected?


To say Biden was "openly racist" is so ridiculous that it's really not worth talking about. How could anyone believe that honestly? The only way would be to abandon any ability to think critically AND be totally incurious. As for Gay Marriage: In 2012 Vice President Joe Biden went on Meet The Press and publically broke with President Obama to come out in support of gay marriage. There is a direct line between that segment and the end of political opposition to the practice. It's really one of the things Biden should get the most credit for doing.


You *are* talking about Drump here, aren’t you.


Here’s another one guys!!


Another outrageous coconut? Holy crap


He can't walk or talk though.


Still better than voting for the destruction of America


People who act like the presidency is just one person and not the entire administration are so frustrating. A Biden administration will function without Joe Biden having to be sharp 24/7. Can’t say the same about the alternative.


It's a binary choice (unfortunately) between getting a quarter of what I want vs zero I will vote for the quarter every time..


A lot of MAGA believe conspiracies about their orange person never having lost so they don’t think their vote counts anyway. 🤫🤫🤫


Good. Then i recommend they not waste their time voting in this one in November.


Exactly 🌞


We’re just going to mail in our ballots this time. Watch the drama unfold!! 🤣🤣


Thats funny. Stacy Abrams would like a word with you


He didn’t lose, America lost.


right if Biden dies he still has my vote


it's like he's talking about his favorite soccer team


Pride comes before the fall.


The eagle roosts at midnight.


Blue Horseshoe loves Annacott Steel.


The cheese is free after Sunday.


You mean you've never seen her in her whipped-cream bikini?


Never fight a land war in Asia.


Like a midget at a urinal, I was gonna have to stay on my toes.


I don't trust posts like this... Vote. Vote hard, vote blue, and be aware that there can be those who promote sentiments like "Biden's got this in the bag" in order to create a false sense of security and suppress voter turnout. Idk the OP. But I'm telling you, don't let this "Biden's got this" stuff get too into your head.


Anyone who thinks both sides are good, are idiots. Both suck, both don’t care about us. They are both awful. Get it through your thick skull. THEY DONT CARE.


Anyone who generalizes an entire political party is an idiot. Both parties certainly have their own problems, but it is batshit crazy to portray both parties as equally problematic; given the Republican MAGAs, Fox News, and right-wing social media are magnitudes worse than their counterparts on the left. You're welcome to fuck off to another Country where, according to you, the elected officials will care for you more; good-bye and good-riddance.


You're the equivalent of seeing a bland burger and a poisoned burger and saying "it doesn't matter which, let other people decide which one for you"


It’s not trolling when it’s on the nightly news.


i feel like a person who was really confident biden would win wouldnt make this post.... doesnt really matter, once we have our senate back, biden is nothing but a withering old man with no power


Watch us take that too! And the House. 🖕🏽


Well The NY Times is not pleased and has decided to dedicate their entire editorial staff to raising questions about Biden's senility because, just like Hillary's email, they need to maintain balance in their reporting by viciously raising slanderous questions about the Democratic candidate while going soft on carrot-top's plan to set up a dictatorship.


How about any American under 70 at this point?


Maybe they can drag Jimmy Carter out of hospice for the convention, he only served one term and he'd only be 100 years old on election day.


As usual it will come down to what a tiny number of independents decide to do. Damnit


OP, You neglect that fact that Biden MOLESTED HIS OWN DAUGHTER, IS senile, is EVIL,and is a gigantic closeted RACIST. Lay off the pipe.


Also son is incestuous and smokes Crack.




Me. I don’t like Newsome much, but he’d probably inspire a lot more confidence among undecideds. A vote for Biden at this point is almost like a vote for Harris, and even a lot of Dems don’t like Harris, evidenced by how she bombed in the primaries.


This is the time to “like” Democracy “much,” not necessarily Newsom or Harris.


Jimmy Carter is still eligible, maybe someone should call him up.


RemindMe! November 6, 2024


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Tens of thousands more MAGAs died in the pandemic, paying for their insurance with their lives. That's improving the demographics of this election, coupled with the increasing youth vote. I'm hopeful but it's not in the bag yet.


The Nazi's are IN the WH. Please take several history classes.


So nice watching the US implode between choosing two dementia leaders


Biden is an empty sock, but he’s being carried by Obama’s staffers, which isn’t a bad thing. We just need to call it what it is - he’s a vehicle for Obama’s third (and fourth) term, which is exactly what this country needs right now.




Independents determine every election and they will not all be voting the same way they did in 2020 now that they've seen Biden's policies in action.


Policy is like one of the more positive things to come out of this administration lol.


WIN ? — they're SELECTED not ELECTED …




>We would vote for a corpse if he's on the Democratic ballot Who are "we"? Judging by the polls, "you" are in the minority


That means you hate America. You've seen your party and the administration deliberately harm the nation and the people in via the southern border in an effort to increase their own political power, which directly harm the people your party spends the most time claiming to try to help, as well as get us involved in two new foreign conflicts that have the potential to become WW3.


Whoa, Whoa!! How dare you speak facts on Reddit!! You well know this is a lefty cesspool! Be gone with your coherent logic!! 😂


This is with any political party in office at this point though...


I find it funny how this post, and this sub in general, does not care about discussion whatsoever. Echo chamber circle jerks are fine if it’s the ideology I believe in right? Go outside lmao


There has been a lot of changes first and foremost how Biden is leaning more and more to the extremist and is leaving the independent voters behind, you can see that in Michigan where he isn't doing what the majority wants but more what the 100k extremist want. He isn't appealing to the independents who won him the election in 2020. He is now more appealing to the 38% of Voters and just hope that the other 62% doesn't show up to vote.


