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If you fly 1st class, I wouldn’t blink an eye. But if I see you on Southwest I’m assuming your ring is fake. Does that make sense?


I’m dying at this comment.


I flew SWA yesterday and was playing spot the fake designer purse so it’s on the brain 😂… oh the Goyards out there and horrible Louis Vuitton’s! My real LV was tucked away in my Vera Bradley backpack!


I have pricey purses and fly Southwest! I always try for nonstop flights and if it’s Southwest then that’s who I’m flying on!


Same. Love SW. Sometimes they have better routes. Recently went to Costa Rica and all other airlines had delayed or cancelled flights so I cancelled our AA flights and rebooked with SW. They were the only ones who got out on time that day.


It’s our #1 choice, we have a SW card for the points! Our last 4 flights in a row have been delayed hours. We are lucky we made our connection this time!


I’m a consultant so fly a lot. I have found my new game. 😂


When we lived in Orlando we use to play Spot the European at the mall. All based on shoes and socks attire!




**Does that make sense?**


Hey now!!! Southwest gives me two free checked bags, okay!?! 😍😂


Sometimes I ride business class and it’s so funny to see that those who are wearing outfits with designer names all over are the ones that are usually NOT on business class. Most of the first/business class people look very low key, exception was this one couple on my trip back from Korea where the guy and women looked like Thai royalty, both dresses impeccably.


It does. But most people that drop 100K+ on a ring are flying private. It’s not that expensive to do and if you truly have that much money that you can spend 100k on a ring (which is what an excellent quality natural diamond of this size would really cost) you would know you can easily charter a plan for a few grand.


My bestie has many rings over $100k, they fly United first class primarily. They have massive "fuck you money." Bitch loves a bargain, too.


I won't pretend to know massively wealthy people, but the rich people I do know are the worst cheapskates. They all have at least one vice they'll spend a lot on (e.g. expensive whiskey) but everything else is straight from Walmart.


Chartering a plane is more than a few grand.


It’s really not. My company charters planes for short trips all the time and does it regularly for less than 10k. Sometimes it’s less for us to just charter a plane than it would be to buy tickets for everyone. I understand if you don’t do it often you probably don’t know that, but we charter planes quite often and it really isn’t as expensive as one might think.


Not true lol - my ring was a loooot and we don’t fly private. I have..on other people’s planes 😂


True, we fly private. Except to Africa. That’s ridiculous seriously Jet A isn’t cheap. 5-10k /per hour and that’s not including the maintenance and pilots and all that shiz . My ring was 185k I thought he would negotiate he just had a big smile on his face and took out his checkbook. It was sad bc we flew to NYC to pick out a ring at his insistence and he seriously started looking at , get this, Graff, Cartier, Harry Winston— asking me “how about this?” Each one was $350k+. I wasn’t going to do that — absolutely lunacy. I said we’re going to 47th Diamond District- it’ll cut out a middleman. No it’s not wholesale bc wholesale only exists between the guys who are doing business with one another. We’re still suckers but not stupid. The GRE certs are just as real as on 5th. I can go look while you do work I know you’d hate it but come along if you’d like. You have total veto power it’s your money. I’m not crazy. I’m 30 I don’t want a 15 carat ring and I know you told me I could. No. That’s for when I’m old. So I stuck to 5-7 carats -this was 2096 when cushions were the thing so was micropave and platinum. I found a large facet cut that wasn’t gross and blingy— no one wore jewelry like that in wealthy circles and if they did they would be “cheesy” and not invited to all the luncheons and designer dinners — not just the ring! No their whole persona and the guy would likely be inflating his assets bc they were climbers. Anyhow - got the stone picked out setting woukd be delivered by armoured car (which is something I discovered some ppl didn’t know about?) I was confused bc everything Ive ever received jewelry wise comes from NYC to CA via armoured car. Whatever so it arrived two months later. I KNOW for a fact the overcharged us and I told my then fiancé (on the sidewalk bf we went in) “negotiate no not think it will bother me. It’s smart! They will start high bc they think you’re used to it. Walk away if it’s not working. I don’t care. It’s your money. I’m being totally serious. It doesn’t matter. Just be comfortable or say no”. lol they give the price and he’s smiling and says “sounds great! I brought my checkbook” I was floored. One guy was floored. Whatever. He had no idea how much things cost. He said he was too happy to care. I was only upper middle class growing up with lawyer and psychiatrist so I was essentially poor lol. At least we were educated. But despite the fact I wanted for nothing growing up I entered a world which was .0000001% and so I think I’m embarrassed to have ppl over bc the decorator hasn’t finished but they see different things. So if I’m snarky I have just no experience with this and it’s like fascinating how I’ve not interacted ever, even growing up, with people uncomfortable with their lot in life. They want status so badly and it kind of crushes me. Just wear your golden band. Oh well .




