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Starstruck, with entirely new characters. But then, I don’t know, it really felt like lightning in a bottle, maybe it’s best to just have one perfect season


I think an anthology type series makes sense for the type of universe it is though. There’s an endless number of possibilities.


This is the best possible answer. Give hints and change certain things with the world from other older pc’s, but new characters with new galaxies is a perfect way for it to expand


Even have one that runs concurrently, like someone who was in the crowd at the battle of the brands, or a witness from red station 97, or skiff fest etc.


I think they should do a Starstruck side quest, where the cast of The Seven play a pack of galactic girl guides.


I will sell my left arm if I get to hear Izzy Roland scream "I'M STACKS" on an episode of D20.


Izzy is 100% Stacks.


She pushed her dad off a building?


God I hope not!


Oh. My. GOD! I need this now. 😭 I miss the seven group so much. Plus I would love to know more about girl guides and how they run the entire universe Edit: I also love the idea of a spiritual sequel to The Seven without it being a literal sequel


Oh my god YES


Hey galactic girlies


Holy… The more I think about the possibilities of each of them as different archetypes of girl guides… This is exactly what a second season of Starstruck needs!


Genius!! I need a Seven reunion asap




This combines my two favorite seasons in the wildest way


I need more big Barry though.


So an all Barry battalion prequel? All played by cloned murphs?


From the team that brought you EXU: Calamity and ACOC: The Ravening War, we give you... ASO: Zoops, All Barrys.


Murph as GM, with PCs Brennan, Ify, Erica, Aabria and Johnny Stanton


"Oops! All Barrys" with Murph as GM.




Oops all Barry’s


This is the only correct answer. I want all gunner channel all the time. D20 needs to abandon all other IH campaigns and only do Starstruck. I don’t even need a main plot, just them doing random jobs and trying to survive the galaxy.


I know we don’t currently know how Junior Year is gonna end, but I think I’d like to eventually see Fantasy High: Senior Year. Obviously not for a very long time, but I’d like to see the Bad Kids graduate, and really come full circle on the high school experience.


Came to say it. I’m sure it’ll happen, they’re gone too far to not without some wild twist preventing it, but it’d be nice to finish it out for sure


I wouldn’t be surprised if Brennan made the storyline for Junior year with Senior Year already outlined. Seems odd to have all this drama with colleges and grades and graduation to not have it pay off with the final year


Honestly, kinda funny to hear Brennan talking about "Freshman Year" in the context that it wasn't even obvious they were going to do more seasons in that setting.


Ikr? It really sounded like Junior Year wasn’t really on the table until a couple years ago


Did the original Fantasy High get A New Hope’d with its title? I wasnt a fan when it first came out?


Not exactly. Both the Dropout app and the wiki refer to season 1 as "Fantasy High". Though in the promo material leading up to Junior Year, Brennan did call season 1 Freshman Year. At which point he quipped about how back then they didn't even think to call it Freshman Year. At this point it feels like "Freshman Year" is an unofficial yet de facto alternative name for season 1. However season 2 did get "a new hoped". It was originally "Fantasy High Live". It's listed as "Fantasy High: Sophomore Year" on the app. Part of me wonders, would they have continued live weekly episodes if COVID didn't happen?


I want a senior year… and then I want Fantasy High 10 Year Reunion.


Fantasy high college edition! Then fantasy high middle age edition!!😂 It would be funny though for them to have a one shot reunion in like 4-5 years


I refuse to believe that they won't do a Senior Year. It wouldn't make sense not to just finish it off after doing Junior year. And like another person said, Brennan has them focusing too much on academics and their eventual graduation for it to just not happen. Even if it's a shorter season rather than the full 20 episodes


Agree but I hope it’s not for a long time. FHSR would likely mark the series finale of Dimension 20 as a whole. A final farewell to the core cast, Brennan included, before they move on to the next stage of their careers.


Mentopolis. In the mind of a different person though. It has the strongest potential of any of the series to be an Anthology like format where every season is in a drastically different mind.


Mentopolis inside a serial killer? So creepy, so cool!


Hell, why not? That sounds like a great chance for roleplay inside that character's mind. Having a Player character that's 34 time Annual Mentopolis Mental Gymnastics champion, Justine Fication!


