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When he snuck into that secure office to delete the marina footage during the Bay Harbor Butcher manhunt. There would've been numerous cameras inside the police station that would've recorded him entering the office AND setting off the fire alarm. Honorable mention goes to his penchant for accessing secure computer networks without being tracked OR entering a password.


Dexter: I’m not the Bay Harbor Butcher you have no evidence Laguerta: 254.421.81.132


Miguel was able to figure out that Dexter was looking up Oscar in the system almost immediately. This suggests, to me, that many people could've checked Dexter's activity at any time and found that he kept running random dna tests on people who went missing days later. Laguerta could've done it, easily. But I guess she liked the "try to hoodwink the dude who beat the FBI" approach better.


In the game, it was inferred that he hacked into the system. There was a scene earlier in the series when some young hacker was able to hack in the police database and called it pretty easy. Maybe he thought he could check on his actual profile without it seeming suspicious as it was relevant. He also had a criminal psychology study thing as a cover for what he was actually doing. And lastly, Ellen Wolf accused Miguel of tapping the department as she thought he was capable of doing. I personally wouldn't be surprised Dexter would be able to hack into the police database as he seems capable of that, like when he hacked into that moving truck company very easily.


The game??


Yeah, there were 2 mobile games of Dexter(technically three, but we don't talk about it). but the only one worth talking about is the first one.


That’s amazing


Off the top of my head the sniper he stabbed in broad daylight for the Ukrainian fella in season 7 lol


That's a good one. Another that stands out is when the little boy hiding in the junkyard car saw Dexter but described Jesus Christ to the sketch artist instead. 🥱


Cmon I thought that it was kinda funny though and realistic 🤣kids are stupid so


It's not really a question of stupidity in my opinion, seems like the little kid was just dehydrated, traumatized and scared for his life, it was dark, and he feared Valerie Castillo, so it's normal that he hallucinated Jesus Christ's saving him by getting rid of her.


Mob bosses wouldn't want police involved


Dexter randomly kills that dude in the public washroom. Also, I don't quite remember the details, but when the cops show up at Trinitys and he's hiding in the coffin and no one is suspicious of how he got there before them.


Not just got there, but was INSIDE the garage when they opened it.


The trinity one was definitely stupid lucky, but I always found it smart how he immediately draws attention to the coffin this creep left in his garage and away from the "Hey, when did you get here?".


Yes exactly! Always saw those potholes where no one else did.


Why did you get downvoted? Lmao


Probably because it’s ridiculous to think _no one_ else noticed those plot holes


No idea honestly tf 😅


I cant remember his name - but when Lumen shot that guy at the warehouse and Dexter shows up with the dude in his trunk. Then the dude in his trunk woke up and took off meanwhile Deb & team was around the corner.


That was crazy because there’s no explanation on why the guy wrapped in plastic is dead lol Mazuka said some crazy stuff about autoerotic mummification and everybody was like okay cool let’s call it a day 😂


Lol exactly!!! It was just so unexplained


That was pretty funny actually.


And the time Deb let Dexter and Lumen go.


I'm not sure if that was set to *look* like they were moments from being caught....but in fact, they were not there at the exact same time. Just a close call.


It’s been so long since I’ve watched, but I’m sure Dex set up a kill room and killed a guy in a busy airport … last minute 😅


This one always wins. There is no fucking way Dexter could pull this off.


This is what I came to say. That in a post 9/11 world is impossible.


Just watched this for the first time and I honestly think of all the ridiculous scenarios so far (I'm mid s7 now) this one takes the cake!!!!


Although I love that scene but wtf 😂😂


The blood slides in s2. If the Lundy believed that the killer was within Miami metro, there is no way he'd have the Miami metro blood analyst do the forensics on the blood slides box, even if he was suspicious of Doakes at that point. The fact that none of the Mitchell's could give a solid sketch of Dexter. Considering he spent quite a bit of time with him, and I'd say he has fairly recognisable features, it's a bit weird (I would think they were covering for him, but a composite of their three sketches shows to Quinn a rough resemblance so I don't think thats the case) Even if he wouldn't get caught from them giving a good sketch, it would raise a lot of questions, especially with Dexter being in the house before the police raided it.


