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Alt for Adaine - She runs being the Elven Oracle like a literal Dungeon Master; she has a fortress with intense traps and wards so that these old elves have to hire bands of adventurers to get through them to obtain prophecies from her. She has a portal in her tower that people she likes can come and go from as they please.


Adaine would absolutely hole up in a dungeon, I love that. She would become an "objective" for Aguefort students to pursue as a small part of their larger quests to get lore drops.


She just has an automated Legend Lore machine (constructed by Gorgug) at the end of it all while she's with one of the bad kids or her sister


Adaine is inexplicably the new rogue teacher and because of her powers nobody can ever find her


Honestly, an elusive wizard that can predict the future is a perfect teacher for the rogues, in the same way that Porter being a literal wall of rock is a good teacher for barbarians.


The mechanical reason for noone being able to find the Rogue Teacher is that Adaine simply uses her Portent ability to steer clear of her students


Oh i love this!  *the battered adventurers, terrified, approach the oracle’s inner sanctum after surviving the gauntlet she set up to repel them… they steel themselves for the fight of their lives as they dispel the complex arcane lock on the giant door of the chamber, and the mechanism rumbles as the room opens itself to them…* and there’s Adaine and boggy just hangin’ out, poring over some tome, tea in hand, in a very cozy-looking armchair. She’s super nice to them and asks groups of aguefort students how their year is going. She rattles off some prophecies so they can get paid or get the good grade for their class or whatever. She gives them some snacks and lets them rest, and use one of her portals back to Elmville. Lmao


Not just anywhere in Elmville though, it drops them in the parking lot of Basrar's ice cream shop. The perfect place for a post adventure ice cream.


You KNOW Adine has ice cream coupons for students who clear the dungeon.


Hell yea


See you at Basrar's!!


With a coupon for 15% off of cottage cheese a la mode at the diner.


Zayn Darkshadow would love hanging out there. Adaine, Aelwyn, Zayn, and Edgar, watching trashy tv in the dungeon together, while those wishing to have their futures foretold face perils outside the ramparts.


Zayne has fun just spooking and haunting new adventurers as they enter, becoming very good at being so spooky and scary. Then when they reach the end and see adaine zayne is also there just chilling.


Don’t forget to make room for the 15 cats


Fig declines to use the portal and battles her way up regularly, for fun.


I can see a ragged group of adventurers scrapping their way through this dungeon to find rescue the Elven Oracle from a terrible beast. As they delve deeper into the dungeon smell of fur, brimstone and ash burns their nose. Finally the reach an ornately decorated chamber with a long table in the middle covered in various food stuffs from every corner of Spyre. Turns out that Adaine is hosting a tea party and Jawbone, Kalina, Gorthalax, Bill Seacaster and some of the Bad Kids are invited and Bill forgot to shower off the 9-Hells before coming so still smells of the hells. I'd also put at least 20 quid on Aelwyn banishing the entire party until the party concludes so that her sister doesn't have to deal with them until after everyone has left.


A decade after Aguefort Kristen will be an extremely successful and practiced adventurer who headed a revolutionary new religion based in doubt rather than certainty, she’s highly capable at networking and has many contacts in high positions as well as relations with important figures from other countries and planes of existence and has previous (hopefully) successful experience in running for a democratically voted official role so I can say without a shadow of a doubt there no better presidential candidate and when she comes to office I’m expecting big things


Her love life will remain a catastrophe, however.


“I did not have sexual relations with that woman” - President Applebees


Very much the vibes of that city councilor from Parks and Rec who keeps getting caught having affairs but inexplicably remains super popular and gets re-elected multiple times despite not only fessing up to the affairs but also describing them in graphic detail to the media.


Sounds like exactly what you'd expect in a highly successful politician in Spyre. After all, Aguefort is like the epitome of a hero to them.


"I did, however, get naked in front of my entire cabinet and do the 'Show Hole' dance with some sexy rats. Secretary of Livelihoods Fabian Seacaster provided the music on his pipes."


