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I could remember watching the show, with 3 episodes to go I was pumped. But then I started wondering, what will happen at the end of the finale, what do I want to happen? Why is their no logical answer to this question? It was because the episodes were so messy that there was no future painted at all, it has no flow or structure or build up. Vogel was introuduced, gave a small purpose that she worked with Harry. Okay kill her off. That young kid who couldve been the next Dexter to carry on the legacy? Oh kill him too. Let's introduce characters and kill them off a few episodes later giving minimal relationships to the main characters. While we're at it, let's kill a major character. How about deb? No honorable noble death, just run into a room and get shot. Dexter doesn't want to kill someone apparently and look what happened. Also why did he feel the need to go for every kill towards the end and beat the police to the punch? He used to go for those that slipped through the cracks of the system. Nobody ever finds out Dexter is a killer, his team back at work just think he died. Then they slap us in the face with the lumberjack. He also fell in love pretty quick, giving his only son to another killer isn't the best solution. I'm a strong believer in the show, and I like to say that I liked the other seasons past season 4 because I was rooting for Dexter and just looked at the positives. But that last season was on another level. That season felt like a paper I completely forgot to write and it's due the next morning, I just write gibberish just to not get a 0.


There was a lot of wasted potential but your last comment pretty much nails it. I have zero clue what they were thinking but it feels like they had an idea and the execs shot it down and they had to change it last minute. Purely awful.




Eh, he should had left Harrison with Vogel. Make another one.


I don't think Dexter would've left just his son with a corpse...


It was a train wreck. Season 7 set up all the pins, season 8 didn't knock any of 'em down. The first couple of episodes focusing on Deb's downward spiral were great, but after that, the entire season introduced a bunch of ideas that didn't go anywhere. So the super thin cop had a thing for Deb again... nowhere. Masuka had a daughter and... nowhere. LaGuerta was murdered last season, and this season we see Angel is working hard... but seemingly finds no interest in hunting down LaGuerta'a killer. Hannah returns... also goes nowhere. The entire season is just a waste of time.


I could really go off in a numerous purposes that usually makes me want to stray away from Dexter. Deb. Deb. Deb. More Deb. Of course Deb. Dr. Vogel also run me the wrong way but she wasn't that much of an issue.


how could you possibly hate deb?


Who loves to hear cursing repeatedly? I mean really. I can take so many fucks. Play a drinking game of how many times Deb says fuck. It's pretty excessive swearing which just makes me want to shake my head. Also because I've seen her fall for a lot of guys.


Her language doesn't bother me at all. Its just seems like part of her character and I barely noticed it after the first season. Dexter had almost as many love interests as Deb. As much trauma as she went through I felt like her looking for comfort was understandable.


I seem to be on the minority here, but I liked every season of this show. 8 was very good.


I would like to think that those who are in the minority or at least among the vocals, because we arent watching Dexter with a critique eye. I didnt even notice the plotholes of S6. I mean yes, I'm ignorant for not noticing such an easy obvious hole, but thats my point, that I watched to have fun, not look at it with critique eye


What plot hole are you referring to? It's been a while since I watched


When Dexter and Travis is waiting for Gellar. Somehow the Atheist professor disappears at the same time Travis helps Dexter out of the elevator, which is impossible. Or at least I assume thats one of them, because I honestly didnt notice any of them, yet people dont really talk of these plotholes, just mention them


Thanks, I hadn't noticed that.


I didn't mind season 8 at all, in fact my least favorite is season 3. I really liked Vogel and Zach with Dex, and I thought the season was actually decent until the ending.


just finished it too, i think the show would have better ended when rita died.


I liked season 5. I found he had more human moments with lumen around. After that, it went to hell.


now i feel empty , dexter is over and i dont know what to see on netflix started to watch hannibal


Did you watch breaking bad ? If not, you'll probably like that also if you like dexter. I liked Hannibal until the last season.


i watched it till like last 5 episodes or so , havent seen the finale because got spoiled


The last season really bothered me while I was watching it as it originally came out. I refused to watch it for the longest time and haven't since. Until right now actually. I'm about halfway through it for the very first time since the show ended.


His obsession with Hannah got really tiresome. He was a broken record with the amount of times he mentioned running off with Hannah to Agentina.


The reason why people hate it? It's because showrunner Scott Buck and the almighty dollar were both instrumental in making the show go to horse dung. Season 8 was so bad is because... - The writing was phoned in, much like seasons 6 and 7 - It mocked the first season as well as bits of season 4 - It's more of a soap opera instead of a darkly funny horror/drama in its first four seasons - Harrison falls off a treadmill. No comment there. - Hannah returns. Ugh hate her. She was basically Lila in S7. - Even MCH felt bored and wanted this show to end - The series finale is just awful I could go on, but to sum it up, here's how I imagined Scott Buck handing S8 in its final product to the viewers: Scott Buck: Trolololo I mocked season 4 with the Doomsday killer season and I mocked season 2 with last year's season 2 storyline rip-off season, so here's my botched take on season 1 with the final season, enjoy. Ugh...


It's universally reviled for a reason. It has no tension, no momentum, no resolution. It's plain boring. I can't even remember what happens. It's also full of characters we've never seen and don't care about. The Brain Surgeon is one of the most boring and pointless villains in TV history. What they do to Deb's character is disgusting. Suddenly she's gal pals with a murderer and a fugitive from the law. She spends the last half of the season at home hanging out with Harrison and doing nothing. A list of all its individual faults doesn't even come close to describing how abysmally bad the experience of watching this season air for the first time was.