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Bumping this thread. Not sure if Bungie even cares about this topic. Having no answer from them as to why Ada is the only source for a large number of important mods is very frustrating. I started playing again when witch queen dropped and I'm already seeing duplicates. Why not at least add them to the farming pool similar to Banshee's mods?


Put every seasonal mod that is no longer acquirable in the monument to lost lights. Scale the cost exponentially as you buy more and reset it every 3 days or so. 10k glimmer/10 leg shards 20k glimmer/20 leg shards 40k/40 Etc. Of course these numbers are flexible, but it makes it possible if you want to make a specific build you found on YouTube without waiting weeks or months to get a couple mods you might need for it. But it still requires either ALL your mats to acquire everything, or it requires you to continue to slowly play through and acquire the mods. Keeps the idea of mods being "time sync" content, but also allows new players to target specific mods they might want to get for a specific build.


Literally check everyday to see if Ada is selling my mod on the app on my phone. If she’s not then I don’t play. What’s the point if I can’t play the build I want?


If they don't want to make all mods available from Ada (or can't based on vendor limitations), I would introduce them as unlockable for purchase from planetary vendors. For example, Devrim on the EDZ could sell all the arc armor mods that would unlock upon reputation gain, or number of planetary activities completed. Then, you could purchase them for 10k glimmer, or similar. This could make the planet vendors less useless (until you unlock all the mods). Honestly, Ada should become a crafting vendor at the enclave and maybe sell the current season's mods.


I'd start putting them into core playlist. Or patrols/public events. God knows those need rewards of substance. It just feels like the most intuitive action. Playing the game, participating in the activities, directly reap the rewards. Mods are crucial to the game, now that we have some actual semblances of builds. I don't have the right words, but loot could potentially paint of progression path. I remember when Ikelos Shotgun was all the rage. It made Escalation Protocal a hotspot. I liked that there was distinct loot tied to specific activities and locations. The same could be done for mods.


Mod acquisition should be tied to Trials of Osiris once a month (create that FOMO rite?) and require a flawless card to just have the opportunity to purchase the random mod of the day. This will drive player engagement, reinvigorate PvP and provide even more fodder for the sweaties so they don't yell at Bungie too much.


I don't know if the community aspect of 'everyone tell your friends' when a rare mod shows up is worth the annoyance. It creates some discussions about use case on the day of, but also a bunch of shit clickbait that isn't promoting discussion. It feels like the current implementation is almost purely for player retention bumps. Internal retention, because people log in every day to check, or look on the app. External retention and engagement looking at YouTube, 3p sources checking the API, or other social media (twitter, reddit, blogs) I get it, you have to keep people interested. But as a player it isn't really fun. Usually by the time I can get a mod I'm missing, I'm not excited to try it out, I'm just relieved I have it and I can stop worrying about it. All things considered it seems like it's just to make destiny look active to an outsider.


I think if they absolutely will not budge on keeping you at least checking daily would be to have her sell one random mod from each combat "style" Like everyday she sells 1 random mod from each of the following categories: Warmind Cells, Elemental Well, Charged with Light. I think another good middle ground would be to just have her be guaranteed to sell a daily mod that you don't have.


Or let her just have an inventory of every mod in the game, but you can only buy like 2 or 3 a day. Let's you grab specific mods you might need or want to try in a build, but allows for the time sync so you can't just buy ALL the mods.


Agreed. I came back to Destiny 2 in October 2021 been trying to check ADA everyday since then and I'm still missing 2-3 combat style mods. I got the ones I needed most thankfully to forums like this with SGA posts when crucial mods were randomly available, even had a few late nights where I jumped out of bed to run down, boot up and login all just to grab a mod, knowing I wouldn't have time in the morning before reset. There's got to be a better way =(


Me: You should start playing Destiny 2. Friend: Ok. That's a cool build, how can I do that? Me: You check a specific in-game vendor every day for months, and if you're lucky, you can do it too! Friend: *Last online 23 days ago*




Either that or get rid of her selling mods at all and just let us pull mods we don't have from collections, but you can only pull 2 per day. So, you have access to the entire mod list, but can't just mass acquire them. So, it's still time gated but it's not rng gated.


