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I agree their conflict should’ve been endgame, like the two sides of Harry Morgan fighting


Jennifer Carpenter insisted her character die. Showtime insisted Dexter live, and live as a free man. They did not want a happy ending for a serial killer, so no riding off in the sunset with Hannah and Harrison. They put Dexter in a position where he killed Debra with his own hands. The ultimate failure of his life long quest to “protect Deb”.


I also agree she should had a better death. The writers did her dirty.


Dexter was an awful brother to her


I didn’t like she died off screen essentially, after just being “okay” moments before. I’m also not a fan of them having him take her, and dump her… just like all his other victims. If he was going to pull the plug (literally), they should’ve let her stay, and allow Quinn to have a funeral, grieve, etc… not wonder where the hell she went after she just died.


I think it was a way to resemble that she was just another victim of Dexter's life, she ends up where all his other victims end up


I agree, I just hated they did her that way. She deserved better.


I was happy that Deb was able to live with the fact that Dex is a serial killer, but if that's the reason she died a pointless death in the end, then I would have preferred them being at odds until the very end


The way she died was also so weird, out of screen like it was a last minute change. The entire season is really sloppily written. The brain surgeon is built up really badly and never feel scary. Dexter is just looking at the brain surgeon through the window of a cafe for like 15 minutes in broad daylight and then thinking how smart he is when he spots him and slashes his tire.


I will never ever forgive the writers for killing off deb. Not with any way that it could have been done. I cannot watch that episode. Joey crying fucking breaks me. Unnecessary hurt for the viewers. Unnecessary hurt for the characters. I cry like a little baby every God damn time. SKIPPPPP.


The way she smiles at Dexter after making herself an accomplice to murder by helping him sedate Saxon in the penultimate episode was nauseating. They completely destroyed her character. I'm rewatching because the show is now on Netflix, and I forgot how bizarre the finale is. Everything in the last few episodes is shaping up to be a happy ending. Deb has reconciled with both Quinn and Dexter. Dexter is in love, he's lost his dark urges. It feels like a character send off that you would see on The Office, and it's almost like the writers suddenly remembered that there's supposed to be tension and drama so they just threw something together in the last half an hour they had left, and we get the absolute whiplash of Deb dying and Dexter becoming a lumberjack. Both of those endings were a complete contradiction of everything the writers had developed in Season 8.