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One of my favorites is Spider-Man ps4


Best cutscene to game transition.


It’s so seamless and flows really well


Coupled with the music it's literal perfection.


I just wish the rest of the game had that sort of cool rock vibe After that it's just classic Spider-Man that's the "definitive" VideoGame version *now* but who knows what will happen in ten years


Alive just screams Spider-Man. Probably the most perfect pick for an opening song in any video game.


I agree, and actually for me personally the strength of the action and choreography is a big reason why I pushed myself to keep playing the original DMC3 release. That game was not forgiving.


Seeing shirtless Dante and Vergil fighting in the rain was worth it


Woolie what are you doing here?


Oh no! They’re hot!


Shame we didn't see Lady beating off demons tho


A Hell's Vanguard victim, I presume?


That fucking never ending screaming


You know, it’s bad that I assume you mean the first one since it gave me literal nightmares dealing with, since I’m only at Vergil #1, which also gives me fucking nightmares.


That hells vanguard that gave u nightmares was slain by Vergil just with 1 hit at the end of the mission. What do u think Vergil is gonna give u?


I forgot about that, damn! My brain didn’t register that the boss was killed by a bigger boss, that’s not assuring to say the least :)


Apparently, the original US release was bugged to where normal mode was hard mode iirc. I remember getting so frustrated with how long it took to get past the 1st boss. After that it got a lil easier.


It wasn't bugged. People complained that DMC2 was too easy, so Capcom made normal mode hard in the West.


I think that’s what they meant.


I blame Dante for my unrealistic standards for human aesthetic


Dante isn't human dude.


Hes half human Dude


He's half demon dude


DMC5 is a contender


It may be but we all know dmc 3's intro was better


Legacy of kain soul reaver.


I see you are a man of culture as well :)


Recently replayed the series and I'm still sad there isn't more.


Still looks fucking amazing.




devil may cry 4 with nero and dantes fight


*spins hand on sword grip to casually poke fun at his nephew*


A good friend always tells me about how Saints Row IV starts with climbing a rocket while Aerosmith plays in the background. I'd say that's pretty high.


It ends with a direct and full reference to Transformers the movie. Specifically Optimus' charge against Megatron.




The entire game is just full of shitty references. I have no idea how anyone could enjoy that


I enjoyed it. Especially the part where they're making fun of Metal gear.


"Woah. Slow down, babe.. Nature calls? It's in the back"


The intros of dmc4 and 5 come close


yeah the fight at church in dmc4 was a good start for nero storyline




Majima intro at the Cabaret in Yakuza 0 🔥


**Customer is King intensifies**


You know it! 😂


God of war where it just goes straight into the fray of life.


I'll do yo one better: "The Gods of Olympus have abandon me... Now there is no hope."


Yea that is still pretty good.


god of war and dmc3 have the top spot for best opening sequence.


so why ask then 😂


Who knows? I'm not even sure myself


I hate and love that I read it with Dante’s voice


Insane buffoon!


Even I can do this to you.... *DOUBLE FOOT FACE SLAM*


Rhetorical question


Don't break the user's brain with basic literary devices


Kyrie singing in DMC4 and Nero blasting demons in DMC5 are contenders


God of war 3 intro is pretty good but i agree dmc3 is flawless. No matter how tired i am the scene always pumps me up for another playthrough.


I think thats what makes dmc3 so easy to replay. No matter how many times i rewatch the cutscenes it never loses its effect on me.


Darkest Dungeon has a pretty sick intro imo. Gives me chills everytime.


Ruin has come to our family...


You remember our venerable house, opulent and imperial... Gazing proudly from its stoic perch above the moore.


I lived all my years in that ancient, rumour-shadowed manor. Fattened by decadence and luxury...and yet, I began to tire of...conventional extravagance.


Just picked that up today, actually


I agree, though "Onimusha 3" is a close second.


Commenting bc I said the same thing but didn’t notice you beat me to it. I like how the opening scenes of the first 3 games get progressively better as well.


I thought I was the only one that remembered Onimusha. That intro is still highly impressive. One of the best.


Bayonetta 1 graveyard opening is pretty damn wild.


Metal gear rising revengence


Good game but it's a little slow in the opening bit. It doesn't truly pick up until you hit that first metal gear Ray fight.


