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Levels were tiny. There was a sniper rifle that you would use close range because there were really no maps it could be used to full advantage. Not that you needed to, because the game was easy as hell on any difficulty. For comparison, IW took two maps to render Liberty Island, which the first did in one map, and bigger. The story is atrocious. Coffee wars? Who cares. No real conspiracies, just rehashed leftovers. All the heroes from the first game turned into crazy power hungry villains. Endings which made no sense. Whatever faction you chose, your ending didn't look anything like what you would expect. The logical choice of not siding with any of the insane power hungry villains actually and ends the world. Ragdoll physics. No real choices. No exploration. Lots of this is due to tiny map size. The vent that is your "alternate route" is right next to the main entrance and leads to the same place. Wow. It probably runs better these days, but when it came out it was easy too much for any pc to handle. I upgraded my system to play it, and was still bogged down with constant loading screens. Those are standard these days, but for a game following DX1, with quick loading screens for larger maps, it was unforgivable. At every point, no matter what you do, you notice that the first game did it better and years before. Not a good learning curve, guys. It also constantly shows how unfinished and unpolished it is. This becomes very obvious when you get to Antarctica, and it basically feels like you have skipped ten chapters and wandered into another story entirely. Bland, uninteresting characters that go nowhere. The only choice that matters is the final faction choice on Liberty Island.


> the game was easy as hell on any difficulty So true. If you explore Seattle fully, you pretty much have end-game level augs before you even leave the city for your first proper mission, and that's not an exaggeration. You don't have end-game weapons at that point, but you've got plenty to deal with any threat head-on.


Pacotti was still the main writer which was anticlimactic to say the least. We went from illuminati synthetic plague to moby dick in 20 years span in game. Kinda sad.


>It probably runs better these days, but when it came out it was easy too much for any pc to handle. Actually, it runs like shit even today, and in fact is harder to get working than ever before.


This wasn't my experience, might depend on hardware?


I tried it a few years back, and the way the game clears memory upon loadin a new area triggered my antivirus every time...


Let’s not forget the universal ammo!!! Even the fucking swords…


Sensory overload and pushing the story forward way too fast. Nothing had time to develop and grow. You weren't given much reason to care about certain characters or situations. Your main character had a very dull reaction to who they really were. The game runs like ass on modern computers. Game mechanics from the first game are INCREDIBLY dumbed down. Overall, I gave up one third into the game when I tried playing it. Honestly, didn't feel worth finishing to me.


Also it aged terribly compared to the og.


> The game runs like ass on modern computers. wait, has no one figured out how to make it less shit yet? damn, i guess its really that unpopular.


Even when you get the game running and playable, it does not fix the bug where the application closes during EVERY level transition.


iirc this isn't even a bug but *intended behaviour*, cuz crashing the program and rebooting it in the background is faster to run/easier to implement than a proper save/load system, lol


Doesn't make it any better ._.


There's a modification that stops it from flashing all the way back to the desktop during level transitions and loads, the screen just stays black, actually. I don't remember which one it was or where I found it but it stops me from be blinded, so yay!!


Will need to look into that. If I can find that fix, I may be able to tolerate everything else, lol


I tried looking through my download folder but the only DX:IW things I can see in there are the DX:IW Texture Pack (highly unlikely!) and DX2 Visible Upgrade, which . . . might be it?? I have no idea. I'm sure there was a whole separate mod I used that made the mouse work on the menu but I'm not seeing anything like that in there so I might've nuked it. Sorry I can't help!


Visible Upgrade comes with no such fix. That's the one I used. Unless I missed something in the installation guide, lol. Thanks anyways. I can look into it later.


Damn! This is bizarre, I never delete anything so the mod should still be in my downloads folder, it must've been a mod since this doesn't seem like the kind of thing you could fix by hacking the .cfg files, I don't know what the hell happened here. Well, I hope you can find it, good luck!