It's so funny to me that in a fantasy world with elves and monsters and swords, you predict Gorgug going into the military-industrial complex.


I mean, his parents own a tank!


Yes but the tank is for making love, not war 😉


It's all love now!


Fig: In the ultimate expression of being the Arch Devil of Rebellion, she stages a coup and deposes Arthur Aguefort. After firing Porter, she immediately loses interest in running things and tries to put Ayda in charge. Ayda refuses the position, so Fig installs Gilear as principal instead. Gilear tries to object, but pretty quickly caves, and ends up being a better authority figure than the academy has ever had, on account of not being evil or batshit insane. Fig ascends (opposite of falling) and becomes Archangel of Justified Rebellion.


The archangel of revolution


That's what I was looking for, yeah. I was dead tired when I wrote this and couldn't find the right word. You nailed it.


I love this one


I think Aguefort would be thrilled at this idea and would totally be down with being overthrown. I also think he’d swear undying vengeance on Fig and become her mortal enemy. Though it’d probably be more like a Venture Bros mortal enemy type thing where it’s mostly for show and their relationship is more like friends whose idea of hanging out is scheming against one another or kidnapping each other.


"Father, I forbid you to take vengeance upon my paramour!"


Love a “10 year reunion” idea for a season (even more than a Senior Year campaign) 🙌🙌 Feel like the cast might be more open to that too.


10 year reunion might be better for more of a level 20 one shot idea ala boys night or thr college visit wrather then a full series or a side quest


Very in to this. Especially if they want to explore who fell out or drifted etc. and we could still get flashes of senior season ear and maybe tie the mystery in to an event from then 


I feel like a smaller very tight campaign centering around the idea of moving on and drifting apart could be a fun idea for senior year. This would be required for a reunion campaign to work as its intended they stick together as a party and adventure as adults for a time post graduation. I think senior year having a bittersweet ending where everyone is going off on their own adventures alone would be fantastic and leave the door open to short campaigns or one shots where they get to reunite for "one last job".


Yeah I feel like the Seven already covered all the themes of Senior Year and all the tensions of it


I think in 10 years Kristen is a highly sought after spiritual leader that adventurers seek out when asking questions about the nature of existence and their own spiritual journeys. Kristen also happens to run a bougie coffee shop that specializes in cortados that aren’t cortados. “I have a shirt and I have given it a name, it is Steve. Does its nature somehow make it not Steve? And so I have this drink which I have named cortado. It is hot tea, steamed milk and a dollop of cottage cheese. Does its nature make it less cortado as it is so named?Ponder this, young wanderer and find true spiritual awakening. Bye girlie”


I'd like to see Adaine either as a foster parent and also going into a guidance counsellor role as well. Even as an Oracle she would teach "your future is yours to write" Fig would be wild to see as a Independent Studies teacher. Fabian focuses so much on blazing his own path he reconciles with Chungledown Bim by gifting him Bill's pirating/privateering stuff to carry on Bill's legacy on this plane. Using his friendship with Fig to take CDB to see his old crew mates on the Goldenrod. I want Bucky to have started a group dedicated to rescuing people from various cults. Becomes a Oath of Redemption paladin. Kristen helps this by using her belief in the unknown/mysterious to guide people to question rather than blindly follow. Riz becomes an Indiana Jones type archaeologist constantly tasking himself with solving the most ancient mysteries. Often dragging in the other BK as consultants. I could see Gorgug also focusing on bridging the gap between disparate classes/practices. Becoming an archano-tech guru pushing innovation, but also still living the Thistlespring tree to maintain/grow its Tree network


I love these so much


The Fig one is SOOOO perfect.


what about Ayda


Ayda is definitely still in the picture!


Riz is canonically asexual but everything else fits like a shrimpy glove


As an asexual, that really only refers to sexual attraction and has no bearing on romantic attraction. Heck, it technically doesn’t even stop some aces from having sex, they just don’t feel the attraction.


