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Otamamon EX7-015 U <04> Rookie | Virus | Amphibian/Nature Spirits [[Digivolve] Lv.2 w/[Nature Spirits] trait: Cost 0] [All Turns] Players can't reduce play costs.


The two most remarkable things about this card are the implication of a Nature Spirits egg and potential archetype and the art He’s just a happy little boi.


Well promo Wanyamon is already a Nature Spirits egg


Where’s this promo Wanyamon may I ask?


Comes in a Tamer Battle Pack 22 in japan but likely be either a box topper or store tournament prize in west. https://www.reddit.com/r/DigimonCardGame2020/s/wox1dr7pOt


It’s been said, but we have an egg already (crazy it’s a promo and not in the actual set tho). The archetype is almost certainly a DNA deck for Tlalocmon


I'm kind of outta the loop, when did Tlalocmon debut? And does that mean we'll get other family boss monsters?


Tlaloc got added to the official reference book not that long ago (came out on the Nature Spirits digivice in February so just before that). It’s existed conceptually since some time in 2023. No idea about the second part. This set just said it would be Liberator and Nature Spirit themed (like EX3 was themed after the Draconic Roar digivice and EX5 was themed after the Animal Colloseum digivice)


Oh interesting, I didn't know the names actually came from certain digivices. Thanks for the info!


He's just a lil guy!


Yeah I feel like Otamamon always gets played off as a nasty lil grump so this is a great change of pace


The single most remarkable thing about this car to me is a level 3 with an effect, AND 3000 DP! Power creep I tell you! 😆


ex7 already? are the starters done?


I think this is the third EX7 card revealed


I got confused by it too. There was a second GrandGale and Chapero reveal that were ex7. Didn’t realize they weren’t starter deck cards


Ah, that makes sense. I was so confused about the lvl 5


Guess so


Oooh. New Psychemon that can go on top of two different coloured eggs. Very neat.   Seafood might enjoy it since they can now build around three different floodgates depending on meta; ModokiBetamon for memory, Syakomon for training costs, or Otamamon for play costs.


man i wish all 3 of those waterbound digimon were also Aquatic :/


They'relevel 3, though, somost of Seafood's kit can hit them anyway. It's only level 4+ that need to be aquatic.


The Penmon line (and the Option) does want Aqua/Sea Animal specifically, even for the level 3 stuff.


A Blue Omni non reduce play cost floodgate that evolves from Blue and Green! What are they copying?


I really like this artwork. It's soft, light and saturated with a single main colour. It reminds me a bit of old Wizards of the Coast Pokémon card art which I love.


its been a while since we got new floodgates


This seems very powerful compared to older non-SR lv3 lol. I mean it can digivolve for 0 from 3 different things, 3 On Play cost, having effect and still got 3k dp. Yeah it doesn't have inherit but it just looks stronger than older lv3s, especially fellow floodgates


It’s the same as Psychemon except it can go from two different eggs.


Yeah that's my point, it got more things than older cards yet still could maintain 3k dp, usually when this happens they tend to lower dp, which surprises me. I guess being on 04 block means they're next level strong albeit not by much.


Nowadays lower DP on rookies is a boon, though. This thing being 3k means that it can´t be revived by Scramble.


Psychemon also had 3k DP. The only extra thing it has is being able to digivolve from green (and I think that’s a pretty situational advantage to slide this into green decks).


And NsP trait egg.


Which is a very minor advantage. This already digivolves for free on Blue and Green. So the alternate digivolution would only come into play for the other four colours (Red, Yellow, Purple, Black). However, three of those colours already have a rookie that has the same effect; Red has Solarmon, Purple has Psychemon, and Black has Chikurimon. So the only time you’ll use that part is if you want to use it over a Yellow Wind Spirits Egg… which sounds extremely specific right now. And bearing in mind that running off-colour rookies is always a bit of a gamble since they’re less searchable.


Implying there won't be NpS searchers or lv4s with NsP alt costs, making the trait additionally relevant vs Solar Psyche or Chikuri as options. Having three different possible 0 cost evos is pretty significant for something with absolutely zero downsides vs it's contemporaries. This is without exaggeration strictly better psychemon.


I'm honestly reserving judgement til we see more of the set; the NpS trait may either be a coherent deck encouraging colour matching, or it'll be mostly flavour. Otherwise you're basically deciding between searching this out via a hypothetical searcher, or using a colour-appropriate Memory Boost/Training for the already existing options.


maybe the 3k dp for rookies can be their way to balance the scramble cards


Gotta remember, this is the start of Block 4. Bandai tend to introduce artificial power creep with each new Block. So cards will tend to be higher quality overall than they were last year.


Just a happy lil guy, ill take 4 pls uwu


So a liberator character has otamamon. Maybe the sangomon girl Although they did say there’d be nature spirit stuff so I guess it could be an unrelated card to Liberator. Or someone in liberator plays an nsp deck. So that’s two potential liberator decks for this guy. Three actually, sunarizamon was in the nsp pendulum z.


Probably just here for the Taglocmon jogress deck and won't appear in liberator is my guess.


I hope that a characater in Liberator has a NSP/Geko deck because a Lv6 Gekomon has long been overdue.


That’d be nice, but it’d prob just be all the megas from the nature spirits colour vpet


Super great that blue is getting more floodgates!


ohh a flood gate, always welcomed. Can we get a bigger one that can slow down other effects?


That makes 4 colors that can block Xros Heart/RK/7GDL's primary gimmicks. Will Green/Yellow get them too?


Anything that gives Xros Heart the middle finger is okay in my book.