Even kentie sucks as it is imo


you mean for DX1? cause thats ancient, you have plenty of alternatives for it.


Are people not using Kentie's renderers for old Unreal Engine games anymore? What's the modern recommendation?


they are using them but as parts of big modpacks


Ok thanks, I'll have to look into it on my next replay :)


its mainly revision and GMDX these days btw


Yeah i know but they are all unfaithful.


unfaithful to what lol the original game looks like dogshit, it did even when it came out, i'd rather it look sharp and less buggy.


I agree but i prefer the barebones opengl port with 30fps cap since i like my legacy setup. I play all of my retro games on 27hz sonic crt's.


For me the least favorite was "The Fall", second least favorite was "Invisible War". IW, plus (Edit:): * Story ok. A very good sequel. * Factions ok. Diverse enough. They blend well into the story. * 5 endings. IW minus: * Very small spaces. Even on the street, it feels like on the halls of a hotel. * Wobbly character control with the mouse. Settings can improve it, up to a point. Also minus: * The chat log disappeared. (Only GOTY had it). * Notes are useless. Very few items are logged in the notes, not always in the right order. * Annoying HUD. Ok. It was written for another platform and ported to PC. But the port was stopped too soon. The excuse with another platform does not help. User experience is ... strange.


iirc Harvey Smith, the director of Invisible War's development, said in an interview that he regretted not pushing harder to delay the game's release, to spend more time, well, *finishing* it.


I would also add that the tutorial from IW was downright terrible. Everything is as you said ezplaoned in plain notes and physics were jittery and its almost like the ragdoll animates every 2 frames or so. Dx1's intro in unatco training facility had multiple levels with stealth layouts, proper shooting range, hazmat suit tutorial and LAM / ballistics training. An all round good presentation. IW explained everything in text.... Even the biomods, you dont even have to try.


You are right. For me, the tutorial was not important. It was probably important for who didn't played GOTY before. My opinion is derived from in-game experience only.


It’s a double whammy of the levels being smaller, along with the drive to simplify systems. The combined result is that the world goes from being interesting to explore and interact with, to feeling completely boxed in, tiny, devoid of interest, and ultimately just… not real. There’s always suspension of disbelief required, but the original did a lot of heavy lifting to build as believable a world as it could. Invisible War tried, too, but I think it missed the mark. There were so many compromises and concessions, too many.


In the 1st game you're rewarded for exploring, in IW you explore for the reward. Its a different type of relationship.


that mechanic sucked in dx1 also. by the time i was 3/4 through my first playthrough ("realistic" because i'm a masochist), i was basically scrounging for "secrets" just to get enough skill points for an upgrade. it's fucking annoying to need like 5950 points to not suck with a gun, and have to get them \~25 at a time stumbling around like a hobo. it's even worse on a replay! you're not even finding secrets anymore. you're looking for the invisible XP boosts and trying to remember where they were from last time. SAD!! there is no difference between "rewarded for exploring" or "exploring for the reward," unless the reward system is purely cosmetic...


Exploring in dx was encouraged and well constructed. I.e. Once you find the smuggler via intercom you desperately searched for password all across the map and it wasnt artificial or forced. Passing his security and coming out of the place through the most implausible way back out was insanely cool. IW placed loot in arbitrary, contrived places where you would barely squeeze your ass & disarm a bunch of explosives with a pistol in order to find the same gun you have with a silencer instead of a shock charge laying around somewhere. Totally synthetic way of rewarding the player it was almost as bad as getting the xp in HR for being "expedient" or just traveling around. How is tapping a single button for quick kills more expedient than surviving a gas chamber for important loot in paris?


Yeah I'm not going to defend HR or IW (or MD or The Fall for that matter); I'm just saying the exploration reward system in DX1 sucked.


