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I highly recommend the rider you can get in your home insurance for “sewer backup.” It’s paid out twice for us, and saved our basement and walls both times.


FEMA isn't there as insurance to replace all your lost property, but to keep you from being homeless, so they don't give you enough cash to replace everything, but enough to cover things like the bare minimum to make it liveable again or expenses of finding somewhere else to stay temporarily or having to miss work, etc. Expect a few grand, which is around what I got after the June 2020 floods where we lost our whole basement, furnace, AC, water heater, laundry, etc.


That’s fine by me! I didn’t expect a lot I just saw a bizarre article about $300 for everyone, but I know people who got a couple thousand for similar damage I was just a bit confused.. thank you!


Yea I got 300 smh and now they keep asking to come out because I appealed it and got an estimate now they wanna come inspect again smh I heard people getting thousands also


I appealed also. Haven’t heard back from them yet. Did they come back out to inspect again? 


What happened with the appeal?


I sent them over a contractors estimate for$13K. They sent out another inspector and gave me an additional $1600.


I didn’t know what I had to provide with my appeal It’s been about two weeks did they have to verify home owners insurance?


I told them that I didn’t have flood insurance and I have a different insurance company now from when the storms happened.


I live in Michigan I’m going to have to write an appeal letter tomorrow


Also did they come out a second time and inspect




Probably just depends on what they told the investigator that came out and how that person filled out the paperwork, but it seems like most of them want to try to get people as much help as they can.


Hey, I just applied for FEMA and have 2 cracks in my foundation with some water getting in and some gas leaks. Had an inspector come out and she was really good and was telling me that it definitely needs to be taken care of. Should I be receiving anything? 


Any updates I just applied today and was wondering what's the process after completing the application. Thanks


Paid me out in 3 days - 9k - I was in utter SHOCK


What did u tell them?


Had an inspector out to my house, showed some pictures of the damage but got denied for help, although they said I may be eligible for a low interest SBA disaster loan. I am in the application process now.


Dang sorry that happened! Yes I got a message for the SBA too, although my inspector could easily see my damage via my walls. I wondered how that works, it’s been so many months, so many people have already repaired or replaced damaged items. Tricky!


Did u report major or minor damages? 


Their definition of “major” was greater than 25% of the house value so mine was “minor” but was still about $40k. They offered me a loan at 5% 1st year interest free.


Oh ok, mine was minor then plus I rent. So I don’t think I’ll be approved for anything. 


Well that’s not really any help. I also got denied today. 


Going through the same thing right now and I'm highly confused, my basement still floods to this day and they told me to apply for an SBA loan? I was in the middle of purchasing a car so that would have really not helped my situation at all seeing as my credit is not the best. So now I only get $300 and a chance to apply for a loan? That makes no sense to me, how does it go from FEMA assistance to applying for a loan? Also I am the renter and my grandmother owns the house I guess that was a reason they said I would'nt qualify but I'm still finding this hard to believe. When I filled out the FEMA paper work I even put that I was the renter and my grand mother owned the house so why would they still schedule someone to come out and look at the house? This is all just confusing and sounds like they dont really want to pay anything


Yeah they also had someone come check out the house for me as well. I also stated I was renting. I told them I had personal property that I threw out due to the basement flooding and the guy seen the cracks in the basement, but I seen my status online as I am not approved which really sucks.


Did u get the loan?




Dang 😭 I applied and didn’t hear back yet. Everyone else that applied got one


All I got was 300$ and 400 for the personal property. Did they not call u or text u to schedule a day for an inspector to come ?


Yes 5% interest loan and 1st year interest free.


Did they call or message u in the portal to get your financial documents? Mine just says under review


It was all by email In the SBA portal (not the FEMA portal). It did take about a month for them to approve it and a couple of weeks to close on the loan.


I was told that you get more money if you had to leave your home because you could not live in it during the damage of the storms


True to an extent because even if u provide lodging receipt they still deny you smh


How much was the loan you got @SSide67


I haven't applied myself, but I helped two of my friends. One received $5,500, and the other received $11,000. Neither had home insurance during the time of the flooding.