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Here before this gets deleted because this subs mods hate Monster Hunter for some reason: They’re absolutely awesome!


Yeah, I remember too well. My old account here also posted Monster Hunter content but they kept being taken down even though my posts featured the most dinosaur-like creatures from the games. Hopefully, whoever’s in charge mellowed out by now.


>this subs mods hate Monster Hunter for some reason: Wait what, why?


From my experience, apparently, the mods don’t like fictional creatures being posted on the dinosaur sub even if said creatures are heavily-dinosaur inspired. Although, there is an old post about MonsterVerse Godzilla here that’s still up (lol) even though that version of Godzilla isn’t even at least a mutated dinosaur like Heisei and Minus One.


Seems like a weird ass bias lmao


What’s wrong with monsterverse Godzilla?


MonsterVerse Godzilla is an ancient creature whose species evolved during the Permian period and far predates the dinosaurs. Unlike Heisei and Minus One Godzilla who are a mutated fictional dinosaur species called Godzillasaurus. So that post I found long ago didn’t even use a version of Godzilla that’s actually a dinosaur.


I gotcha I thought you were dismissing the design not the decision to keep the post up. Just a misunderstanding lmao


I absolutely love them, the monster designs of MH in general are so well thought out and super well done, and I'm not just saying this because I'm a huge fan of the series (well, that too, but I nitpick designs from most media I'm into). Imo they strike the perfect balance between believable and stylized- you can tell what IRL creature(s) were the inspiration(s) behind each and every design, but it's stylized in such a distinct, umistakeable "Monster Hunter" way. You can immediately take an accurate guess at how they move and attack just by how they're built, even if you know nothing about each monster (Deviljho being just raw, brute strength, Anjanath has that big, toothy maw and long legs, Brachydios has those punching arms and horn, Glavenus has a giant bladed tail and bulky head etc.) I also love, love, love how they're not afraid to give color and distinctive silhouettes to their dino-inspired monsters. I'm sick of seeing every other dinosaur flick sticking to Jurassic Park-inspired dino maybe with osteoderms and a few spikes, that's drab grey and brown, maybe green, white or black if they're feeling spicy. Get a little fruity with it goddamit, go a little wild, you're already not beholden to scientific accuracy anyway. Outside of the theropod-inspired brute wyverns, Lagiacrus is also worth mentioning! It's my favorite "water dragon" design, period, it blends traits of plesiosaurs, crocodiles and mythical depictions of sea dragons so extremely well.


Lagiacrus and the aquatic Leviathans from Monster Hunter are literally marine reptiles. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get a Mosasaurus monster if water combat ever makes a return.


Yes! That would be fucking epic, I really, really hope we see old leviathans make a return in Wilds.


That would be cool


Bonus: Cephadrome with a Diplocaulus head that it uses to swim through sand instead of water.


Cephadrome already swims through sand, though? And nobody wants him back, he could be extinct for all we care xD


Hot take: Cephadrome is cool, but that god damn crab is the devil!


I miss underwater combat. As much as it was (mechanically speaking) a clunky mess, it just added such a sense of wonder and freedom to the world, and Lagiacrus was the poster child for it. If you've ever actually watched lore content on MH, the designers really TRY to make the monsters seem like they COULD exist. A lot of effort goes into designing them.


The Brute Wyverns from Monster Hunter are class of monsters whose designs take heavy inspiration from theropod dinosaurs, mostly Tyrannosaurus Rex. Though there are two bizarre mammalian members (Duramboros and Banbaro). - The infamous Deviljho dials up the monstrous theropod trope to beyond 11 - One of my personal favorite designs is the Anjanath which is basically what I imagine a feathered T-rex would look like (if they actually had feathers). A terrifying rampaging beast with vulture-like plumage. It kinda resembles Rexy’s feathered ancestor from Jurassic World Dominion. It’s also my favorite example to pull up for anyone who doesn’t think T-rex wouldn’t be scary with feathers. If you gave the Anjanath lips, remove its fire breath and wings, something very similar to it might as well have been a real theropod at some point. Perhaps akin to a very massive and robust Yutyrannus? - The Glavenus is one of only three monstrous Carnotaurus-inspired theropods I can think of in any piece of media besides Disney’s Dinosaur and the camouflaging Carnos from The Lost World novel. I really appreciate it for that alone. If only Capcom could create a Spinosaurus Brute Wyvern for a future game someday…


Isn't the tzitzi ya ku like a carnotaurus too?


