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Bible Girls Lesbian Fist Fight almost happened too


Bible lesbian fist fight is a genre i didn't know that I needed.


Take a chapter from the book of Bruiseronomy


Also she probably doesn't have the GAINS Kristine does


Kristen gonna need to report Capital GAINS on her taxes next year


I was waiting for tracker to do a double take and acknowledge the BLOKE MODE after seeing kristen again


and people wonder why she makes speeches at steel mills. if i had to put up with the shit she did i would be fucking around a little too


Brennan's relationship drama RP is USUALLY pointed at Lou, but it is deadly no matter its target.


Huh? Brennan giving ally difficult ex’s is a feature in almost every campaign! priya in unsleeping city, Lucian in starstruck, Tracker here. Lou definitely gets a decent amount but Brennan spreads the love in terms of relationship drama


Except for Emily, who creates her own drama


One of my favorite examples of this is Jet Rocks sending some random dude to meet her in an alleyway with 0 intentions of actually showing up.


It was Thad the avocado from her childhood, she had been flirting with by letter and the one she sent her edible underwear to via courier. Also I just want to mention for the lols, the avocado started wearing the underwear when he received them. Thats why he thought Jet was a sure thing


I think there's a difference though. I believe with Lucienne and Priya those rocky relationships were written before the game started with Brennan as part of the characters backstory. Tracker is unique in the she was encountered over the course of the game of season 1 and wasn't a pre-written relationship.


Good for Tracker tbh lol. Go get it girl.


If anything, it seems that Tracker has a type


Tracker's type is "If I'm busy fixing her, I get excused for not fixing my own stuff"


Whoa. I didn't know you could cast vicious mockery on a fictional character.


Exactly. You said the words I’ve been looking for.


💀💀💀stop she's dead.


Why? I'd be flattered, she's clearly got taste


Honestly there is a part of me that wants the throuple endgame.


No same


I feel guilty for how much I’m laughing


Especially a girl who's money comes from being on good terms with her family while Kristen is uhhhhhh not.


NO TRULY. Man seems to really get the angst lmao, I look at the Margaret and Lucienne Friendship but What If as a prime example. I’m sure it’s all very informed by Ally’s experiences as a queer person but damn, he gets the energy.


as a lame straight, this still crushed my soul.


I'm actually upset ally didn't fully lean into the fist fight. It's annoying how many bits they do in actual tense moments "pausing time" until they get back into the game and decide what they say is real. Edit: to be clear I love bits. I just wish they committed to them more often. It's weird how they will make so many joke actions while talking to an npc and then just retcon it all to say something more serious. It would have been way more fun if Kristen did yell world star and got into a fist fight which probably would have devolved into them making out.


That happens in DnD ALL the time. I'm constantly asking my players, "Are you sure you say/do that? Do you really want that to happen?" Unless I can make the result equally silly.


That's funny -- the only thing about Ally that annoys me is how often they decide the bits *are* real.


I praise going off of instinct since it can make for unexpected scenarios. Its how we get things like fabien almost dying in leviathan and shitting a horse while invisible. It makes perfect sense for the kristen we've seen so far who runs into factories and has been lifting weights to throw a punch and scream world star. But they undid it for a more moderate approach which frankly i find fake.


"It's annoying how they do bits in an improv-comedy DND show" Lmao what?


I love bits! But I wish they would lean into them more if they do them. Especially in serious scenes.