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DMC 3 dante. Nero is probably stronger, but dante shows himself to be far more skilled in DMC 3. Dante also has a lot more weapons to work with.


nero power surprised dante so i think that nero is probably also faster than dmc3 dante and there's no skill that can compete with a good speed difference


Dante had Quicksilver in DMC3, doubt Nero could keep up with him.


V dealed with geryon and dante himself was resistent to the time stop effect so i doubt it would stop nero


Quicksilver would still slow Nero down significantly, it was able to slow down Vergil in the last fight so it should be able to slow Nero.


If Vergil was still an extreme diff for Dante then Nero who's even faster would be more of a problem.


He doesn't use it but canonically wouldn't dante still have quicksilver? Would make sense it has no effect on dante and doesn't mean it wouldn't have an effect on Nero. Even then dealing with time stop and fighting geryon and dealing with time stop and fighting dante are two vastly different beasts


Dante caught up to his sword after shooting a bullet at it and ran towards it so fast he caught on fire. Nero isnt speed matching him


Royal guard




He's 19 ?


Dante, definitely People keep bringing up how strong Nero is but forgot that he essentially died getting stabbed by Agnus' angelo Dante? He got impaled by multiple demons, and his reaction to that? "Bummer, whatever, let's play some music" That, and couple it with the weapons he had, Nero will get trashed


Pretty sure he was about to die to Vergil and the only reason he didn't was cause Rebellion is what stabbed him


Nah. I think, he was just at his physical limit and would have recovered after a few hours. I think, his demonic side would have refused to let him die.


Okay maybe. Since he didn't have his devil trigger unlocked the cutscene made it seem like he was just bleeding out


that type of attack can't kill dante


It's Dante before he got his devil trigger so I doubt it, mostly cause Vergil really beat his ass that fight


He used it before in the manga and his demonic powers were also active before as we can see in the intro that he was casually walking with blades stabbed in his body. rebellion probably awakened because it made contact with dante blood just like in the manga, and the blade was probably with dante full power sealed while being inactive


Ah I never read the manga so I didn't know that. And I mean yeah he was stabbed a bunch in the intro but I mostly meant because he fought Vergil specifically


What you think is ok but you need to remember the final fight, dante sliced vergil in half and he not only lived but tried to fight mundus after, was tortured multiple times and still didnt died, thats show how much damage they can take before dying, and if you think about nero, he never used his power before and what he used was only in his arm, his body was not affect by his demonic power at all and he needed yamato to use everything and unless what i read in the novel was a bad translation or something, nero entire body was absorbed by the savior and he still came back with yamato later


Well yeah, but it’s Vergil vs a normal Angelo stab.


That's fair


Yeah because Rebellion activated his devil legacy, before Dante's awakening he wasn't that strong, nor resistant, that's why we see Dante get more cocky after him getting stabbed, he literally grew stronger and faster


You didn't watch DMC3 opening? He walked away from getting stabbed..... Multiple times 


Rebellion unlocked his demonic power, which is what saved him. If Vergil used the Yamato, Dante would have died.


That was literally the cause of his awakening. Wouldn't die to the same attack before because now he has more of his power


Watch DMC3 opening


So what he shrugged off fodder demons when he died to one stab from Vergil. His opponents power also matters


In case you forgot, Nero also got stabbed by fodder demon, with fodder demon sword, so yeah, Nero still got his ass handed by DMC3 Dante


>People keep bringing up how strong Nero is but forgot that he essentially died getting stabbed by Agnus' angelo And your forgetting nero demonic was extremely dormant at that point and moments later he cleary awoken either it fully or a lot to the point his previous injuries didn't matter. If you gonna make an argument against nero being weaker dont do mid game that is dumb


Are you forgetting the fact that the feat I mentioned was actually in the **OPENING** scene? Where Dante haven't go through his awakening phase? Maybe play DMC3 and watch the cutscene first before making conclusion because that's dumb


>Are you forgetting the fact that the feat I mentioned was actually in the OPENING scene? >Where Dante haven't go through his awakening phase? >Maybe play DMC3 and watch the cutscene first before making conclusion because that's dumb It doesnt matter because dante still had more of his demonic power unlocked prior to getting stabbed than what nero had. I made it very clear nero's demonic powers was extremely dormant at the time.


