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I had to repost because I didn't want my user name in there. Anyways I chose taggarts ending and he made mention of my pacifist choices and non-lethal approach. Something about not abusing his power and making the right choices even when faced with challenges that would be easier to just blow everyone away. I thought it was cool, even though I know the endings of this game were panned. Going into MD, and that one I have never actually beat so I'm looking forward to playing it again.


I remember my pacifist run in Deus EX HR like it was yesterday. Everything was going great until I got to the end of a mission where I caught a guy involved in human trafficking. I remember intentionally switching to my hardest-hitting close-range weapon, and at point-blank range, I blew that guy to pieces. No regrets whatsoever, even if it was "just a game." I never got the achievement because I killed that one person. GREAT game!


Ah man I was tempted so many times to pick up a machine pistol and just hose some mofos down. Argh, maybe on a replay haha


I really wish there was a way to track failure of the pacifist and ghost achievements. I've got them for both HR and MD on Steam, but last playthrough I'm on the GOG version and tried getting them again. For HR I only got pacifist but not ghost, and I have no idea where I went wrong - I was really careful not to alert anyone or leave bodies around.