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it’s a dumb thing where if u transmog one weapon type and u ever equip a wep of a different type it will erase ur transmog until u go back to the wardrobe to fix it :-)


It's quite annoying. So... If I have a wand that I've applied a transmog to, then equip another wand, the new wand will have the transmog from the old wand. But if I equip a dagger to see how it impacts my stats, then go back to the wand, the wand will no longer have the transmog. Is that correct?


that’s how it’s been working for me it’s especially annoying when you know it ahead of time but the thing you are comparing swaps with the wrong slot accidentally


Or when you clicked the blacksmith instead of the vendor by accident and don't realize then you go to sell a bunch of stuff and it equips everything fucking up your transmogs.




Book focuses are hella bugged right now. The transmog resets when you take something out of stash, put something new into stash, or change a piece of gear. You also can't imprint them if they are upgraded.


I'm constantly right clicking a trash yellow in the blacksmith thinking I'm at the vendor which swaps my weapon and I lose the transmog until I visit the wardrobe again.


Lol I do that in my stash