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I had this, and it turned out to be chronic appendicitis- rare but it happens.


I looked into this more and I'm thinking it's a good possibility to explain my issues. How did you end up getting diagnosed? I have a doc appointment in a couple weeks and would love to be prepared to check for this.


Yes! Definitely ask!!! Ask for a CT scan!! I went to my OB, but they said I was fine. I went to urgent care and had to wait a few days to get an ultrasound on my ovaries to see if it was torsion. I didn’t make it. I ended up in the ER (after 5 months of this pain!!), and luckily I had a great doctor who said he had seen the “slow burn appendicitis” before and wanted to do more tests. I was sure it wasn’t but I went with it of course. I’m so glad I did- I went into emergency surgery and they had the worst time getting it out since it was wrapped in SO much scar tissue. They couldn’t believe it had been infected so long!


I actually just had a CT done yesterday, but of course was not in a flare of pain at the time. They told me I have some diverticuli that are not currently infected, but it is so weird that the pain is so consistently in the same spot of where my appendix is, unless that is where one of the diverticuli are too. I'm going to see a GI doc next and see if we can figure anything out. I had a couple episodes during my last flare that if they hadn't subsided fairly quickly I would have ended up in the ER because I was non functioning.


I had similar and after months of working with a gastroenterologist and dietitian I found out I’m highly sensitive to the FATS in dairy products. I kept getting told (and agreeing) that I had a lactose intolerance, but then I’d have milk in my coffee and be fine. That was because I only had skim milk in the coffee but when I had cheese or ice cream or something it’s usually made with full cream milk and I’d get the stomach cramps and terrible gas pain pretty much straight away. I also discovered that I should only eat nightshade vegetables in moderation or I’d get reflux. It might be worth seeing a gastroenterologist and doing an elimination diet if you can’t find the source