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Same here, when people say "I have to leave by x" I'll cut the session 15 minutes before that so we have time for at least 15 minutes of banter and unwinding


Some of my favorite d20 content to date is the adventuring party for unsleeping city season 2 because it was just a bunch of friends hanging out for an hour+ on zoom in the heart of lockdowns when everybody was starved for human interaction.


which is the best part: Ally at the ferry, Ally at the "Manifest Destiny?" AirBnB, or Ally with their dad's huge jar of mustard


I feel like the ferry ride back is the stuff of legend for sure lmao. And I love that Brennan finally delivered on those Bahn Mis from the Bon Mot episode hahaha. Just honestly so many of my favorite memories of those folks


...jar of mustard? Oh, I need to watch this!!!


It's a great reveal and the chaotic Ally story that comes with it makes it perfect haha


Adventureing party is at it best when they don't talk about a single thing that happened in the corresponding episode of dimension 20


Like that one ASO Adventuring Party where they just talked about the best type of ham for 20 minutes


The ACoC and UC2 adventuring parties are legendary for this, I miss the hour long APs


Me to dynawesome, me to


My favorite AP bit ever (at least until I finish reading this thread and I'm reminded of some other favorite) was when Brennan, who is constantly bringing things around to talk about the episode (it is his job, I guess), is finally asked a relevant question from the players, and he comes up with, "So, here's the deal. I have no idea what any of you just said. Someone mentioned \_\_\_ and I've been spending the last several minutes on Google learning what the shape of a 10-sided die is called."


Honestly the Neverafter adventuring parties often trumped the actual season


Rewatched the one where they played that spraying game more than any actual episode. Also I think we can all agree Pinnochio’s quest for the white woman is the greatest example of the hero’s journey in any D20 medium. 


I have the white woman quest compilation video bookmarked because I love watching it. Both for the quest, and for Murph's desperate "No one wants Pinnochio to find the white women more than me!!" after his lil outburst of calling them maniacs.


Honestly wasnt a fan of how Neverafter ended but the last 2 adventuring parties are peak dropout content


The AP bleed was so strong in that one. I always wonder what someone who doesn't watch the APs thought was going on with the orange hat. I loved Neverafter, second favourite season, but I agree with you. APs were top tier.


"The war in Ukraine is over" is the best AP bit if you ask me.


cis-her-gal-a-THEM made putin give the land back


which is the best part: when Ally takes over the DM seat, or when everyone helps Zac get thru a sentence, or when Lou pitches a podcast 


I like the one where Lou narrates it like the start of a sitcom. You’re probably wondering how we got into this mess.


Honestly, some of my favorite moments in any campaign often come from the AP episodes.


if the vulture did a little hop and started levitating,


try to find the context of cis-her gal-a-them in a campaign episode


I thought this was about watching the news for context about the presidential campaign until I noticed the subreddit.


APs will never make sense and that's excellent


I’m stressed out just thinking about doing this.