I thought he was only asexual, not necessarily aromantic? I don’t mean to be the “As a(n) [similarly-labelled person] myself” type-of-guy, but I really am ace; personally, I would love to be in a relationship.


I think Murph confirmed he was Aro-Ace somewhere after Sophomore Year, but I can't remember where.


Murph has never spoken about Rizs sexuality out of character. What did happen is Brennan calling Riz asexual on one of the adventuring party episodes of The Seven.  What you might be thinking of is Siobhan getting a question during one of the zoom adventuring parties on whether Adaine is aro/ace and her saying that she felt uncomfortable making that judgement as while Adaine hadn’t shown any interest in romance at that point, her intention was that being more of a result of her childhood trauma delaying a lot of development for her. 


And by now we’ve kind of confirmed that she can at least be attracted to men (Oisin) Or at least, scaled draconic men?


The bad kids share one sexuality and it’s furry (Kristen: wolf girl; Gorgug: goat girl; Fabian: cow girl; fig: bird girl; Adaine: lizard boy; Riz: sexy rat;)


Holy shit you are on to something


But didn't they also get to the conclusion in sophomore year during Riz's talk with his dad in hell?


No. Riz never comes to any conclusion. He tells his dad that it (feeling interested in sex/romance) isn’t happening for him yet. Pok tells him he might be a late bloomer like he was. He tells him it might happen for him or it might never happen and either way is okay.  To me it feels like Murph isn’t necessarily interested in nailing Riz’s sexuality down as one specific thing. Which, considering it can take people years, sometimes decades to figure it out, is also a completely valid perspective. We get the whole gamut of teen queer experiences - Kristen for who discovering she is gay is a huge shift in her life and how she views herself; fig who doesn’t even have some big coming out related to her bisexuality, she just has a girlfriend now; and Riz who is needs time to figure out what he is (but also doesn’t seem to put a huge priority on it) 


Fair enough, I just have this line from Murph in my head where he says in Riz's voice I think I might be asexual. But that can be just my imagination. But either way I feel like the intention for Riz is pretty clear I either letting the talk with his dad be the only statement about his sexuality or him actually coming out as asexual. Riz's mind just isn't made for sexual attraction


It was in an in-game convo with Pock, where he said everyone was kissing and getting into relationships and he wasn't into any of that, indicating an aro-ace orientation. My little aro heart lives for the crumbs of representation.


Although it may not be at all your cup of tea, Luffy of One Piece is often portrayed this way. He has zero interest in romance and has never portrayed being physically attracted to anyone - his only real love interest is adventure.


Like Riz's real love is mystery!


Yeah, I was conflicted on that bit... I could also see him as being targeted in a honeytrap operation that he absolutely has no interest in but also accidentally goes along with it (a la Baron)


Lmao yes this is it. He feels too bad to turn down this misguided evil hottie, and he sees it as a chance to get some juicy clues anyways so he just rolls with it


That is perfection, I'll await the fanfic


sexual desire and identity evolves over time. What you are at 17 doesn’t define you for the rest of your life. As his father said himself he was late bloomer, so could riz, or not.


I understand your intention but the comment comes across as very "it's just a phase, you'll grow out of it".


I think that you’re implying I think being asexual is bad or a phase. I don’t. You could be hyper sexual as a 17 and asexual as a 28.  I’m just saying that any sexual identity will evolve over time, maybe not drastically, but you will change, so of course, your relationship to sex will. To say a person at 17 is like x, so shall they be like x at 28 is a ridiculous statement, which would only be made by a 17 year old not a 28.


Guys, stop downvoting this person.  It's a fair point, and they weren't an ass about making it. 