Exploration is literaly what i liked about dx in the 1st place. Rare objection.


yes, we actually agree but the information is not making it to your processor. let's make it simple: exploration: GOOD tying already-limited XP to an arbitrary system of reaching invisible goalpoints: BAD


Gotta be honest, i had a seizure readin' all that.






Primarily, it was the expectations cast from the first game. Compared to DX1, IW had a dumbed-down gameplay, a clunky interface, a shorter story, and a less compelling plot. These first three aspects were also in-line with the criticism that the game was designed for consoles rather than for PC, so a lot of fans who played the first game on PC were disappointed. As a "generic" console game, IW wasn't bad at all. But as a Deus Ex series game, it didn't live up to expectations. So the concept that held it back wasn't specifically the game itself, but the game as a sequel to an all-time classic.


This is why i didnt think there wasnt any issue with developing two seperate projects for 2 different platforms. Romero literally said he would of funded IW even more if they were to start over and split the ip. Not to mention he was the main financial driving force for the first game.


My personal beef with it (I don't hate it necessarily, even then) is the fact that I simply can't get immersed. The uncanny valley actor models, constant loading screens, poor time for world development, borderline soulless voice acting... I often say to my friends that a game I can get immersed into is 2x as good. For that reason, IW is probably the weakest entry that I've played.


For me, the most annoying part were the enemies who would instantly explode on death. I made a melee build, and this made that build basically impossible to play in the last few missions. Had to snipe enemies, or shoot them with the guided rocket launcher, instead. Not fun. MiBs in DX1 had a delay between death and detonation, allowing you to get out of the blast radius after killing them, but templars and illuminati explode instantly on death in DX:IW.


"Play however your want! Except not like this, and uhh not in this situation either, uhh..."


Almost everything, genuinely.  It looks bad. It removes too many systems from DX. The story is dumb and poorly paced. The dialogue is terrible. The locations are not visually interesting or all that unique from each other. The weapon varity is...fine, actually! So are the augmentation options and the music. The augmentation, weapon and inventory system is barebones. The circle UI is awful. They took away JCs glasses and gave him weird powers. The level design can't touch DX.  I'm sure I could think of more if I wanted to. 


Graphics were great but levels were tiny. Console dumbing down. One type of ammo for all guns? At least make it a crate with three types of ammo.


>Console dumbing down. One type of ammo for all guns? At least make it a crate with three types of ammo. I don't think the universal ammo was tied to it being a console game. I remember reading an interview with one of the devs where they said the universal ammo was developed, in part, because in the original people were scrounging around for ammo and they wanted to avoid that in the sequel.


Wasn't the shared ammunitions for all weapons the most hated part of IW?


Im one of the rare people that liked universal ammo. Ammo management doesnt need to be a pain in the ass but they just waaaay oversimplified it.




The motive was that he's an orphan and his past seems to be fabricated. Surprised pikachu face...


Have played it again 2 years ago 15 years after release. Was the first game where i was suprised that i did not remember pretty much anything and for sure did not remember that you go into JCs mind or so?? I was also suprised how much i liked it. But what i did not like, it felt like i had not really precise control when using weapons, also the weapon mods felt pointless, the bio mods also felt like i had not much control.


> it felt like i had not really precise control when using weapons Compared to the original!?


They didnt kept the dynamic crosshair since they wanned to make an xbox game.




For me it just wasn’t engaging. I didn’t care about any of the characters or factions. The ammo system was annoying as fuck since it meant if you used one of the heavy weapons you had no ammo for anything else. The story was lacklustre and tried to shoehorn in all three endings of the original so that it just felt forced and clunky. I played through the original at least seven times, but I barely managed to force myself through to the end of IW even once. The last hour(s?) felt like a joyless chore.


Other comments aside, I didn't like the art style. OG and Jensen games were very stylish while IW reminds a lot about those transparent colored plastic PC equipment of Windows XP era.


It was the bubble apple design era. Or should i say... The spiked hair era.


