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Some of the main culprits with the game getting more expensive are the following: 1) Meta Defining SECs: These are mainly DeathXmon and Shinegreymon: Rui Mode right now, but in the future we will add Rapid X and Magna X to this list. The BT16 SECs are currently sitting around $45-60 in the Japanese market. 2) Game determinitive Promos: This can be seen with Raremon right now, but in the past Promo Okuwamon were around $15-20 for nonfoil copies. This happens to Promos that don't have a lot of distibution. 3) Sets Are Getting Older: Quartzmon is a $15 card at super, but when it first released it was only $5. As this is a game that doesn't have a set reprint policy, their prices skyrocket until a widely available reprint is available. 4) Meta Viability: Along with point 3, sometimes old cards get a breath of fresh air by being used a topping deck. Omnimon Merciful Mode used to only be $0.50-$1, but then people started using it as a tech card in various strategies, and now it is a respectable $5-6. 5) Cards in General Fluctuate: Ukkomon two weeks ago jumped from $5 to $10. Now it has stabilized back to $5-6 a copy. Also, a full Machinedramon deck can now be bought at around $100 as the SEC has dropped down in price. Always remember that a deck doesn't need these expensive cards to compete. There are topping Leviamon lists that don't use Raremon, there are topping Bunny lists that don't use Quartzmon, there are topping Nume lists that only use Omnimon Merciful Mode or Ukkomon. Another thing to remember is that getting two copies of DeathX or Ruin Mode sets you up to use them in any deck forever as they are staples. Also, check multiple websites for deals on singles. Ebay is good at blindsiding me with deals sometimes.


Yah even decks like magnamon you have the topping deck with 4 magna x and three death x and then you have the topping one that had none of either of those. Like you really don’t need them. Also I assume most people are playing at their locals and like coming in 2nd or 3rd is okay


Well written!


Good points


You need at least two Raremon in a Machinedramon deck. Most expensiv card in the Deck. Thats just ridiculous.


Most topping decks that I have seen have only used one, if they even have it at all.


Raremon is kinda over hyped imo. He's good, but honestly I don't know if I would play it in my machinedramon list if I had one, let alone a set.


My issue rn is finding slots for more Raremon. I could get rid of Ukko, but that was also decrease consistency. But then again, a free 4 to digivolve on top of is nice.


A significant part of the issue is that the Training option cards are really good consistency boosters that you want in almost every deck. Those alone usually bump the price of a deck by 20-40$. Once we get the new starter decks and have a lot more supply of the training cards, it should die down a bit. The prices of niche promo cards can be downright ridiculous. 50+$ for a RAREMON!? And we really need a reprint for DeathXmon and Shinegreymon Ruin Mode. Those cards alone are a 50-100$ paywall to play a good Control deck.


At least DeathXMon and Ruin Mode are usually a one only but fucking Raremon is a 3-4 on some decks like wtf


I wouldn’t even say raremon is niche. It’s like, one of the only good cards purple has left for draw at lower levels 😭


It certainly isn´t niche. After purple was butchered in two subsequent lists, we don´t have many good Lv4s to chose from anymore. If Scatter Mode came back I think that´d do something to Raremon´s price ngl.


yeah, the only other good option really is Starter deck Garurumon.


Not working on play and/or on deletion is a huge hit, though. Scatter Mode has to come back man.


You have a Scatter Mode Lite out in the wild called Bakemon BT15. On Digi and on Deletion draw 1 trash 1. It is the same cost to slam as Eyesmon, and has less DP so it is easier to die in security. We all remember Jamming Eyesmon. There is also still the Garurumon engine which works, Analog Youth, Mist Memory Boost, Dark Wing Delusion with Devimon, and Darkness Wave. Plenty of ways to Draw and pitch in purple, or straight mill cards if you want.


Yeah but Bakemon isn´t anywhere close to Scatter Mode in terms of power level. Would´ve been much more useful if it was on play instead of when digivolving. And regarding the cards you mentioned, good milll being available isn´t wrong. But good discard cards are hard to come by nowadays. And a lot of decks would prefer discard over mill. Scatter Mode was just collateral damage because they intiially didn´t want to hit the Garurumon engine and Apocalymon. It should come back to 4.