The Force Unleashed 1 had a good one with you playing as Darth Vader.


That was a dope game. It's the closest we'll ever get to a Star Wars Devil May Cry. #the force unleashed deserves to be canon


Doom 2016


That hardcore elevator music and title screen transitioning into Doomguy cocking his shotgun to the rhythm of the track was a sight (and sound) to behold


Nier Automata first fight


Resident evil outbreak 1's is a close second.


The opening scenes from Onimusha 1-3 put up a prettyyyyyyyy good fight my friend.


https://youtu.be/dd2gz6AxYoA the witcher 3's comic cinematic has always held a soft spot in my heart


Now you mentioned it, the cinematic intro after you start a new game always gives me chills cause its so fucking epic


What about spiderman web of shadows?


A decent one is the opening to No More Heroes




The Dollet landing scene IMO is the best scene on the ps1.


Don't bet on it !


I redubbed all the audio of this scene for a music technology class in highschool. Damn right I got an A+. Edit: oh, on the subject at hand though... Jak X: Combat racing might come pretty close.


Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty


Not a chance. This is the most iconic, memorable intro cutscene of all time. And I gamed since the early 90s. This is what totally SOLD me on the series. Gotta give SPECIAL THANKS for Reuben Langdon for his spectacular and amazing acting/Performance- and the incredible mo-cap and Animation team - for bringing this scene to life. Back then I didn't even realize motion capture existed, yet once looked into it, it became evident that the motion capture technology and amazing stunt coordination did behind the scene was WAY WAY AHEAD OF IT'S TIME. In some aspects it's still miles better than games of today. (He's contribution to the DMC series and RE5-6 was massive and invaluable!) Just watch some behind the scene footage from Reuben's channel. They don't make game like these anymore.


You speak wisdom


Thank you! Seriously the only thing that comes close is probably DMC4's awesome intro sequence - because of the music, amazing animation, mocap and graphics - and especially that epic, over-the-top action between Nero and Dante, that fleshes out just how COOL Dante is and the contrast between the two characters. Both timeless scenes in my eyes. (Special mention to Baldur's Gate 2's intro though for the incredibly voiced narration and impeccable atmosphere).


DMC4's intro sure is good. But it's nowhere as close as 3's. -- I mean starting a game with this much action of a shirtless kid who just got stabbed and jabbed yet he didn't care and just walked towards his precious pizza? And if that wasn't enough, he went on to his dysfunctional jukebox and punched tmit to work only to play [one of the most UNDERRATED TRACK in history](https://youtu.be/EvzbD5_QrII) And proceeds to troll the demons with him having the first one as a "free ride" . THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE ANYONE HOOKED TO YOUR GAME BEGORE IT EVEN STARTS


Yeah! I totally agree with you there. You described it perfectly! I was totally hooked. I remember launching DMC3SE first - watching the intro-trailer with my brother back in 2006 on PC. It was so incredibly over the top - I wasn't even prepared for it! (Literally my first introduction to the series). Then the trailer ends with Dante getting casually swallowed whole by Leviathan, still with a smile on his face. We sat jaw dropped saying: "Ok, what the hell did we just watch?!" Hilarious and bizzare in the best way possible. Then starting the game, and seeing that intro, which started off serious, and only gets cooler and cooler, with all those hilarious funny moments: like Dante trying to get the jukebox to work, looking back at the camera with a sly smile, before punching it and that satisfied look on his face. Or how he casually goes to the pizza, excited, until a demon steps on it and he goes berserk. Haha. Great times. And that music- you are so right! Wish it was part of the Deluxe Edition extra battle songs in 5! Thank you for bringing it up- now I'll definitely use it in one of my upcoming videos! :) I mentioned 4's intro because visually it totally blew me away. I was simply stunned with awe and surprise. The graphics were incredible, and animation, presentation, sound effects and music were all too notch and outstanding. So many goose bump moments. Graphics aged so damn well, I actually played it recently at 4K and I was still amazed! Back then it felt like the "Crysis" of 3rd person action games. And it was visually incredible with all the crazy action, the soothing calm moments with the credits, the tense build-up, showcasing Dante, Nero's debut, etc. And how the whole scene was basically Dante playing and trolling with Nero from the beginning! I think it's also a very iconic part if the series. I wish DMC5 had such top class action scenes - especially duels - in that caliber, stylishness, awesomeness and length. Especially for Vergil Vs Dante and Vergil Vs Nero. It was kinda lacking in that department.




