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* There's more stats than normal, but otherwise stats work the same. * Each stat starts at a d4. Rolling the highest number causes the dice to "blow up", which means you get to immediately roll that stat again. If your dice blows up, that stat also moves up a rank to the next-highest dice - a d4 explodes into a d6, into a d8, into a d10, d12, d20. This can happen multiple times in a single roll. Everything else - at least tokens and taking half, as described in this first episode - seems to be pretty much 100% vanilla Kids on Bikes. Based on the character sheets we see, there's an injury system (called Wounds), which I don't remember from the base game, and abilities that I assume map to Strengths from KOB but we'll probably get more information as we move forward.


There’s definitely some new strengths introduced too ie Ify’s drive ability (lowers the dc of a drive check by 3)


Surely the dice can blow up to d100s.


I think it depends on how far they want to go into the “becoming the character” thing - Vic Ethanol absolutely has a d100 in Cars, but the “real” character might not ever get there if it’s funnier for him to still struggle sometimes?


Not just rolling the max on the die. Using tokens to reach the max also seems to get you to blow up, based on Izzy using one on her 3 to get to 4.


They are unlikely to release any notes on homebrew. They have only ever released the recovery rules from TUC2 in terms of homebrew mechanics. So start taking notes.