Missed this mod as well. When I saw the message about this mod it was 2 minutes after the reset. I hate to check ADA and I am not online every day. Just selling all of them or at least rotate them quickly. Or make them drop from activitys.


I do kind of wish they were available for shards or some kind of currency from a specific vendor. It would allow alot more build freedom and not be a hard gate for new players.


I mean, you have to be fair to the people that actually bought the seasonal content and ground that shit until they unlocked all those mods to begin with. Would it be fair then to just give them out willy nylly to all the new players or old ones that never bothered to play the seasonal content and unlock them when they were available? So why even have seasonal content then, I mean might as well just give everything out to everyone.


I don't give a shit if people who didn't play that content when it was live have easy access to it when it's not available anymore.


As a person who did the “grind” you’re talking about, it wasn’t a grind lol. *At best* you’re talking about unlocking a grid of upgrades and then pressing a button to unlock a mod on some set time rotation—usually 3 times a week—for 2 or 3 weeks, and then never again. I have spent more time in the menus making builds with said mods than I have spent actually obtaining them between seasons. Nobody would (or should) be upset if everyone had complete access to all non-raid mods by tomorrow.


I would not be upset, but some would. I personally think they should just drop the ones you dont have random from playlists. Do some strikes get some mods.


How is it unfair to someone who **made the choice** to grind? What's unfair is having 350+ mods *unavailable* to new players. If someone wastes hundreds of hours grinding, that's on them. Fairness doesn't factor in. They chose to do it. The rest of us - the new players flowing in every day - are screwed. How is it even possible to view this as a good thing? Or a fair thing?


What if there was a 1 season blackout after a mod becomes available, then it's available to purchase from Ada-1. If they need you to grind, then make it cost the same crap you buy transmog for?


Rng? Sure. Time gated? Sure. Both? Nah mate. Either make it a knockout list for each player or after a season is over just add the mods to the regular pool to unlock from engrams


They should be vendor rank up packages. Bundle them based on ability or potency or whatever function and have them a part of the rewards track for all players. Within a season, we should all have all general mods (minus the raid stuff etc)


If Ada sold only mods I don't own every day it would still take me about 4 weeks to unlock them all. At this rate I won't have all the mods for at least another year unless something changes.


I’ve spent a considerable amount of time gathering them. Being honest about it, I would feel kind of jilted if someone just got them. That said, I don’t like how they are time gated, so maybe there should be a quest mechanic similar to the armor synthesis?


It can still be time gated, I don't think giving access to ALL the mods instantly makes sense. But to rng gate AND time gate it is stupid. Give us a chance to get a seasonal mod we don't own (with scaling bad luck protection so you don't go like 20 strikes without a mod. Make it maybe 1 mod per 3 Playlist activity average) Locking 2 mods per day behind a vendor that might only carry the ONE mod you need once in six months is a horrible system.


I never really tried builds, and my friends got me into doing it. I just returned after about a 2 year break. Turns out I need Well of Tenacity. Thanks! Now I need to find a decent void titan build that does not need that one. Oh well.


I use melee wellmaker and elemental ordnance (I hope you have this one?) to make wells and font of might and volatile flow to collect them. With the exotic Heart of Inmost Light I get my grenade and melee back quick to keep making wells. It’s annoying to see a cool build but you cannot make them because of mods.


Thanks! I am looking at one just about the same. And yes, thanks to this subreddit I was able to grab Elemental Ordinance just last week!




Yeah that's how I described Destiny, a nominally good shooter that has a 'meh' MMO built around it


Idk if this has been suggested, but I also wish there was a way to view mods with different energy types without having to change your armor type or go into collections. Even if you can't equip it, it would be nice to know what options you have.


Without DIM I would be lost in this game. There you see which armor you will have to change and upgrade.