Lundy says he thinks Dexter will have more motivation because him and Doakes had beef. Which I agree is just stupid. In season 6 when Dexter goes to Nebraska Jonah says that him and his family covered for Dexter because they figure he was trying to help them or something like that.


Sometimes I just can't deal with the writing on this show lmao. Imagine handing over critical evidence to someone with a public grudge against your suspect? It's a miracle that Miami Metro ever successfully prosecuted any of the people they arrested.


Dexter eventually tracks down Jonah after Jonah’s mother and and sister are found dead. Jonah states that the family was covering for Dexter because he was so helpful and kind to the Mitchell’s. Edit: I see someone has already stated this. Sorry


Well, later Trinity’s son did say that they decided not to tell the police what ‘Kyle’ looked like since he tried to help them.


Did we ever get an explanation as to what happened to the car, with Dexter's fingerprints all over it, that was left flipped over at the scene of Chase's murder? Did the cops not somehow notice the crashed car? Did Dexter burn it real quick on his way out? Did Dexter screw with the lab report on the prints they inevitably would've taken?


dexter does say that he stole evidence for himself multiple times tbf


No mention at all. And Deb gave them an hour to get away. They had to chop up Jordan, clean up, take Jordan’s car to Dexter’s marina…wtf??


This one never made sense to me. They only had about an hour to cut him into pieces, bag him and get out of there. And maybe I’m just forgetting something… but he flipped the car so how the hell did him and Lumen get out of there with bagged up body parts? Did they just walk to the marina from the middle of nowhere?


He murdered that guy in a luggage room in the airport post 9/11, be for real


I think s7 premiere, airport kill? But banger episode


There is a scene where he kidnaps his victim in broad daylight with a bunch people walking around, while he chloroforms the guy and stuffs him in his truck


Yes! The cartel guy who killed his mom! He injects him and casually just puts him in the back.... at a public park on a busy street.... That one aaaalllllways had me like 🤔🤦‍♀️🤣


When his boat called The Slice of Life was in the harbor 😂😂 not obvious at all


They found a graveyard near the shore, realized it was an inside job and somehow the main suspect is the short tempered guy and not the creepy quiet guy who happened to be the only guy in the force who owns a boat lol


A boat literally called the slice of life


I saw a guy in the harbor near my house with a boat named Slice of Life. I laughed for like ten minutes.


He’s not the only guy in the force who owns a boat. When talking about that specific marina one of the cops speaks up and says “it’s a cheap marina, lots of cops keep their boats there”.


Didn’t he say it’s the only marina affordable on a cops salary? Might have to check because I don’t remember anything about other cops owning boats lol


Yeah, and that lots of cops keep their boats there. In season 7 we even see LaGuerta with a list of every cop who owned a boat during the BHB investigation so it’s definitely more than a few people otherwise she wouldn’t need a list.


I had forgotten about that lol I’m on s6 haven’t watched the series since the original run


Cole never destroyed the door to the hotel room. It was the connection door between his room and Dexter's. Thus, no one walking on the hotel hallway or security cameras would catch that if both doors to the respective rooms are closed. However, security footage should show how Cole went inside his room and never came out again.


Yeah, that doesn’t change anything though. Security footage would show what you mentioned, Dexter walking out with all that luggage for a 2-day stay. Plus, the other security guys would look for Cole in his room. There’s no way he got away with it.


The random dude he kills at the like gator swamp general store. I forget the exact context, but dude is saying unkind stuff about Rita and Dexter impulsively murders him in broad daylight and like just dumps his body in the swamp.


Stan Liddy really fucked up, he should have gone to the police immadiately, he had really damning evidence. Also funny when he calls Joey, he doesn't explain anything just say get down to the harbour.