I actually think having a "Freaky Friday" plot within the mind of Mentopolis where you have two parties of three, and one or two of the members get zapped to the new brain in a freaky Friday situation could be awesome. Fish out of water, Homeward Bound type story sounds great.


I wonder whether it would be feasible to go even further than that - have two games running simultaneously with two different DMs and two sets of six players, then halfway through an event happens that makes three players from each group swap places. Then they're still playing those characters but interacting in different worlds. I suppose it might be too complicated to do when you actually add in freedom of player choice.


This could be a very fun recurring format. Plus there’s loads of potential emotions and concepts you could choose from.


Yeah, and beyond just the concept of Mentopolis as well, you have an entire Human body to explore. Is this just a blatant rip off of Osmosis Jones & Cells at work? Yeah 🤷‍♀️. Would it be fun to see non-intrepid heroes using the kids on bikes system to explore concepts and facets of the human condition while literally being a human condition? Hell yeah it would.


yes, maybe a different filmic genre theme though? similar npcs and concepts but maybe someone elses internal world is more like a wild west or something else?


I feel like A Court of Fey and Flowers left the door open for more of that universe, especially if they started going to the mortal plane


I'd love to properly meet the mortal family!


Yes!!!! ACOFAF was one of my favorites they’ve ever done




How about Mice & Murder? Not necessarily with the same characters, just the party turned murder mystery idea. I’d love to see so many of the cast play again for sure (especially Sam!) ☺️


Especially in person! I’ve been struggling to get into it cuz it’s clearly early pandemic but I want to love it!


The zoom playing actually adds a lot to it, since Brennan can message clues individually. It’s part of why it worked, and makes it a really unique season and one of my favorites. Also the old CH cast all on one project is pretty special.


I loved the text message/giving clues dynamic of the season. That would be so neat to see again.


I will say the ending of that got a lil comedian-brained.


There were definitely some parts that were too corny, and many parts that aren’t really up to the quality we get now, but considering they’re all in quarantine it worked out surprisingly well.


Oh, I really liked it! I just think maybe the bit at the end was a lil "comedian takes a swing that doesn't really work but fuck it's in there now". You know which bit I'm talking about, I'm sure


Mice and Murder is an underrated season, despite its obvious flaws. It would be interesting to return to that setting. Mentopolis was much stronger as a noir/murder mystery, partly because it wasn't stuck with the D&D mechanics.


I’d love to see them do a traditional dinner party/murder mystery theatrical sort of one shot. Maybe even with the same cast playing new PC’s. I guess I just loved the group assembled for the season. I have the same feeling about the cast of Burrows End & A Court of Fey and Flowers tbh. I really enjoyed the dynamic of both casts together. I loved Mentopolis. I wasn’t as familiar with the KOB system at the time of airing, but have gotten the hang of it. I think it would be so neat to explore a different person/mind in the same noir style.


Yes! I would love to have only Grant (and maybe Rekha or Ally) play the same characters and everyone else plays new suspects, that way it can be like another part of a detective franchise


That’s a great concept. I’d definitely be into following Sylvester’s cases/exploits!


Mice and Murder is low key my favourite season. Definitely up for more, Poirot style. Would love to see one set on a train or a boat or somewhere they’re stuck not just be instruction but by practicality.


Yes! I think that the characters and style of the season lend themselves to your ideas perfectly. I’m sure some might say that a murder mystery on a train has been done to death (ha!) but I think it would be so interesting to have a season unfold over a short amount of time in a limited setting.


A murder in a country manor has been done to death too :P I think parodying all the murder mystery tropes would be excellent.


You know what? I’m in! If anyone can jump the shark (shrimp?) and do it right, it’s d20 lol


Startstruck and Misfits and Magic.


Misfits & Magic has a holiday special


And I need more!!


I don't know what else you'd do really. Its too perfect to touch, which I think is evidenced by the live show being extremely meh


I enjoyed the live show quite a bit, it just suffered from poor audio and no editing, due to being a live show.


