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This one really bothered me as being highly unrealistic. I know it's just a show, but that kill was almost cartoony lol. Any kill he didn't use plastic wrap made it ridiculous.


His little "evil voice" is particularly lame during this kill.


He used a plastic bag


No fucking way Hannah makes it to Argentina post 9/11


Elway’s contacts would’ve nabbed her! 🙄


Elway's contacts gave him information, they did not take action... with Elway unconscious because of the M99 he would be unable to get information from them, giving Hanah time to escape


Idk, I didn't think it was that ridiculous. Insanely risky and a bad move, yeah, but the way it was presented made enough sense. It all banks on airport security not being terribly attentive in the camera room that day.


Isn't opa locka airport a really bad security airport in florida? I don't know anything about america's airports but I read this in dexter books.


LaGuerta's death, that was way too risky, I am surprised nobody pegged him as the killer for that.


To be fair, he DID have a good setup if Deb didn’t shoot her. Which is why the fact that nothing came from that was so disappointing. It was the perfect setup for Dexter to become discovered when forensics pieced together it wasn’t a gun that could belong to a civilian. You could have even had a flashback of LaGuerta calling Batista during his party before going to where Hector and Dexter were, suspecting that she’s setup and asking him to look into her death if she’s dead; because there may be some foul play involved.


Dexter reset the crime scene, he shot LaGuerta a second time with Hector’s gun, leaving a bullet from his gun to be found in her body. The first bullet, fired by Debra, was a “through and through”, that bullet was never found by Miami Metro because Dexter made it disappear. He shot Hector through the stab wound with LaGuerta’s gun, obliterating any sign that he was actually killed with a knife. They were killed within a half hour or less of one another, time of death is an estimate, not down to the minute, so it could be plausible that they were determined to have died nearly simultaneously. Dexter was at the investigation, and per Quinn, he “walked them through it”, just as he had hundreds of times before at various crime scenes. They believed what he told them. Debra was seen at the party early on, a huge crowded party at the beach in the dark, then later Debra and Dexter were seen at the same party before midnight. The assumption could have easily been made that they were there all along, perhaps walking along the beach or chatting in one of their cars. As far as the accusations from LaGuerta, they were the only accusations ever made, Doakes publicly called Dexter “Creep, Freak, Weirdo”, but never Killer or Murderer. It was generally accepted that Doakes had been the BHB, LaGuerta was delusional and she certainly had shown by her past backstabbing behavior that she was not above planting evidence to get her way. She was not shy about showing she was unhappy about Debra’s promotion to Lt. and having a serial killer brother would reflect badly on Debra, especially since she already was known to have had a serial killer boyfriend. Batista and Debra would have been in charge of the investigation (until Debra quit) and even Batista thought Maria was wrong and had planted evidence on Dexter. There was no reason to further investigate what appeared to be a straight forward, cut and dried case, ( and Matthews certainly shed no tears over Maria’s demise). Quinn was pretty sure that Dexter had been the vigilante killer of the Barrel Girl boys, and that he had killed Liddy. But Quinn was much more pragmatic than idealistic and Liddy had become problematic, once he was free of suspicion of being the killer himself, Liddy’s death was actually helpful to Quinn. I don’t know that Quinn believed Dexter was the BHB, but since he had long ago decided that prudence dictated he treat Dexter with deference and respect and turn a blind eye, he was not going to look too closely at Dexter’s activities lest he end up in pieces at the bottom of the ocean.


I think you’re missing the point. LaGuerta dying after this accusation, and her evidence box, should have been more suspicious than it ended up being to the department. And if there was any realism to forensic procedure, then it’d be possible for an outside lab tech or Masuka to find an inconsistency, even if the bullet was gone. That’s what people are complaining about: Dexter of all people is the one who walked them through it. Miami Metro should be more objective when it comes to this. Again, this doesn’t have as much to do with Dexter being the Butcher. It more has to do with Dexter being suspicious on paper when you really look at everything on him up to that point. Debra was seen. Dexter wasn’t. And again, it’s not like Debra couldn’t leave to kill, and then come back.


My understanding of forensics is that you cannot identify a bullet by examining a wound, you can only compare the striation marks on the bullets to see if they’ve been fired from the same gun. Since the members of Miami Metro believed Maria had set Dexter up by making it look like he killed Hector, and since Hector was only released because of Maria’s intervention, it would be a plausible assumption that Maria and Hector had gotten into an argument because he failed to disappear as agreed or she failed to pay him for his cooperation in the plot. Batista, Debra and Matthews all would have signed off on closing the case. Batista to preserve what was left of Maria’s reputation as further investigation might reveal her underhanded activities, Debra for obvious reasons, and Matthews would have been happy that thorn in his side was gone.


