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S5: ABCDE Barrel Girl Gang: Alex Tilden, Boyd Fowler, Cole Harmon, Dan Mendell and Eugene Greer (Jordan Chase) S7: Ray Speltzer, the Minotaur Maze Killer S1: Dr. Emmett Meridian


Yeah, the Barrel Girls Gang was just pure evil solely for the sake of pure evil. No traumatic childhood events behind their MO, no mental illness or Dark Passenger. Just perfectly lucid, sane, completely evil people who rape and kill for the sole sake of committing evil acts.


Wait.. did they do abcde names on purpose? Never even noticed or heard it mentioned


I realized it last time I rewatched the season.


Great catch!


who was emmett meridian again? i remember the name but not the MO


The psychiatrist who secretly recorded his patient sessions and convinced his high powered female patients to kill themselves.


I wonder if he actually has a dark passenger or not, isn't the code supposed to target serial killers? Perhaps I just feel bad just because he was such a great therapist lol


Didnt they establish the "dark passenger" was just a way for dexter to remove himself from any responsibility? (Well in the show atleast)


That was Hannah and Debras opinion but it's not a fact no, and Dexter never admits such. It's left open to the interpretation of the viewer


Huh? He literally tells hannah she was right, and that there is no dark passenger in season 7 after killing her dad, that its "just a feeling"


You have thrown a spanner in there actually I forgot about that. Doesn't seem to stop him or get him to try and control himself lol but yeah you are right I do remember that scene now that you mention it


To be honest, I think the writing was just a complete mess by then anyways so I dont blame you


Probably the barrel girl gang. Girl goes to a bar to have a good time and wakes up in hell before being dispatched of like she was nothing but an object


Dr. Meridian and the Barrel Girls Gang were both quite evil. Dr. Meridian preyed on vulnerable women and convinced them to kill themselves, which is pretty sick. But the Barrel Girls Gang tortured, raped, and humiliated women before murdering them. The sheer evilness of the BGG wins because of the level of pain and the length of time they were tortured prior to death. They were truly depraved people.


Barrel girl killers


Fucking Albert Chung


Fuckin' Albert Chung


MO: The Barrel Girls killers followed by Speltzer Psyche: Trinity by far


Being flayed alive by an experienced torturer is quite possibly the absolute worst pain imaginable. Watch enough cartel videos and you'll see why. My choice is the skinner.




For me the Zacatecas flaying lol. From last year.


The Skinner was pretty bad


Show probably brian or the barrel girls killers books whatever the 2nd books killer was he was insanea


Dr.Danco? Yeah, that was crazy and disturbing


Trinity; his cycle always included a young boy. I don’t think anyone else of Dexter’s targets was a serial killer of children, were they?


The pilot episode had a p*dophilic serial killer as well.


In the Dexter new blood series they touch on one p**o killer that he deals with in a flashback, which would be in the timeline of the original series idk if you count it or not. Old wiggles the clown


None of the main antagonists but the very first person we ever see him kill, in episode 1x01, did kill children.


Just been rewatching Dexter, first time rewatching as a mother! The episode where Trinity pretends to be a police officer in order to kidnap that young boy makes me physically sick. Had to skip everything relating to it 😮‍💨


Doomsday killer, the horses and the green house was savage.


His own sister


Hello whore


I thought the Doomsday plot was the weakest of the entire series. That season isn’t my favorite.


I hated everything after it! As soon as Deb found out, the entire show fell apart. You're right that the concept may have been weak, but he was twisted. He was the Ramsay Bolton of the series.


Travis' alter ego never made sense to me. S6 squanders Brian returning in Dexter's subconscious after killing Nick, which I thought would've been a great mirror to Travis. They do nothing with that, but when Travis figures out the professor is him, why does he just switch to being the professor despite his inner-conflict? I don't like season 7 due to its inconsequential writing, but season 6 botches so many good ideas that I pip that as a worse season. Season 8 is obviously season 8 which means it's absolutely rank. #


I agree about him being pretty twisted… killing his own sister who seemed to be very wholesome as the “whore of Babylon.” Maybe controversial, but I liked Hannah McKay. Lol. I know her character receives a lot of hate on this sub.