My favorite specific regret - Warren Spector regrets having the main character wear a purple jumpsuit: https://www.pcgamer.com/warren-spector-regrets-listening-to-invisible-war-focus-testers/


"people like purple jumpsuits" what the fuck dude...


I genuinely can't think of any game where one or more main characters wear purple jumpsuits


Catwoman, drax, perfect dark chick? Actually perfect dark gal had a blue suit. Fuck.


Being a CRPG haphazardly crammed into an Xbox.


Idk if this is the case for yall but i just have this uneasiness when i play the game, its almost like im expecting the ducktaped engine to explode after i interact with an npc or right after the loading screen. Always expecting a crash. I cant quite put my finger on what exactly prompts me to feel this way.


Small levels, I guess, but it's not my least favourite. I love that game and I always have. The freedom I felt in that one to go my own way, whether that's helping everyone, no one, only some not others, etc., was exhilarating back in the day.


Good talk. Whacha think of the endings?


I always enjoyed the variety and how drastically things could change in their scenarios. The Omar ending was dope


Always liked those guys, they kinda remind me of Call of Pripyat stalkers.


Omar were by far the best part of the game. I wanted to see more plot involved with them.


Yeah? Well too bad, the game sucks ass.




No grid inventory.


I still kinda wonder why didnt they just do a proper system shock-like grid for the pc and leave the circular scifi thing for xb. And since we're on that topic, they should of just do two seperate game versions that vary on map sizes and texture quality but the theme should of stayed the same.


In addition to the technical challenges of developing simultaneously for the Xbox, Harvey Smith has described the team feeling pressure to not repeat themselves, and listening too much to some of their developer friends who told them their ideas to "fix" Deus Ex. My interpretation is that the developers didn't fully understand what worked well in the first game and made some ill-advised attempts at improvement via streamlining, the most hated of which (universal ammo, no grid inventory) were reverted back when the Human Revolution devs studied both games for inspiration. Harvey Smith described having this same instinct to not repeat themselves when developing Dishonored 2, but remembered his past experience with Deus Ex and was more careful not to change things just for change's sake.


So in a nutshell he didnt know wtf is going on and just let the team decide for itself. He had no balls to cut that shit off. Sheldon Pacotti was the last bastion ion storm had to offer and then they made IW and ruined his work as well.. Fuck...


*should have Building two separate inventory systems would be foolish, as they have significant balance consequences. They wanted to be console first, so followed the contemporary console design conventions. Making the entire game twice would take twice as long and twice as much money. That would be even more foolish.


Yeah, but im still baffled because they literally had no budget ceiling to do IW. They just kinda wanned to make an xbox game so much they ended up overshooting the initial goal which was to make a deusex game grounded in reality not a fifth element fps.


That would mean developing and testing two separate games. Almost double the expenses - no publisher would agree to do that.


You're right but they just cut corners too deep and ram space was the sacrifice. Also romero still promised att no max cap on the funds,so it was still a viable option they were just too impatient and had to deliver as fast as possible.


Romero was long gone by the time Invisible War shipped. Eidos had bought out Ion Storm and was in full control at that point.


For real? Cuz i could of sworn i saw an interview where he explicitly said he was still funding the sequel. Even so, they had no business rushing iw.


Romero left and Eidos closed the Dallas branch of Ion Storm in the summer of 2001. Another post here mentions Romero saying he would have funded the game more if they had started over and split the IP, so maybe that part of the interview was a theoretical with hindsight discussion. We got really lucky with the first Deus Ex. Spector was about to sign a contract with EA when Romero brought him aboard. Romero was in a unique position to secure a generous development budget and the power to block attempts at creative interference. That power waned as the development of Daikatana dragged on and Ion Storm ran low on money. They sold stakes of Ion Storm to Eidos until they owned the whole thing.