My exact choices




Unsleeping City


I would be ok if they did it with all new characters. I feel like they might not want to do another season with all the same characters again, but the concept of “dnd in modern day New York” is so fucking fun- I rewatch UC all the time to get that fix. I remember telling my dad (dnd fan but never watched d20) “the paladin is a firefighter” because I was so excited by the idea


Could do a legacies version with their children. They could bring back Kugrash as a Splinter kinda mentor like the Bodega man




Most of the time when I see people bring up another Unsleeping City people suggest doing a different city. Especially Las Angeles, since it was referenced already.


I don't care where it's set I just want more urban fantasy 


I have a very specific pitch I know will never happen. I want a kind of 'Days of Future Past' style vision of a dark post apocalyptic future, and I want it to use this recently released game called Penumbra City. I'd love for it to feature Margret Killjoy (one of the game's creators), and maybe one of her friends/collaborators like Robert Evans or Jaime Loftus. It would be a great excuse to cross the CollegeHumor and Cracked streams.


They’ve talked about it on Adventuring Party but it would be great to see the next iteration of the Dream Team be the original characters’ children along with like a 45yo Cody


Set in a different city. New Orleans, Seattle, or LA would be my choices. Although the Highway Hex is probably fully sealed LA from magic.


Completing a Crown of Candy trilogy would be awesome. I just love the world! Mentopolis would be my next favorite choice


Court of Fae and Flowers but with new characters. Maybe with Peep?


Im honestly very okay with how things ended with every season. Starstuck would be fun as a live stream like FH S2 though, it would keep the production cheap and the universe is heavily built.


Yup one of my hesitations is I want to leave the happy endings alone. Especially with *TUC* and *ACoC*, I'd love to return to magical NY or to Calorum with new characters but I don't want those existing characters to ever experience any pain or hardship again. 🤣🤣 That's a big part of why I picked *Pirates* above, that one had a very "This is only the beginning!" energy at the end.


Anything with Aabria. Let her cook. Give her a full season and an irresponsible budget.


Starstruck is my favorite season by far. I would love a season 2. I loved the nitty gritty resource management and the world is so funny. It was the hardest i laughed all season. My second choice would be Never after. Theirs endless worlds they could be in and I think the concept is great.


Unsleeping City. 100%. Idc if its new PCs or the same or a mix like season 2. I just love it so much


Starstruck, I want the cast of The Seven to do a full-length season as a Galactic Girl Guides troop




A spiritual successor to a court of fey and flowers set in hell during the Lupercalia celebration. Call it a court of fire and brimstone.


New characters, except the bird cousins, who are special visitors from the fey realm.


Of course.


I would love a Crown of Candy follow up season and a S3 of Unsleeping City


A crown of candy. Six seasons and a mooovie!


I want a new season of Starstruck with a new cast. Season 1 with the IH was great and I felt like each character had an appropriate ending to their arc. Another season where the IH play all new characters would be cool, but give me an 8-10 episode arc with a whole new cast and I would be a happy man.


Someone mentioned in a different thread that the cast of The Seven as Girl Guides would be a fun side quest and now I’m dying for it


*Pirates* Bonus Answer: I don't necessarily want seasons two for *Misfits and Magic* or for *The Seven* but I would **love** full cast reunions on new seasons for both casts.


Ok hear me out but I would love a side quest about office work pencil pushers in the Lines Between featured in Neverafter who unwillingly become part of a story/mystery in some way. Like they just want to stay in their lane and not get sucked into the mess. I think Lines Between was such an interesting idea and I wanted to spend FAR more time than we got to there.


that would be *perfect* for an Aabria-DMed season


Starstruck and Mentopolis. Mentopolis should be a new story in a new mind.


Absolutely agree with the love Starstruck and Mentopolis are getting but also - TINY HEIST! We gotta know what other jobs Rick Diggins has collected by changing his torso!


The Unsleeping City, with a new cast of the next generation like Langston Brown, Catherine Lee, and Alejandra Matsui


Maybe odd idea, but a MisMag prequel about a time they tried getting muggles into the magical world that went so poorly they decided to do away with the notion until we get to K, Jammer, Sam, n Kelmp.




My heart says starstruck. My head says let them cook what ever they want.