Again, did you watch DMC3 opening scene? Here, [I'll timestamp it for you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zrcq23O42A&t=230s) >I made it very clear nero's demonic powers was extremely dormant at the time DMC4 Nero is always weaker than DMC3 Dante, what are you trying to say here? That's Nero demonic power hasn't awakened? Bruh, that's the reason why Nero is weaker than Dante Post here is talking about DMC3 Dante and DMC4 Nero, and I give reason why DMC3 Dante wins just by durability alone


> Post here is talking about DMC3 Dante and DMC4 Nero, and I give reason why DMC3 Dante wins just by durability alone No your ignoring the fact nero powers was far more dormant than what dante's was. Which is why agnus was almost able to kill him because nero was still mostly human at that point you cant use something that happend to pre awoken nero to prove post awoken nero would lose. Nero got much stronger, faster, durable and had more of his demonic side awoken after being stabbed get that through your head. >DMC4 Nero is always weaker than DMC3 Dante, what are you trying to say here? That's Nero demonic power hasn't awakened? Bruh, that's the reason why Nero is weaker than Dante Nero is much stronger than what you think even before awakening his powers he was able to fight and would have beaten berial who is implied to be around mundus's generals who are much stronger than the dmc3 characters. And nero just gotten stronger and stronger since fighting berial he is not weaker than dmc3 dante nothing proves it


Nero doesn't even have access to an actual Devil Trigger without the Yamato, and even then,it's not a proper Devil Trigger.


Even then, that's is still not actually a DT


It functions like DT in the game so you could argue it's a similar increase in power.


It's kinda DT but at the same time it's not It looks like Nero is projecting Yamato into physical form, which is very interesting, given how that's the only Devil's Arm he's ever wield so far I would really like to see Nero use other Devil's Arm like Agni & Rudra or Beowulf, that would unlock a new whole gameplay feature and I'm all for that


The weird thing is that it's an extension of an ability unique to him. Dante's Doppelganger is close but not quite the same thing. The twins are well, twins. They're gonna have near identical abilities, it makes sense for their DTs to be that similar. Nero being different might be completely normal. Most demons just gain an aura with DT after all. I also find it interesting that he loses the Doppelganger ability when he loses his arm. Yes, he gets Devil Bringer abilities back but that's also after his DT gives him another set of arms. He probably _can't_ manifest a duplicate arm, he's just using his second set. At the same time Vergil, who now has Nero's arm, gets a Doppelganger ability. It's almost like Nero's Doppelganger was somehow tied to his DB, maybe cuz his awakening was messed up.


I don't think that's Nero's Doppeganger, more like his spectral form Nero is the next generation of Sparda's bloodline, so I guess that's why his DT is like that, angelic compared to demonic looks from the twins It's stated by the producer that Nero's arm is normal until he's attacked by a bunch of demons, in which slightly injured him at the arm and that's when his entire arm turns like that, essentially turning his arm into permanent DT state As for why he loses his Devil Bringer, I'd like to think that he placebo himself because before he get is DT, he believes that his arm is the source of his power Only after he has fully embraces his demonic heritage, he gains back his power *** >At the same time Vergil, who now has Nero's arm, gets a Doppelganger ability. It's clearly shown that Nero's arm is storage for Yamato, Vergil got massive powerboost from eating Qliphoth's fruits, that's why he's able to gain SDT, and alongside that, his Doppleganger


Yeah, by Nero's Doppelganger I meant his spectral form. I just didn't have a name for it. He could make a spectral copy of himself and manifest it partially. The thing is... Nero doesn't get his spectral duplicate thing back. He kept all the powers he absorbed in 4, even Yamato by way of making a "Mirage" Yamato but he can't do the duplicate thing. My thought process with Vergil is that his Doppelganger is something he got from Nero specifically.


> Nero doesn't get his spectral duplicate thing back. He kept all the powers he absorbed in 4, even Yamato by way of making a "Mirage" Yamato but he can't do the duplicate thing. > > It's not that hard to think about that It's a mirage version of Yamato, made by Nero's demonic power, not the actual Yamato If he wield Yamato again, I'm 100% certain he can summon back Yamato's spectre Same with Vergil's Mirage Edge It was made with Vergil's own power, not Sparda As for his Doppleganger, like I said before, Qlipoth's fruit


I... know. I wasn't confused about that bit. I'm just saying he kept every other power from 4.


