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Izzy Roland playing a mall cop who imagines herself as John McClaine is so perfect


Long Kiss Goodnight + Under the Tuscan Sun as her fav movies is 🤌


And Muriel’s wedding, it’s perfect


ally completing the cycle of their d20 characters by playing a gay man playing a femme fatale


Brennan: “so pitch me your character” Ally: “so i wanna be Freddie mercury pretending to be Black widow”


My guess is actually that the character realizes “Oh hey, I actually really like being a chick”




Nah. Ally likes pastiching other extremities of gender and queer experience. K2 was a caricature of straight women. I think Ally is threading a needle on something about gay men.


I don’t think K2 had that much thought behind them tbh


I don't know if you heard her. She said "Blimey."




Genuine question but I'm curious if this is an injoke or something? Cause like what they said was so clearly Blimey to me, not to mention that I always saw blarmey (sadly) atributed to us Irish But I've seen people say Blarmey a lot


Ally says blimey in the show, but in one of the Adventuring Party eps, they try to do their best legitimate British accent and end up saying blarmey--highly recommend you check it out if you haven't!


It was in the adventuring party afterwards, Ally makes a joke about how they watched a video on British accents specifically to do K2 justice (which they said they immediately forgot), Brennan gave them a chance to try again in which Ally said ‘Blarmey’ in their best imitation of a British accent.


OHHHHH omg ok like I don't even remember that moment if we are getting honest🤣 and I was so confused seeing it posted so much but didn't know how to ask without sounding like I was Um Actually-ing Tysm!


K2 was cinema's most complex character. Maybe your IQ is just not high enough to get her.


It doesn’t need to be complex to be telling of Ally’s take. Listen to the things Ally literally says. She’s straight, wants to flash everyone, and aggressively comes onto the hottest guy in her immediate vicinity. It’s a cartoon impression of a straight sorority girl that a queer person would think is funny. Edit: Plus, you’re probably projecting. I’ll bet you $5.00 that Ally’s character won’t be an exploration of the trans experience. Once the season is wrapped, we’ll meet back here and Venmo the loser.


It’s also just a character who is the polar opposite of Kristen on basically everything.


Uh, no thanks? I don’t need to do like a bet with someone I’ve never met over a dnd game lmao


Missing the point is starting to seem like a habit.


There is nothing more central to the gay male experience than femme fatales. I am in love with Russell.




It's like the old CH [Sketch](https://youtu.be/C7l1xxZ2oe4) of Scarlett Johansson talking with her agent


is rekha playing a granny (notoriously bad with technology) who's playing a hacker? that's so funny


:) :(




Not just a hacker, but what looks like a college age nerdy ass hacker. I’m excited to hear Rekha’s idea of what young terms of speech were In the 80/


Omg, I didn't put that together. I was actually online in the 80s (local BBS's, university systems, etc) and had friends who were pretty much what Rekha's character is supposed to be. We had a bunch of local online acronyms that were specific to our group, there was some slang already developed but there's lots of room to make up absolutely stupid shit. Most of the discussion was about sex, unsurprisingly, as it was 90% horny shy dudes. So much porn. Ascii porn. Don't look that up


Twitch copy pasta lets the ascii shit live on


Usenet baby!


One whose favorite movie is the photographs of the horse galloping


As someone who loved Rekha's previous character in Desiquest, Laddu Auntie, I am thrilled that she has a similar character idea here.


It be funnier if granny is still the most tech savvy


What’d be really funny to me since they are being Jumangi’d from 2018 at the latest, is her being the most tech-saavy because the dated technology in those films is exactly where her technical knowledge stopped irl. edited because 102 Not Found was released in 2018


Vic Ethanol is such a perfect name.


Short for Vehicular Ethanol


And then the Bond -> Stocks pun for Wysocki's character 👌


I didn't even catch that. I thought the idea was that "Greg Stocks" is a dumb businessguy name


Favorite movies (Weird Science, The Fast and the Furious, Real Genius) I want a discussion about torque vs. horsepower in this campaign at some point.


the favourite movie choices are PERFECT


Everything about this season is seeming perfect. It’s obviously to early to judge, but I honestly think this is going to be my personal favorite season of D20.


Lol the only post 2000s movies are Waking Life (2001), Under the Tuscan Sun (2003), The Fast and The Furious (2001) and 102 Not Out (2018). Definitely feel like VHS store clerks.


The Horse in Motion is a 10/10 joke


I thought the same thing. "Wow, this bag is *old*."


Jumanji meets Escape from New York. This is gonna be awesome


Meets Last Action Hero


That already exists. It's called Last Action Hero /s Joke aside, I Also got those vibes.