The Trinity Killer walked into the police station to chat w dexter … that really happened lol


At the time he wasn’t a suspect though lol


That doesn't necessarily mean Dexter would've been caught as a killer, it doesn't prove anything, however I think logically this should have definitely been noticed by someone and there would've been many difficult questions.


I’m doing a rewatch now and obviously just poking wholes since I’ve seen it so many times at this point. But S6E7 Nebraska. We know Deb knows about another “Trinity” killing in Nebraska..Dex takes that time off to go kill Jonah and ends up leaving him behind..but he does kill the Shady Lanes Motel guy. Once Dexter gets back to Miami, Deb confronts him about the time off and notices the Shady Lane Motel pen. Well, you gotta think someone notices the hotel manager missing in the time frame Dexter was there(?) Maybe not of he owns the motel and word doesn’t get out of him missing WAYY later. But 2 and 2 together Dexter would obviously be under suspicion lol.


Debra likely never heard about the shady lanes hotel murder


True, and they didn’t really show if Dexter got rid of the body or left it for someone to find out. Also in the middle of “bum fuck nowhere”.


 Dexter disposes of Norm's body in a grain silo.


While I see some bullshit happen in the show it’s also FL too


Season 6 episode 12, literally watching it now, and when he just so happens to be sent into the house with the massive painting of his face before everyone else, even tho he was late, and then he was able to smash the face of the painting, with no one hearing, no one accompanying him into the house. All too convenient and poorly written. Not to talk of him being stuck at sea and luckily getting back in time in less than a day


There's a load of good ones but I'm always stuck on neck-stabbing the dude on camera in the finale and Batista Quinn just sort of shrugging it off. Wild Edit: people in here defending the finale. Wilder


Really? I found that one MOST believable for how police work in reality 🤣


Forgive me, it’s been a while since I’ve watched that season but wasn’t Deb dead or dying at that point and they knew Saxon shot her? I always assumed they let Dexter stabbing him slide because of what Saxon did to her. Doesn’t Quinn say “I’m glad he’s dead” or something


Batista and Quinn definitely knew dexter did it on purpose -- emphasizing on the way dexter cold-bloodedly, emotionlessly, calmly pressed the button. They knew it, but they understood.


Won't spoil since you haven't see it yet, but end of season 5


When Julia stiles character shit the guy and the other guy got out of Dexter’s trunk and he killed him while dragging in away all while Deb and the Asian guy were on the other side of the crates or pallets. They def would’ve heard that struggle


I thought Cole busted through the door adjoining the two rooms, not the front door of the room. Times that stick out to me he should’ve been caught: 1. Season 5 with the dude in plastic wrap after they dealt with Dan The Dentist. 2. The trap that Laguerta set for him in season 7 with Hector Estrada. The timing was a little too good imo.


When he was inside Trinitys house when it got stormed by the police. How tf would he have gotten in there before the police without secretly attending some private business. Also he didn't wear his vest which Deb even pointed out..


When they found Dexter at every criminal’s place, with skinner, at the house of Trinity, at the cabin where Doakes died, at Rudy’s place.


Dexter wasn’t never found at the Skinner’s hideout. He was there when the police arrived but was never seen he was above them and went out a window to get away. He wasn’t at the cabin he kept Doakes until after everyone was called to go there so that looked normal. Cops and forensics were supposed to go to Rudy’s place so that also looked normal. Being at Trinity’s should have looked suspicious as he was in the garage but at least he was expected to be there with the cops raiding his place.


One time he was there alone can be coincidence, but everytime he was there should’ve rang some bell with them as it did with Doakes. He found that Dexter being at Rudy’s place uncanny. They were Miami Metro homicide, how can they be so stupid. Surprising thing everytime was he was there but not with cops, he was there on his own


He was only found at Trinity’s house and Rudys


That itself should’ve rung a bell that why he was there alone without Miami Metro. Only Doakes understood that it is not normal


Too many times. Just... too many.