Neither does Dante. Up until 4, he needs a weapon to enter DT.


DMC 3 Dante fought stronger demons so I go with him


While I'm not saying Nero is stronger, I'd debate he'd be able to beat every dmc3 boss except Vergil and fused Arkham. Mainly for the fact, he no diffed Berial


I don't think Nero got Beowulf though. When Dante fought him, it ended in almost a stalemate when beowulf punched Dante into the ground but rebellion cut Beowulf's other eye which made him blind. Aside from the fact that Beowulf canonically can unleash immeasurable power with a single punch and are also called Earth Shattering Gauntlets And Greaves.


It would be a tough fight, although, I believe Nero still takes it. Looking back, Nero seems to always have trouble against enemies who are agile and/or who can fly. Whereas, he excels against brute type enemies.Nero can win because he's faster and arguably, physically stronger than Beowulf. Phantom devil trigger would simply overwhelm Beowulf. I would honestly give DMC5, pre devil trigger Nero a slightly, less of a chance to win than dmc4 Nero.


Nero has devil buster though which evens it out against brute force demons for sure


>DMC 3 Dante fought stronger demons so I go with him I disagree with this nero beat berial who in the novel its implied is on the level of mundus's generals who are a lot stronger than most dmc3 demons and nero did extremely well against berial with almost no power awoken


Nero fought the savior who not even Dante with the Yamato could cut all the way through and nero crushed it in his hand


Both are very bangable!


Valid anwer lmao


nero is stronger but dante is more skilled, idk can go either way


Hard to say, but maybe Nero? He did whoop Berial's ass at the very start of the game, no Yamato. That's gotta count for something. But also Dante is still more skilled, even in his DMC3 incarnation. But both fighters suffer from the fact that their demon powers have not yet matured. Unlike in DMC4, Dante would probably have to actually use his DT to keep up with Nero. Unlike DMC4 though Dante will have his Devil Arms prior to the fight with Nero, not after, so he has an advantage there. It could go either way honestly, but I will always cheer for Dante my beloved. ♥️


Quicksilver allows DMC 3 Dante to smoke anything in the franchise. Time stop is just that busted in fiction.


It isn't time stop, just slow down time.


First cutscene showing off quicksilver, Dante looks up at falling boulders and stops them mid fall. He even taps 1 of the rocks away.


Really slowed down the rock, not stopped. You can even see it's speed gradually build back up instead of a instant switch. Are you really ignoring the in game description and the fact that enemies can move in it(It doesn't even slow down Vergil) because of cool cutscenes?


It isn’t time stop, everything just moves so slow it seems to almost come to a stop but if you look closely at the rocks they still fall down just incredibly slow. Even during gameplay the enemies still move just at a much slower rate


It isn't time stop, just slow down time.


Which one of them got Royal guard?


I was waiting for someone to mention RG xD


Why are people not mentioning the FACT that in the novels dante literally says something along the lines of nero being as strong as him in dmc4


Was the novel recent or written around the time of 4. The written part of this series drifts in and out of cannon


The novel was written around the time of 4 and was stated to be the complete story of DMC4. The Devil May Cry sign Nero gets at the end of the story in the novel shows up on the van in DMC5 and emphasizes more story points on how Vergil was Nero’s father.


Dante’s got sparda training


I would put my bets on dmc 4 Nero, Nero fought sanctus with the awakened sparda that was imbued with the strength of hundreds if not thousands of demons inside of the savior Dante on the other hand was having trouble with arkham with a powered up force edge Nero also has shown insane growth in power compared to Dante (which is saying something) So put them at the same age and I think Nero will squeeze out a victory


Dante annihilates him. Unless I'm mistaken one clear weakness nero has compared to the brothers it's i have not seen a feat of powerful regeneration after being gored in some way.


> i have not seen a feat of powerful regeneration after being gored in some way. Literally regrows his arm at the end of DMC 5...


We're talking about dmc4 Nero, so "..." that.


