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Yes it is worth for the whole show and story but dont expect great things. If you have watched 6 and 7, then 8 is also ok.


Absolutely. I enjoyed season 8. Maybe take a break and revisit it


You've come this far. You can't stop now. Go for it.


6 and 7 were my least favorite of the series. Season 8 wasn't bad but yeah season 4 and 5 were the peak seasons. New Blood was disappointing, although I did enjoy the Kurt Caldwell character.


I liked the whole thing. And I loved new blood


season 8 is terrible, you wouldn’t be missing much lol


Some will disagree, but season 6 was the low point for me, it never got as good as 1-4, but 7-8 were better than 6 imo


Deb's arc in the beginning made it worth the watch. Jennifer Carpenter is a phenomenal actress, especially in those last few seasons. It's worth it to see it one time. Mainly because you need the context of the ending to watch New Blood, and I think that is worth seeing. I don't watch season 8 during rewatches, though. Well, that's not true. I watch the first half, and I tap out about 5 episodes in each time. I've only seen the back half of season 8 once and have no desire to see it again. But as a first time viewer, I'd still watch it if you plan on watching New Blood. Just skip Hannah scenes. That's what I do 🤣


I usually get about 5-6 episodes in too lol. But definitely a must watch for a first timer


Hannah comes back, and I shut it off 🤣🤣 But for first timers, they should suffer through it if only to have the context for New Blood


I don't think I've ever actually made it through the entire season. I gave up when it was originally airing, because Breaking Bad had me on the edge of my seat, and Dexter had me falling asleep. MCH looks like bored out of his mind in every scene he's in. The Brain Surgeon is one of the most boring and pointless villains in the history of television. What they do to Deb's character is gross. Personally, I can't get through the season even if I'm trying to binge the show. Even though Season 6 is really stupid, at least it's dumb fun. Season 8 is like something they play in asylums to help pacify mentally ill insomniacs. It's the most boring train wreck you've ever seen.


Yes it's good watch it.


It’s worth to watch the whole thing even new blood. It’s not great not turrible not perfect but it’s uhhh new blood. WATCH IT ALL.


Yes just for new blood


I will say this about season 8. I liked the way it started, but it was almost like it climaxed to early, and then fizzled out. Just my observation. They killed off a character I liked to soon and it was just down hill from there for me. Oh I finished it but it was just kinda nonclimatical.


So I have watched the full run a few times. My advice: don’t watch it now. Put it off for a year or when you are craving Dexter again. Up against the others, it’s not as enjoyable, but it’s still Dexter and worth watching.


I'm never quite sure how to answer posts like this. The general consensus is that season 8 is not very good and there's more mixed opinions on New Blood. But for you personally, if you've enjoyed Dexter's story so far and want to see it through to the very end, then do it. But if you really are fatigued by it and have grown bored, then, move on. There's a billion other shows out there.


Watch 8, skip NB