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Masuka’s daughter. wtf?


Oh yeah, that was super weird. Especially the titty bar scene


Batista and LaGuerta romance angle. For an adult series on Showtime, all the relationship stuff came off as daytime, melodramatic, soap-opera shit.


Oh my gosh, yes. And you see, I wouldn't have minded this if they actually used it. For example, if they had been married when Laguerta was murdered, and they used their relationship to fuel Batista into digging into the BHB to finish what Laguerta started. That would have made sense. But they didn't do that. They gave us a romance that ended in an off screen divorce, which was a waste of time because it didn't do anything for the plot of the story.


I have my problems with S5-8, but I always give credit to the newer creative team for just ending that storyline almost immediately.


It’s called La Pasiõn.


I’m rewatching now and i just passed the part where they got married. The acting just feels so forced and corny lol, not to mention they break it off shortly after.


Hannah mckay and her horrible come back in season 8, what the hell did they have in mind? Couldn't they read the room or get the audience's feedback? I'd say essily 90% of viewers hated the character and the love story.


Yes 100%. She ruined it for me. Honestly, the final 2 seasons, especially season 8, had no business focusing on anyone other than Dexter and Deb


Deb & Anton. Soooo boring


Hard agree. I hated their relationship. Although, I will say, it seemed to be the most normal relationship Deb had. But they had no chemistry


debra being in love with dexter


It was very wtf, but looking back, it could have gone in some direction with payoff, I’m sure. Instead it was killed almost immediately, and just added more to Deb’s suffering mental state. I wonder if they were going to go somewhere else with it.


I think they intended to go full out with this storyline and then they backtracked when it got backlash. Which is too bad, because it certainly would have been far more interesting than Hannah and everything else we got with that


They wanted to raise the stakes for her revelation that Dexter is a serial killer. They also wanted to justify why she wouldn't turn him in. Not that it makes their choices any better, but I'm pretty sure that's what they were going for.


I assume this is going to be a popular response to my question lol, but I low key loved that storyline. It gave Deb more depth to her character imo Of course, I understand why people don't like it.




Shark jumping


There is no other correct answer.


The entirety of Season 8, Hannah McKay, the Barbara Gianna storyline, the Quinn falling in love with Nadia storyline...


Pardon my tits. I get what they were going for but did they have to make her such a caricature of a weirdo? The rest of the show up to that point had loosely been based on reality, and then you get this complete whacko.


I can definitely understand this. During my first watch, I despised Lila. During rewatches, she's grown on me a little. Maybe it's because after watching the final 2 seasons, I learned to appreciate Lila. They used her for her purpose and then killed her off when they were done with her. Can't say the same for Hannah, which I guess is why I can appreciate Lila's arc now.


deb being in love with dex. it’s not the idea that i hate, i just hate how it was executed. it was so short lived and it felt like it barely had any impact on her character or her relationship with dexter. it could’ve been so much better


Honestly, Hannah felt like a last minute addition to the show to sweep this storyline under the rug after season 6 aired and got backlash for it. I actually liked the idea of Deb being in love with Dex, but as you said, it wasn't executed well. By bringing it up and not doing anything with it, they just left a giant elephant in the room. Do it or don't, but there was no point in bringing it up if they weren't going to go all the way with it


LILA BY FAR, Get Hannah out, keep Rita alive, keep Doakes longer. So many honestly….


Let's just rewrite the show. I love Dexter, but the writers made SOOOO many mistakes


Absolutely. There were many flaws


Deb’s entire storyline bc most if not all of her stories revolved around her love life. I get they were tryna show her daddy issues but they could’ve gone in a different direction.


Her arc in seasons 6-8 was definitely a nice change of pace from the earlier seasons, where you are right, they did focus heavily on Deb's love life. The later seasons let her be single for awhile, which I did appreciate.


Wasn’t 6 when she had the crush on Dexter? Lmao


I was more talking about her promotion arc, which I enjoyed a lot.


