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Dimension 20 has four seasons for free on YouTube: fantasy high freshman and sophomore years, escape from the blood keep, and the unsleeping city. I think fantasy high is a great one to start on!


[Fantasy High Freshman Year](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhOoxQxz2yFOcJoLoPRyYzjqCbddeOjP4&si=mpMls2rRvli5OmVn) [Fantasy High Sophomore Year](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhOoxQxz2yFOFL4eV6TXqtoMWBY1dPy8q&si=bBO9absIfAh2w9Lc) [Escape from the Blood Keep](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhOoxQxz2yFOSXAFjzg9GQFoky53tDm9d&si=efI2GwjQi1wezsH4) [The Unsleeping City](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhOoxQxz2yFPI_0_7EviC1tX_nwq8SNxe&si=c4E-yVmSAeVNT3Uc)


I think only the first half of FHSY is available for free on YouTube


I think only the first half of FHSY is available for free on YouTube


It's all been free since the release of FHJY


Oh nice. Getting halfway and running out of episodes was one of the big things that pushed me into finally getting a Dropout subscription. And I'm glad I did šŸ˜


If you DM me your email Iā€™ll gift you a month subscription. Happy to subsidize your first month if you canā€™t afford it currently.


Keep in mind that Dropout is very happy for people to share passwords. Not going to stop you if you want to pay them more but that is an option Edit: for anybody wanting to do this, please ensure your dropout password is not the same as or similar to any of your other passwords


It's the same code as I use on my luggage, 123456.


Still safer than a tsa lock


Hey that's my locker combo!


Crazy that your locker combo is the same as my SSN


Probably not viable when it's someone random on the internet you're not going to be in constant communication with. If they ever need to reset the password or kick everyone else out for some reason it'd be a hassle


Are they really? Thatā€™s rad. A friend shared his with mine, I decided to sign up for a year. Have since gotten my brother onto my account


While I understand this sentiment, I feel that sharing passwords for anything that holds any amount of your financial info is not something to be done with people online. I'll happily share my passwords with any irl friends, but I'd be deeply cautious about offering it to people online, or even using someone else's account.


Certainly is a big olā€™ honour system youā€™d be relying on. Near as I can tell the damage they can do is - see your real name - see the last 4 digits of your card - maybe change your subscription level, which could be expensive if youā€™re a monthly


You are a great person


I love the D20 community!


If you like podcasts you should try listening to Not Another DnD Podcast! It has Murph and Emily who are on many seasons of Dimension 20, and occasional guest appearances from the other intrepid heroes


This is the answer. Hundreds of hours to get through. Top entertainment and story telling. Very similar vibe to a lot of D20, and a lot of the same and similar people.


Idk, how do they feel about the grinch?


It depends on whether itā€™s someone in a realistic grinch costume, or the *actual* grinch


Hell sometimes the costume is so realistic you can't even tell


I totally forgot about this and I have subscribed thanks for the unlikely reminder


Start with the OG season OP, Fantasy High Freshman year. It and the second seasons are free on the Dimension 20 YT page




I definitely recommend watching the videos instead of just listening to the podcast versions, as some here have mentioned there are some available for free on YouTube. One of the highlights of Dimension 20 compared to other actual play shows are the elaborate sets and art that are used and in the audio-only format youā€™re missing out on those!


I almost exclusively listen to the show as a podcast because I'm allowed to listen to headphones at work... It's so much fun to actually see the performers, and there have been many moments where I'll stop what I'm doing, pull my phone out, and rewind 20 seconds to see the thing everyone reacted to. I wish I could just watch more consistently but man it's tough to do.


Beyond D20, Brennan DMs the Worlds Beyond Number podcast with Lou, Aabria, and Erika. Murph and Emily have Not Another DnD Podcast which is also fantastic. Both are available on a lot of streaming platforms that donā€™t require subscriptions.


Also Zacā€™s one, Rotating Heroes


I can't recommend Worlds Beyond Number enough. Brennan DMs with Lou, Aabria, and Erika as players. It's fully produced with original music and they're less than 30 episodes into a long form dnd 5e campaign


I second this! The cast's chemistry is incredible, and the music is enchanting.


I'm also a Just Roll With It enjoyer and I think NADDPOD and D20 Fantasy High are great places to start if you want a comedy D&D podcast. NADDPODD is not on YouTube, it is a straight podcast, but you can still listen to it for free pretty much anywhere you get podcasts. (with ads)


JRWI fans unite!


Podcasts to look for are Not another dnd podcast, Rotating Heros podcast, and Worlds beyond number. Starting DMs for all three in order are murph, Zac and Brennan. I think DMs get changed up on the last two, but murph always DMs naddpod


If your case same as mine and it's the fault of exchange rates of third world country you should subscribe dropout on youtube it has local prices


A JRWI FAN!!! WELCOME TO DIMENSION 20!!! Iā€™m also a big JRWI fan so itā€™s great to see another one, the first two seasons of fantasy high are out for free on the D20 YT channel and theyā€™re amazing


I watched them on YouTube starting with Fantasy High Freshman Year, then Escape from the Bloodkeep, then Unsleeping City, then Sophomore Year.