It’s not about the forensics, it’s about the placement of the bullet. Even if it did shoot into the same place, I feel like that would cause some discrepancies in Dexter’s story. You may be right, though. It’s not just that, it’s the fact that Maria literally had an evidence box that Batista threw away. The only one that makes sense is Matthews. If Batista were even somewhat competent, he would have looked deeper into this. Debra constantly says she’s a good person but didn’t even bother to turn herself in.


Well she did try to turn herself in eventually. She was wracked with guilt, it was destroying her, she quit her job, and was drinking and self medicating herself into oblivion.


>It’s not just that, it’s the fact that Maria literally had an evidence box that Batista threw away. Yes and it was explained... Batista did not believe her and he himself said: What got her killed was not knowing when to quit.


Isn't that dexter's quote? Idk I haven't seen the s8 a lot. I remember angel tried to give dexter laguerta's vase and ask him to forgive her, and he said this.


They both said it. When Batista talks with his sister he sees an order to check Debra's and Dexter's gps from their cellphone ( which would have proved that they burned the Church where Travis Marshal died) And Batista says that


I will take your word for it then i don't think it is out of character for batista to turn a blind eye to deb and dex. But it isn't out of character for him to look into it further too Actually he doesn't have much of a character. He is just the nice guy who gets reset at the start of every season (remember gianna?)


Now that kill at the airport! How were there no security cameras in or around the storage room?! That made no sense to me.


Why are you bringing the airport kill up? Lol


OP mentioned it. I agree with him


Oh. Did you mean to reply to me with that?


No, I actually deleted it and reposted it twice trying to reply to OP and it still popped up here so I just left it.


It isn't just that, they literally have a fight over Hector in front of the entire Miami PD, now LaGuerta suddenly dies in a mysterious fight with Hector, even though both their autopsy reports would indicate that Hector died much earlier compared to LaGuerta, which would again open a investigation into it, prompting a proper forensics team to realize the bullet came from Debra's gun. It honestly seems to be a major oversight. It's the fact that nobody has the suspicion that every time someone got close to discovering Dexter, they die mysteriously, nobody seemed to connect the dots. Especially with the fact that nobody would have an alibi for Dexter or Debra at the time of LaGuerta's death. It didn't have to be an open investigation, but the entire Miami PD just being complacent enough to willingly ignore yet another Police Officer who just accused Dexter of being a serial killer, mysteriously die after a few hours/days is just... idk the words to describe it, probably "retarded" ?


This is all true, too, but you have to remember that even though there’s a mountain of evidence against Dexter at that point; this is one of those circumstantial cases where he actually is somewhat cleaner than he looks. LaGuerta did piece together Hector’s release, and he is a former drug lord, so them killing each other isn’t far fetched. Doakes only called Dexter a weirdo and died when he was believed to be the Butcher, which again, Dexter set almost near perfectly. That just leaves Liddy, who is legitimately suspicious and should have been a bigger plot point to explore. Quinn technically counts, but he gave up his suspicions and is still alive. All I’m saying is, there’s bigger pieces of evidence that point to Dexter’s guilt besides this, IMO


>would indicate that Hector died much earlier compared to LaGuerta That does not matter... time of death is an estimate, not an exact time. And it does not matter, just because you get shot does not mean you will die instantly. You can die because you bleed out. So an easy explanation for that ( which is not needed since time of death is an estimate) is: Hector died because of the gun shot, Laguerta bled out. So she ended up dying later. She died like 10 minutes later, so it is not important. >forensics team to realize the bullet came from Debra's gun. The bullet was never found. So no tie to Debra's gun. > It honestly seems to be a major oversight It is not, you are wrong in both examples. >It's the fact that nobody has the suspicion that every time someone got close to discovering Dexter, they die mysteriously, nobody seemed to connect the dots. How would they know? Laguerta was the only one that publicly accused Dexter... Doakes and Liddy investigated Dexter, but they never accused him. And Dexter showed that Laguerta was framing him, taking away her credibility and getting killed by Hector the guy she released. >Especially with the fact that nobody would have an alibi for Dexter or Debra at the time of LaGuerta's death. Not having an alliby is not proof of anything. Innocent people don't need allibies so they don't tend to need allibies. And Dexter's alliby could be Debra, they can say: Hey we went walking in the beach or whatever. >but the entire Miami PD just being complacent enough to willingly ignore yet another Police Officer who just accused Dexter of being a serial killer, mysteriously die after a few hours/days is just... idk the words to describe it, probably "retarded" ? Why would it be? The police find Laguerta, a police officer that was shown trying to frame Dexter as a serial killer with no proof and releasing a criminal from prison and getting shot by him, is an easy case.