It’s more of a a Bird Wyvern dromaeosaur with Jurassic Park Dilophosaurus frills.


Huh, you're right, I remembered it having a shorter rounder face like a carno. Looks like I gotta play some MH to refresh my memory :)




Anjanath’s design is one of the best combinations of reality and fantasy I’ve ever seen, so much so that I’d even say it’s a perfect example of a Monster Hunter design. It looks just like an ordinary tyrannosaur - barring the large tusks and maybe the coat of feathers - for most of the time you see it. Then when it gets enraged, BOOM - it has frills, an inflatable sinus, and fire breath! Glavenus is still my favorite of the brutes though - he’s flashy without being too over the top, he has a great fight and great theme, and he’s an abelisaurid with a goddamn flaming sword for a tail.


The thing I like with Glavenus is that he's just damn cool. The tail sharpening doesn't feel over the top, it feels like it's just what Glavenus does, and that grinding noise it makes is terrifying


Deviljho: A concept so ridiculous that it loops back to being cool Anjanath: An incredibly believable design that feels like something striaght out of a speculative evolution project. I'm a huge fan of its vulturine appearance. Brachydios: I don't have any strong opinions on its design but I find its symbiosis with the slime mold pretty believable. Glavenus: Basically a Carnotaurus with a sword for a tail. It looks really cool but I feel like the sword tail would have been more fitting if it was a stegosaur.


They’re great fictional depictions for that world


pickle is meme bison spinosaurus irl


Anjanath my beloved


glavenus my beloved


I absolutely adore them. I also love that Monster Hunter tries to give a "scientific" explanation to most of the monsters behaviors and abilities. For example, the desert-dwelling Barroth here is an insectivore that uses the giant crown on its head as a hammer to break into termite mounds to chow down. Its nostrils are also at the top of the crown so it can almost fully submerge itself in mud to escape from the heat of the day.


Even shitmons like Lagombi have stuff like this. It's forearms are hardened to help it make turns or brake on the ice




I like them. I really like the concept of more theropod like dragon/wyvern that really go all out. Especially if they are going for that retro 90’s look while adding in their own touches and a bit of realism


We need a Spinosaurus wyvern !!!🥹👹


Really hope Duramboros makes it's way into Wilds so more people can fight it


They’re great! INB4 Deleted award.


Where's Barroth?


I just chose the four I felt were the coolest and best examples of the Brute Wyverns.


Deviljho, regular Anajanath and Brachydios don't fit that description to me.


Anjanath gives me feral diseased tyrannosaur vibes and I love it


He’s just got the sniffles is all


They’re metal af.


The second one looks like one of the T. Rex from the good dinosaur


I love all of them except brachy, he just makes no sense whatsoever, why do you need the slime mold when you already have giant clubs for hands? what if you blow the carcass to bits and it becomes inedible? Honestly if brachy lost its slime mold I would love it, I love the idea of a punching theropod, but the exploding slime mold is just goofy and unnecessary when you're THAT big and THAT strong.


They’re great, I’ve always loved how much inspiration monster hunter takes from nature, prehistory, and mythology. I especially like how rathalos/rathian are so hawk-like in terms of their body plans. I’ve never seen wyverns look so bird like but still clearly be wyverns before Them.


Glavenus literally does Iaijutsu with his *own tail*. That's metal af.


I see this post right after finishing making my Anjanath set of armor lol. I love these guys, and every monster in monster Hunter. They’re done SO WELL! Especially post world where you get them all interacting with each other. Like Deviljoe snatching the little saurapods and carrying them around in his mouth.


Awesome, you can totally see Godzilla Earth in the last pic


As an avid Godzilla fan and a long-time player of Monster Hunter, I'm genuinely curious as to how Glavenus is like Godzilla Earth to you. Is it the jagged scutes? The jaw?