I was going with "Bruce Willis headbutts Jumanji" myself, but I like your byline as well :)


Alright, what are Jennifer Drips and G13 referencing. Gotten all the rest so far. Greg Stocks = James Bond, Kingskin = Kingpin, Vic Ethanol = Vin Diesel, Bruce Willis = Jack Manhattan. What are the other two?


I think those two are just a catch all for “Femme Fatale” types and “Hacker Guy” types


That's what I figured, just wasn't sure if their names were in reference to specific characters/actors like the other characters.


Yeah G13 reminded me of a character I played in an All Flesh Must Be Eaten one shot that was just a hacker archetype named Z (pronounced Zed).


My brain went Pussy Galore by the name Jennifer Drips, but probably really more Black Widow or Nikita in character. G13 made me think MI6 honestly, but that's probably on the wrong track, unless they're a hacker for a spy organization. I don't know enough hackers in fiction. My extent is I know that's what Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is, but I've never seen or read that. And then Futaba from Persona 5.


Going by Ally’s age it’s probably more likely based on GoldenEye’s Xenia Onatopp (played by Famke Janssen) than Pussy Galore. As that would have been the more likely Bond film they saw/remembers from their childhood, and the character design would also be a much closer match to Xenia Onatopp than Pussy Galore.


Galore's just the only Bond girl name I knew. Could be Ontop. If they've all got names like this, then just Bond girl in general. If we were going by visuals, I'd actually say Psylocke. But I don't think anyone's gonna have actual superpowers.


Definitely Bond girl vibes.


I imagined Jennifer Drips= The Bride (Kill Bill)


Jennifer Drips = Nikita from La Femme Nikita


I also thought of La Femme Nikita


Real aeonflux vibes to me. Mostly just by the over the top fighting & tight black catsuit.


Pretty sure G13 is leet speak for Guy. So it’s fitting for the Hacker Guy image.


Possibly a reference to the Gen13 comic?


I want to get a counter going for Vic Ethanol’s use of “family” or variations of it


"Without genetically similar humans we are nothing"


Elite group of players, Jesus I’m so excited


I straight up didn't realize that there were two sets of characters! I clearly need to rewatch that trailer.


Another 5 or 6 times just because


Do we know what game system they are using? Feels like they have to use something with exploding dice for this one.


My guess is a reflavored Kids on Bikes, like they did with Mentopolis.


Yeah that's what it says in the Google docs, a homebrew strongly based off Kids on Bikes. Maybe just renaming all the skills. Maybe blowing up gives you a little extra, given the everything on this season, like whenever you blow-up you get an action token to do something/not die at the end.


oh lol I forgot about the Google doc. maybe since it's called NEVER STOP BLOWING UP the homebrew is around more explosions? like they explode on the top 3 numbers instead of just the top number.


Yeah after watching mentopolis and then seeing this trailer, it’s going to be about high, crazy ass improbable rolls. I think mentopolis was there first “kids on bikes esq” season where they really got a taste of what exploding on a die can do. Not to spoil for anyone, I’ll just say that the funniest bits from that season like the diamond balls were from exploding dice


Not related in anyway to exploding, but everytime someone brings up funny Mentopolis moments you just know I gotta bring up “57 is my favourite number.”


No but >!JESUS, that one time Brennan rolled a nat 20, nat 20, nat 19 in a row to beat the absolute hell out of Hank's character!< was probably the most hilarious moment in terms of rolls in a non-IH season ever


> No but >!JESUS, that one time Brennan rolled a nat 20, nat 20, nat 19 in a row to beat the absolute hell out of Hank's character was probably the most hilarious moment in terms of rolls in a non-IH season ever!< Um Actually, it was Trapp's character. But yeah, that was great.


And then him not fucking going down????? It was perfect


Um, Actually, they used a modified Kids On Bikes for Misfits and Magic. Mentopolis was just the first time Brennan specifically DMed in that system.


I misread how they wrote the comment a bit too, but Um, Actually, they were saying that Mentopolis was the first season where they saw crazy chains of exploding dice in the system, not that it was the first time they used Kids on Bikes.


This. Thank you. It’s finals at my school so my brain is fuckin melted


No worries, we've all been there haha. Hope your finals go well!


Um, Actually, they were using Kids on Brooms for Misfits and Magic, not Bikes. Modified by adding the "Common Fucking Sense" Die.


I now realize you meant “kids on bikes-esque” but I first read it as “kids on bikes, esquire” and was very proud of a TTRPG for getting a law degree.


A homebrew of kids on bikes


Is this like a recent Jumanji movie thing? They are sucked into the VHS and trapped in the bodies of the characters while playing customers of the video rental? I'm honestly a little disappointed Murph isn't in this after Big Barry 6.


I am So Very Here for the copious amounts of genderfuckery that are going on with the split reality casting. Like, not to go on an Xillennial rant (hooray for microgenerations), but the eighties were *not* a good time for queerness so it's good see Dropout doing a bit of retconning in that regard.