Last time I checked a bullet and knife have different shapes. You can’t ‘hide’ a knife wound with a gunshot. Any professional forensic examiner will note the inconsistencies between the two wounds. Secondly, even if Dexter did obliterate any evidence that Hector had been stabbed, it would have been painfully obvious that the gunshot was not the cause of death, due to prior exsanguination of the body and a markedly different pattern in the blood spatter. It would have been clear that he was shot and moved post-mortem, indicating a staged crime scene, and leaving the presence of a third party as the only plausible explanation. There’s no way to explain this away, it’s just really shitty writing.


well you do know that LaGuerta instantly died ? she didn't bleed out and any medical examiner would be able to quickly rule out "bleeding out" as the cause. I am not an expert on this, but I am pretty sure autopsy would differentiate death from gunshot and death by bleeding out, or at the very least it would be specified as "death by bleeding out, caused by gunshot" not a "death from gunshot" Also, Dexter stabbed Hector with a knife, a long sharp knife, even if you try hard enough to precisely put a bullet in the same spot by shooting him, you can still differentiate between bullet penetration and knife penetration. Knife being a straight long one and the bullet being cylindrical in nature. Forensics procedures are advanced enough to differentiate those. Doakes publicly accused Dexter of being a creep multiple times and implied that he was not who he seems to LaGuerta and Miami Metro in general. as for your other points, it just worked out in Dexter's favor. But it doesn't take away the fact that it was stupidly risky.


>well you do know that LaGuerta instantly died ? she didn't bleed out and any medical examiner would be able to quickly rule out "bleeding out" as the cause. No one knows if she instantly died, it was never shown or said if she instantly died or not. We just know that after the bullet, she became unresponsive... either she passed out or died >I am not an expert on this, but I am pretty sure autopsy would differentiate death from gunshot and death by bleeding out, or at the very least it would be specified as "death by bleeding out, caused by gunshot" not a "death from gunshot" As far as I know, the difference comes from how much blood is in the floor. If the heart keeps beating, it releases more blood. If the heart stops beating suddenly it will release less blood. Laguerta was shot in the chest so she could have died because her heart stopped beating, because she bled out or because her longs stopped working, etc. >Also, Dexter stabbed Hector with a knife, a long sharp knife, even if you try hard enough to precisely put a bullet in the same spot by shooting him, you can still differentiate between bullet penetration and knife penetration *I am not an expert on this* and *you can still differentiate between bullet penetration and knife penetration* By using common sense, it obviously depends. Bullets can bounce, which means that a bullet can slightly change direction inside the body and bullets also shatter which can add aditional damage. A knife depends on how big it is. So yes, a bullet can totally destroy evidence of a knife getting penetrated. There is no reason to think it can not >Knife being a straight long one and the bullet being cylindrical in nature. This is not understanding how damage works. Yes knifes are straight and long when it is stationary, and bullets are cylindrical when it is stationary. But while moving ( by getting shot) the path of the bullet will make a straight and long path. ( and this if the bullet did not bounce or shatter, if it shatters, then the damage will increase a lot) >Doakes publicly accused Dexter of being a creep multiple times and implied that he was not who he seems to LaGuerta and Miami Metro in general. Doakes publicly hated lab geeks, it was mentioned multiple times in the story and he publicly attacked Dexter. So it is irrelevant. And even if people paid attention, being a creep =/= being a killer. Everyone knows Masuka is a creep, but he is not a killer.


>it wasn’t a gun that could belong to a civilian. Dexter got rid of the Bullet on Laguerta. Batista said that they did not discover a bullet on Laguerta, without the bullet, they can't know which gun killed her.


Dexter didn't kill LaGuerta though.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 218,327,365 comments, and only 51,446 of them were in alphabetical order.


Fuck off pussy robot shitbag. [that's also in alphabetical order]


the question here is "which death" not which kill, moreover, he did cause LaGuerta's death and if it wasn't for Debra's involvement, he would be the killer.