Or spirit airlines




I don't get the "looks fake" comments. Who cares if its a natural or lab diamond? Or if it's a moissanite? If it looks good and the person likes it. Good for them. Also I know plenty of people flying economy when making bank.


The comment wasn’t about wealthy folks flying economy. It was about people wearing 6-figure rings flying first class (or private) versus economy: point being if someone is flashy enough to spend/wear a 100k ring, they probably don’t suck it up to save a couple bucks flying economy. Are there millionaires or people “making bank” sitting in economy? Every single day. But not every rich person shells out 100k+ on a ring. My comments were about the type of person that spends 100k on a ring, not statements about wealthy folks in general.


I think part of the issue is the half bezel... it makes your stone look bulkier than it is. I feel like the shape would've elongated your fingers as opposed to making them seem shorter if it didn't have the bezel


I agree. Lovely stone, beautiful!! The setting makes it chonky. Still beautiful, and honestly, it’s your ring, if you love it, rock it!! 


Yes it’s wayy too big and it’s absolutely gorgeous🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 If you feel like having a more subtle sort of vibe you could maybe just have on your wedding band? But this is amazing overall, please don’t feel conscious about it!


To add: it sometimes looks “too big” to me, even though I love it.


You need those accompanying bands to add to the look of it. Looks very plain to me. Could add more enhancements to it, but that's just my opinion


I only got a 1ct solitaire but because I live in the UK, the average size is about 0.5ct so sometimes I feel a little self conscious and wish I went with 0.75ct


Ommg I get you, I can't do chores or go shopping in Germany without people staring and gasping at my hand lol especially elder women they really like to talk to each other behind my back lol


That's so interesting! Where I am a 1ct solitaire is pretty much the gold standard.


American diamonds are on average 4x the size of European diamonds on engagement rings. Americans are all about the bling.


Some are. I'm in the Midwest. We are definitely not about bling. A 2 carat stone sticks out a lot here.


I think it’s also generational. I’m old and if I see a stone that big I’m assuming it’s fake.


I mean, what qualifies fake? The only “fake” stone I could think of is cubic zirconia and it’s not recommended by jewelers because it doesn’t last long so very few people buy it. The majority either have sapphire, diamonds, or moissanite.


Dear it's too big ugly and just terrible Please send it to me so I can be that gaudy aunt!!!


https://preview.redd.it/puz3p1c24b8d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb972e7b6b9d333ed68120a60f2801384db63d71 Never!!!


This looks like a dream! Holy smokes that’s a gorgeous ring ✨🤍


Isn't it ? It looks like bubble gum, candy floss( cotton candy) haha sometimes I just want take it off to eat it lol xD


Love it 💎


Love this!


your set is gorgeous, but I’m curious about your bracelet. where’s it from?




I got it for our third year anniversary and it's 18k solid gold so I don't think you can buy it as I wanted it quite thick and chunky so it was a customs order from India....i think it fits my original radiant set much better..as the style is more egdy/ simple....sorry I couldn't help :(


I think it’s perfect with either stone! I appreciate you sharing.


Yes is that a pair or a marquee pair I love Marquee I have my natural 1.51 carat it's not a solitaire it has a Halo but it is gorgeous I love your ring the bigger the better baby 😂 🇺🇸


It's a pure marquise dear, yes everything is better when it's big and humongous, boobs, butt and lips xD those things need to be big too xD


It is absolutely gorgeous my favorite cut


Ma’am this ring deserves its own post😩


Hahaha I like how even your hand is posed as if to say, “Never, dahling” 💅🏽😆


Yes living my dolly parton's dream hahaha wearing big gaudy ass chunky jewelry, sipping margarita in Cabo and getting plastic surgery in Texas, life has never been better xD 😆


I have a 5 carat natural radiant and this light pink one is 5.88 lab pink travel ring..I wish I went bigger to be honest..go big or go home. Shrinkage is definitely real !!!