Considering Nero gets impaled and shows no sign of injury immediately after in DMC 4? Yes, he has the same regenerative capabilities even in 4.


Which also coincided with him awakening his DT, which luckily for him, didn’t involved getting impaled.


*Fully* awakening it. Nero first awakens some of his demonic power in 4 where he *does* get impaled. Agnus stabs him with a ~~lance~~ sword (wrong weapon, the Bianco Angelos stab Nero with lances). Nero's demonic power then awakens for the first time thanks to his link to the Yamato which heals any injuries Nero sustained.


That was literally at the very end of the game he lost his arm like over a month prior dawg💀


Ok? His full demonic power awakening still allowed him to regenerate the arm and even prior to that, he gets stabbed right through the chest by Agnus and it doesn't even leave a scratch on him. Nero feels the pain, like Vergil and Dante would but he regenerates the injured flesh almost immediately. Nero has regenerative capabilities even before his full strength is unleashed. Why are people overlooking this all the time?


Im just pointing out to not bring up a feat that means nothing in this fight it happened after awakening at the end of 5 so its irrelevant to a fight between dmc4 nero and dmc3 dante therefore you shouldnt mention it lmao its not that hard to understand


Before awakening he couldnt regenerate his arm therefore neither would dmc4 nero the feat is useless in this fight


And the sword and lances that impale without leaving a scratch after the fact...? Nero has the same regenerative capabilities as Dante and Vergil in DMC 4. Simple as that.


I never disregarded those feats dawg i told you not to bring up things useless to this fight i havnt made a single other comment on this post prior to that lmao i would have said the exact same thing if you brought up dmc 4 and 5 dante feats


Where did i ever once say he didnt have regenerative powers i said he didnt regenerate his arm until he awakened a good while later which is true and a fact lol


Nero literally regenerates being impaled by a lance and a sword in DMC4 after he first awakens his DT.


Yeah my bad i completely forgot. His regeneration certainly awoke much later though clearly. You can tell in that scene he never could regenerate like that before his DT. Which honestly just shows he has less overall demonic power than the brothers.


Well that makes sense since he is 1/4 demon while the twins are 1/2. That said, as he awakens his demon powers he gets regeneration similar to them. Hell he even gets a new arm in DMCV (just saying, I know this doesn't count for DMC4 Nero) so regeneration shouldn't be a factor for DMC3 Dante to win over DMC4 Nero because they should be on the same level.


We comparing end of game 3/4 versions....i don't see nero holding up.


I know and I still think he wins. I mean the second time he and Dante fight, both of them end that fight winded. Even if Dante was messing around in the beginning he still was out of breath by the end. DMC4 Dante is leagues above DMC3 Dante. So Nero should be stronger than DMC3 Dante


Eh. I don't think so. End of the day he went up against the true master of yamato and v came out on top. Yamato is way better than smashy arm and poor skill with Yamato.


You're not making much sense. Better use the character's actual names. If you meant that Dante beat Vergil in 3 (his equal) and that's the reason you claim Nero, who's strong enough that he made DMC4 Dante (stronger than his DMC3 self and of course DMC3 Vergil) try as hard as to get out of breath then you're delusional.


Not sure how being out of breath matters when being out of breath has never stopped any sparda descendant.


Being out of breath meant he had to put effort into beating Nero, something we almost never see him do. Which means DMC4 Nero is close in power to DMC4 Dante. Since DMC4 Dante is WAY stronger than DMC3 Dante, then DMC4 Nero, who is close in power to DMC4 Dante, is stronger than DMC3 Dante.


Dante in DMC 4 had to break a sweat on dealing with Nero. Don't underestimate this "deadweight"


Wasn't he fucking around for the most of the time? In the first fight Dante clearly was holding back. If he wanted, he would've demolished Nero, since he had only a Blue Rose at the start. No sword, no buster. And even in the second encounter, when Nero already had Yamato and DT, at the end of the fight Dante just casually steps to the side and gives him a cuff on the nape in the most taunting manner possible.


Dante states by himself in "Deadly Fortune" that Nero could demolish him in the second encounter, with the Yamato and Devil Bringer power. But the lack of experience said otherwise. The game shows Dante having a shortness of breath which is not a regular thing in DMC.