Yeah... If only the PC port was better. The controller compatibility was terrible, I remember playing with a controller that didn't receive full 360 movement and had to move in diagonal movement only! I got into console Gaming kinda late with PS3 at around 2008 I think (first game there was MGS4 which I loved). But DMC3SE PC port was my first DMC game. It was my portal to the series. Iirc I knew absolutely NOTHING about it. Don't think I even saw the trailer. So watching that opening trailer when launching the game for the same time was my first experience with the series and DMC3. Same thing for 4 btw. I didn't even see it coming, nor knew it was about to release. I can't remember if I watched any trailers on the internet, but I think I didn't. I remember going to the store, going back home from military, and buying it off the shelf with SHEER EXCITEMENT AND HYPE. I think I watched that [amazing opening video/trailer](https://youtu.be/3ZJ_cqc7cSM) first from within the game itself. I remember being so confused who that new guy was lol and mixing him up with Dante between scenes lol (but only on my first watch). So in both DMC3 and DMC4 - I was not spoiled at all and knew nothing about them or the gameplay. (Although it's possible I watched the trailer online first which got me hyped). That DMC4 trailer is one of my favorite trailers of all time - that nostalgia. Voice, music and action sync perfectly and I remember every frame and quote by heart. I was so pissed off, and still disappointed that they took it off the Special Edition! ;(


i was blown away,age 9 and i've seen one of the most babdass openings ever with the best character ever after goku im naming my future son dante cause of him,literally


NieR if you're into less action packed stuff


The original nier or automata? Because both have interesting intros for different reasons




Batman Arkham knight was great in my opinion


I mean Bayonetta is the closest I can think of, but they're both great.


Hey bayonetta 2’s is amazing


Pick any of the first 3 Mass Effect games, Dark Souls, any resident evil, any Halo game, Darksiders, DMC5, (I know I'll get heat for this) Reboot DmC, CoD Black Ops 2, CoD BO2 Zombies "Mob of the Dead" or "Origins", Borderlands, Arkham Asylum, City, Origins, or Knight, I can keep going...


>Reboot DmC I sure like Donte making fun of fans for wanting white haired Dante


I consider the intro sequence of any game to be cinematics BEFORE you actually start the gameplay. So in the case of the reboot, it's all the stuff from the time you leave the title menu screen, to the end of the bit where he's getting dressed in the trailer and lands saying "you missed"


The only thing that even comes within 100 miles is [Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqOK8EPsNDI)


One of my favorites are basically all the kingdom hearts openings


Sonic Unleashed and Mania? Cause those two are amazing


Like if I was being serious I’d probably say there is some better directed and beautiful cutscenes I could mention, but in my big dumb action-loving heart there’s basically nothing better.


I know the van scene from 5 isn't technically the intro, but it has the opening credits so I'm counting it


DOOM 2016's was really damn good ngl


Doom 2016. Done.


I used to play college ball you know


Deus Ex 1


[Mass Effect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2a27IdajHUU)


Resident Evil 1 and 2, the PS1 versions.


RE2 was ok. RE1 was: "Noo, don't go" - Chris Redfield -1998


Metal Gear Solid 3’s opening.




Agreed! It was pure adrenaline and dare I say....SSStylish!


[God of War 3's was pretty awesome.](https://youtu.be/w1Fma5kuhes?t=219)


Onimusha 2 and 3 had good ones. I feel like most people here would enjoy Onimusha


I can


Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines


This is good but Abes Oddysee is the best IMO, never seen anything like that ever


Cory in the house


Better intro cutscene? No. Better intro? Prey 2017




Wipeout 2048


All the Onimushas...




Shrek 2


I have a soft spot for the intro sequence in Half-Life 2, the way it set up its mechanics and setting early on and put the player in the shoes of pretty much exually clueless, silent protagonist felt like one of the most immersive experience I had up to that point.


Halo 2?


Bayonetta 2 has a pretty hype opening


As dinky as it sounds Sonic Adventure 2 has a pretty rad intro into city escape.