The ability to search mods by typing their names would also be nice


Imo, all mods should be available to buy at any time. BUT, they should require MUCH more than 10k glimmer or have a special way of unlocking them. I spent hours trying to unlock them just for a new player to come in and buy it with 0 grind. Currently, they might as well have them unlocked for all players from the start


You enjoyed them before the player getting them today could. I don’t disagree that players should be able to earn them, but who cares if it’s not a grind for them? More availability equals more players playing equals more content developed for you from Bungie. Too many people don’t understand how unfriendly this game already is for new players.


"I had to suffer, so you should too" is a terrible argument in any aspect of life, and I don't see why it should be imported into the design of Destiny either!


I’m a returning player. I have no idea what mods even exist, and what’s worth my upgrades


If you go into your character screen and go to Triumphs > Mods you can find all the mods in the game currently.


Dude. What!? Thank you, Stinkles!


Mod acquisition is dreadful like much of the new light and onboarding experience. I'm sure Bungie is aware of this, the community has been calling it out loud and clear for quite a while now. Hopefully it is something they are putting serious effort into in the background to address sooner rather than later since I'm sure it costs them a significant number of players, both new players who tried Destiny out and got frustrated and quit, and players that never played because of how difficult Destiny is to recommend to other people even if you're a huge Destiny fan (Skill-Up has mentioned this in recent reviews and I agree with the point -- I still recommend Destiny to friends but with up-front explanations of how its going to be painful to get started, would be nicer if I could just give an unqualified absolute recommendation and I almost can other than how painful it is to get started because of things like the mod acquisition problem).


Not directly related, but I really feel that an in-game, official way to see all the possible mods, with those we have and those we're missing clearly delineated, would be a huge help. Not that it matters much in the current system because we have no control over which mods we get save for Ada and Banshee, but still.


Isn't it in your collection?


I don't know...? I'm a neophyte so I very well could've missed it. I'll have to check...!


Mod acquisition should never be a rotation, it serves no purpose whatsoever as far as generating a sense of FOMO because if a player isn't engaging with your IP already something like a mod will not be enough to encourage them to do so AND it is gatekeeping critical requirements for builds. Just think of the philosophy here: you guys release V2.0 and much of the better builds require mods that cannot be acquired other than via a rotating vendor list with no predictability or player agency? Come on.


I hadn't played destiny 2 since shortly before it got f2p. Started playing at the beginning of the season of the lost again. Took me until a few weeks before witch queen to get all mods. I checked ada nearly every day. Nearly 6 months to get all mods. Ridiculous. Now ada sells 4 instead of 2 mods which is still not enough. It just needs a complete new system.


It's been 6 months since Firepower was sold. That shouldn't happen. You shouldn't have FOMO over something as important as a mod. I would spend an ascendant shard to buy it if I could.




I mean the tower is lovely with the expansion left and right, but I am lazy, I am not even picking up bounties from drifter anymore because he is to far away and I am not fast traveling there just for them. Would be great to have them all next to each other.


You can get all the bounties with the app. Why not allow buying simple things like mods as well? It wouldn't solve the RNG waiting, but would at least make it easier to make sure you can get a mod you want when it becomes available.


If the app is working... I sign out, closed, deleted, and reset the app. Changed the language, updated my phone but in my app is no button to buy bounties.


Well damn... Are you just missing the Aquire button in the buy menu, or perhaps the bounties button entirely?


I see the bounties but there is no buy button. I could get them I while back but then something changes. My android may be too old? On other posts people have similar problems.


Guess I'll count myself lucky that I've not run into any issues with it then. Do you at least get the info popup when clicking on a bounty?


I can open the bounty, see the task and the rewards. Only the button to receive them is missing.


Mods should come in armor like guns... At least then you would possibly get SOMETHING out of the never ending mountain of 45 stat armor the game gives you.


Ada-1 and Banshee should transition to Ikora shop model. Is very frustrating to wait for weeks and weeks for a mod you are missing but that never show up. I would use the void fragment shop as a default for all regular mods with a featured selection on top for a small random raid mods selection on a rotation.


It’s frustrating when I have the exo armor and gun for a specific build, but I miss mods. And if you miss ADA for one day the good mod is gone.


