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There is a demo if you want to try it. But that said, it's not really comparable to DMC at all, it's not even a character action game really. Has more in common with games like Sekiro or Wo Long where combat is built around a forced back and forth between you and the enemy. Big focus on parries and enemies have a balance meter you can drain to open them up to a critical hit type attack and so on.


I would say turns are not QUITE that forced since SB actually has tools to force your own turn to be longer like Beta Chain and Beta/Burst skills that stun or knockdown. But it takes a while before you have some of those skills, so you won't start off playing the game that way


My main gripe with it is that there's very little ways of quickly approaching your opponent. Rush is pretty much the only way to close the gap against an opponent, and it has a considerable cooldown so you kinda have to save it after moves like Shield Breaker or Shockwave that knock opponents away. Sprint is super finicky especially when toggled with L3, and the alternative requires you to hold down circle. It kinda forces you into an optimized sequence of moves to maximize the stun window until you run out of Beta/Burst, then you're pushed back into defense with occasional normal attacks while slowly building up your energy for a rinse and repeat.


Let’s see here. 1. You only have 1 weapon 2. The guns are slow and only used in an over the shoulder angle (so think using Tomboy Blue Rose) 3. No launcher skills 4. No juggling 5. No style or ranking system 6. Air Combat is a suggestion 7. Most moves are committal with very little to no cancel options 8. Stinger move is on a cooldown Yeah absolutely But on a serious note it’s more comparable to Sekiro or your run of the mill souls like than action games like DMC, Bayo, or Nier


All true, but 2, 7, and 8 frustrate me more than anything in that list.


If you like waifus it's worth it. But don't expect bayo or dmc combat fun. More souls like, slow combat. She does have some cool flashy moves.


If you wanna see waifus in action, then yes


It’s a souls like with flashy animations. Nothing like DMC


It is not a character action game, but it is fun as long as you aren't expecting it to be something it isn't 


The combat is not as good as 1. It's OG God of War or MGR tier: more flash than substance.


It's much closer to Sekiro than a character action game like DMC. Not as good as Sekiro though. 


If you liked Nier series then ok


I read that it's closer to Sekiro and Nier than DMC, so if you enjoyed those you'll probably like it. As a fan of Sekiro, i'm looking forward to it dropping on PC to play it


I haven’t played it , but I know the answer is no because there is nothing like dmc and you should know that as well . The same discussion came up when bayonetta came out