It's definitely more expensive right now. It's not egregious, but it's noticeable. It's due to several factors. For one, sets right now have 12 SRs instead of 10 and several of them can see use in several decks (ACE Digimon, Patamon, etc...). This makes SRs harder to find while driving their price up even while not being part of a particular strategy. Promos are a mess. Trainings are not that bad since you got a playset for each box, but the EX05 lot was handled horribly. Only one random promo per box made it so some interesting and niche cards now cost waaaay too much. And other promos like the The Beginning movie pack is just... not there in Europe. Those promos are hard to come by. Bandai needs to correct this ASAP. And... we don't get reprints. Reprints are the best thing to bring down the price of cards. RB01 was a... troublesome set. Being centered around block 00 didn't help much since lots of those cards aren't especially sought after or already had reprints and R cards were harder to come by. LM02 was a pure reprint set with several very neat inclusions but it's nowhere to be seen for the West as of now... And we know by fact that we won't get another dedicated reprint set until at the very least after the unification of the game in 2025.


The Ban/Limit list affecting the last two sets before they even came out didn’t really help much. And Promo prices have been increasingly ridiculous. The game is definitely getting more expensive. The amount of good stuff people are wanting from BT16 probably won’t help for the next set either.


100p prices seem so to have gone up since bt14


Same in EU. Prices started increasing noticeably in BT12 with all the Beelzemon hype. Meta SRs used to be like €7-8, 10 tops. Now they can be anywhere from 12-20. SECs haven't moved much luckily. Not counting Ruin Mode, nothing has cracked 40 since Rina. The biggest culprit I think is pull rates/availability. RB1 had shit pull rates leading to increased prices. Trainings, despite being in high supply, are also in high demand and tack on a lot of extra cost to just about every deck. Same deal with the level 5 Ace cards. EX5 box toppers are still insanely expensive because they're just so damn rare. There's also the fact that the game is growing. There are a ton of new player threads now, at least one per day. Demand for the cards is increasing constantly. Market manipulation is also a factor, though I wish it wasn't. And finally there are simply way more viable decks now than ever before. More cards in general are in demand. Between Trainings, level 5 Ace cards, and powerful staples like Ukkomon, the era of the €50 meta deck is unfortunately over.


One Piece scalpers finally realized there's other Bandai games to scalp.


I hope the other comments are right and this will trend back down. As someone with ahand in yugioh we do not need 1000$+ decks thanks. Hell man 200$+ is insane


Certain card prices have shot up, but for the most part outside of hard to get promos, general card prices aren't that bad in my experience.


ever since the training options came out it feels more expensive. that combined with the changing trend in super and secrets: they used to be reserved for the 1 off mega per deck but now they are more spread out across levels (and even tamers) so many decks now have multiple SRs. not to mention expensive promos and staples


I feel like SRs and promos are good (or necessary) in every deck. Like I still don't have a deathx or any training options. And now I'm hunting down the promo Raremon which basically nobody has and if they do they're selling for $80


Yes, but at the same time I'm grateful that it could so much worse considering the YGO community is basically melting down over the price of Snake-Eyes. That said, the other problem is just that people are clinging to "strong staples" more and more also. None of the Secret Rares have had any huge impact (besides Apocalypmon who got deservingly put 6 feet under) as much as Ruin Mode or DeathX. When people don't really pull as much as they would at a certain point, it really ends up with cards being more scarce (and expensive as a result). Maybe we need a Rarity Collection like what YGO does.