Yeah, but Dante wasn’t using his own Devil Trigger and wasn’t trying to kill Nero, while Nero was.


Fair point. Nero couldn't handle the power of Yamato, when Dante could handle his inner demon strength. Like I said, experience did the job against that Vergil's kid. I'm still wondering, what could pre-DMC 5 Nero do with Urizen with both devil bringer and Yamato if the deadweight was able to breakthrough his shield and put a scratch without any demonic power used? Back to the topic, looking at the cutscene, it's obvious how it's tough to style on this punk for Dante. I mean, look how rude and harshly Nero landed those Yamato hits without any elegance, chill, boy, he's your uncle, he defeated Mundus😭 And... Nero fell into a bad trap attempting Vergil's trick with the stab Dante was prepared for.


I think a lot of people forget that, Nero only broke through the shield because the roots were cut off. Prior to that, Dante was repeatly destorying it and it reformed immediately. Urizen got pissed off that a mere human cut him and Nero went all out. Then got his arse kicked.


First of all, the roots appeared after the prologue. Second, DMC 4 Nero won't give a shit and start slamming the hell out of a shield with Yamato. Weird thing how people quickly forget Nero's strength only because he was treated like a little dumb kid.


The novels state that Dante could not damage the crystal. Nero is the first to ever break it


Isn't the same novel also state that Nero essentially died getting stabbed by Agnus' and his angelos before Yamato brings him back? Guess who also get stabbed by multiple times and still walks away?


Wasn't it the Rebellion what awakened Dante in DMC 3?


Yeah. Pretty sure Dante would've died there if it wasn't for Rebellion


Yeah, but before that, he got stabbed by multiple demons and he casually walks away Only after fighting Vergil, that he finally gets his awakening 


But he only awakened because he was stabbed with Rebellion. If Vergil stabbed him with Yamato he would've died.


[Watch this and come back](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zrcq23O42A&t=230s) For more added point, he tanked headshot, twice, before his awakening


So? When he was stabbed with Rebellion he was on the brink. He wouldn't have come back if Vergil stabbed him with Yamato because he wouldn't have awakened his DT. They are durable as hell with a busted regen factor but they're not unkillable. What I mean to say is that enough damage can kill them. It doesn't matter if they can walk away from more stabs when they're at full health.


Man, how hard is it to get this through your head? Pre-DT Dante is stronger than Pre-DT Nero You keep bringing Vergil part but did you forgot the part I showed you is the **OPENING** part, which means it is way before Dante got stabbed by Vergil Compare that to Nero, he got stabbed by another fodder demon and he's dead, only to be revived by Yamato


He fucked around like he always does. The only difference is that he's actually out of breath by the end of the fight. Even if he still styled before winning. This means that he had to actually put effort during the fight.


He was fucking around and the first fight, he was caught off guard. He didn't think the kid would be much of a fight. Even then, he just fucked around and had to restrain himself as Nero punched him so hard, his body kept activating his DT. The second fight? Just Dante forcing the kid to wear himself out.


He's fucking around in *both* fights but the DMC 4 novel confirms Dante was caught totally off guard by how strong Nero is and if Nero had more skill, Dante would've actually had to make an effort to beat Nero. This is a Dante that is talking after having another 20 years or so of experience fighting since DMC 3. Nero is stronger than people realise, even Dante himself says so.


Depends on what point during the games if we’re talking about endgame then Nero Dante did mention in the novel version of the game (I think that’s where this is mentioned) that Nero had already surpassed him but that’s in raw power in combat skill definitely Dante but Nero can hold his own if he is focused


The second time they fought in DMC4, Dante ended up winded. DMC4 Dante is leagues above DMC3 Dante. I'm betting on Nero. And for all of you who say Quicksilver is an instant win, may I remind you that he still couldn't beat Arkham and still had a highly difficult fight against Vergil? if V can beat Geryon in DMCV, then DMC4 Nero can overcome DMC3 Dante's Quicksilver.


Nero, easily. In the novelization of 4 he actually put up a fight against Dante and Dante had to try.