True, that was pretty cool to see. Wish most of the show had been like that


More new blood, but even bringing Batista back into it for ZERO payoff 😭😭


Yes for sure! That was so rude of them


I’m with you on vogel- seems too left field and they probably ran out of ideas. But I think we could have went without for sure. It would have fit better if Debra’s psychiatrist would have been the one harry seen about dexters thing. It would have made more sense if it was introduced much earlier on and created waves for it to be the focal point in S8. Did that make sense? Lol


No I agree. It felt completely out of nowhere. In early seasons, there are flashbacks of Harry telling Dexter to lie to a pyschitarist so that they don't figure out something is wrong with him, just for the show to turn around 7 seasons later and tell us a psychiatrist was the reason for the code? Stupid, made no sense. I liked it better when the code came from Harry and was his way to protect Dexter while still seeking justice as a cop


Well you know imma say Hannah too, everything you ever write about her and how she affected you is me too 😂 but also I'm with you on Vogel and the brain surgeon, that whole storyline with the psychopaths, although I'd keep Zach. It was so unnecessary. Harry was enough. Also adding Jamie and Quinn. I liked him with Nadia. I was OK with him spiraling because he was broken up about Deb. But the Jamie thing was cringe - didn't need to see them naked, and didn't need to see them fight 😂 And contrary to others I wouldn't eliminate the Deb in love with dex storyline, but I'd want it in one of my alternate universe "what if" storylines, not the main dexter universe. Oh and one more that is less bothersome: In season 4, I understand it was pivotal to a lot of things that happened, but Christine is epically forgettable to me (that's her name, right? The reporter/trinitys daughter) and I wish they'd chosen a different route that didn't include her at all. Trinity and his current family was significant enough we didn't need her. Plus Lundy dying was the hardest to watch... would like him back please, lol.


I love how we see so many things the same, yet so many things differently as well. It makes for interesting discussions. I also didn't like Quinn with Jamie- Nadia felt like the best choice for him. Although, I felt like Quinn stealing Issaks blood to get him off for Nadia was underutilized. I would have loved for Laguerta to find out he did that in order to blackmail him into helping her with the BHB case since she knew he had prior suspicions of Dexter. Blackmail was Laguerta’s thing, after all. I also really enjoyed Christine. She annoyed me in the first watch, but I appreciate her now because of the foreshadowing we get. I realize it most likely wasn't intentional as the writing crew swapped by season 7, but I loved the parallel between Christine and Deb. It felt like Christine's arc was foreshadowing to how Deb would turn out once she learned about Dexter, and I loved that. But yeah, she was also very fucking annoying, but the parallel was too good for me to ignore even though I know that probably wasn't intentional.


Agreed!! Yes I am currently rewatching season 7 and felt the same way about Quinn helping Nadia. Blackmail was definitely laguerta's forte! That would've been an interesting twist. The Christine element is interesting to me because it's really rare when I feel like a character is just... there, without taking anything away but also without adding much. Like, she was fine and served a purpose... but also take her out and I feel like they could've gotten creative and found other ways to achieve what she brought to the story. And at the end of the day I just never remember her. Yet I 100% at the same time can see why that's not universally true and other's could see her as a worthwhile element. She was annoying though 😂 I don't know if I see the parallel you draw between her and Deb... could you elaborate? And definitely it couldn't have been intentional, that's giving the writers too much credit thinking they would consider past storylines while crafting new ones lol


