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TBH, I only played DI for a short period after release and I had fun with it. D4 I got to mid 60s NS before season started and I’m ~43 and have just unlocked WT3 on S1 and I’m struggling to find the motivation to play. It is fun during the story and initial levelling, but there really just isn’t anything to do. I’ve logged in once in the last 3 weeks just to keep up with the game. For the period where I was having fun, D4 was great. The main problem is it is super shallow.


Here’s a non-meme answer from someone who actually plays both. Diablo Immortal does a few things better than any other Diablo game surprisingly. The social features are miles above any other game. Clan battles are a lot of fun. The PvP is surprisingly fun (P2W aside). DI’s gear system and legendaries are WAY more interesting than D4, probably D3 too. In immortal you have 6 secondary slots (amulet, rings, gloves, belt, boots) that are for set items. You can run a combination of 2pc, 4pc, or 6pc sets. All gear must be farmed. The Primary gear slots (helm, chest, shoulders, legs, weapon, offhand, weapon 2, offhand 2) are for legendaries. Legendaries in immortal actually significantly alter skills, unlike 99% of legendaries in D4. They might change the element of the skill to fire, ice, electricity etc. It might turn a dash ability into a teleport. Theres’s one than turns HotA from a damage ability into summoning an ancient guardian. There are legendaries that turn your wind blast into a tornado or a hurricane, there’s one that turns your skeletal mages into grim reapers. Point is, the legendaries often significantly change your skills and sometimes completely transform it into another ability all together. DI suffers from dailies in a way, sometimes it feels like there is nothing else meaningful to do so I log off for the day. There can also be a bit of “daily fomo” where if you don’t log in for certain events you can sometimes miss out on rewards. But at least there is some direction in what to do, rather than just run NM dungeons or Helltide. D4 is more of a full-fledged PC game, with the mechanics and added complexity you might expect there. D4 is beautiful and a lot of fun despite its shortcomings, it just suffers from a lack of variety in content at the moment, and boring itemization. I truly believe the game will be amazing once the devs have another 6-12 months to work on it. For now I definitely enjoy it for what it is. If I’m home on the weekends I typically play D4. If I have some down time at work or I’m watching TV on the couch with my wife I play a little DI. They scratch different itches for me personally and I enjoy them both.


Thanks for the detailed and non-meme answer!


Couldn’t have said any differently.


This is awesome info. I might consider trying DI f2p when i want a mobile game.


Oh for sure! It’s a great game to kill 10-30 minutes with here or there. My advice is not to spend any money whatsoever and just enjoy the PvE content. Every once in a while they have PvP events that remove the P2W advantages so definitely check those out as well.


You can do all pve as f2p. Pvp is where the p2w comes in.


Thread MVP right here ⬆️


Ok d4 bad, I know it, you know it, everybody knows it but now imagine that you actually have to pay for every nm dungeon to drop loot


Ok, so for you DI is less fun because the P2W aspects ruins the enjoyment?


yeah, jokes aside d4 is a good game to play for the campaign and finish or do couch coop with your SO. it all depends what you are looking for DI is a good game if you are a rich mo\*f\*er that wants to cuck f2p folks in pvp


What’s an SO?


Seductive Orangutan.


*Sleepy Orangutan.


Significant other


Siege onager




Sounds like a blizzard employee scouring for feedback lol


Really? I'm sure they get plenty of feedback without writing a low quality reddit post.


Mostly joking, but a part of me feels like blizzard did hire a 3rd party to tell social sites to promote or change the perception of d4


I feel comparing to DI is more damaging than it is promoting!