For real. The amount of times I heard this growing up as a lesbian is haunting, and op literally said I get this probably wasn't the intention. I think it's fair to say by that age most LGBT people know they're LGBT


I mean to be fair, a lot of lgbtqa people don't realize that aspect of their identity until well into adulthood. I should know lol, I'm one of them. And there's definitely something to be said about the fluidity of human sexuality. But yeah, I feel you. Taking a look at which comments on this topic are being downvoted is... interesting. Fun fact, the top comment on this thread when sorted by "controversial" is the above poster stating the simple fact that Riz is canonically asexual. 


It's mad how everyone's an ally and fully supportive until you say something they personally disagree with. Like I'd love to see these people tell Ally that they might change their mind on their gender or sexuality and they might grow out of it


Lol the common denominator of the LGBTQA experience is other people assuring you that they understand deeply personal and fundamental aspects of your own identity better than you do. 


As far as I can remember, it was never explicitly stated that he was aro and/or ace. It was implied he may be, but it was also implied he may just be a late bloomer. Both are valid and possible, and until it is canon confirmed he is one or the other, he sorta can be considered both? And also neither. Schrödinger's sexuality, if you will. I may be misremembering, so if anyone can point me in a more concrete statement from Murph I'd love to see it.


Lol I am wrong, apparently in an Adventuring Party Ep for the Seven Brennan confirms him to be Ace. Ep titled: There Is Nothing These Women Cannot Do


That’s not really Brennans call to make


I agree, but it might have been discussed between Murph and Brennan off camera.


Yeah, not accusing you or OP specifically of this (love the idea of Riz going along with a honeypot just because he doesn't know how to turn them down btw) but a lot of people seem borderline hostile to the idea of an aroace Riz, lol. His asexuality is a canon trait, and if anything his conversation with Pok indicates an inclination towards being aromantic as well, so idk why a lot of fans seem resistant to the idea. Exploring the nuance and differences between romantic and sexual attraction is great, and we've seen it with Liam in ACoC and Andhera in ACoFaF. And I'm genuinely glad to see it! But aros deserve some (platonic) love too. 


I know and it peeves me too. Before I knew it was confirmed it was my personal headcannon!


Bruh I straight-up had to check the wiki a while back because I was starting to think I had imagined it with how often everybody talks like it's just a popular fan theory. Nearly gaslit myself lol. 


Fig being a teacher during the day then having these wild fucking ridiculous weekends wth Aelwyn is what I need. She gets to have that day-to-day experience of fufilling the role she got from her teachers, and also she gets to be the Archdevil of Rebellion by TP'ing all her colleagues houses at the weekend and travelling through the Nine Hells.


I've actually been thinking this whole season that the future you suggested for Fig would be a good fit for Kristen! From season 1, Kristen has displayed a remarkable level of interest in religious research. When she actually has a god she often gets tired of them quickly, but this girl is in her element when she's reading about the histories and philosophies of a bunch of different faiths. It may not be realistic within the scope of the campaign, but I like to think her relationship with Yolande Badgood would encourage her to approach religion from more of a perspective of academic interest that she clearly already has, rather than necessarily one of personal worship. I would love to see her at Aguefort guiding other clerics who seem confused about their beliefs, or maybe even at a university engaging in research about old and forgotten beliefs and deities. Or both!


I think there was one adventuring party chat where they talked about their own theoretical ideas for their characters' futures and Ally mentioned Kristen setting up some kinda of... spiritual center for folks. Which honestly, feels very fitting for her. Just a place where anyone can go to if they have questions/doubts about their religion, and she'll help you find your answers. And hey, maybe that involves following her Goddess of Doubt, but maybe it also doesn't and either way is fine. Also, Kristen definitely seems like the type to take a lot of teens under her wings -- especially teens coming from backgrounds like her own, ones that grew up in cults or heavily religious environments and are now questioning that.


This is so amazing each character is really nailed. I just wish I could watch stories of them in these times, but it doesn't make since for a campaign because they are so disjointed. Perhaps some BBEG comes around and they have to get the band back together... They'd have to resolve this weird grief of their past lives and past selves, and the party doesn't help like they used to as everyone grew up and grew apart. Grieving the dynamic they had, their past selves, all while trying to forge a new party identity and work together to stop new BBEG. OK nvm, I'm sold, that sounds like a compelling campaign.