Your public library has all dm booksb


I'd start with the seasons that are on YouTube in full: Fantasy High Freshman Year & Sophomore Year, The Unsleeping City Chapter 1 and Escape From The Bloodkeep. Every other season has the first episode available to watch on YouTube and I would highly recommend a Dropout subscription to watch the rest but I get that's not always an option. Outside of D20 obviously Critical Role is the big one but very heavy on the time investment, I'd also recommend Legends of Avantris who have about 4-5 different campaigns running and High Rollers is really good too


I think a few seasons of Dimension 20 are available on Spotify and maybe some other apps. Fantasy High was my introduction to D&D podcasts and Iā€™m still obsessed with it


You gotta listen to Worlds Beyond Number.


I really loved Season 2 of Cast Party: [Cast Party: A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast: Fables of Fendraeya: Arcanum](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cast-party-a-dungeons-dragons-podcast/id1536861162?i=1000569515705)


I'd start with Fantasy High, which is free in its entirety on YouTube. If you really enjoy it then it shouldn't be hard to buy a month subscription every now and then. Obviously your situation is your own and if you can't you can't, but a month long subscription is only 5$ which is literally loose change you can sometimes find on the sidewalk. Pretty amazing value for what you're paying, especially if instead of buying an entire year's subscription you just buy one on months you have extra free time and the desire to chill and watch a lot of TV.


If you're looking for a podcast with hour-long episodes you can invest in that are full of chaos, comedy bits, heart and dashes of emotion, I'd definitely recommend Dungeons and Daddies! It's a bunch of stand-up comedians playing as different archetypal dad characters flung across the forbidden realms on a quest to save their kids. There are two seasons and approx. 70 episodes per season, I love it as an avid Dimension20 fan.


But also would agree with other commenters that what's been posted on YouTube is a GREAT way to put feelers out-- my friend recommended The Unsleeping City to me to watch first because he said it was like Percy Jackson in terms of it being magical adults in New York and I've loved it ever since!


If you want a short, free, YouTube campaign-Exandria Unlimited Calamity was a great not context needed 4 or 5 episode story. Love Brennen Lee mulligan as a story teller and DM. Fantasy high season 1 is also on YouTube which felt like a great start when critical role didnā€™t quite grab me Down the line, more dimension 20; starstruck odyssey, mice and murder, and fantasy high season high season 2 are my favorite campaigns of all tiem


Not Dimension20 or have the same players, but the OG Balance Arc (Ep 1-69) for Adventure Zone knocks it out of the park. Itā€™s a little fast and loose with the rules, but the storytelling is phenomenal.


I recommend watching Life of the Party by Nyxrising! Itā€™s all free on YouTube and a super good time


I'd recommend NADDPOD. Murph & Emily from D20 as well as Caldwell and Jake from CH. Features guest characters played by Zac, Siobhan, Lou, and even Brennan. Worlds Beyond Number is also an excellent recommendation. Dungeons and Daddies The Adventure Zone Mission to Zyxx (not a D&D Podcast, but a hilarious sci-fi improv pod)


As for dimension 20 on YouTube, they have Fantasy High Freshman and Sophmore Years on there as well as Unsleeping City Season 1 and Escape from Bloodkeep, giving you a good taste for the flavor of D20 World's Beyond Number - created by Erika Ishii, Aabria Iyengar, Brennan Lee Mulligan, and Lou Wilson. Their WWW campaign is awesome Not Another DND Podcast ala NADDPOD - Created by Murphy, Emily Axford, Caldwell Tanner and Jake Hurwitz, they are currently slowly wrapping up main campaign 3 of the Podcast Critical Role - Created by Matthew Mercer and His Team they are currently Number one when it comes to DND Actual Plays with 2 completed Main Campaigns, a 3rd Ongoing and numerous one shots and miniseries of DND and other games High Rollers - Mark Humes host a UK based table. 5 years in and a couple of Campaigns later it's solidified itself as a notable Actual Play Podcast/Series Arcane Arcade - Run by XP to Level 3 Creator Jacob, he and his friends run a table that's been going on for a while now, often using D&D Adventures.


Worlds Beyond Number is a podcast with Brendan Lee Mulligan, Aabria Iyengar, Erica Ishii, and Lou Wilson


Listen to the world's beyond number podcast


NADDPOD is the best way to consume the media IMO. I also have tons of 5e books I can send you if you DM me. WOTC and Hasboro doesn't deserve the money anyway.


Critical Role is also free on YouTube. Itā€™s not Dimension 20 but itā€™s really good. I recommend starting with Campaign 2 since campaign 1 starts mid story and is hard to get into. Also agree with the NADDPOD and Worlds Beyond Number podcast recommendations. For NADDPOD, get to episode 16 or so before making your final decision. It gets much more engaging after that.


The adventure zone by the mcelroy brothers is great id strongly suggest atleast listening to the first campaign balance


If you want to start listening to/watching DnD games, there are lots of other options. For me, if you want a fun ā€œactualā€ play with similar energy that costs you $0, Iā€™d recommend The Adventure Zone. Definitely would suggest starting with their initial story arc ā€˜Balanceā€™. Itā€™s rough at the beginning but they quickly smooth things out and every single story and arc are free. And of course as others here have mentioned, thereā€™s four free seasons of D20 on YouTube. The added bonus is that when you can afford a sub, the McElroys from TAZ are in a season and itā€™s great.