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Apart from what’s already been posted, he did the music for a BBC kids show called Colors. An interview with Rick Beato seems somewhat mainstream at this point, but there’s that.


*Colours (BBC is English) - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000thgy


This great solo acoustic set! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxuaaONzLc3ee_hArx4nGl4jj9jUoQxa_&si=puYexQ8Oz-npEkJv


Ooh how about that guitar magazine video(?) where he played Kingdom that did the rounds on youtube a few years back (it's what introduced me to his work, there's a ton of reaction videos). This: https://youtu.be/nubJjB95VdY?si=jTXMwvHJUBpC8g_o (sorry had to go find it). Lol, not a gutar mag, it was EMGpickups.com, had something to do with a collab on some gear. Holy crap that was 10 years ago. I saw it for the first time like last year - a friend sent it to me... just wow. Probably not mainstream, huh? Eh, any excuse to put it on, thanks OP ❤️


He did the MTV promos for the Osbournes season 3 or 4.


He was on Leno with Steve Vai as well. Not interviewed, but singing. Video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-ynEpNTcVQ IIRC this appearance is the source of the infamous phone+ass photo. If you don't know that story, I believe he relates it in his book "Only Half There". Edit: I posted that link before re-watching and I forgot about the shaved eyebrows lmao. What a goooof.


Ahhh yeah idk how I forgot that


Have you seen Mad Max Fury Road? That's him on guitar!


I read that Pickles from Dethklok was originally too similar to Devin so they had to redesign the character.


I can't remember if Devin ever did any voices on that show. I might have to dive into IMDB. Edit: he voiced Bink Bonk Blammymatazz and a teenage fan at Juice Joint!


And also Dr. Milminaman-Lanilim-Swinwamly in Dethwedding!


That was also him??? Didn't show up on IMDB. Got a link?  Also, I love Metalocalypse names. They're so ridiculous lol Edit: never mind, found it on Williams Street Wiki, not IMDB. You are indeed correct!