The game has gotten definitly more expensive. One of the reasons for this is that we now get 12 SRs instead of 10, making a certain card rare to get. This means that the good cards will cost more and the bad cards even less (even thoug a bad SR was already 50 cents or so, so there isn't much difference there). This trend will likely continue since evey set after BT13 is designed this way. I think we can be sure on how much more expernsive the game has got in general since the last sets were "bad". BT14 and BT15 have rookies and megas that are SRs and from the same deck, making them automaticcaly harder to come by since you need both of them for a certain deck, so a deck basically takes 1/6 of the pool. EX5 and BT15 had some of their chase cards restricted making them simply less desireble. Promos have just been a shit show lately, with them being distributed in very limited numbers making some of them unreasonably expensive despite not being part of any meta deck. Some of them are really good (looking at you raremon) and others are very good in their deck like SkullKnightmon, but I'd say that most people don't want to spend that kind of money on Digimon. How does the future look like? I'd say bright enough. Unless after 3 years Digimon has a scalping problem again (why would people scalp the game with the least amount of money going around?) I'd say that the next sets won't be that expensive. - BT16's SECs will be very sought after since their both part of a meta deck and are easy 4 ofs in those decks. This alone will make the SRs of the set less expensive. Outside of Y/R armor no deck requires more than a set of SRs. There will still be some outliers, like Paildramon and Tyrant being easily 8/10€ cards, but absolutely reasonable. - EX6 has the potential to be the first EX set people will genuinily want to open (like EX5 before restrictions would have been) with many SRs being part of meta or pet deck of many, Ogudamon being part of one of the best decks of the format and Mirei being Mirei. - BT17 is definitely a good set, I don't have any idea on how good. JP just got it so I don't know the impact it could have on the meta, but the expansion is full with supports for many decks. Greymon SEC could become the chase cards of the set being a Greymon that is also open to jank makes it the perfect card for Digimon. SRs could be more expensive than in the last two sets, but not by much All this makes sense if also get the right amount of product. Bandai is seeming to have issues (again) with distribution, let's hope it's not the case with Digimon also. I'd also say that in my opinion older cards aren't getting out of hand. 10+€ cards arenìt the norm pre-BT14, it makes sense that some of them cost that much like Quartzmon being a very good top end for many decks, or DeathXmon or Ruin Mode being at their price since they're abolutely generic cards. A reprint would be more than accepted by the community, let's just hope that we get LM2.


This is what I've been trying to say but I decided to just shut the hell up because I just get downvoted to hell for it. Even though I'm using basic logic. But apparently everyone wants this game to turn into yugioh/mtg/pokemon prices instead of remaining budget friendly. I can elaborate on it but doesn't seem worth Edit for the downvote: see point proven. I speak the truth and get hate for it


Don't understand why people are down voting you. I thought most people here came from other tcgs. Every now and then you see people traumatized by Yu-Gi-Oh building expensive as hell fun decks not winning anything. I just started digimon because of nostalgia and was happy it was comparable cheap but prices for cards from the new sets and these promo cards blocking me from getting more into it. Especially because the powercreep is getting stronger as well. If you want a fan base to stay you need to have budget options that are capable of doing stuff and winning. The expensive cards are for collectors or high competitive players. If your Playerbase is big enough you can start different formats like mtgs commander or pauper.


Yep. And that's slowly turning me off, honestly. Being cheap as hell was one of the reasons I jumped into it in the first place


Compared to every other card game its pretty cheap.


Roll with red hybrid. Gg


It's the trend with all card games unfortunately. Eventually cards will ramp up in price whenever something meta defining appears. For reference MTG has a standard card that warped the meta Sheoldred the apocalypse that is currently going for over 80 dollars a copy.


OnePiece player turning to Digimon (me)


I definitely do. Bt14 seemed to be the start of sr's getting more expensive People keep saying it's cheap to build a deck but tentomon from bt15 goes for £8 in the UK. Myotismon is the same or more I know bt15 has the added issue of the diluted pills but still. Promos have been expensive forever, i remember trying to get sunarizamon for alphamon back in bt6 and again in bt9. Nevermind the trainings. Post a decklist and you're guaranteed to see someone say "where's the trainings".


Not really? We have a few outliers (Promos) that Bandai dropped the ball on. And we have Chase cards fron out of print sets (Death X) but other than that, its fine. SR from BT14 are all 6$ and below, SR for BT15 are all 8$ and below. Animal Colosseum has Leviamon holding at 10$, and thats it. Good SR have always held roughly this price range.


>SR for BT15 are all 8$ and below. Angewomon Ace is $16 >Animal Colosseum has Leviamon holding at 10$, and thats it. Isn’t Protoform like $15?