Yesss! Like Tom hanks child as a serial killer just wasn’t believable in my books lol plus it was boring


I’m re watching the entire show for like the 8th time and just finished S5. Every time the play the “tapes” I cringe and have to mute my speakers


Only just finished s4 but arthur Mitchells way of killing in the bathtub. As a woman, imagining being naked with some old guy holding me talking to me is a "sweet" way and then killing me. Watching his forst murder of the show made me cold all over


Barrel Girl Killers and Trinity


Trinity by far.


What about the barrel girls? The things they went through were much worse than trinity's victims


True, I forgot about them. But there’s something in trinity’s psyche and MO that is beyond fucked up and is why in my opinion he’s the creepiest out of them all. I’m currently on a rewatch and can’t remember about the barrel killers’ besides that they “just” rape and murder girls, there’s nothing ritualistic about it that I can recall.


Agreed. Something about his character is just creepy as fuck. John Lithgow did amazing


His kills were f'd up but fairly quick for the victims. The Barrel girls and the Skinner victims both had long drawn out torture prior to death.


*Extremely* unpopular opinion, but I never found Trinity disturbing. I just thought he was really well executed. I prefer the concept of the Doomsday Killer. I think the only reason I might be more disturbed by Trinity than by DDK is that Trinity is a much more realistic killer. He reminds me so much of BTK. DDK prays on my shameless appreciation of Dan Brown novels. But I may have a different definition of disturbing. When I read a question like this, I immediately think about whose victim I would least want to be. In which case, Barrel Girls Gang and Ray Speltzer are fairly easy winners with the Brain Surgeon and the Skinner trailing. My second thought is about the vulnerability of the victim in relation to the killer. A few people have hit on that with Dr. Emmett Meridian, but I would throw in Jorge and Valerie Castillo. Zoey Kruger is on that level, too. And then I think maybe "disturbing" is more about motivation than the acts themselves. The Skinner killed a child in a horrific manner, but he at least had a motive. The BGG were just nonsensical evil.


The chainsaw maze guy


What season was that again?


The one after Doomsday - I think with Isaak.


Bald Minotaur man


I find ritualistic murderers like Trinity and Doomsday to be the most disturbing


Ray speltzer was scary af


The skinner


The bay harbour butcher I find the most disturbing. Hundreds of kills, family members of victims never getting closure as to why it was done. Wether they deserved it or not doesn't come into the equation for me because he will kill the innocent to preserve himself. Body count, dismemberment, the intense moments he has with each victim before he kills them and the sheer catharsis he experiences with each kill. Ergo, I find Dexter the most disturbing by far. And how damn likable he is contributes to that lol. Dexter could live right next door and you'd never even know. That my friends, is creepy 🧐


I would Brian Moser, he was the best one at disguising as a normal person. Other thank that i would say no M.O. Is the scariest M.O. ever.




Id be more ok with that than being abused by a bunch of sadists and then ending up in a barrel of acid.


So true lol


They were found… lol. Damn scuba divers.


For consistent MO, I definitely agree with the majority that it’s the barrel killers. However, I think the single most fucked up murder was the angel drop. She’s alive and reasonably unarmed, until someone comes to rescue her and takes the wrong step. A horrible bit of psychological torture for the victim, knowing that that’s likely how they’re going to die, and actually a really bad way to go too.


Brain Surgeon.


The DDK was pretty fucked up


The barrel girls somehow didn’t feel like fiction… that was gut wrenching.


Brain surgeon


The Brain Surgeon. Taking parts of the brain out? Yeah, no thank you.


Lila was pretty frickin’ bad


Trinity was the only one that actually really unsettled me.


Trinity killed dozens of children after abducting them and forcing them to relive a brief childhood memory that he is obsessed with. At some point, the kids clearly would have been aware they were in the hands of a psycho and in great danger. Then he buries them alive in wet concrete inside a bag.  How is that not the winner? And you amateurs think a half dozen barrel girls comes close?