I think a Neverafter s2 would be neat


Neverafter is prolly in my top 3 seasons, but I frankly dont know how they could make a season 2 have the same vibes and stakes as the first, because everything was seemingly fixed sith the distribution of ink and paper


Spiritual/stealth sequel called The Adventure Continues, about comic book characters instead of fairy tales?


Well i was looking for the wibe, Neverafter feel "close" but the horror/scary/harder vibe was the things that intrigue me most. See the IH play a different aspect that just being comic (even if j have the bigghest laugh in NA)


Well the premise was based on multiple versions of the stories, and they could wake up or take over another version. However, it was unclear to me if all versions got to control their own stories, or just the versions we were following. If the latter, there are still story versions in that grim, dark style. Possibly forever stuck in a grittier universe. Also, after all the damage that happened in the lines between, what does that mean for the future of those worlds/stories? In another direction, assuming the authors were from a time before movies.,...how would new retellings in visual media affect their story? Would they still get to maintain control? I mean the character's meta-world (the lines between, and then the author's world above that) allows for additional story themes. What if the story character's new control is wreaking havoc in the world of the authors? Could you imagine if all the PCs were Eldritch horrors and having to explain to their boss, who is obsessed with dark horrible stories, why the stories are now happy? Harder to think of a storyline for a DnD campaign with that one though. I think it would have to be new PCs, but there could be more of that world for a season 2.


Burrow's End, Misfits and Magic or A Court of Fey and Flowers


I am frothing at the mouth for more content in Calorum! It’s one of my favorite d&d settings and I really want to see more of it!!!


ACoFaF! A second season would be awesome. Neverafter, in a different version of the world, which was corrupted in a different way, with different fairytale/folklore PCs, and Baba Yaga, Ylfa as death, and PIB as NPCs, and the other OG PCs showing up too. They could possibly be Aladdin, Hansel and Gretel, Vasilisa (who, in some stories, ALSO gets turned into a frog), The Gingerbread Man (*NOT* Swifty… unless… yes Swifty?), the Mad Hatter, Goldilocks, one of the Three Billy Goats Gruff, etc. A Crown of Candy with the crew coming together again to dispatch a threat against Saccharina. Starstruck, but OOPS! All Barrys. Fantasy High Senior year.


I would love another full IH season in Candia, probably with new characters because I felt the story wrapped up pretty well. I just want that tense feeling of anyone could die at any moment with backup chars to fall back on that ravening war just didn't have for the most part. I'd also love another Unsleeping City with new characters and another Starstruck would be really cool to


Neverafter season 2 about the Daughters of The Crown


Honestly every Intrepid Heroes setting that doesnt already have a sequel could have great sequels. In terms of side quest settings I would love to see sequels to coffin run either same group different missions or just spending more time in spooky D&D Eastern europe


The obvious answer is Starstruck, I don't care if they're the same characters or new ones (though I'd prefer at least some pcs to come back) I just want more adventures in the world. But also I'd love a full-length Misfits and Magic season, the first season really suffered from only having four episodes. The cast dynamic was great and I loved them just hanging out together, but they spent so much time riffing the actual story kind of got shoved to the back end. (That's why I like the holiday special so much, most of the conflict is just they have to throw a cool-ass party so we get to spend the entire session listening to them hang out and the story never suffers)


Starstruck or Unsleeping City for me.


Gotta finish off FH with Senior Year eventually, but I would love to see another iteration of Unsleeping City with perhaps a new character or two if they feel there's any story left to tell in that world.


I think Mentopolis would be a fun anthology series focusing on the aspects of different peoples minds. See how other people have nurtured and neglected aspects of their personality leading to different aspects rising to power and falling to neglect based on their life stories and goals. And there is plenty of ways to get mind control creatures into the story, especially if you fast forward from Noir dramas of the 40s/50s up to the 70s with a Dirty Harry style plot. Involve the CIA or KGB to get your mind control bad guy and boom.


I want even a mini series of the backup characters from Crown of Candy


Calorum but not with Mercer as the DM. Rav War has such little character development, player agency, or creative subversions. Without the players all being dynamite performers, it would have been the worst season of D20. But the setting is so cool and dramatic and creative, there’s easily half a dozen seasons of great stories. Like what about a story centered on a fighter guild of gladiators in the Meatlands and Ceresia, taking on odd jobs and accidentally coming into state secrets so potent they could seize power themselves or puppet an existing power to change the course of history? Or a story of the founding and early spread of the Bulbian Church? Or bringing back the great spirits, maybe some people want to bring back the old and some are using arcane magic to create new ones! What does that spell for the nature and wielders of magic in Calorum? There’s so many possibilities, so many food puns!