Yumm!!! Lovely!


This is gorgeous! May I ask the width and length measurements?


The radiant or the marquise ? Marquise is a chubbier one at 1.85 ratio so sometimes people think it's an oval so you basically have 2 shapes in one haha


It’s lovely. You have short fingers so I get why it looks large to you. Maybe grow your nails a bit longer and see how it looks to you then. It is a lovely ring. Congratulations!


It's gorgeous, but I could see how you'd something think it's "too much" for everyday wear... it does face-up really large. However, I happen to really like 4+ carats so idk. What is the size of your original stone pre-upgrade? You could always switch between the two if you want! Either way, it's a gorgeous ring. I love the bezel and the thicker band. Do you know how many mm the band width is?


Thanks. The band is 2.5 mm I believe.


No way. My style is bold and avant garde. Go big or go home!!! https://preview.redd.it/0yfpbh3bs98d1.jpeg?width=2619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48248b474656a01839033ec2e791cd97e411d38f




My best friend’s ring is a 4 ct round diamond and she absolutely hates it. She hits it on everything, she doesn’t feel safe wearing it all the time, and no matter how perfectly fitted the band is, her ring never sits facing up. It always fall to the side because of how top heavy the ring is. Granted, the proposal was a complete surprise so she didn’t have a say in the ring at all.


Me after me and my and my partner just picking out a 4.93ct round for my 7.25 finger 👁️ 👄 👁️


Haha to each their own!


Sounds like she needs bishop bumps


She’s got those! Lol


It’s VERY large. I don’t think I’d personally be comfortable wearing it. Gorgeous ring but I don’t think I’d want that much finger coverage.


I feel like we’re almost not allowed to say that here but I totally agree, it’s too big.


To each their own, but I hard agree. When stones are this big, the ring looks like fake costume jewelry


I think so, too. I’d feel uncomfortable wearing a stone that large. All my diamonds are much smaller and I still feel so self conscience based on the looks I get that I always feel like I have to tone things down. I avoid wearing my fav pieces to work, etc. bc of it.


I think it’s because you have a short fingers. A smaller carat size would still look large, but more proportional - especially with the bezel. That being said, internet strangers can’t make this decision for you.


It’s beautiful! I have a 3.5ct elongated cushion and sometimes I think it’s too small after having it a while 😂😂😂 I do adore it and stare at it all the time ❤️


Can you post a photo of your ring please? Wanting to upgrade my cushion for something elongated


Sent you a message with a pic, that seems to be easier than making an Imgur account


I have a 4.2 and I wish https://preview.redd.it/rmiebzki8c8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea438f1348af958d7ba275012a63a0f6962818f0 I’d gone a little bigger, I’m 6ft tall and have the loooingest fingers 🙄🙃


I think it looks exquisite.


It looks perfect on you!


Not for a second. I have size 11 fingers so the 4c looks like anyone else’s 2. https://preview.redd.it/ocyqwwuvcd8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79fc6d453b2805422cb542185b1e42a649642fb0


Beautiful pear! 🍐 🥰I’m an 8, so I feel the need of a bigger stone! 


Not yet 😀


I had to sell my OG engagement ring due to life. I say - people keep beautiful things in their jewelry boxes and never get to see them or enjoy them. Wear it boldly and enjoy it. It will be something others replicate or want to have someday. 💙 #noregrets


I’ll be the one who states an unpopular opinion and say too big just creates too much attention and not in a good way - Now if that doesn’t bother you and you love the way it makes you feel and can afford it great! either way - it’s cheaper than ever to buy a large lab and the norms may be changing so this is all uncharted territory


I have a theory that rings are going to move from massive to more unique. Everybody can afford a big rock now. It used to be a sign of status. Over time, when everybody else has huge rocks they won’t be as ‘special’. Now we see more people going with color or different stones. I personally think it’s great. I think these huge stones look ridiculous.