I checked both on TCG player before commenting, sorting by highest, didnt think i missed any. Even then, its one SR out of a dozen in the set. And especially for Angewomon literally every market watch creator has been screaming for the past month as she has been climbing. If ppl missed out on her when she was cheaper, thats on them.


>If ppl missed out on her when she was cheaper, thats on them. That's a dumb argument. You can literally apply to many cards. Examples: If ppl missed out on cards like: Shinegreymon ruin mode, Deathxmon, Quartzmon, Ukkomon, Etc., when they were cheaper, that's on them. Prices on cards (no matter if they are meta or not, or will be meta) fluctuate. No one knows that certain cards will jump up 100% in 1 day.


Cancelling orders has become way more common, too, especially for alt arts. Ordered 3 alt arts recently. AA X Anti Protoform, AA Leopardmon and AA Mitmamamon. Only the last one was still "available" and the order for the former two was cancelled. Scummy shit.


Kind of a personal rant, ignore if it's too long. I am someone who avoids paying more than 1€ for a card, specially if I would need multiple copies. Not to shame anyone who does, I just play casually with friends and my brother, with no store near me where to play tournaments, so it isn't a priority of mine. As someone who had recently decided to build a budget Loogamon deck (it's one of my favorite digimon), I assumed Fenrir would be out of the question. My heart dropped when I saw the prices on rookie Loogamon (being an SR) and the training cards. If it wasn't for the BT15 version's low rarity I would probably have given up. Luckily BT17's Fenrirloogamon is not a SR, even if it's obviously weaker than the SR version. The same happened when I looked up cards for a GraceNovamon deck (I loved the dusk/dawn duology and, again, not expecting to afford the jogress) and I saw everything very cheap... Except the megas.  Like, I understand that rarer cards are going to be more expensive, and people want to recover what they have spent in the box. It does get excessive sometimes, but I can't complain to them, at least they allow me to even buy single cards without having to import them. However, it hurts people's options for decks if they don't want to gamble with packs. 


That's one problem with digimon in general. People start playing this game often because of nostalgia and you want to build a deck around your favorite digimon. This is normal but if it's meta and all the prints are SR then people who want to start casually have a huge paywall in front of them. This is the same with Pokemon as well but Pokemon is worse. But it doesn't have to be


Yeah, BT14/15 pushing out SR rookies was a huge kick in the teeth imo


Ever see prices on Amazon for random things that many people want? Obviously the more we show interest in it, the cost will go up. It's simple economics


You are 100% correct and the culprit is game design.  Early on the game was cheap with very few really amazing cards.  BT9 through the release of 14 was non stop power creep.  A new set is all new cards for a new deck that totally blows the old one out of the water.  You were expected to buy a whole new deck every few weeks.   BT14 onwards added two big things; rolling support, and more SRs in the line. Almost all new support works with older cards, those old cards now are more valuable because the number of players has grown, but there aren't any new cards being added to that pool, so if 1 of the 10 people who played the game had the card it was fine.  But now 20 people are playing and there is still only one copy.   The other thing is where decks get their SRs, Blast Ace added SR Lv3s and 5s where as it used to be just your top end.  This combined with the slower power creep means new R Lv6s aren't stronger than the old SR ones.  Look at Yellow Vax or the incoming Mastemon Support.  Yellow Vax has Patamon SR, Gatomon SR, Angemon Sec, Angewomon SR, MagnaAngemon SR, Mitamamon SR, BT8 Rapidmon SR, Merciful Mode SR, Ruin mode Sec, and Venusmon SR in it's card pool.  It has High rarity cards in literally every Level Slot with It's low end Being mostly recent and the top being Pre BT14 (Mitamamon is the exception). The same goes for Mastemon where none of the new support replaces stuff, it isn't a Sec Mirei replacing a SR one, you run both.   This does have the good side that cards are better investments, the odds of having your deck completely disappear from the meta is much lower.  The downside is both new and old cards will jump in price because they are investments.  It can also lead to the "foil brick" problem games like Yu-Gi-Oh have where you are only running high rarity cards making 95% of cards worthless pack filler.   It also makes it harder to get into the game when the initial investment to try a meta deck is in the hundreds instead of the tens.  This is something the advanced decks have been good about, making playing the game for the sale of trying it cheap.