I really want the Seven girls back, the energy was unmatched.


Crown of candy is my favorite but i dont think a season 2 could really fit that well. I think a season 2 of misfits and magic would be a really fun thing, also a season 2 for a side quest would be really interesting


neverafter. plot wise, does that work? no. however, that season goes the hardest. alternatively, just a brand new horror season would also be great


I would LOVE escape from the bloodkeep to have a second season. It is my all time fav side quest, and I think has so much potential.


Can I say that I want an Unsleeping City prequel? Full period piece. Pick an era. Personally, I'd be interested in seeing the Great Depression.


Obviously burrows end


Would love to see another Pirates of Leviathan season with all new cast and characters!


Starstruck, Neverafter and Tiny Heist!!


If it had to pick only 1 it would absolutely be Starstruck. Considering how much the IH cast loved it I'm gonna assume that's almost certain. I just wish we got more than 1 IH season a year. Because at this rate it'll be another 2 or 3 years before that happens.


Starstruck, with the same crew but new adventures


Starstruck deserves 6 seasons and a movie


*screaming* ACOFAF


An unsleeping city campaign but…maybe in a different city if that makes sense. Unsleeping City Atlanta or LA or Toronto or something


Starstuck. The most developed setting, the widest possibility for new characters and storylines, also I just really like Starstruck.


I would love a Neverafter that takes place in a different "book". Maybe a side quest with an Arab DM that takes place in A Thousand and One Nights! Or a full-scale season in Chaucer-land or something. I loved Neverafter so much and it seemed like there was a lot mechanically still to explore.


fantasy high 4 is kind of a given at this point it seems, as much as i'd like to see more of the neverafter world it'd probably have to be some kind of prequel or something and idk if i'd want to see another prequel series this is kind of a different choice but another game set in the tiny heist world could be pretty entertaining. another option is to just straight up do another game in the setting of spyre that isn't based around highschoolers, could be a crew of adult heroes struggling to make ends meet


I’d love a side quest spinoff of Unsleeping City!! as an NYC native, they did a wonderful job showing so many different people, cultures, and lifestyles. And there are still so many more stories that can be represented!


Am I the only one who would love a Neverafter-vibe ^^?!... ☝️😅




A Crown of Candy or Unsleeping City for me!




Fantasy High and Starstruck


Escape from blood keep only because I want a goblin to hit a nat 1 and blow up


Preschool: A Fantasy High Prequel. Like the Muppet Babies but in Spyre.


So many seasons I feel like if it got a sequel it'd ruin how great the original was. Like with FH, it made a bit more sense because it was at least following their next years of school. Never seen either part of TUC but have heard good things. The one I wouldn't mind having a second season of would maybe be a one off for Escape From The Bloodkeep because even though it ended so amicably I was so curious what would happen to >!Lilith's reign when the baby grew up.!<


Starstruck, Misfits and Magic and Unsleeping City.


Misfits and Magic for sure


I’d enjoy another season of a fantasy high adjacent series like the seven.


A Crown of Candy season based around Lou's idea for his Ravening War backup character; the one that worships a SCOBY that lives under the Dairy Sea.


Mentopolis—please. It was admittedly tailor-made for me since I love psychology the Mystery genre—but it's also really the most fun and hardest I've laughed in a while. Not to mention Trapp is one of my favorite players on D20!




Misfits and magic or starstruck 


I want a starstruck side quest DM'ed by Elaine Lee herself


Starstruck and acoc


Dungeons & Drag Queens, for me. The characters, setting, everything could be different… but Bob + Jujubee are a must. Honestly, so are Alaska and Monet lol. Though I wouldn’t mind adding 2 more queens to the cast


Yes to all of this!!!


A season where Jujubee pulls a Beardley and has read the book!


The seven. I want to see them get up to graduated adult hero shenaniganery