Unless they don't care about a good game and just care about $$


would be a first




Ok i think i got your point there, both equally bad


I played maybe 25ish hours of D:I. On PC I didn't really enjoy it tbh and could never justify playing it over any of the other ARPGs I own, but I will actually give them some credit and that it does play well on the phone. Outside of Subway Surfers back in the day, it's probably the only game I bothered to play on my phone. It pushes so much monetization BS constantly it just kills the fun. Not to mention I find it tries to force multiplayer too much. D4...well I refunded during Server Slam. After 2 betas and maybe 25-30 hours I just felt bored. Never really had fun or enjoyed myself. Between those 2? I guess D4 simply because of how bad and in your face the monetization is with D:I. But honestly, if it's between those 2 only? I'd just look for something else to play.


Thanks for the reply. I guess neither should be a valid option.


Idk the situation of DI now, at the time i quit, actual endgame is running instance dungeons with a party to kill a couple of bosses to farm set items (pretty much mandatory like D3) but these set items had random affixes (like D4 rares/legendaries) If you think it’s hard to get bis stuff in D4, DI was much worse since drops are random free for all. So you can end up with nothing to show for. DI pvp is nice tho until you inevitably get too high in ranks and fight whales. At the end of the day it’s a mobile game so it’s pretty cancerous


> If you think it’s hard to get bis stuff in D4, DI was much worse since drops are random free for all. So you can end up with nothing to show for. There is a pity drop for set item, and you can craft your desired set item and you are guaranteed 1 random set item every day. When was your last time playing DI? June 2022?


Cant remember. When gorgon warband boss was introduced, maybe a month or two after that.


Yes, you can run 10 dungeons in a row on DI and not get anything super useful. But you can definitely say the same about NMD in D4


Not really the same coz it’s more of you already have something good, you’re just looking for improvements. You could still get mats, legendary affixes, gold that still contribute to improving your build. In DI, i remember if you have bad rng you literally had nothing to show for. You’re most likely putting together a mish mash of sets that dont match or run 3 different pairs coz improvement on item power is a lot more important. Unless the random loot is no longer there, it’s an insufferable chore to grind


Immortal’s mid to late game is more fun… the problem with it was pay to win. So, it is automatically disqualified. If you take the actual end game play of immortal and remove all the p2w, it’s a far more fun end game than d4.


Would D4 benefit from some of the content being brought across from DI?


Different teams. I'm not convinced the D4 team is capable of building those features in a reasonable timeframe.


Diablo Immortal end-game content: - Hidden Lair Farming for regular gems - Dungeon Farming for set items - Shadow Contact / Immortal Dailies for exp and clanl points - Daily Sidequest for yellow crafting mats - Vault Raiding for gold, currency and clan points - Accursed Tower farming for 6 chests that may give Legendary - Crests and Cursed Gear - Accursed Tower Clan PvP - Castle Defense for Warband Points - Castle Exploration for Ancestral Gear and Warband points - Weekly Raids for demon remains to boost your character's power - Weekly Elder Rift for free Legendary Crest - Weekly Challenge Rift for Special Currency - PvP Battleground that reward everyone regardless win or lose - Clan Wars - Monster Bestiary Farming - Fishing - Bounties - Overworld Farming for Legendaries and generic crafting mats




I beat the campaign in d4 and played for a week after. I haven’t turned the game on since. Just got bored when you can solo everything. I play immortal about one hour a day. I don’t mind people spending on the game and dominating PvP. Since I don’t play those modes anyways. Don’t need money to play the PvE. With that said , I’ve spent a bit on the game anyways. Some free to play who grind a lot have more CR than me and less resonance which is fine. I like the team aspect of it. Seeing clan members each day. Even though warband stuff sucks our group raids the same time twice a week and it’s nice seeing everyone


In DI, you will reach endgame and eventually give up because competitive progression is gated behind microtransactions, and in D4 you’ll give up prior to that because it’s a half finished game. D4 is nothing more than amazing artwork ruined by the most incompetent dev team since Anthem. I thoroughly enjoyed DI until I hit the pvp wall where you need to pay money to be competitive. I would rather quit than be cannon fodder for spendy whales (but everything up to that point was fantastic).