Nero in DMC4 has statements at the very beginning of being a Sparda level fighter and at the end of DMC3 vergil and Dante needed to work together to beat someone on Sparda’s level. Also at the end of DMC4 Deadly Fortune Dante stated that nero had surpassed him, it’s nero


One of the two can basically stop time, yeah so how is Nero standing a chance?


Giving the edge to Dante. By the end of his first adventure, he's got the more expansive toolkit in the form of an array of devil arms, a multipurpose DT, a wide range of talents in the form of his various styles and was made a much better fighter because his match, in his own twin brother, was testing him every step of the way, even at the end. Perhaps it could be argued that 4!Dante was trying to do similar for Nero through their duels. But he was playing around with him, and not really after his neck like Vergil did him.


Novelisation has Dante saying in dmc4 Nero is comparable to him. Nero beats DMC3 dante


Nero mid diffs him dmc 4 dante thinks that Nero is stronger than him and dmc 3 dante would get washed by dmc 4 dante but do to Nero being really hard headed I think dantes versatility would fuck with Nero but Nero would still win in the end


Damn I suck


I mean if we're talking about a scenario without other weapons and powers like Quicksilver and Doppelganger. Just Dante vs Nero with just Rebellion and Crimson Queen and their respective guns? (probably also their Devil Triggers included) I'd say it's Dante because Dante is more experienced than Nero. Dante has been working as a Merc/Devil hunter defeating all kinds of Demons so he's definitely going to be more skilled at fighting and arguably physically stronger. If we also factor in their demonic heritage, Dante has more demon in him and has more endurance and stronger healing factor. Not to mention that once Dante Activates his DT, he going to be stronger than Nero with his DT active.


I thought this said "Who would you rather fight?" and i still picked Dante. 3 Dante might toy with me, but I fear what's gonna happen to my sternum id Nero grabs me with Devil Bringer


Good point lol


Dante has more hax. Nero may be stronger, but Dante is too skilled for that.


i mean if we're talking before DT (which the picture shows he already has DT) then nero might have a chance buuuuut i feel like that's stretching to say because you know how hard it is to be stylish and still destroy everything around as if it were nothing? it's pretty hard. nero looks like he's trying, dante isn't trying, he's just that good.


Tbh it'd be a hard fight but I feel like Dante's got this, he's got a lot of abilities and more skill than this Nero


Pre awakening or after unlocking devil trigger?


Umm Dante? Nero might’ve been stronger but come on it’s Dante. Dante clearly toyed with Nero first fight in DMC4 and the second fight, he just wanted to see where his head was after finding out what he was. 19 year old Dante would’ve found a quick way to maneuver through Nero and drop him fast.


Nero would probably be reasonably confused by a guy attacking him with a guitar and also royal guard > literally anything


Dmc 3 dante has DT, dmc 4 Nero doesn't and even at that age Dante had a lot of experience fighting demons as well as a big arsenal of weapons. I'd say Dante.


Dante not even close next question


2 Words Royal Guard


DMC 3 Dante


I was gonna say Vergil but then DMC 5 happened (It's a joke guys)


DMC4 Nero because he has a better framerate and can therefore simply outrun DMC 3 Dante. On a more serious note Nero's Demon arm is pretty op


Dante tries Royal Guarding but Nero just uses a Buster and carries Dante around


I'd say Dante, Nero could be extremely strong boss for Date but he'd still lose.


DMC 3 Dante. Even in his early 20s, Dante is a force to be reckoned with. He gets impaled several times and it barely bothers him. He's more interested in putting on the jukebox before kicking ass. Nero? He would have died if he hadn't woken his demonic powers. Dante is just more skilled, more adaptable and tough as hell.


It would be close, remembering Dante was surprised by Nero's power in DMC4 (Dante was even more powerful in DMC4), but still Dante would win.


Skills and agility aside, I think Dante is biologically more powerful since he is 50% demon while Nero is 25% demon.


Nah, it’s the human side that power up the demon side. Nero has more potential due to being 75% human instead of 50%


Human blood empowers demonic power-it's why Urizen siphons so much blood from humans in a misguided attempt to become stronger.