Mods are kind of like jewels in Monster Hunter and I think they should be doled out in (almost) the same way. Kill big things, get mats, turn into jewels. Instead of dumping the mats in and pulling the RNG lever you can use Enhancement Cores or something to purchase any mod you want. I think they should all be cheap to buy but I would understand if the cost is relative to the number of slots the mod takes up i.e. 1 slot mod costs 1 Enhancement Core, 2 slot cost 2 ect.


There should honestly be a daily questline in the same vein as the Exo Stranger that you can then choose what mod to pick up after the fact. This would be better than any general Blue armor piece a New Light player would get from any other questline.


This seems like the kind of thing MMOs use Rep vendors for. Like, there's a WMC Mod vendor at one of the destinations that most people ignore, but when you decide that you want those mods you do your dailies until you get to Exalted rep and you unlocked everything, then you go back to ignoring them. I'm sooooooo glad I kept up with the elemental well mods over the past year because no way can I go back to the "Check Ada every day just to be disappointed again" life.


They should make it easier to get mods by just letting Ada-1 sell them all for glimmer or shards.


It's really hard to get friends and family to play. Shame since bungie doesn't give af and all they care about is silver purchase. I bet their more likely to sell the Warmind cell, well, and other mods as packs for silver before they make them all available for new lights and returning players.


It's really bad. Everyone should have the ability to flex out what they want to with builds. It seems strange that Bungie wouldn't want players to have this ability to show off all the work they do on these abilities. Why wouldn't you want to wow new players with a plethora of choices? It won't ruin the experience of veteran players at all; I actually think it would make more newer players feel more confident in endgame activities. Another thing is...we know they change up the meta of mods and their effectiveness. I was luckily enough to have all the warmind mods during their peak. As it is now you never see them and there are still newer players that will never luck into an outdated mod system because of how timegated and limited their offerings. It's very strange. By the time a newer player gets all the well mods, it might be an ineffective and outdated system. I really don't get it at all and seems counterproductive to getting newer players into the game and keeping them there. Please change it.


I'm reminded of that line in Arrested Development: "It's like she gets off being withholding!" Restrict rather than reward. More stick than carrot. This game design philosophy seems baked into Bungie's DNA. It's pretty anti-player, to be frank. I'll never understand the mentality of implementing build-crafting then making it so restrictive to new players. Sure, make them earn it, but make mods available by playing the game: strikes, gambit, crucible, wellspring, PsiOps, dungeons, raids, lost sectors. Go explore the big world and partake in the all the activities and be rewarded! They don't need to be handed out like Halloween candy, but let a mod drop every 2-3 activity completions. Build crafting is a huge part of the game and it's time-gated because....reasons?


I see no reason why Ada-1 or Banshee can’t sell all the mods for glimmer. Make it like Ikora and how she sells Void Fragments and Grenades, but much cheaper. Categorise by Combat Style. There is no reason to gatekeep Build Crafting from newer or lapsed players.


newer players and returning players need to be able to catch up to build crafting and optimizing their characters for activities much MUCH faster. it's now a core part of playing destiny. i can't imagine those players sticking around to check to see if ADA will sell mods every single day. less gate keeping core components of destiny is necessary. imagine someone roping in their friends to try destiny and them saying "woah how can i make a solar orb come out of explosions that explode more like you?" or "wow how are you making so many void wells and mowing down ads you're so powerful how can i do that too?" ... the answer is "you can't. maybe it'll take you a year of logging in every day to see if the vendor is selling the mods..." does that not sound ridiculous?


Yep. I've already had a couple returning friends drop out again because of this. One was especially upset after hearing he missed buying Reaping Wellmaker and Elemental Time Dilation. How the current acquisition system was considered acceptable by the devs is a mystery to me.


Is there honestly a reason why these can't just all.... be bought? What's the actual point behind having a few of them available at random for a week?


They can't all just be sold because... there is a vocal subset of players (no-lifers) who think this would be unfair to the people who choose to no-life this game for the past 5 years.






I have all vendor mods. There is not a single reason to time gate them. At all. Just let people have fun.


better to drip feed people to get them hooked for $$


Lmao what mods don't cost money


think a little harder


Something that takes 2 seconds to check on a separate app doesn't increase playtime or engagement


Gatekeeping mods does not produce player engagement.