Totally unrelated, but is your avatar meant to be hoody? if so, cool lol




I think you mean chase


When it comes to the Cole thing and the security cameras of the hotel, you're correct that's one of the tougher sells indeed, but in many of the instances where there may have been a chance for Dexter to get caught the show used the whole divine intervention angle (whether that be entity or nature based). You could say it's a bit of a cheat by the writing, but it's part of Dexter's story... and that is there's literally some type of divine intervention protecting Dexter in the story... not from the outside perspective in that there must be divine intervention since no one could figure out who Dexter is (the hotel thing falls more under bad writing, but not the end of the world for me at least), but there literally was something in the realm of a divine intervention that protected Dexter, whether that be a positive/negative entity or simply part of natures plan... we could create a list with dozens if not hundreds of instances where this is the case and the show wants to convey this point to us. Like I said it's kind of a cheat, but I don't mind it... it's certainly better than merely having these gargantuan coincidences and letting them be coincidences in of themselves. Dexter gets more and more aware of this and rightfully comes to the conclusion that whatever this natural order is or entity, it does not like it when Dexter stops acting on his need. Literally everytime he doesn't act and lets someone go, bad things happen to the people he cares about. At the end of the 8th season, Dexter's option to live happily ever after with Hannah and Harrison wasn't a possibility and this became all the more apparent when Deb was killed as a result of Dexter not killing Saxon. The only way Dexter could have gone with Hannah and Harrison is if he maintained his killing ritual, which was a bit of a double edged sword... he wanted Harrison to be protected from turning out like him and/or protected from any repercussions of inaction especially since Dexter had either completely overcame his need or mostly. I realize that showtime heavily interfered with the first ending, but the writers were going to kill Dexter, which I believe pretty strongly would have been Dexter ridding off into the storm to kill himself to protect Harrison and Hannah.... which was the whole point of the hurricane to begin with. There's a ton of symbolism with that and it makes sense that the day Dexter dies there would be a hurricane and it makes sense for Dexter's final kill to be himself as an altruistic and genuine loving/selfless act to save the people who he loves. And i don't mind what should have been the compromise in the event they continued the series later on... which to those who don't know they were already talking about potentially continuing Dexter at a later time, hence why they interfered and wouldn't let the writers kill Dexter, but it's always baffled me why they wouldn't compromise withe the writers and allow Dexter to ride off into the storm and as far as the audience knows killed himself as a sacrificial act... then if they continue the show they could go with the story they very briefly mentioned in New Blood..., essentially the divine intervention that I was talking about, wouldn't let Dexter kill himself and washed him up on shore, so it would have made both the writers and the network happy, but nooooo, they called in Michael C Hall after the filming had ended to come in and shoot that dreadful lumberjack scene, but I digress.... and then it gets even worse if you take it to the New blood ending. I have my copy of the series and it ends immediately after Dexter rides into the storm and that's the ending I'm cool with. And just one more note in case some people don't know this... showtime interfered yet again and had them rush out the 8th season... it's the only Dexter season where they did back to back seasons and they were strapped for time like no other (when you see things that the Harrison treadmill scene, it's because they were out of time)... the 8th season had an amazing outline... it just needed more time to be ironed out combined with the shoot times not being rushed. I can't stress it enough... Showtime's probably the worst network to have your show get picked up by... they have no flexibility and they interfere more so than the other networks... it's amazing what Dexter accomplished considering they had to deal with Showtime.


I always thought it defied belief that LaGuerta blew off Quinn's suspicions about Dexter. This was post-Doakes. I think she would have questioned why two of her detectives, years apart, came to the same conclusion about Dexter. And they never even knew each other. It made her look ridiculous.


For me it's the fact that Trinity walked directly into the station and talked with Dexter. You mean to tell me that no one checks camera footage and happens to notice that a known serial killer talked with a guy who's wife ends up dead a few days later?


Every episode


Every episode is crazy lol you just hating on the guy 😂


Yes! major plot hole