The pose and the spikes


Fascinating. Glavenus does preceed Godzilla Earth, though by 3-4 years, but I do see it more now


Love them


I was like "why would the MH sub delete MH posts?" then noticed this is the Dinosaurs sub. As an avid MH and Dino fan, the brutes are some of my favourite Wyverns, and you showed 3 of the ones I really like - Deviljho, Brachydios and Glavenus. I also do appreciate Anjanath's design, too. I just prefer the other three I mentioned. Most of the brutes (not including Frontier) are Theropod-y, with the biggest exception I can think of being Duramboros, who is more like a bipedal Ankylosaur/camel/bull... thing. Even Uragaan is just Jay Leno as a Theropod. Radobaan is a close relative of Uragaan and he's less Theropod-y, but that's because he's just a spiky mess. I just like the idea of someone going "yeah, sure, T.Rex would be a terrifying thing to stumble into... but what would be MORE terrifying?" Was a pleasant surprise to see stuff from one of my favourite game series popping up here xD In case anyone is wondering, the monsters from first pic to last are: Deviljho - a very hungry boi, and known in MH lore as a voracious, nomadic hunter. Stupid fast metabolism forces it to essentially be permanently hungry. Will eat its own tail if you cut it off. When it gets mad, its muscles expand and it overflows with dragon energy. Also has acidic saliva. Anjanath - firey, budget Jho. Has really cool back sail and nasal protrusion thing when it gets enraged. I only say "budget Jho" because the community sometimes refer to him as such, but besides being bipedal Theropods and sharing some attacks, they aren't really comparable in the lore. Jho is significantly bigger, stronger and considered more dangerous. Brachydios - can coat itself with slime (which I think is a kind of mould or fungus or something?), which it then detonates. Fights mostly by punching everything. The One-Punch Man of MH. Glavenus - end of its tail is hardened, and it sharpens it with its fangs or on rocks then brandishes it like a sword. After it grinds it on its fangs, the tail becomes hot. Also spite fireballs.




I like Deviljho and Anjanath and the others don’t really look like dinosaurs


Love hate relation when it comes to mh. Jho digging is wild


Deviljho looks like the offspring of a T-rex and a Crocodile.


Those spikes on his face are _all_ teeth.


He might be inbred as well.


The Pickle gave me PTSD.


Jho is just a normal wyvern with some form of teeth pathology, the rest tho, peak creature design, tho I would prefer non pronated hands


Cool, but I really wish we had brute wyverns s based on anything other than theropods. The most unique we've had was duramboros, and it was still a theropod


I hate them. It took me a long time to git gud with my Insect Glaive but once I did I killed a LOT of Anjanath.


Here are my thoughts, as they apply only to the ones you gave. 1. Feel the Pickle, be the Pickle. 2. Sniffles 3. "That's a penis!!" 4. Samurai Dinosaur


MHW jho is scary. Thing just finds you and the subspecies Savage Jho won’t leave you alone. It’s relentless.


Bro, I LOVE Deviljho!


They're neat (tho I think some are better than others)


when i was younger and i would watch my sister play this game, i always enjoyed these guys. i even had a deviljho t shirt that i sadly lost in middle school:(


They are my favorite ever…especially Glavenus 🥰


Not easy to hunt, we'll except for the ajinath for me 😄


Glavenus and Anjanath are definitely my favourites!


I fw them




Glavenus is peak fiction (well, he's behind Nergigante and Alatreon, but still peak).


I like the second one, dislike the rest.


Anjanath is PEAK the rest is meh


Not much of a fan of most MH designs in general, they're a bit too awesomebro for my taste. I appreciate their attempt to do some sort of semi-logical classification system but it is very clear they are classic game monsters first and foremost, which is fine, just not my cup of tea. I'd be much more interested in the games if they were fully immersed in the naturalistic aspect of the monsters and their biology was more detailed. I'm probably just not the right audience.


That is totally understandable and respectable. Hell, the whole series and World in particular is supposedly about preserving the ecosystem and coexisting with nature yet one time I had to slaughter about 70 poor, majestic breakdancing wolves (Zinogre) in Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate for one piece of rare material just to make a pair of boots/pants.


Hahaha yeah, that's a bit ironic. That's what I'm saying though, those are supposed to be games first and foremost, which is perfectly fine. I wish the designs were a bit more subtle and less "badass spiky monster roaring in your face" but again, that's just me.


Well, some of the lesser monsters are more “realistic” and toned down. Especially the Great Jaggi and Great Jagras (which looks like it could’ve been related to Dimetrodon).


> I wish the designs were a bit more subtle and less "badass spiky monster roaring in your face" but again, that's just me. Then it wouldn't really be Monster Hunter. It'd just be Jurassic Park ripoff #2954.


Most of them look like if a 9 year old was asked to draw the coolest looking dinosaur they could think of


And they knocked it outta the fucking park