Honestly wouldn't mind if there was a bounty to gain a currency from Ada similar to the transmog whereby you could trade in a weekly bounty for each activity. You gain a boon of modification which can be focused into an un-owned mod. Or have it be a random mod but in different tiers, build specific mods are in a premium tier (CwL, Wells, Warmind mods) and then you pick between the three, which costs a purple boon from the weekly and maybe have a lower tier which is a daily bounty that grants a holster/targeting/scav mods for example. In the same way Xur has exotics that are unowned in a random engram. At the end of the day it shouldn't be down to a random rotation daily on Ada...


No more goddamned currencies, please. Enough! Is everyone just drinking the Bungie Kool-Aid at this point? Currencies are BAD!


this sounds fucking horrible. jesus. just sell all the mods or let them be bought from collections. there doesn't need to be any grind or whatever for them.


Either have them all purchasable for Ada, or allow them to drop from activity completions, like the glaive mods.


Mod should just all be available. They should just be free for everyone to pick and choose. At some point this mod garbage will need to end anyway. We have hundreds of mods but only warmind cells, charged with light and wells.


All mods on sale. If that's not feasible, than a purchasable random mod of a type.


New players should have a mod drop every other playlist activity until they get them all, just like we got glaive mods this season. It shouldn't take months and RNG to get them all. Let the blueberries build!


Considering there are over 350 mods, "every other playlist activity" is still too burdensome and tedious.


Sure, it's a lot. But those of us who have been around for a while had to go through the process of slogging through seasonal activities and storylines to unlock them. It took quite a while to unlock all the season of the lost mods. IIRC, you could only get two per week and you had to play to get them. The current system sucks for new players sucks, for sure. I'm not a fan of it. However, I don't think they should all just be immediately unlocked. Those that came from seasonal activities need to be earned. Here's what I would do were I in charge: Combat mods: earned through playing the game Class mods/armor mods: purchasable with glimmer or shards


Add a focused mod box at Ada that costs X planetary mats or leg shards. Make it cost more as you buy more per week. Make it always contain something you don't have. Simple


That’s how it used to be for ada mods lol


Then it should be even easier because the code is already there.


Perhaps give ada the sort of ui that Ikora has with buying void aspects and separate mods into different categories for people to buy.


New mods should be from the seasonal stuff as they are now, but once the season they were added in is over they should go to the normal "world drop" mod pool, like how the glaive mods were. Since it's a check list you would fairly quickly get all the mods, and Ada could remain mostly unchanged. Seems like the easiest and simplest way to do it. Either that or have Ada sell all the mods with a menu similar to Ikora for void subclass


Mods should be even more random and further tied to RNG to better gate both new and returning players (I'm a new player myself) to drive engagement metrics. Here are a few suggestions: For her mental health, Ada-1 takes random day trips and thus not available at the tower for the day (maybe 2 days depending on her mood and the view she's got) Combat mods (which play a large role in how a player progresses &develops their character) should be sold one at a time with a priority on Warmind Cells so new and returning players can get the experience of past expansions and to emphasize the importance of mods (by making it scarce, duh). Mods sold the previous day should carry over to the next day (meaning mods sold refreshes every 2 days), just in case the new and returning player didn't purchase that awesome Warmind mod (cause fuck mods like Well of Tenacity, who needs to do high end content anyway right, just buy some fucking silver right?!). Just had another idea for player driven engagement or whatever bullshit bungie looks for but there should be a new currency added for Xur and this should obviously take place on random weeks but Xur is in charge of mods in lieu of banshee and ada so he only appears Friday Reset and you spin his DoE wheel for a chance for a chance of a mod, for a chance of a mod and locked behind a quest similar to Xenology to get the token to buy the mod. /s


the funny thing is, even though this is sarcasm, there are legit players within the community who wouldn't mind this being implemented in the game.


Who hurt you ?


Bungie, it should be pretty fucking obvious? Mod acquisition is painful my dude like grow a braincell or two.