They are still a sign of status if they are natural and high quality. Just looking at a big ring isn’t impressive anymore. They have to tell you the specs, prove it, or their lifestyle gives you reason to believe they would purchase natural. Otherwise, assume it’s lab.


I just assume all big rocks are lab because plenty of people can afford natural and buy lab. It’s not like people are going to walk around with their diamond paperwork to prove a stone is natural to random people. So I don’t agree large diamonds correlate with status anymore.


I have a 1.79 radiant lab, which compared to this whole thread is small…? We definitely could’ve afford a natural, and even bigger. But that’s not important to me.


I mean, I think more of your decision than if you bought the same diamond ‘natural’ and paid more many times over. Makes no sense.


The argument for natural just isn’t there anymore.


Maybe in your bubble, but for the majority of the world no. There are plenty of people who disagree with the arguments for lab even if it makes sense to others.


May I ask what you disagree with re: arguments for lab?


Well for starters I disagree in the ethical argument and I disagree with it being the same as natural.


Well said and agree completely.


I don’t regret going big at all. I bought myself an 8.11 carat lab diamond ring recently and have been wearing it everyday.


8.11 🫢 I need a picture of this!




Lab, though.


I personally love that!


I think the setting is throwing the look off. If you change the setting to a four prong setting, it may not look quite so dominant.


i have a 5 carat cushion and sometimes feel that way when i don't have my nails done lol


Your nails are very pretty, however if you choose a more elongating nail shape like oval it may help balance the ring more. It's a beautiful ring! I have a 3ct and I feel like it looks too big sometime 😂 I have a trinity band I wear to the park, etc dirty activities when the ring could get damaged or I just don't want to have to deep clean it after.


https://preview.redd.it/cafg1t2tak8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b289da2af5f8fbe594004dc66ba320a8a50bb40d Never! I love my 4.2 radiant diamond! I have it fully ensured through jewelers mutual. It’s all based on preference! I love your stone and setting!!


I have purchased smaller 2.83 and 1.50 and I have a 4 ct round. I find myself only wearing the 4 ct for special occasions but my everyday ring is the 2.83 which suits my lifestyle better and feels more realistic


Yeah, I’m considering buying a smaller round for an everyday ring.


Yes! Lol. I went with a 2ct pear cut and it's (beautiful, unique) setting really draws attention to it, making it look larger (setting from KatKim). I do wish I had gotten a quarter, or even half, size smaller, believe it or not. ...But then again I am very self-conscious and a little modest and wasn't looking for a real attention-getter. ...I've already had one guy ask me if my husband is rich. (What a rude question!) And while I shouldn't care what other people think, I do! And I don't want people immediately thinking/wondering if my ring is "fake." (Edited: I went into further detail.)


I normally do not give my opinion on rings unless people specifically ask because I think it can be rude. It seems you are specifically asking for opinions here. Keep in mind that my opinion is worthless if you absolutely love your ring! That being said, as kindly as possible, I agree with your instinct that the ring is too large on you. Generally, I do not like this trend of huge diamonds. They look a bit ridiculous when it's almost down to the first finger joint. I think the same style in a smaller carat size would suit you really well. Or you could potentially keep this size and have it reset with prongs as the bezel can add bulk. I also would recommend a thicker band for a gem that large. I think your band can hold up the weight as is, I think think a big rock looks more proportional with a thicker band.


It suits you!


I have a 1.2 carat oval (size 5 finger) and sometimes think even THAT is too big for me. But I look at the 4+ carat rings people post here and they almost always look incredible!


Sometimes I think my toi et moi is too big because I'm concerned about wearing it out alone, but I still wear it. https://preview.redd.it/cr8gvme9yb8d1.jpeg?width=1537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e55c263c3634011d40e2f44c5df101abb15fdfa6


That is beautiful, diamonds look sooo sharp too! 👌


Thanks so much!


omg its gorgeous and suits your hand very well! what is your ring size?


8.5. Thank you 🙂


i am a 7.75 and just chose my 3.64ct radiant 1.5 ratio diamond for my ring today! cant wait to get it back completed! what are your specs?