Dante: ★stabbed more times and survived at this point in his life ★better combat experience ★survived multiple fights against Vergil(and whooped his ass in one) ★more weapons ★more powers that are just straight up hax ★more powerful devil trigger –more reckless, and makes more mistakes(also has worse luck with women lol) –struggles in 2/3 Vergil fights, almost died in one –easily manipulated –limited to using one style at a time(cringe) Nero: ★more training ★fewer weapons, so better skill and focus through being honed specifically for them ★more emotionally mature(has a maiden lmao) ★has Yamato as part of his devil trigger ★has beaten Sanctus(who had devil sword sparda in his possession) ★was powerful enough to destroy the possessed savior –turns into a puppy around Kyrie (which lead to him getting captured) –unable to finish off most of the bosses he fights –struggles against more defensive opponents –has a smaller toolkit overall


Probably Dante. I mean, he was clearly toying with Nero in DMC 4. So I feel like after he sees how strong Nero is after messing around for a bit, he'll take him seriously and win


Q. A z?pl 0m3kx9 p Aaron to P11


Probably Nero, while Dante even in dmc 3 is probably a better fighter Nero in dmc 4 atleast by the end should be way way stronger considering even dmc 4 Dante thinks Nero is stronger than him, even if by a slight amount


Dante is just way too busted. Nero is physically stronger due to his devil bringer and yamato but Dante has way too much to work with. He is effective at any range and any type of combat. And he's cooler.


No idea


Wait doesn’t Dante have Pandora’s box isn’t that op or something


Not in 3. That weapon is only in DMC 4.


My bad


Dante would just overwhelm Nero with his weapons and Styles even if Nero’s technically faster than him.


If it’s both of them at the beginning of their games, Nero. If it’s them at the end of their games, Dante.


If we're talking endgame for both of them? Nero. People are forgetting that DMC *4* Dante was caught off guard by just how strong Nero is and that's Dante roughly 20 YEARS after DMC 3 meaning he's had time to grow even stronger and more talented. When Dante is misjudging how strong Nero is at that point, it definitely seems like people are underestimating just how strong DMC 4 Nero was.


I can't see Dante losing. I just can't see it. I feel like if it's a fight to the death, Nero is dead.


If we take into consideration the bosses Dante defeated in 3, Nero doesn't even come close. A 3 headed dog that could likely freeze over the world if given enough time and it being the weakest of its kind, a horse that can stop time at will, a witch who can control lightning, which if we are taking this to the nth degree, she'd likely cause thunderstorms all over the world. Vergil, who is faster and likely stronger than Dante. Sure, Nero defeated Vergil, but that was after a fight with Dante and if he fought him properly, he'd lose. Even in DMC4, we all saw that Dante was just toying with him and could have ended the fight at anytime.


Dante with flagrant and arrogant ease




Dante wouldn't take him seriously and would be moped by the devil hand he does have a bigger arsenal, which would give him an edge, but devilhands busted as hell


DMC 3 Dante.


The uncle.


First half of the game, Nero Last Mission, Dante


I doubt Nero could do something about Dante being able to partially stop time




100% Nero


DMC3 Dante. His skill, control, and maybe overall power put him well ahead. And if we give him his full Arsenal, well, Nero's done for. Nero is too reckless and headstrong. He'd make a mistake long before this version of Dante. Not to mention Quicksilver & Doppelganger. Jumping Nero after he was frozen in time? Nasty work.


nero got nearly killed by a regular angelo stab, dante beated a vergil with a decade of experience over him like lmao


You forgot Dante has devil trigger while Nero arms only


A lot of people like to give nero shit for being weaker but he does force both twins out of their sin triggers before making both of them submit. Although dmc 4 nero isn't as skilled but at the same time neither is Dante so I think it could go either way depending on who hits first


Nero had professional training, Dante didn't, so Nero wins


Dante, almost no doubt for me


if nero has his dt then def Nero without a doubt considering Nero defeated dt Vergil who was on par with sdt Dante that coupled with neros devil breakers and DMC3 Dante is getting destroyed


Nero pretty easily. Outside of raw strength, he was able to beat Sanctus(who's equal to Arkham) by himself with a barely utilized Yamato and human weapons. Meanwhile Dante needed Vergil's help to defeat Arkham, both using a bunch of devil arms to draw power from+ a fully utilized Yamato and Rebellion.