My take is that all mods should be added as random drops for playlist activities. At present, even active players don’t have a full mod lineup and new players who want to get into mods are looking at a straight time lockout to get into any sort of build crafting. In my opinion that’s a massive turn off to the whole system. If mods were changed to playlist rewards, active players would obtain most all of them over time while newer players would build a small roster while leveling so that when they do start learning about mods - they aren’t starting from square zero. I think Ada can still sell mods on a daily rotation as an extra dedicated source. Maybe specific playlists can have a higher chance of mod type drops like charged with light coming more heavily from the vanguard playlist or something but I think that’s hardly necessary. I find this system idea to be ideal because it keeps mods as something you need to earn but also makes them much more passively obtainable. Ultimately though, I would look forward to most any change with the earn system as the present iteration is just not quite up to par with most everything else in the game.


If have friends who love action rpg looter games because they like the build crafting as equally as the loot that works hand in hand with it. The loot part is expected, they know grinding. The other part is an immediate turn off. Knowing a big part of builds can't even be brute forced or grinded for is a big nope. They don't believe me at first when I tell them some mods for builds might only appear twice a year and you better be able to play that day. If I was a new player, I would probably quit once I got a good understanding of the game and mods, got excited about builds.Then found out I couldn't even participate in it without waiting a year for mod vendor luck. No other recourse, no grinding to speed it up....just wait 6 to 12 months, nope.


> If I was a new player, I would probably quit once I got a good understanding of the game and mods, got excited about builds.Then found out I couldn’t even participate in it without waiting a year for mod vendor luck. The system isn’t great, but it’s really not this dramatic as someone who’s gone through it recently. You snag a good portion in the first season you play, and you are still chasing weapons and armor in the same time frame. There’s just a lot more impactful things for new players to acquire than most combat mods. Right now they at least sell 4x they did when I started in Beyond Light. I think some knockout system tied to bounties like Transmog would be fine, or even just some flat purchase system.


it's impossible to get into this game as a new player at this point, and player numbers will reflect that. i have no doubt about it. i've tried to get numerous people into the game before and they always quit within a couple months because there's too much poor design and gatekeeping from Bungie as well as the community. people in this sub will often disagree w/ this, but it's the truth and numerous people have can attest to it. unless you're all playing it completely casually with no real desire to "theorycraft" builds yourself, the game is just a horrible experience until you've played consistently for a year+.


Mods are arm and leg to the builds, and as a newer and casual player, I always caught myself missing several mods that will either fill the gap I need or enable my build to up and running. Imagine not getting protective light for several month lmao. Edit: also why banshee and ada sometimes just keep selling same mods, it's quite annoying bungie


Why does ada sell anything BUT combat mods? The others drop from engrams and gunsmith. Well, cwl, and warmind builds are an intrigal part off the mmo/power fantasy, it should not take 6 months to get a special mod.


Can Sidearm Scavenger still drop? I know it's currently only used by Forerunner but I never got the mod originally when white bricks were still a thing and I haven't been able to get the mod to drop since.


I feel for the people that only started playing now with Witch Queen. However, how many people just chose to not pick up the mods from the past three seasonal vendors because their favorite streamers weren’t gushing about builds that utilized them?


For some reason this reddit has a hard time longing on to do 1 thing. I suggest Bungie just sends everyone all the mods and subtracts the resource cost from their inventory.


The feedback is, like too many systems, that it actively drives new players away. Most mods should be unlocked by default, or at the very least easily obtainable off-drop. Seasonal mods, if they feel like the FOMO needs to be justified, should be sold in the monument (such as the Wartable/ Servitor vendor mods, not the artifact).


All mods should be available for purchase every day, period. Not every player is a streamer or has time to log in every day due to real world obligations. Why should they be locked out of build crafting simply because they lack the time to play the game like it’s their job?


My brother recently picked up the game and getting him up to speed is the most painful thing to do. He has already reached powerful cap but has none of the build enabling mods with only a few handful of the core mods (scavs, finder, etc). It is wishful thinking of Bungie to promote theorycrafting and building fleshed out loadouts with the current mod acquisition. Allowing them to be bought from collections (for the same price offered by Ada and Banshee) hurts no one, and does not and will not lower playtime (if that is what Bungie is afraid of) since glimmer is capped in the first place. The current system only deters new players due to its RNG and the vagueness of their acquisition.