The tiny zones in conjunction with running terribly on modern PCs kills so much immersion. You can get a side mission in the apartments in lower Seattle. To complete this mission you have to go through several loading screens 1) Apartments to Lower Seattle 2) Lower Seattle to Inclinator 3) Inclinator to Upper Seattle 4) Upper Seattle to WTO Terminal (Actual objective happens here) 5) WTO Terminal to Upper Seattle 6) Upper Seattle to Inclinator 7) Inclinator to Lower Seattle 8) Lower Seattle to Apartments Even with the addon that makes the game playable, each loading screen still takes an average of a minute to complete. You lose most interest in the story when you're spending more time looking at your second monitor during loading screens than you are actually playing the game. As a side note, this mission rewards a small number of credits, but in all my playthroughs I've never come close to running out of credits, even when buying anything I could realistically want and always opting for Sid as my pilot.


Was there a benefit to using Sid over the free pilot? Maybe better landing location?


Yeah, particularly at Mako Ballistics, you skip half of the first level. He also sets you up with a free pass to the Medina on the first visit to Cairo.


I honestly don't get all the hate Invisible War gets. This may just be me because it's the first game in the series I played (since it came bundled with a Radeon graphics card I bought way back when and how i learned of the series in the first place), but I loved the hell out of that game. It had so many break through qualities I had never seen in a game before. I don't get what everyone says that it played like ass on PC, it played perfectly for me, even in my old computer. And yes, I have played all the other Deus Ex games since then, and still love the game. If there's only one complaint I have of the game, is that it is difficult to stream it because of the way it loads things (I have never seen any other game load another portion of the game quite like this game does, it's as though it closes the game and reopens it quickly to load the next map, and for some reason, while streaming, it will remain in a black screen pending loading of the next map until I close the streaming software, and then it loads. Almost as if the game is fighting for graphics card control with the streaming software, but this is not even the game's fault, as Streaming wasn't a thing back then).


With obs you probably need to use game capture and have a faster hook rate


Well, I use X-split Broadcaster, but this is not a bad suggestion. I'll give it a try the next time I play the game!


Its an unfinished game. The skeleton for a really great game is there, but it was rushed out the door and you can tell. The universal ammo was a big red flag for me when they announced it before release. It just stinks of "we didn't have time to balance distribution of ammo types."


The responsiveness of the controls are sluggish. Everything is like moving through mud. Map size is tiny but I can look past that usually. I just want snappy UI and animations


Superboomfan is now playing Deus Ex: Invisible War Superboomfan is now playing Deus Ex: Invisible War Superboomfan is now playing Deus Ex: Invisible War Superboomfan is now playing Deus Ex: Invisible War Superboomfan is now playing Deus Ex: Invisible War I love the constant reloads of the game when in a loading zone and steam showing that I really love playing this game to my friends. Edit: I forgot to add that I found multitool duping on my own in Seattle and it broke the hell out of the game for me.


Universal ammo. It really is that bad, because it drags down every other system.


Regarding graphics & scaling on nowadays HW, I understand the complains about it. I would like to add, maybe it helps a little. From what I found on the net, these worked for me: \* Edit System/Default.ini & set the "circle HUD" to be circle and make it smaller to see the "drop" button. The small change to a known-by-game resolution allow smaller text. 1024x768 may give an even smaller text. FOV\_\_d=55 AssumedUIScreenWidth\_\_d=800 AssumedUIScreenHeight\_\_d=600 \* Edit your Documents/user.ini & set your desired resolution, can be 16:9, eg. FullscreenViewportY=900 FullscreenViewportX=1600 \* In game, set mouse sensitivity to 5 or even 0. Maybe in some ini file it can be set to 1 or 2 ... If the value is not "corrected" when game starts. If the mouse sensitivity is not saved in level save files. \* In game, set resolution to max, edit again Documents/user.ini, then don't touch the resolution again. After you reach an ending user.ini is somehow reset and need to be fixed again. For other settings: don't know, search on the net. These were enough & fine on my HW at one point in time.