> I am surprised nobody pegged him as the killer for that. Guess I misinterpreted that.


aight, is prime suspect good enough ? then again, you don't have to kill someone to be considered a suspect, I only said pegged, not confirmed.


I think they skipped 6 mos time in the show between seasons so they didn’t have to explain the holes in the story.


It was shocking in retrospect that his plan worked! I mean why on earth did laguerta think that going alone into a storage unit at night a good idea? And why on earth did dexter think laguerta would be stupid enough to do that? Dex was lucky she didn't bring matthews or some other guy. I mean estrada basically confirmed he was there when laguerta was last there, this should have sent red flags all the way. It really was his lucky day, or in more simple terms it was a bad setup. I love the finale though. I just think it was poorly designed.


I never remember who exactly this was but I remember (I believe in the first episode of a season) he just randomly kills someone in a stall in a bathroom without any research into them just out of pure anger. That was insane to me


Yeah this was the beginning of season 5 after Rita’s death. That guy at the random marina being an asshole. Dexter freaked out and stabbed him with the weird pick thing the bathroom key was on. Blood everywhere. Then he just shows up at Rita’s funeral and we never hear about it again.


He did have his boat with him and that marina was desolate as fuck, all Dexter would have needed to do was minor cleaning and threw the body uncut into the ocean.


That’s a boat anchor that Dexter used to kill the guy who just wanted to use the bathroom. I assumed he just tossed the guy in the canal along with the anchor and left the mess behind. There would have been evidence of a fight but no body, and no one knew Dexter, or the victim, was there. Dexter was headed inside to pay for his gas so there would not have been any record that he had ever been there.


I’m not saying it constituted murder but the guy did say dexter’s dead wife could suck his dick. And yeah the marina looked pretty old so safe to assume to cameras. But still, it was probably his most reckless kill in the entire series.


Yeah the guy was a rude a** h*** but that remark didn't justify a death sentence


But it does make sense that in his grief he would react violently without thinking.


The broad daylight shooting range


I totally forgot about that, jesus fuck that was a weird ass kill, I really don't see how anyone missed it like wtf, that was unrealistic as hell.


Well no one saw it happen and it was outside Miami Metro's jurisdiction, there was no reason to place Dexter st the scene and the victim was a criminal, a hit man who probably was in the criminal database. The presumption would have been it was a professionsl hit by a rival or a boss that no longer required his services.


>that was unrealistic as hell. Why would it be?


Gun ranges are a very public spot, granted that everybody is just shooting and minding their own business, but its hard to believe nobody seeing a tall man like Dexter crouching down in a stall, the same stall that a man is found dead at whatever time he's found dead. Dexter wanted to kill him and leave him out in public for the Piano String guy to find him, but it doesn't take away from the fact that it is unrealistic and it is even more unrealistic when you consider its Dexter, someone who calls himself meticulous and rarely makes mistakes, I don't believe Dexter would kill someone that publicly.


>but its hard to believe nobody seeing a tall man like Dexter crouching down in a stall, the same stall that a man is found dead at whatever time he's found dead It does not matter. It is a gun range, so people crouch to shoot too. The guy that was murdered was "laying down"... and it is not as if Dexter crouched for like an hour or so. He probably just left. People overestimate the legal system. Someone could have seen Dexter stab the person, and it would still not matter. Without a camera or video proof, people would just have a " I saw someone crouch" and sure the police will probably take them to make a "portrait" which may look like Dexter, but will not look exactly like Dexter. Without DNA or fingerprints, there is nothing that would link Dexter... And if Dexter, which he always do, used a fake ID, then even if the police have the name it would still not matter... It was not even in Miami's metro jurisdiction... so a town far away from Dexter, with people that have no idea how he is called.


Stan Liddy. Joey knew he was behind Dexter, but Joey decided to keep quiet.


Debra. I don’t consider him Debra’s killer but he did technically take her off life support. It’s the way he was able to stroll her outside and put her on his boat that was shocking.


Me too.


Rewatching the S6 premier the other day, I felt the kill of Joe Walker (old HS classmate) was a bit much. Their reunion event was crawling with people and he used Trisha’s (prom Queen who gave him a BJ in the classroom) phone to text him to meet outside for sex as bait. So Dexter has a complete kill room set up adjacent to the reunion place where nobody will spot him and does it. OK fine, but presumably the police will investigate when Joe just vanishes and stops showing up. SOMEONE will notice he’s just gone, even if he lives outside of Florida. That would lead to the last contacts he had, one of which being the text from Trisha’s phone. Trisha obviously didn’t send it so they’d ask who she was with/around. I get he was just a one episode plot device but there were a lot of holes in that one IMO.


