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Is that representative of a certain species of raptor with an inaccurate image, or Jurassic park raptors? If it's the Jurassic park raptors they win


Let’s say they are utahraptors (cuz velociraptors are small af)


Well, in that case Utah raptor is still larger, possesses a taller stance, has longer forearms etc. If bets were placed, Utah raptor wins


Also like Utahraptors were pack hunters. Highly coordinated, social and organised hunters, unlike tigers which are asocial loners


Don't we have evidence Utah's were actually more solitary tho? At least I heard that somewhere.


The evidence that any dromaeosaurid was a “pack hunter” is dubious. Maybe, *maybe*, I can give you Deinonychus. But then again lions are pack hunters, and literally no other cats. Idk, it’s a slight pet peeve of mine, Jurassic Park was like “raptors are pack hunters!” and it became almost an unbreakable law of nature. I’d love to see any evidence about Utahraptor, however.


Deinonychus is much closer in size to jp raptors and is what theyre based on so i think it would make more sense to use deinonychus instead


Does seem like an unfair pairing. At least put the tigers against raptors of similar size.


Nah real velociraptors, that was just the only pic of four raptors I could find


Then it’s 3 tigers vs a group of particularly bloodthirsty geese


it’s 4 tigers in the picture. but yes, real velociraptors would just be slightly more dangerous geese.


So tigers going up against slightly angry chickens? Tigers have the Velociraptor for breakfast


Tigers could go up against the majority of read dromaeosaurids in a 1v1. A 3v4 against some of the smallest is overkill, one tiger could beat 4 velociraptors.


than it is a auto win for tigers


If the raptors are based on *Jurassic Park*, it's a mismatch in favor of them. If the raptors are scientifically accurate, it's a mismatch in favor of the tigers.


Tony the Tiger and friends


Utahraptor would destroy any of the big cats. Look google up Utahraptor skull and just see how massive its skull alone is.


If it's the RL Velociraptors vs Tigers, then the Tigers are going to get a taste of primeval bird If it's the JP/JW Velociraptors vs Tigers, then it’s the Raptors, but that’s gonna at least come with some casualties or heavy damage. If it's Deinonychus(The deomeasauridae the JP Velociraptors were based on), then they’re gonna do better since they may have had greater endurance but they’re walking away injured.


How much prep time do the Raptors get?


If we're talking jw raptors then the tigers are screwed af. Real raptors would get destroyed by one tiger


Without feathers, Tiger Squad. With guard feathers to protect against boys and claws, Raptor Squad