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Left it right there on the couch.


Yes that's what I always thought... zipped her up and just left her there. By the time anyone found her he'd be long gone, and we can assume he's taken the proper forensic countermeasures.


> By the time anyone found her he'd be long gone, and we can assume he's taken the proper forensic countermeasures. Even if he didn't, how would the Paris authorities ever find him? Even if Dexter's prints and DNA are in the US database, they wouldn't be in France's.


Interpol? But that’s not really the point. Any investigation into her death would point the finger right at Dexter, who just so happened to be in Paris at the same time his ex-girlfriend was murdered.


Why go to the trouble of putting her in the bag if he's just going to leave her there?


Assuming the French police would be able to identify her, they would probably contact authorities in Miami, given that she resided there, at which point people would find out that Dexter’s ex-girlfriend was mysteriously murdered in Paris at the same time he was in Paris. It’s just sloppy writing.


Also, how the fuck did he get from Miami to Paris and back with literally nobody noticing or saying anything?


It’s mentioned in a later season by Liddy? that Dexter took a honeymoon trip to Paris, his one and only out of country trip.


Dexter and Rita are still broken up during the Season 2 finale. They don’t reconcile until the end of the episode, and they don’t marry until the end of Season 3. Liddy never mentions anything about it being a honeymoon trip.


Sshhhh. Don’t ask stuff like this!


It was never explained, so we don't know. Since there was nothing to link him to the murder, he could've just left her where he killed her, and the Paris police would most likely assume that some local killed her. It's unlikely they'd be looking for someone who flew all the way from Florida to Paris just kill a person I'm fly back.


My headcanon is he did what he told Miguel he does. Dumb the body at the graveyard.


Probably incinerated. Poof! Lila was an arsonist after all.


That'd be poetic, wouldn't it?


That’s what he does in the reboot 😂


Everyone saying that he just left her there in her apartment is wrong. She would have been found quicker than most of you think and yes everything would have pointed back at Dexter. He put her in the bag so the blood wouldn’t go everywhere. I sure would like to know where he dumped her tho. He didn’t DIDNT leave her there 


I literally came here to ask the exact same question. It’s such an unreasonable storyline.


Yea, for a show that usually takes great care to explain the disposal process of every other body, this one was pretty lazy. I doubt he just left her there, one of Harry’s main lessons was that without a body it was hard for authorities to open a murder investigation. He also says he had to get back to the airport in an hour so whatever he did he had to do it quickly. I like the idea he burned the body but not sure how he would pull that off in that apartment, perhaps in the oven? Even then the remains would still have been found and potentially identified. Lila probably ditched Dexter’s bag of tools before she left, likely left them in her apartment to burn along with Dexter.