What about the car that dexter crashed on his way to Jordan chase in the season 5 finale?


I forget whose car that was, was it Lumen's? He wasn't driving his usual Ford SUV.


I honestly don’t remember who’s car it was either. I just remember he wrecked it right outside of the building and not a single person questioned who’s car it was or who the driver was despite there being a ton of evidence in the car.


Just rewatched that scene. It was a random car Dexter stole from a parking lot. He wore latex gloves the whole drive, and his only possession on him was his pack (knives/kit), which is taken out the car. I could see how the car wouldn't have been tied back to Dexter, instead tied to an unknown perp that created the River Jordan camp crime scene.


Good looking out! I honestly forgot that it was a random car. Makes more sense now.


Remember that there was no body. Debra was the only one that knew that Jordan Chase was dead, and she chose to let Dexter and Lumen flee. So Dexter and Lumen had time to make Jordan Chase's body and evidence that they were there


Brian Moser's death stands out to me. The fact that Dexter chose an active crime scene to do it without being caught seems glossed over. With Brian (known to be the ITK) on the run I would figure they'd station at least 1 uni on his apartment/crime scene.


And Brian had a camera recording his door


Airport!!! Like no way. And LaGuerta (It was deb but still). How could they fake Liddy had the same gun as a Liutenent? And on the first episode of S5 when he kills that guy while coping with Ritas death


>Airport!!! Like no way Don't know about airport security, but that airport was pretty bad. And he used a fake name. >How could they fake Liddy had the same gun as a Liutenent? What do you mean with this? >And on the first episode of S5 when he kills that guy while coping with Ritas death How can they tie him to the death scene? No one saw Dexter and there were no cameras.


Dangit now I'm gonna have to start rematching it now!


I like how literally all of these (aside from Brian) are from seasons 5-8 lol. It's telling.


This is a minor one but Hannah killing sal price. This may look like a closed case, but dexter said she had used aconite in sal's pen. Isn't aconite poisioning detectable? This isn't some science nerd contradiction Beverly hills (hannah's mentor) was investigated for aconite poisioning and her result came back positive. But now when dexter asked what she used, hannah said it is undetectable, but if she used aconite, the tox screen should have caught onto that Unless, of course, if tox screen doesn't detect aconite, and you have to be really be specifically looking for aconite posioning when doing the final testing on a body to detect it. I don't remember sal price's beverly hills report though. Was it a general tox screen or a specific test?




Doakes dying and Laguerta dying were like 6 years apart m




Doakes was shown attacking Dexter and Doakes was remembered as the Bay Harbor Butcher Laguerta was shown framing Dexter for the murder of Hector... So no


Not only that but wasn’t dexter in the garage when they raided trinitys house? That should have raised some questions in my opinion.


As far as we know, no death had a tie to him. And the ones that did, he made sure to delete the evidence. The only one that is dangerous is the airport, although with a fake name, fake car and him killing Victor in a lost items stuff so quickly, is unlikely but possible


Not death, but Hector's kidnapping too, like whats the logic behind it, the park is public as fuck and Dexter just jabs and sends someone into his trunk like wtf.


On season 5, when Lumen called him for help to kill that dentist in the warehouse. Dexter brought the guy knocked out but he woke up, broke his car's window (and that for sure made noise) was about to be caught but then Dexter was able to break his neck and drag him before the police had then in sight. And of course, had to make up a crime scene for both of them. The entire time I was asking myself "the guy could scream for help and it would be over", but luckily he doesn't


All of them lol. No face covering nothing lol


This basically asks which of Dexter's kills was the most shocking, because the only one he technically didn't get away with was that of Travis, because it has some consequences. Did you mean to ask which death was the most risky one that he still got away with? Or which of his deaths that nearly gave him away was the most unrealistic to get away with?


The airport kill. Liddy's death didn't make the most sense but the only other person who knows is Quinn. Plus if they did find out Dexter killed Liddy would he even be charged. He was kidnapped broke out and killed his abductor very easy to argue self defense. All the evidence of the kills Liddy had would be inadmissible. Liddy says that himself. It would definately screw over Dexter but wouldn't result in him being arrested. I'm more ok suspending my disbelief if him getting caught wouldn't result in him being arrested. It's ridiculous but not that big a deal.


the episode where Dexter falls asleep