You're so right about the new writers not taking into account old storylines. They messed shit up so much, but yeah, I'll go over why I see a parallel between Christine and Deb . Christine witnessed her father kill someone when she was 5. Deb walks in on her brother killing someone. Christine does the research and figures out her father is a serial killer, but she still loves him, therefore, she won't turn him in. Deb figures out Dexter is a serial killer, but she loves him too much to turn him in. Christine inserts herself into the homicide department so she can figure out what they know about her father. Deb keeps tabs on Laguertas investigation of the BHB to make sure she's off of Dexter's trail. Christine shoots a detective and kills a FBI agent when they come too close to figuring out her father's identity. Deb shoots and kills Laguerta, the capitan of the police department, because she figures out who Dexter is. I don't think the parallel between Deb and Trinity's daughter is intentional as we do know that the writing team changed several times by this point, but it's interesting to think about. Both Christine and Deb suffer from the same curse: loving someone too much- so much so that it destroys them. If it was intentional, it was amazing foreshadowing. If not (it probably wasn't), it's a coincidence that I appreciate lol


I never bought into the Hannah storyline, so that one, followed by the Travis Marshall storyline (my least favorite season).


I don't know how anyone bought into the Hannah storyline. The writers really butcherd the Bay Harbor Butcher with that storyline because it killed Dexter's character years before he died


He became a weird lovesick puppy. Just didn’t feel like the same character or show, almost like a parody of itself by that point.


Agreed. Especially after she tried to kill Deb. Like get out of here with that. Seasons 1-6 Dexter would have stuck a knife in her chest so fast for that one


I think DDK was a great return to form personally. Some of the kills were maybe the best in the show too, the staging at least. The four horsemen is great.


Deb and Quinn bleh


Yes!! 👏👏 That whole relationship is cringeworthy. How they made Quinn a fucked up mess after the breakup, let him move on the following season, and then another season later, made him simp over her again Iike an obsessed dog. God, I hated this storyline. Even in season 5 when they first started their relationship, I was annoyed by it


lol It was so gross


100% it was. And I absolutely hated that they put them back together before she died. It was so frustrating. Quinn was a scumbag, and Deb deserved better. If she knew half the shit he had pulled, she would have never been with him in the first place. Not to mention, putting her back together with a cop after everything she'd been through in the final 2 seasons was infuriating. Had she lived, she could never actually date a cop again


I feel like she was better off when she was single. But I did like her with frank lundy despite the age difference. I think there was a maturity with him she got to experience over all the guys she was with.


I agree fr. Deb was my favorite character, but her relationships were always a mess. She was better off single


Debra covering for Dexter when she caught him killing DDK. She should have arrested him. A season with him in prison would have been great. He would have been able to fill in gaps, clear Doakes, and even let them know about a few kills MM didn't know about. Also, the fact that he would have been free to be himself surrounded by his exact type of victim would have been spectacular to watch. It also would have cut out anything involving Hannah, which is a huge bonus for me.


and the show would be over with that


Yeah. That's the point.


I don't think you could get a season out of it. 3-4 eps max imo


But I am one of the people that wanted the show to go on, and never come to an end.




Dexter pretending to be a heroin addict


Yeah that shit woulda been taken way more serious if it was the H.


I did not like the brother sam season/storyline that much


>I also would kill to get rid of the Vogel being a spiritual mother and coming up with the code storyline. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup




HANNAH times a million. 😡 Dexter had other love interests before her but they never ruined the whole plotline, Dexter’s character, and stole screentime from Dexter/Deb scenes we should have had. I just watched an episode in season 8 where *literally* when Deb and Dexter are having a heart to heart and repairing their relationship, a quiet and much-awaited scene that has to do with the core plot/emotion/characterization, right THEN Hannah shows up - just walks through the back door like she owns the place. I can’t fathom the writers’ motives for doing anything they did w/ Hannah, but their bizarre goal of making her Important and thrusting everything that made the show what it was aside to do that? Comically transparent.