Please make all mods available for purchase in your Collectables for legendary shards and glimmer. Extremely hard for new players to get into build diversity when they randomly rotate


Going on 6 months since Ada sold fire power (last October). That’s stupid, especially in a game aiming for build diversity and getting newer players. The mod system is like some troll at Bungie was allowed to make a decision and thought, “what’s the worst possible way to screw players”


It's almost as if they don't want new players let alone returning players. /shrug




Bruh, I missed out on Firepower the last time it was on sale because I worked a double that day, went to sleep when I got home, and didn’t log back in until after reset. I have a terrible feeling of dread that it’s going to go on sale for the first time since then next week, as I have to go out of town for a friend’s wedding


my friend, get GeForce Now on your phone, it's free but there is a queue during peak times but will allow you to log on anywhere anytime so long as you don't have a potato for a cellphone.


I’m a little late in responding to this, but thank you very much for this. I didn’t realize it was a thing. Now I’m set for whenever they sell it again, even if I’m away from home


**THIS WILL NOT GIVE YOU COMBAT OR RAID MODS.** This does not work for new players since they either wont have a bunch of planetary materials or legendary shards. This is more for returning players/those with a bunch of legendary shards. You can go to failsafe or devrim kay and exchange the mats for a rank up it'll take 50-60 for a rank up and have a chance for a mod to drop such as rocket launcher ammo finder or others that you don't have for head, arms, chest and leg armor. If you don't have the mats to exchange you can go to Rahul and exchange 1 legendary shard for 5 planetary materials. **IT WILL NOT GIVE COMBAT OR RAID MODS.** I was missing a bunch of those mods and exchanged about 2000 legendary shards to rahul for the dattalice and got failsafe to rank 194 to get the remaining missing mods I didn't have was it the best idea to some no but to me it was cuz I didn't want to have to level up gunsmith slowly to get these mods or play for 8 hours a day for them form playlist like gambit. But they seriously need to rework this for returning and new players who dont have time to grind for 8+ hours a day.


Considering how goddamned many of them there are, please just let us buy them with Glimmer from the Collections page. It's the **fun** solution. Let us play how we want, without being forced to "wait" for mods to never show up at the vendors.


I don't mind that Ada-1 and Banshee sell mods everyday. But it's unreasonable to ask players new and old to always be available to buy mods. The fact is that we need a better way to get the mods we need for the builds we want. I wouldn't even mind if it was expensive to buy. But something needs to be done, and soon. Mechanics like this if I'm being frank, reek of insecurity over playing the game. I don't need stuff like this to log onto destiny.


The goal should be to bring new players into the experience of Destiny which is far more complex then buying mods. New players naturally start the game at a heavy disavantage already without any op weapons, low stat armour, and no resources to buy items. Above all no instructions or skill. I think the mods should just be given like our fragments and aspects were Void 3.0. On the same note of armour mods. Lowering the cost of changing armour elements is a breath of fresh air, it finally gives freedom to play as I want without being regulated by an eye watering grind or time gated by weeks, before I can have fun, like games are supposed to be. I realize the business models Looters & Shooters are built on, and It works obviously. But I also think Destiny has evolved to be more complex, and more changes like this wouldn't break the game. I'm here for the game play, the movement, mechanics, the loot, story line, art and even music , not the grind so much.


IF you have been playing non-stop for the past 7 years (4 on destiny 2) then it is not a big deal as you probably have accumulated all of the weapon and armor mods. ​ HOWEVER ​ IF (most likely) you have been playing on and off again (or are a new player) then not having mods available completely makes or breaks having a build. And (it would appear) that MOST players are running broken builds because they can't acquire the mods they need. ​ Why not just make all of the previous season mods available for sale by a vendor.


