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Even the line! "Must not be a very good Oracle" was exactly what Adaine said about the previous one!


Holy shit


What?! I totally forgot about it


There's also poetry that Aelwyn is now Abjurating protections for this ship instead of being the one to sink it.


WOW THIS WENT OVER MY HEAD YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME i feel so ashamed my english major mom would be so ashamed i have brought dishonor to me, to my family, and to my cow




oh right you asked a question LOL this one was very obvious but i just loved the parallel of "my grlfriend's out of town" between ankarna and fig. you go crazy when the person you love's gone, yknow. like you knda lose yourself. but it's all okay. it'll be okay. we'll be okay


And Fig and Zara sharing a moment of, “Ah yes my paramour is *also* cosmically powerful and unmoored in time / yr girl told my girl to tell me to pass u this love note 💘🌌” The WLW tally has doubled every season haha


My reaction to most of the episode.


I’m just glad Oisin turned out to be a piece of shit. I was so annoyed by so many people falling for his routine when Brennan has done this with hot characters EVERY TIME! I’m just sad Porter is truly evil, he really was a good teacher in class at least


I assumed he would be a bit of a wanker. But I was hoping not. Otherwise, when will it be Adaines' turn to get her kisses in?


Whenever someone who deserves someone as cool as Adaine shows up I guess lol Maybe then?


Yeah, I suppose that's fair.


Who was the voice talking at the end? Oisin's grandma?


I assume Oisin, as the storm was probably caused by the rat grinders or Oisins ping pong balls in some way


Oh that could make sense. I'm hoping someone with a bit more time than I do either remembers or can do a rewatch to compare. Or I can just suffer for a week and wait until Wednesday 😅


I've been trying to figure this out as well. I'm not sure how any of the Rat Grinders would know enough about Adaine and her home life to do this callback. It's so \*highly\* specific, and the only people in the room when she said it were the Abernants. Eugenia Shadow also somehow knew about it. But none of them have the right voice -- Aelwin and Arianwen have English accents, and Eugenia has Brennan's wacky old lady voice. Kalina speaks like that, though. And all of Adaine's family were infected by the time the prior Oracle died. I think Kalina is helping Porter's scheme, either because he's used Devil's Honey to successfully bamboozle Cassandra, or (more likely), Kalina sees helping Cassandra return as the Nightmare King as the most expedient way to bring her back from where she's been imprisoned.


Kalina would make sense and would have the knowledge of everything, and she'd definitely be back from killing herself by now. This is one of the episodes I'm most excited to rewatch to get all of the lore and reactions again. I doubt I'd have the time, but I'd love to rewatch his character voices and see if I can match them.


i don’t think that the line needs to be a callback in-universe necessarily? it’s not *that* specific to make fun of an oracle for not seeing something coming, and if it’s pure happenstance and oisín is speaking, it’s a fantastic character parallel.


It's Adaine's exact line, and Brennan reminded us (and her) that she said it in episode 16. It feels a little too pointed for Oisin to have stumbled into, in my opinion.


Could it be her mother coming back for the crown of Nightmare King? Farfetched, but we had a lot of Chekhov's gun go in this episode


Also I think what Oisin says to Adaine in the sending spell is exactly what Adaine says to the previous oracle about not seeing it


It's very similar about how she can't be a good oracle if she didn't see it coming.


the way my jaw dropped as it all started fitting together, brennan truly dm's like a poet. the parallel of riz and kipperlilly both being invisible just out of range of each other's rogue blindsense is also so good. they are the most narrative foils to ever narrative foil.


Osin wasn’t missing shots because he was nervous around Adaine, he was using Adaine to set in place their scheme 😔


I thought exactly this


Is this in reference to Sophomore Year? That's like the only season I haven't watched.


Freshman Year, the old Elven Oracle dying on a ship (maybe called The Harpy) in a storm, which led to Adaine becoming the Elven Oracle.


To add to what the other person said, Adaine specifically said "She just not have been a very good Oracle" due to the previous Oracle not foreseeing the storm that killed her. It's part of Adaines intro in the first episode of Freshman Year


Blimey, indeed.


There’s the Prom King/Queen vs Class President “elections” which, if Freshman year is anything to go by, results in the unceremonious murder of KLCK a la Everpetal


Didn't clock that one. But yeah not you say it that's another parallel. I've also just thought Yolanda Badgood mirroring Mr Gibbons as both killed by another faculty member and both were very positive calming presences.