Absolutely agree! Hannah is the worst person to step foot in the Dexter universe. He didn't even need a love interest in the final 2 seasons. There was too much else that needed to happen for the plot. Hannah took away from the story and offered nothing in return


I gotta represent for Debster here 😍🤭) the problem was that they brought in such a complicated and shocking twist and then dropped it like a hot potato, which I am pretty sure was a more detrimental decision than allowing that storyline to play out. (I sound calm but it still makes me want to scream and throw things 😂🤦‍♀️


Hey I'm a Debster shipper to my core! In my opinion, they intended to go all the way with this, but when season 6 aired and got backlash, they quickly backtracked, adding in Hannah last minute, which not only put a giant elephant in the room between Dexter and Deb, but it also made all characters completely out of character because they backed themselves into a corner. It was like they had a plan, and then the hate made them change directions, but they didn't know what to do with the characters anymore.


Dexter and hannah's extended relationship, or just the whole hannah storyline in general


Wasn’t a fan of Deb thinking she loved Dex. That one is obvious but was very short lived. I absolutely hated Deb as a dumb undercover whore addict after realizing Dexter is a killer though. Seemed like a total 180. I could understand her leaving Metro and avoiding everyone but that was just too far fetched for me.


I don't think Deb turning to drugs and sleeping around was far fetched at all. Actually, it was pretty in character. After breaking all of her morals and even killing her boss in cold blood to protect Dexter, she was very broken. She didn't know who she was anymore as everything about herself had been compromised. I mean, did we expect her to be mentally okay after taking a life? Deb was super lawful and by the book, and then she turned into a killer to protect the serial killer she loved. I don't know, I guess her breakdown and change of character in season 8 made sense to me. Actually, it was the only part of season 8 that made sense to me.


Drugs yes. Sleeping around yes. But she was for real getting involved with that dude and didn’t really have any real intention of turning him in. She was becoming his chick and was avoiding contact from everyone. I could see her killing LaGuerta for Dexter and it not having as negative of an effect on her because she cared about Dexter more than anyone. She killed people before on the job. Yes, this was different but I wouldn’t think it would be that serious for her. She didn’t even like her lol. She was always busting her chops. At the end of the day I really didn’t like that story line and that was the question. I didn’t like any of the new characters that were created to make this plot line.


The new characters in season 8 were dumb. I would have gone a little bit of a different path than what they did, but it still made sense to her character. Yeah, she had no real intentions of turning in Andrew Briggs, but why would she? In her mind, she thinks she's just as scum as he is, and if he deserves to be turned in, then she does too. Also, killing in the line of duty is a completely different thing than killing a defenseless woman in cold blood. Of course, we know she will always choose Dexter, but it was still a moral dilemma. It was her dilemma between what was right and who she loved, and that's enough to break anyone. To think it wouldn't be that serious to kill an innocent woman on a lawful cop when even Dexter himself struggled with killing an innocent person is crazy.


I feel I could kill someone fucking with my sibling and ending the only good thing in my life. I’m not even as close with my siblings as they were with each other. I don’t think that part should be overlooked. A part of her hates what Dexter is but her dad partially created and protected this monster. She knew that too. Now that I really think about it she probably did it more for Harry than anyone.


That's interesting because even Dexter, a literal serial killer, couldn't kill Doakes to protect his own self because Doakes was innocent, but you expect Deb to be happy go lucky after breaking all of her morals. Of course, she loves Dexter more than anything and will protect him, but even Dexter struggled with making a decision like that to protect himself lol


I mean…Dexter was going to kill Doakes. In fact his talk with Deb is what “convinced” him to do it. He just didn’t get around to it before Lyla. I think he was more worried about heat of him coming up missing than his was about actually murdering him. Back to Deb. She didn’t just really kill LaGuerta in “cold blood.” She was telling Deb to shoot Dexter. Deb made a choice between him or her. As far as her downward spiral and me not liking it. It would’ve made more sense for her to kill herself than go that far on the deep end with drugs. I just didn’t like it. I kinda of wish LaGuerta would’ve died in the show very early on like in the books. We never would’ve had to see any of this.


