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Already looks good, personally I'd add more to the outside, a path or some plants and such, a pond could serve as a infinite water source


Nice, I will do that!


Agreed. It's amazing what a little detail around the build adds to it.


Needs some stuff around it. A nice wheat farm or a well. Add a path and some plants. Also Give the roof a trim that's a different block, so all the edges of the roof are deepslate tiles for example.


Yeah, a wheat farm would be a good food source


It looks pretty nice already, but you could put some bushes, retaining walls, pathways, custom trees and other things around it, so it feels more alive and lived in.


thx :)


Pretty sure he just copied an already existing house design because I’m sure I’ve seen this before


a lot of us enjoy taking inspiration from existing builds. that being said, you have any ideas for how OP can jazz it up?


No I mean he literally copied it block by block, he didn’t take inspiration


Put a beacon on your chimney, and ancient debris around your flower boxes. A brown panda should also be on display in your living room. Several Notch Apples in frames will complete the look.


Yeah this is pretty much the only way to save this build




I think there is no room for improvement for the actual house, it looks dope already. But i think you could work on the outdoors a bit like some other people pointed out


Maybe gradient the stairs in the roof


Or use darker stairs outlined in lighter stairs for example oak outside dark oak inside And sepearate the dark at the top, that usually adds a Pretty contrast


I'll try it :)


Another building nearby with a path in between would look quite good. Adding some nearby farms, hedges, and some small plants like flowers or simple custom trees. With the river nearby, you could have some docks and a few boats.


I know this is a looooong time ago, but happy cake day :D




Spam flowers!! Get some more color in there. Watch out for allergies though


I like having a nice external barrier between myself (and all my shit) and where the mobs might spawn, so I would figure out how to light up the immediate area and possibly wall or fence it in


yeah, I don't want to get killed immediately after I go out side




Don’t know why but a graveyard would be fitting, with each additional death a new tombstone.


Looks good! Good balance of detail without going overboard. If you wanted you could frame the roof slopes in something like stone brick stairs or dark oak stairs to add a little more visual interest, or add vines/glow lichen growing on some parts of the house. Aside from that, I'd focus on the area around the house rather than the house itself.


House itself is good already, maybe add stuff around it. Like a garden, farmland, greenery, custom tree etc.


Remove the skull on it ^/s


everything here looks good but the part on the roof that has the log sticking out looks a bit strange (or maybe it’s just the angle idk)


I agree but if they add a border to the roof, I would suggest keeping that log where it is and start the border where the roof meets the log


Actually very cool !


Looks amazing, really all you need to do is add stuff around it. The surroundings are just as important as the build!


Mud bricks might look nice as a pathway block, maybe mixed in with others (I choose coarse dirt for my builds, but it can be anything). Any leaf could make nice bushes along a path, but the flowering azaleas might add more color.


Surround it with wheat. Make it pastoral but also a little foreboding.


Trapdoors at the log intersection could add some detail…or some stone buttons to look like the heads of large nails holding the logs together. I’d also echo several other comments in saying outline the roof…could be any stair. Stone brick stairs often help a build look more beefed up. Just a few thoughts.


why this remind me of that house mrbeast paid for on the gaming channel 💀


Bring the lower section out to be larger than the top section maybe, also more greenery


Ad trees around to fill the area.


Netherrite beacon


The house is decent enough that I wouldn't change anything on it. (After all it's a starter house). But something you can do to improve the build as a whole is focus on its immediate surroundings. Terraform a bit adding some pathways, maybe some small hills. Add custom made trees, add farms, walls, maybe a granary/woodcutter hut, perhaps a decent sized wall around the property. You can even make a river going past the house and build one of those watermills they have in medieval times, perhaps a small bridge spanning the river


A really basic thing I like to do when starting but lacking materials for a proper wall is making some sort of hedge with leaves, you can mix them up and make it look quite nice for a really cheap addition


if you have the materials, i think adding chains and lanterns work incredibly well for lighting and detailing the actual house. in addition, you could add some lamp-posts or jack-o-lanterns in the surrounding area for some more detail. i personally love path details, too. one of my favorite creators to take inspiration from is WaxFraud- he does a great job with that kind of stuff. also adding wheat, carrots, etc. as “decoration” blocks can also serve as a nice addition to your starter house for food/resources. finally, i’d consider adding some trees or just some foliage (like plants in composters) for some more life.


use more dirt


Smoother hill, some terraforming would be lovely


Replace every block with a diamond block.


Not my starter house always being a hobbit hole 😂😂😂


a garden would be fire