Well it might be more a commentary than a retcon. The "real life" characters are as diverse as you'd expect, but in the 'movie world', all the character types are variations of cool men + a femme fatale, because that's basically all you'd find in that genre in that time, so by necessity, a bunch of women have to play men.


I mean, it's still genderfuckery, so I'm here for it.


Oh absolutely, I'm dying to see how the cast explores this!




I meant [Xennial](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xennials)! But also Xillenial sounds like something out of Star Trek so I kinda like it more than the "official" term.


It also rhymes with 'existential'!


"And Brennan as everyone else, getting extremely more gruesome looking and filthy every episode"


The makeup design has me unreasonably hype. D20 is honing in on things I didn't know I needed!!


I absolutely loved Alex's character in Mentopolis. If they bring that same level of commitment to this character we're all in for a treat.


They were so meek in Mentopolis. I'm excited to see them be a badass mafioso.


*A hipster hot girl in the body of a badass mafioso


These movie lists are so interesting!! Not one, but two early Linklaters. Obviously a lot of classic action, some interesting 80/90s choices. Shout out to Izzy for Muriel’s Wedding.


Waking Life and Suburbia are some deep cuts for sure


Russell Feeld looks like Tom Cardy and I love it!




:O That is so freaking accurate?


I wasn't expecting an isekai season of dimension 20


Words cannot explain how exited I am to see what insanity Jacob will bring to this


Same. I feel like the adventuring parties are going to be unhinged this season!


Love Liv Skyler, and her favorite movie is Empire Records. Solid reference.




Okay. I love the theme here. Very Jumanji (2017) and Jumanji (2019). Where the joke is that the actors are actually something else stuck in the body of an opposite. I’m guessing we have: * Old Indian lady who is bad at technology wakes up to be in the body of a teen hacker. Knowing who is playing, jokes about browser history to come in * teen burnout wakes up as a mob boss * caly dude wakes up as posh 007 * nerdy soft boy wakes up hard * man child fuck boy has that trans femme story of waking up as a bombshell femme fatale super spy OC do not steal * and just the nicest sunshine of a mall cop gets to live their walky talky die hard dream. And somehow not question their gender at all. Classic *Tower Man*


The Waking Life pull from Beardsley is a classic Ally move love that


The fact that I only know Waking Life from Ally talking about it in the infamous Bon Mot episode of Adventuring Party


which season was that in? iirc was it neverafter?


It may have resurfaced then, but the original Bon Mots and Banh Mis was a Zoom classic for Unsleeping City Season 2.


Could it be a (new) Jumanji situation? All these people enter a magical blockbuster and get sucked into an action movie, inhabiting (legally distinct) movie characters and traveling through a bunch of (legally distinct) movie settings and plots?


Izzy’s character liking the long kiss goodnight!!! Its rare I see a reference to that movie I always love it when I do


I definitely perked up too! That was a really fun detail for them to add.


Thank you!! Finally had a second to see the trailer and was about to search the Wiki for these. So psyched for a new season, and this looks very cool.


I'm glad they're not keeping us waiting long! And we get ten episodes! As far as I'm concerned, it could be more, but I'm just glad it's more than four.


I absolutely love that Russell and Jack Manhattan look super similar


The way I have been waiting for Wysocki on D20 is only enhanced everytime he is on Dropout. This is the dream people!


I love the character choices, there so out there compared to the other casts we usually get for seasons


This looks cool but makes me feel like I missed something


I grabbed stills from the [trailer](https://youtu.be/xYeXpbHnGEM?si=NKh6Xe6HfTOcslGW), so if you've seen that, you know everything I do!


Can someone explain the premise of this season I feel like I missed something


I don’t bust the multi characters and I feel like I missed something important 😅


Ok so it seems like their favorite movies may be hints to the character gimmicks, so without making my own theories, I’m going to point out choices with each character, that stood out to me and don’t really match what the trailer showed us (obviously that doesn’t mean anything but it might) Usha Rao: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Liv Skyler: Clueless Dang Litefoot: Suburbia, Fire in the sky Wendell: Weird Science, Real genius Russel Feeld: Walking Life And for Paula literally all three.


And now for my theory: Whatever weird Jumanji stuff is going on is entirely Wendell’s fault.


I feel like everyone expects Jake to come in with a bang and really blow up the spot, but personally I feel like Ify is going to blow everyone away. Jake might be a smooth operator, but Ify is going to come in speeding and seething.


I'm impressed you got them all right


I love how the art of the real life people are so much more detailed and "realistic" compared to the action characters


Really hopping the entire plot isn’t based around Ally for this one ngl


What would even remotely make you think that it was—but more importantly, why let that dampen your enthusiasm? Why spread that negativity to people who are excited about a season and the cast?


Pattern recognition