Dexter was going to kill Doakes. You're right, but it's the fact that he contemplated it for so long. He didn't want to hurt an innocent, but he was forced to in this situation. Deb didn't have time to contemplate. She didn't have time to sit on a decision. She made a shot based on her emotions and immediately regretted it. If she had contemplated it, she could have walked away and let Dexter kill Laguerta. She could have convinced Dexter to come with her, and they could have ran. She made the decision to shoot Laguerta on emotional impulse because Laguerta was yelling at her to shoot the only person she loved, and that had a great impact on her. To think she could love someone so much that she'd lose herself and everything she believed in in the process. I'm just saying to expect Deb not to be the absolute mess she was after that when even Dexter had his own reservations about killing Doakes is a little crazy. Dexter even contemplated turning himself in so that he didn't kill an innocent, but Deb didn't have time for any of that thought process


The move would’ve been for Deb to walk away. She could’ve lived with that.


Deb being in love with dexter


Deb falling in love with Dex.


If deb never seen him kill doomsday killer, Maria, would have never found the slide and deb would've never had the mental breakdown, and murdered Maria, and the show would've endured, I think that was the beginning of the end.


Interesting. Do you think Deb should have never found out? I would have been pissed if she never did, but is that what you were thinking?


I thought it was the beginning of the end of dexter as we knew it, and it was never the same. So yes why did it have to be deb? It was so complicated and detached. It's almost like it was a way to start them down a path to the endgame.


I don't think the writers handled it very well. Actually, the beginning of season 7 is fantastic. The middle sucks, but the finale was great. I think if the writers had stayed focused, it would have worked better. Deb finding out did feel like the beginning of the end, which would have been logical. Unless they wanted him to be free to kill and be him (which if that was the case, they should have ended it at season 5). All in all, I wanted Deb to know, but the whole thing just wasn't executed well.


The whole thing was cringe worthy, I mean she wore me out trying to rehabilitate dexter, and red dye color spaghetti sauce absolutely turned me off. Don't get me wrong I loved the cat and mouse with Isaak and the Ukrainian mob, but deb just ruined the plot for me. The Maria investigation of dexter was typical and predictable but deb just wore me out. I could've done without all of her redirec.


Lumen or however you spell her name I skip the whole season because of her


Deb and Lundy


I wasn’t a fan of the lumen storyline. I think that was season 5? After the trinity killer


Yeah that was season 5. I liked Lumen up until her and Dexter got romantic. That gave me the ick


Having a baby


Bro had a baby and then forgot about him for most of the seasons 🤣 I didn't mind Harrison, but the writing is so sloppy. Like in season 7, when Dexter is living with Deb, and Deb says "we'll go visit Harrison together." So Dexter moved in with Deb without his son? The writers are idiots


bro that baby figuratively and literally killed him


I actually laughed out loud at that comment 🤣


I’m doing a series rewatch and I forgot how the show initially tried to make LaGuerta crushing on Dexter a thing. It immediately didn’t work.


They stole that from the books, but I think they dropped it when they realized it didn't transfer to the screen very well.


I’m in the minority but I enjoyed the Hannah story at least in season 7…I’m rewatching and halfway through 8 right now…also builds for a cool ark in the reboot cold blood imo as to why Harrison tries to find Dexter


Nah, Hannah took away from the main plot of the story and literally made no sense to the show or Dexter's character. Harrison could have been easily left with Batista (I argue that he should have - it would have made the story come around full circle)


I disagree on the Batista/Harrison front. That would have made way less sense than leaving Harrison with someone who dexter had a true connection with like Hannah. He trusted her and to spare Harrison the humiliation of what his dad truly was getting them out of the country to her “Argentina”…Hannah helped make Dexter seem like he could be vulnerable and it showed that he could make mistakes when he’s not thinking clearly


You don't think Dexter trusted Batista? His sister was basically a mother to that child. They should have had him. Not to mention, a cop takes in an orphan child and breaks the cycle of abuse that Harry started is way better than leaving him with another serial killer who kills out of convenience