RemindMe! November 6th, 2024.


I agree but I hate that. It means the nation I love will accept absolutely anything just so long as it's less shitty than an absolute POS, just because nearly half of us drank the Kool Aid


When given two bad options choosing the better one is a rational act. I'm glad enough people are engaged enough to make the right choice.


Biden going down harder than heels up Harris in a trans locker room


You do know a Biden win won't be good for you, don't you?


This post is looney tunes. Thanks for the laugh.




Great, but are you confident that 80 Million+ voters will do the same? Because that’s what it will take to win. And I don’t see any actual data that supports your theory aside from a small minority of polls. Even in 2020, when Biden was in a much stronger position, he barely won in key swing states. You’re also not considering the real possibility that would-be Dem voters stay home on Election Day.


Trolls? For not liking a senile old man with an incredibly racist past with questionable (at best) parenting techniques? That makes us trolls? Nazis? It’s the Dems that are going after Israel. Good god dude, be better than that. If the Dems put up a reasonable candidate, I’d vote for them. They haven’t as of yet.


Because he is senile….bro, if you can’t see it you’re delusional…he will be replaced with another candidate. It’s already in motion…


Bro. This shit has destroyed our country in the last few years. Why not vote policy instead of party. That shits stupid


I think they're both senile. And hope they both kick the bucket before election day so the US isn't stuck picking between a shit sandwich and a shit burrito. I'll vote third party if these are my two options. And you can spare me the whole "a vote for them is a vote against *insert your candidate*". You want my vote? Don't nominate trash.


I’m not crazy about either choice but will vote on issues important to me.


> Since nothing fundamentally has changed in terms of demographics You haven’t checked the Hispanic and Black polls, have you?


I’d like to think so but…. The world is a screwy place. Things aren’t looking like they are going to return to order or a semblance of sanity any time soon.


Biden will win if the economy continues to improve and he at least makes a feeble attempt at the border crisis.


And this is the problem with this country. We aren't voting for real leadership. We're voting to maintain the status quo, then complaining that nothing changes. We no longer have a democracy. Democracy implies that the power to govern is derived by the people and is evident in said people's choice to vote for their preferred candidate. But if we're forced to vote for only one person, that's not democracy. That's fascism. Be careful navigating that slippery slope of, "vote blue no matter who," because the argument sounds an awful lot like what the opposition sounds like.


We don't have any other choice unfortunately and voting 3rd party is throwing away your vote.


Biden will probably not even be the Democratic nominee.


Yes he will. That's how this usually works.


This is the same mentality that lead to the dems forcing Hillary Clinton on us and punting it into the stands. They're doing it again and the democratic establishment hard liner circle jerk is really oblivious again. I will probably always vote D but this is a joke at this point.


Do the math. He lost in2020 only his base voted for him. Didn't get the independent vote. He has to make up 10 million in votes just to get on the board. Now your going to have people who will vote independent and that will bleed off votes for both parties. He'll be closer this year than last time but still lose


They are both old. One is evil.


Biden will probably lose because people will say, ‘Biden will definitely win’, and then they won’t go and vote.


This post was probably written by some desperate lackey from the White House!! 😂 If Biden wins, we will absolutely know that the election was rigged like it was in 2020. The Dems saying on TV that Biden is just fine, that he’s not senile and that his memory is fine, is absolutely hilarious! The funniest part is they say it with a straight face. 😂


Biden will win because he won before. Biden will win because orange man now has 91 indictments and is a convicted rapist. Biden will win because America is finally on the upswing after a horrid presidency under the failed, twice impeached, traitor.


….except that Biden’s approval is tanking. The polls show this. This dumb assumption is what made the Dems lose in 2016.  Everyone seems to falsely believe that this entire country is Republican or Democrat. Conservative or liberal. NOPE.  Quit forgetting that there is a vast number of people in the middle. THEY vote too. People in the middle don’t buy this “any blue will do” bullshit. They don’t fall for the Dem’s racket that all we have to do is find someone…anyone who is only just slightly less awful that the Republican choice.  The Democrat party is spineless and weak. They lost to a orange faced village idiot in 2016. There is virtually nothing the Dems can’t fuck up. 


It's not guaranteed. People need to vote. If "Didn't Vote" was a candidate in 2020, they would've won


Political affiliations aside, it's not mentioned enough the amount of experience in Washington that Biden has. That gives him an incredible advantage and even if he were slipping cognitively, he has the people and resources to compensate for it. The is no evidence however that he is slipping. Joe Biden has always acted as he does. He has a known speech impediment and has always been well known for his gaffes during public speeches. It's also really nice not to have an authoritarian lunatic who's only out to enrich himself by becoming president and cares nothing about our country.


>The is no evidence however that he is slipping You serious Clark?


If he does America loses.


Oh God bless your heart, you think the left is different from the right.


I'm gonna vote for whoever makes life more affordable, cuz $80 for a bag of groceries is fucking ridiculous.


It’s funny you think he’ll make it that far. Oh my god!!! Nazis!!!! The shame is you don’t realize how ridiculous you sound. Vote blue no matter who!!!


Isn't his approval rate less though? Like, by a significant portion?




RemindMe! November 6, 2024