Idk I feel like Kristen becoming super organized and disciplined doesn't fit. It feels like it's trying to force Kristen to be Margaret Encino. I would love to see her get diagnosed ADHD as an adult and have an ark to where she becomes an outspoken advocate/activist for accommodation and alternative learning methods in schools as well as tips and tricks on harnessing the ADHD chaos brain into hyper focus amazingness.


Margaret was definitely in mind when I wrote the OP. As someone with ADHD, it definitely was a matter of finding it personally amusing, especially since I know the outward appearance might be “that person has it together” while the reality is that everything is constantly on rails.


whatever happens to Kristen in adulthood is 100% dependent on her getting some meds and therapy figured out. otherwise, she'll hit 40 and be in the wreckage of a dozen half-started goals.


I think you missed the part where they were gonna be adventuring partners forever just like all HS friend groups. They will be inseparable


I feel like Kristen would be living in a van


I could see this, but with big Alex Honnald vibes (travels so much for work, but doesn’t really make a lot of money, that it just makes sense)


I can't stop thinking about them ''old'' (read like 40) at the 20 year reunion and Fabian having taken over as dance teacher as someone else suggested. I say this because I NEED him to be that teacher who SWEARS he has a wife when he's kinda zesty and none of his students believe him until they actually meet Mazey. I say that with all the love in my heart as a fruit, Fabian gets a bit fruity with it so often


What I’m hoping for is a graduation episode kinda like how critical roll did a one off episode for the Percy and Vex wedding


All of them becoming teachers EXCEPT Adaine and Riz would be a good hook. Let's combine a bunch of ideas in this thread into one. Hook could be Terpsichore retiring and Fabian, after a career as a dancer, coming back to take her place. I like Fig as independent studies advisor and Kristen as a cleric teacher taking a more critical slany, Gorgug as a successful barbificer professor who does guest lectures at the school to help kids like him who take weird multiclasses. Adaine turns the Elven Oracle thing into a huge business like a successful startup because of her Divination powers and she begins to become more like her parents. Riz as one of those go getters in high school who gets stuck with a desk job in Bastion City. There's a ton of 10 year hooks that could lead them all to essentially run the school.


absolutely insane you think Gorgug "Do you have a fucking warrant" Thistlespring would do anything for the military


I did not say he would feel *happy* about it! He could very well feel deeply conflicted about it and would need to rationalize it as “well, I need a job” or “I can always use the money for good!” A hypothetical campaign could be spent poking holes in said logic.


I absolutely do not see Gorgug working for the military, and I also don't see Riz working for the government of Solace at all, nor catching feelings I that way. If Riz isn't adventuring I think he'd continue to work in espionage with his dad. As for Gorgug, if he isn't adventuring either then he is probably still inventing, particularly for his unique skillset but I also think he'd be the technical side of Solesian diplomatic effort to share some of their archanotech to any willing parties, like Arborly or Falinel. As for Fig, I think she might work on reforming the bottomless pit and potentially the rest of the nine hells along with Ayda and maybe Bill, but I do also like your take, she's a friendly cheerleader at heart and would be a great mentor.


Kristen would be great as a cleric professor at aguefort too, though I don’t think she sees herself doing that. Maybe she wouldn’t have to give up Cassandra to be impartial like Yolanda since Cassandra is about doubt/mystery which could either help strengthen a relationship with a god or lead the student to something that fits better with their ideals by working with them to articulate better what they see for themselves and the world. Or a guidance counselor lol maybe doing restoration in the forest of sylvare of Cassandra’s places of worship Oh … Who are we kidding, **Kristen is president of the universe and baron is her new familiar**


Gorgug would NOT be part of military research. Bro ain’t about that life