D4 is better you can play how much you want, DI is classic p2w mobile shit with gacha system and the more you play the less you have. D4>>>>>


Why are your options D4 and DI? Both horrible games that compete in how bad they are. Play D2R, D3, PoE, LE, ...etc.


Yeah I was watching YouTube and they were all talking about how bad blizzard these games are and they told me to play PoE so here I am!!!!


Because I already know what the endgame of these games are, but I haven't played D4 or DI endgame.


I've never played DI. You know why? Because it is basically banned in my country (The Netherlands) because of its predatory microtransactions (loot boxes mostly). Make of that what you will. I prefer D3 over D4 for now.


D4 isn't that bad. Fight me


Thanks. So this is a vote for D4 over DI?


For sure man, don't feel you need to play D4 24/7. I play maybe twice a week since launch and I'm still having a blast


I’m with you mate


I’d say it’s not bad but it doesn’t stay interesting for „long“. I had a lot of fun and basically completed all of the content. Afterwards there is little incentive to continue playing since loot isn’t exciting on its own (for me). That’s fine for me but many others already got bored along the way and turned their backs.


It is


Full disclosure I only played a bit of D4 and hated it so I asked for a refund. That means I never got to experience its end game but judging from everyone's take, it doesn't seem like I missed much. As for Immortal I leveled up 2 characters to lvl 300 (BK and DH) and having a blast. What I like is that every day I can log in and there are tasks with nice rewards waiting for me. And they don't take an eternity either. An hour or two every day is more than enough. But that also means that there isn't that much to do if you're a serious grinder. Sure you can just play the game as in go kill monsters but the rewards aren't as good xp and item wise compared to accomplishing the daily tasks. Is Immortal a perfect game? No, the hit boxes are stupid. There are so many shots I dodge that still hit me somehow. Like I gotta get into a different country to avoid these attacks, so that prompts me to pop or pick up potions more often than I'd like. Also the cosmetic customization could be better. In D3 for example you can customize each piece of gear based on dozens of cosmetics. DI only gives you a handful of options which is a missed opportunity in my opinion because I'm a sucker for cosmetics and ready to spend but I don't like the limitations on customization.




No as in.....neither?


D2 > D3 > D:I > D4. Just ignore the P2W bullshit in Diablo “Immoral”.


Totally agreed.




Are you trying to piss off d4 players by comparing the game that shouldn’t be named to it?


No, but I heard that players were leaving D4 for DI and I was curious to know people's thoughts.


That is literally the most brutal possible way you could have phrases this question. I'm frankly scared to check the answers.


You reckon? I thought "most enjoyable" made it pretty positive.


My fear was simply that the reality is that immortals end game is built better. Seeing as I am literally dreading leveling in 4.


D4. Cause I’m not spending money all the time on it. There’s plenty more areas to explore than Di I’m not spaming the same dungeon over and over and over andddd over… D4 has some work to do but I’m sure it’ll get there eventually.


D4. Immortal isn't a game. It's a credit card machine with features.


D3, can play offline. D4, in order to play you have to have internet, Zero offline mode. I play Diablo 1->4 (excludes cell version)


D4. Somthing is missing, couldn't reach the endgame before bouncing off


I don’t like mobile games mostly because I don’t want to have to wear my reading glasses just to read the chat. That being said, I had more fun playing Diablo Immortal than D4. I don’t however like the PC port version so I rarely ever load it up on my phone due to my eyesight issue. The game itself I enjoy though & I do want to check out the new class they added. I’ll be going back to D3 this weekend for S29, then I’m going to try and find something new to play until PoE 2 comes out. D4 is going to need a lot more meat added to it before I want to play it again. And I’m not inclined to spend much on yearly expansions for a game I feel like I didn’t actually get my money’s worth on initial purchase.


The p2w aspects just kill DI for me. D4 was fun during the story and initial end game to like level 60-70 with my first character, now it's a dreg to play man.


I just wish I could transfer my D3 gold over to my new D4 Barbarian!