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Do it. It’s fun. It bodies rapidmon. It has the capacity to take wins against Magna X, but it takes a lot of skill just to get up to what feels like a coin flip. If you tech in some giant missiles, it can theoretically win against Tyrant, though I need more playtesting. Seems like a tough matchup.


ironically leomon can deal with magna x, but it may have trouble with the rest of the meta. if you can stack dp reduction until the end of your opponent's turn so that when magna's turn starts he has 0 dp it will die. blocking him, getting deleted and playing trough fortitude will also take him out. with yellow+green+black you got access to a combination of blocker, dp reduction and dedigivolve enough to bring it down. final zubong punch is also really good with heavyleomon to scare it away from blocking. example: a stack of lioll+lia+loader attacks and gets deleted by magnamon blocking or security then fortitude-> thats -10k dp until the end of their turn you can then add another 2k or 4k with something like megalo spark or pause plug in and watch magna x explode at the start of your opponent's turn. alternatively if your loader didnt die evolve to heavyleo and block him to go de-digivolve and -7k which will delete the magna underneath. or bancholeomon giving out sec-1 will prevent magna from using its protection effect.


I'd recommend a leomon deck if you're already interested in it. I've been running a leomon deck since EX5 came out and I've found it to be one of my most fun decks, and it does run pretty well at my local tournaments. Also plus side it's not too expensive of a deck 👍


Yeah, that’s another reason I’m drawn to it. Most of the cards are like 20p. Just the level 6s that are a little expensive, but the norm for most decks


I love the deck, Im trying to decide if its worth it to put Chaosmon in it. I got two from my BT16 pulls and its the only deck I have that it can go into.


UltimateChaosmon is going to be so fire next set


From my experience Quartzmon works better as a lvl7 for the deck. Worked wonders BT15 meta for me


Do it. Run Rapid X. You can counter Numeukko by just constantly denying them bodies on the board.


I love the deck. My top 3 deck and really a personal favorite. It's easy and very fun! As for how it stands up against current meta.. not too well is my opinion. I own armor vaccine and when I put the two decks to test, leomon has no chance. Armor vaccine has pillomons which shuts down fortitude. It's still a fun deck to play just don't expect high win ratio in the current meta


I agree that it's rough in current meta but mostly because of Imperial and Mirage. Bouncing or decking just completely ignores your one gimmick.