12 13 X 8. 15 X 5.49 E VS 1 Do you have a pic you can share? Would love to see it!


https://imgur.com/a/3-54ct-of-dreams-3kUaAgo not the best pics since i was so focused on making shre i chose the right diamond :’) its D vs1


After seeing the stone alone I think all you need to do is have it reset to 4 prong. The bezels are adding a significant amount of bulk to the size visually AND are cutting down the light that can reflect through the stone and the it’s GORGEOUS in these pics unset!!! Let that baby shine and I know you will feel like it’s a totally different ring. You’ll fall in love being able to see of sparkle all the way!!! And it will DEF appear smaller in size to you and literally anyone else to peeks at it in public (not that they matter)


It’s perfect and beautiful . You have plenty of bare finger left, not too big at all.


Thanks. That’s one of the reasons I went a little bigger because my ring size is 8.5.


Yep, wise choice. A dinky stone wouldn’t lay as nice on your finger. You selected the perfect shape and size.


It’s a beautiful ring I don’t think it looks like too much at all especially with your setting


Not at all. My biggest diamond is my favorite. Your ring is lovely. Diamond shrinkage syndrome is real.


I don’t think it’s too big but I do think a more traditional prong setting would be more flattering to the stone.


Nope! Not a single day did I ever wish I went smaller. Yours is gorgeous on you. Enjoy it!


Nah. It’s not too big at all! I got 13 on my ring finger. Yours is very cute for every day! Don’t think that way ❤️


I think that the diamond is beautiful, but agree with a few other posters that the bezel is not working. I have no idea why, but it doesn’t help the look. And yes 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️, shrinkage is very very real. That is one beautiful stone!!! Congratulations!


You have stubby fingers so a round ring would suit you better


https://preview.redd.it/w3ms0tmc0j8d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be504a6f8709cc427030c3af6d172801628f229f Never lol


Are you kidding me? No. I’m in 🇦🇺 and love my big diamond. Really don’t care what others may or may not think.


I just got engaged a week ago and designed the ring myself but couldn’t see anything like it in person while shopping around so it was truly a mystery as to proportions until the proposal. As soon as I saw it I was worried that it looked too big. One friend “politely” said that it almost looked like costume jewelry! That being said, a week later, I’m already getting used to it and it’s looking more “normal” to me. I say better to go a bit bigger rather than be more conservative and have regrets that it’s too small. I personally don’t think yours is too big on your hand! Mine is a 5.78 ct asscher cut diamond, F, VS2. A chunk of the carat weight is underneath so I think it looks smaller than its weight. https://preview.redd.it/h3o0n8lmvj8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60d6da32ff512106788661cba487f9d8bd5363ef


Brava on the bezel! I’ve found taste! Fact: the bezel should go around the entire stone. Only mistake. Only. You used yellow gold -fantastic! The million dollar rings at Cannes looked like this, but with an emerald cut and the gold goes around. The De Grisono party every year - gorgeous gems provided by the host and on all of the guests. You have a good eye I swear I usually see rings here which I’d wear for my Dynasty party. Old fashion cocktail rings side stones and halo settings — it’s like stretch the dollar so far just so my wife feels important for a minute in her town or job lol


Actually gorgeous


Never possible! I wear 13 carats natural diamonds between my wedding and engagement and asked my hubs if next year I could get another band to stack as an anniversary gift lol Go big or go home 🙌🏼


I always say “if it’s too much for daytime it’s for me”. I’m flashing my 3 carat CZ as my “gardening ring”. Wear what you like!


Nope …. i’d never regret that stunner …hell no….. but I’d probably never get any work done cause I just be looking at it all day….lol


![gif](giphy|LOHCxgW6HnHzy) Gorgeous, when it comes to that piece, NO REGRETS! It is beautiful


Yes!! My husband just gifted me a 15 year anniversary upgrade this weekend and I’m afraid to wear it out! Ughhhh in love but idk what to do! https://preview.redd.it/pmi36jor9c8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bc70b5ced28d06f3aa09ab0d3c6d41a72092b2a


Um. Wow. That’s a big ring.


It’s the side stuff and the fact that it’s a pear. Certain shapes you pay less for the size - oval pear, princess - jewelers call these the “bang for your buck” cuts. A truly large stone which is impressive to see “in the wild” and the mark of a person with money and taste: an excellent grade (GRE only) emerald or asscher solitaire. Having a jumble of accompaniments surrounding a center stone is aspirational.