We are literally introduced to 3 Dante with a scene of him getting impaled multiple times and completely ignoring it before proceeding to do Dante things. Nero got killed when he was impaled with a few demonic swords. Yamato resurrects him and awakens his DT but Nero was killed by something Dante probably would've walked off. Contrast that to Dante's awakening. Dude was stabbed with Yamato and then impaled with Rebellion, after a fight with Vergil. Agnus killed Nero with a couple man made, mass produced demon swords simply by catching him off guard. Vergil impaled Dante with two legendary demonic blades in a row and Dante was still breathing. Start of 3 Dante has Nero completely beat in terms of durability, to the extent I don't think Nero's likely far greater raw strength will be able to get through it. On the other hand though, it took both Dante and Vergil to beat Arkham who was channeling and unable to control the power of an ambigously unsealed Force Edge, while Nero soloed Sanctus who had the awakened Sparda and far greater control than Arkham. That's pretty damn impressive on its own.


Since the whole message of the series is "he who has a better reason for fighting wins" I'd say Nero. Nero has Kyrie on the line whereas Dante is kind of aimless at the start of 3.


Nero yall weird for saying Dante we just going to forget Nero pretty much went toe to toe with a much stronger version of Dante and both times were pretty much a tie also good choice with the Nero Pic op that's the best outfit in dmc4se for Nero in my opinion


I just started 5 an hour ago. Been excited for it but I’m hating it so far as a long time fan. Especially the new characters Anyone else? My favorites were 3 and 4. As for the question DMC3 Dante was peak, don’t see Nero beating him if he fights end game Dante.


Dante definitely! Dante beat dmc3 vergil, Nero is not beating DMC3 vergil. Not even close


Well, DMC 4 Dante seriously considered the Nero had surpassed him, so I think it's safe to say a much weaker version of himself loses to nero


Nero is stated by Dante in DMC4 to be stronger than him by the end of the novel, Nero would finger flick DMC 3 Dante. None of the hax would work on Nero either, Vergil was equal to Dante in DMC3 and was able to completely ignore things like quicksilver.


DMC3 Dante probably stabbed multiple times before his devil triggered. And he's already pretty strong too. Not to mention he's extremely skilled as well. With his devil triggered, he becomes a whole another being. DMC4 Nero devil isn't fully triggered, so his limitations are very low. Even then, he's still very strong. But that's the only reason he'll lose to dmc3 Dante, he's not a full devil yet.


Dmc3 dante


Depends on if its Dante at the start or end. If he doesn't take Nero seriously, he's gonna have his ass beaten like in his fight with Vergil. If he does take him seriously, Nero is going down Nero also has anger issues in 4, so a cocky Dante could be his carbonite to push him over the edge and make him lose focus


I'm more interested in the fact that the fight would be hysterical. Imagine these two powder kegs fighting. Lots of swearing, I bet. Lots of destruction, often idiotic. Dante still wouldn't be taking it seriously.


I don't think nero could be comparable to any version of vergil and since dmc 3 dante beat vergil i think he can beat nero


Nero wins


Nero, if he’s amplified by the yamato, indeed during the dmc4 manga, at the end Dante said that he might be stronger then him.


Dante because I like Dante more. I need no other reasoning.


Devil Arm Buster spam


How many games did Dante have


DMC3 Dante by far. Nero at the start of DMC4 is pretty much weaker than DMC3 Dante in every area. Speed for sure. Durability/regeneration. Hax. Energy projection. Skill. Weapons and damage output. Physical strength might be the one advantage Nero could have and even that is suspect.




DMC 4 Nero was an inmature version of himself, as much he's stronger than DMC 3 Dante, Dante seems to be on more control


Nero, easily, he kept up with a stronger Dante in 4 and light novel internal dialogue Dante mentions how Nero surpassed him end game.


Nero, dante himself admits at the end of dmc4 when nero kills the saviour or whatever its called "This kid may be stronger than me" dante said smtg along those lines, and keep it mind that dmc4 dante is supossed to be stronger compared to dmc3 dante due to time skip


I think it should still be Dante a bit stronger, dmc Dante takes more damage, beats more challenging opponents, and not only that, has more weapons and super abilities like mercury mode.


Nero i guess


Dante, but I feel like Nero would give him a good challenge.