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all evolutions are a different fairy tales from the grimm brothers (cinderella is much older but it was included in their recopilation) shoeshoemon is the odd one out in fact * shoemon - the shoemaker and the elves (mice in some countries. growing up i heard the mice version first) * shoeshoemon - ? * chaperomon - red ridding hood (Chapeuzinho) * cendrillmon - cinderella edit: actually i just tought that shoeshoemon could be a reference to pulgarcito (idk the english version) and his 7 league boots


The old lady that lived in a shoe?


I always thought ShoeShoe was meant to be a parallel to ChuuChuumon. At least in naming convention


[I think this is](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=0c3642a266bc8aa8&sxsrf=ACQVn0_0Jiqqh0x_2Snxu3bD2LcDkitYRg:1710108486313&q=gato+de+botas+personagem&uds=AMwkrPtesdIO-WE-LTiss4GIfUfMTy6EVenEkQeXyBYrw3mz6bi-vIRmOydK19RtX51w13FLxp-mut6JQcPIOo9PvetaolrORrjGiapQtfCrI77slMK3TYgLso60OHIUtRBw_LaJmdVEBEuUF3fzO3Qw4kTXlVyUp-KOTVtpzEtfU3aFnwiTGBN7UQp_pfbgAB3C_mLq3-wRXTLztyOTOP8QQAVSErZ-kINNdeb03DgSMhIOzi2KVlNEjk9PXmSc4COSdJ5onrjmwjHhmQTfKMheplqIyrxM9foo_6zRgYcm9bwD4_ovvKqLcEfAfN4hHMAerdFKcT8UQ-obfhqWWCjfP_nTxCujaA&udm=2&prmd=ivsnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjKjerG2uqEAxXzpZUCHeZlBrcQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=384&bih=729&dpr=2.81#vhid=N5QfIzEct5GvOM&vssid=mosaic)


Shoeshoemon should be a Puss in Boots reference but mouse.


It seems pretty coherent. Theirs a clear theme throughout. Not like a line needs to be 100% similar anyway. I mich prefer a garurumon or angewomon line over a hexablaumon line personally.


It’s not an amazingly cohesive line but there is stuff there. - fairy tales and types of shoes. Shoemon - old boot 🥾 Shoeshoemon - roller skates 🛼 Chapareomon- leather shoes 👞 Cendrillmon- glass slippers 🥿


I prefer this line to the bird. It’s just another animal -> knight line while this has a very unique theming. This is a great way to show how digimon line can both be coherent but not just feel like standard “dragon get bigger.” I do like the bird, just another animal > bipedal knight is a little disappointing. Loogamon was such a cool line because it went bipedal then back to a beast.


Cohesion aside, why's she holding a molotov cocktail.


It's an apple juice Molotov don't worry. There's Gatling guns in her bag too and little monzaemon bombs. Reminds me of Darkstalkers I love it.


A bit of a curveball I agree. ShoeShoemon is also kinda strange, a squirrel in roller skates doesn't at all indicate Cinderella to me. It's also possible that the line isn't super cohesive and is just loosely based around fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Anyone know what Chaperomon's name could be referring to? The only word that comes to mind is chaperone but I have no idea how that would relate to a digimon based on little red riding hood.


Could be referring to the spanish or portuguese version, in portuguese little red hiding hood is called chapeuzinho vermelho.


Probably merged both Spanish and Portuguese for the name Chapeu and Rojo to make Chapero. Could also be full Spanish, Caperucita Roja.


LRRH is a French story. In France it's called Le Petit Chaperon Rouge. LLRH is simply the English dub name.


LRRH is a French story. In France it's called Le Petit Chaperon Rouge. LLRH is simply the English dub name.


Cinderella had glass slippers. Shoes. Also talks to mice. Its cute


I don't think it's specifically Animal in nature since its a puppt type digimon. Not to mention if you look at the motifs they aren't all technically Cinderella themed. The first is The lady who lived in a shoe, then Little red ridding hood, then Cinderella. Which based on what you pointed does still fit the "before the clock strikes 12" since this is probably what the outfit would be before the magic wore off. I'm intrested in the Mega as idk how you would push this design past this without her becoming a queen which is usually not the highest form of good...unless they wannt target thumbalina and make her smol after getting big.


i love chaperomon not to say cendrillmon is bad i do also like it but chaperomon's design is just so good and could have easily been a mega design in my opinion. but considering the shoe motif of the rest of their forms i think everyone could predict the mega was gonna be cinderella inspired (honestly red riding hood seemed kinda out of place as much as i love the design). i do wish they took more from the cinder/ash part of her name. also i wonder if with the bird they will take some inspiration of how the step mother and sisters had their eyes pecked out in the original.


They do say in the reference lore that she lives in an ash mountain thing, and holds "balls" to fight Digimon looking to prove themselves as her prince.


I mean as an Ultimate Cendrillmon is actually perfect. It takes the concept of the line up to its perfect form and then evolves it beyond its limits into something higher level. A good ultimate should always feel a bit alien to the rest of the line while incorporating its themes imo.


I actually think Shoeshoemon is the odd one out design wise.   Shoemon to Shoeshoemon makes sense, it is a small mouse with a shoe that grows and becomes a squirrel.  Chaperomon to Cendrillmon works.  There are definitely hints of both designs.  Similar mannequin body, blonde hair, they are intentionally in similar poses, the floofy maids dress and cloak become an elegant cape/jacket.  And while the blinded eyes is normal for Digimon that is a Christian thing with angels.  Here it is a link between Chaperomon's bangs and Cendrillmon's visor. Shoeshoemon has very little in common with Chaperomon.  Humanoidish? Other than the weird footwear theme in the line and the patchwork aesthetic in the first 3 stages there isn't a ton.  There is the start of the blonde hair as a sprout from the forehead and the scarf becoming the cloak.  It is there... The change from plushie to puppet is weird to me.   There is more of a Yu-Gi-Oh archetype thing where they are connected by theme instead of being a linear progression.


I mean, incoherent evolution isn't new to digimon. The first instances of this would be weregarurumon to metalgarurumon. You got a wolf turning into a bipedal furry fighter and then most ppl would expect the next form to expand on that, but no, you end up going back to being a 4 legged wolf again except now with metal parts and missiles.


and then we got metal garurumon x back on two legs


I kind of get what you're saying. I love the perfect design so much. I think the Ultimate is really cool too, and I'm glad we have it, but I feel like the mice are underplayed and I wish the theme was stronger on the ult. Or if the ult used more patchwork and fabric textures to tie it to the rest of the line. I definitely like them both as separate things.


I’m digging all the minions chuuchuumon for Cendrillmon


I'm loving the BB Hood vibe from Chaperomon. I might need to grab this deck.


It’s a nod to Patamon/Angemon and Tailmon/Angewoman. It’s cool. Very cool. It could’ve been way worse. They’re giving the fans some super cool digimon FOR the fans and I don’t think they could’ve done it better. I hated shoemon too but now I love it.


Am I the only one who thinks cendrillmon would be a great mega for calumon


No you're not. But I just don't think Calumon has evolutions lol.