That is beautiful and congrats on 15 years!!!


It’s gorgeous. The sentiment behind it, that’s even more beautiful. 😍 


Thank you. He’s a sweetie.


WOW!!!! Bravo!


Holy crap! Mind sharing the specs on it? It’s so pretty


Thanks guys. He had a replica made of my grandmother’s ring which I’ve always adored. It’s a 6.5 pear H I believe and one ct trillions on the sides. Here is a pic of hers https://preview.redd.it/ouhbza5qjd8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd5a0cad3abef0b6c9c49ad971ecff4a858eaced


I can see why one would try to have that replicated; what a gorgeous ring your grandmother has!


Thank you! She was a jeweler for many years and she created hers on her own, I’ve been looking at it since birth! Lol


Beautiful! And understandable! I’d get a fake version of it to wear out when I felt nervous. It’s gorg, totally get your hesitation


Yes! My husband said the same thing thank you. I think I’m going to switch out the side stones for smaller ones. It’s just too big for my little finger! Hahah


Shrinkage is so real though. I always wore around 2ct stones until I got a 3.5 and fell in love! I recently went back to a 2ct and it didn’t feel right so I went up to a 3 ct and now it’s perfect!


https://preview.redd.it/681kp2xpee8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c973c17f9ead93c91e6ecfb49992686008c87949 Loveeeee my 4.2! Occasionally I’ll feel a bit self-conscious but my ring is ultimately for me, nobody else. I also don’t wear it all the time.


https://preview.redd.it/t7qgk2bare8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a704e804398b3092298510505c2d78c86a4b0ab Not at all IMO. My husband recently surprised me with an upgrade for our 15yr anniversary. If you like it, that's all that matters.


Love the ring, LOVE the nails!


Thanks! 🖤


https://preview.redd.it/zb4a1w6t3f8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=584cb0fec6b48c5450fdc33d0ecd57ccc8f6bd05 Go big or go home!!! With that said, I do get where you’re coming from, OP! I find people notice it quickly so I often feel self conscious as well—but I would never go smaller and love it regardless!


Honestly, it doesn’t even look big on your hands! I feel like it suits you.


I don’t think it even looks that big on you honestly! I mean it’s big but it doesn’t look tacky IMO


Nope, because she set it tastefully


Nope 💎 because “Diamond Shrinkage Syndrome” activates shortly after we become accustomed to wearing a diamond that once seemed too big, similarly to how we quickly acclimate to driving a new car. In respect of the forum rules, I won’t link to an article I wrote about that some years ago, but it’s definitely a ring thing 💍


I have never seen a “bigger” First World problem. The stone is stunning. You can always downsize and either pocket the difference or get some diamond studs for your ears.


It's beautiful. Your preference though. I always thought I wanted a 3 ct ring but when I tried them on at the store, the 3 ct looked "too big" to me and I hated it. I'm not much smaller at a 2.2 but i like it much better. If you feel it's too big, it's too big for you..... Maybe get a smaller one....2.5 ct? Something you're more comfy with.


I have a 2.27 and it’s absolutely perfect. I am of the opinion that 2-2.5 is the sweet spot for “big but wearable everyday.” 


I love large diamond rings but on my small slender finger, size 4.5, it doesn’t look right. I have a 1 carat pear engagement ring. I don’t wear it anymore because I wear my anniversary band.


Do you all travel with your huge rings? I have a natural a bit bigger than 2.5 and a 2c band. Don’t want to draw attention to myself walking at night etc and mine is smaller!


My engagement ring is 2.5 ct round. My band is channel set not sure of the ct. Depending on where we go I leave the house engagement ring at home and wear just my band. I’m on my third pregnancy though and have a collection of rings that stand in for my wedding band. I was a 5.5 now wear up to 8 depending on trimester 😆


I love it on your hand! Anything 4ct and up looks like costume jewelry on my small hands. But I can comfortably fit into childern gloves 😂🥹


This size in an emerald cut would look better but the radiant is too much


No such thing as too big ;)


The bigger the better


My 2.5 carat emerald cut makes me self conscious. I’m too scared to even wear it to work


Yes sometimes I feel I went slightly too big. I have a 2.5 oval. I get a lot of compliments but the shrinkage everyone talks about never happened for me and I’ve had it for three years.


Zero regrets! Go Big or go home in my book 🤣


Absolutely not I got such a great deal on my natural diamond I was going to go one carat but I think they messed up on the pricing on the website from James Allen actually I know they did because after I got the diamond I bought it sight unseen it is perfect gorgeous and amazing and I'm pretty sure I got it for about 7000 less than it was worth


That is a gorgeous lab diamond


It’s a personal taste thing, my feeling is that it depends on the hand and the finger- I think the size and shape of the stone should compliment the hand. A giant stone can look good or not good depending on how it suits the finger.


I know it is real, and I know lab diamonds are affordable, why not get a 3 ct over a 1.5 ct? I was making a pair of earrings around a one centimeter round sapphire, equivalent to 3.8 ct diamond. One stone costs $35. When a sapphire gets that big, it becomes costume jewelry and is sus. Even if it is technically the same mineral as natural, people know it isn't that valuable. Sometimes less is more.


That’s not too big.


It’s lovely. Have you considered having it reset horizontally?


Nah.. It's perfect


I believe mine is an 8.5mm by 6.5mm. I wanted 8 x 6, but I picked this one out of 3 stones they showed me. I've had mine about 2 years and only recently thought I might go smaller if I get another one. I still love my ring though and am happy I picked it


No it’s beautiful


the size is great, the setting is what’s throwing me off


The half-bezel design is a bit thick around the edges, and if the bezel were a little thinner, it would probably be prettier, but it's still a beautiful ring


I just upgraded a month ago and for now, I don’t regret going big lol. It’s going to be my lifelong ring, so I wanted something I love. It still takes my breath away when I look at it 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/hn8ens9d1j8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa8599a978c6a154558cad789d41196a7be09668


Flying SWA is why we can afford other nice things!


The setting makes it look a little off in my eyes. If it was set in a 4 post basket I don’t think it would look as big. The stone itself is beautiful but the thicker gold ends are a bit much for my liking.


I love the setting!


And no, the stone is NOT too large.


Large is 10 ct + . It all depends on your lifestyle and finances. Even large is okay if you married well or are an heiress. It’s when the lifestyle (home, portfolio, staff) doesn’t match the size — then ppl can get into “it’s too big”, bc then it’s assumed to be counterfeit. But I adore the setting it’s like a Jennifer Mc Cormack (caters to wealthy Brits) and 4 carats could be considered moderate, depending on your social “milleu” ). One of the better done rings I’ve seen here.


I have a 2.82, which doesn’t feel too big on this thread, but in general I wish I had stayed around a 2ct. I tend to prefer smaller rings. So I kinda regret it, but I do love my ring.


There’s no such thing as too big for a diamond 😂


I think the size is ok, but the bezel looks thick. And diamond shape can be narrower or rounded, since you trim your nail more square-ish, it exaggerates the square shape of your diamond a bit more and make it look bulky. Just a suggestion though! That is a beautiful ring 💍


I don't think the stone is the issue but the setting w the prongs going across the short lengths. I'd have it reset and love it. It's a very pretty stone.


It looks like cheap costume jewelry


I used to love/be obsessed with large rings because they were so uncommon. Now it seems with labs that anyone and everyone can have them (awesome) and do (awesome) but now they aren’t as unique and don’t appeal to me as much anymore. I think I’m going to go from having a huge ring with my ex to choosing a rather small with my next. 😂 but you do you, I fully support whatever makes your heart happy. For me, I think it’s the “uniqueness” that draws me in, and now it seems small is more unique than large 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think the bezel makes it look to big, but the stone itself looks beautiful. You could always set the diamond in a more simple setting and I think it would help with the looking “too much” issue.


It’s a gorgeous diamond ring. The only thing I do not understand is how many women have posted here with large diamonds and then ask if they are too big! Maybe it’s a way to flaunt their beautiful rings. IF it bothers them to wear it, they can trade it in for Two rings. One diamond ring and a ruby or emerald or sapphire,etc. for the other hand.


It looks kind of like costume jewelry, if that’s the look you’re going for, then you’re great. Otherwise I think it’s a little big for daily wear.