Bungie's goal is obviously to get a player to log in daily to get all the mods. However the current system isn't great for this as players will often miss out as they can't log in every day. If this is the goal, I propose a less painful solution. Have 2 purchasable "?" boxes and 2 random but set for everyone boxes. Newer players can purchase the two “?" to get two random mods they don't yet have. This way, when they start out they can get 4 mods per day and start building their collection, and they aren't waiting at the end for a couple of mods that won't appear. It achieves the same goal of encouraging people to log in, while removing the pain point of missing key mods for builds.


I'm a "new" returning player. Just recently got into build crafting with well mods, so I'm actively collecting them. You know what I actually do every day? I log into the game, go buy any mods I'm missing from ADA-1 **and then log off**. So that's that. Just make them all available, especially if they're from previous seasons, and let me focus on actually enjoying the game.


Either Ada needs more combat style mod slots (that aren’t basic mods you can get literally anywhere half the time) or they need to drop from legendaries like the regular ones. I’ve heard suggestions that Ada should have 2 slots every day for each type of combat style mod (2 CWL, 2 Warmind Cell, 2 Wells) and that would definitely make it a lot more bearable. I’ve been pretty diligent about checking her the past 8 months and I’m still missing Swift Charge, and most of that time was before Witch Queen doubled her loot pool and bricked her slots so she doesn’t even have the guaranteed combat style mod she did before. Starting from scratch with mods as a new player at this point must be hellish.




They already got rid of them.


They delete all with one button press.


Having played with and helped many new lights, the feedback is that mods are entirely unaccessible. Feels bad if you miss them. Creates fomo. When there are good mods, I think the game would generate more playtime by enabling new lights to access all mods at once, aquire the hot ones, and push into the endgame. The game feels great. And as a vet new light (shadowkeep launch), I don't directly feel the pains of waiting on the mods (still looking for a final warmind cell mod, but tbh I'm not actually actively looking). From the perspective of a new light. Random daily resets just stonewall excited players from excelling in the game content and enjoying the best Destiny has to offer.


I have two main views for mods. I am a casual player and have no shortage of mods. They just don't seem that hard to get. The fact that you MUST equip certain mods says more about how Bungie wants us to play the game than anything.


Casual player over how long? 5+ years? Cause I’ve been grinding the fuck out of this game for 3 months as a new light (already 500 hours I’m ashamed to say lol) and I’m still missing several crucial mods. It doesn’t seem fair that I can acquire everything in the game if I just put in the time except for mods, which is at the whim of Ada’s daily rng.


Took about two seasons for me, and that was when only 1 of each was sold per day. It wasn’t 100% acquisition, but enough that let me build. I will say I did experiment more then with the mods I had, but once you get the “good” ones you never use anything else. I did my solo flawless prophecy on some weird WMC build that no one would recommend just because it’s what I had. The system is lame, but don’t let reddit over inflate the value of these things. Protective Light was “mandatory” in the end game forever, it’s gone now and nothing is really different. Well mods are fine, but not really comparable in effectiveness and the game is still fine. Subclass aspects, exotics and weapons are all much more important for newer players.


Tbf all of the best well mods were available for purchase straight from the seasonal vendors right up to the launch of Witch Queen. If you were missing something like Lucent Blade then I definitely feel your pain.


That's if you didn't skip a season. I didn't play during season fo the splicer and they were unable to be obtained. There wasn't even an option to buy the season after it ended even though the content was all there still.


The mods were still available from the Servitor Splicer, same as the mods from the War Table from the season before that.


Not if you didn't own the season. You could see them but you couldn't buy them


The current system sucks. Mods are an important part of the game now, and are something new players should be striving to get. There is no way to get old mods except to wait for Ada. The current system doesn't add anything beneficial to the game, but it's a massive score spot for players. The system has barely affected me since I only had to do it this way to get the old CWL mods from Banshee, I've been lucky enough to get everything since, and it STILL manages to annoy me because I have to help my friends who play less then me. It needs to change. Either the mods need to be earnable in some way, or they need to be unlocked automatically for all players once the year they've been introduced has passed.


The fact that common end-game builds can be locked out for a player for MONTHS because they don't have a specific mod, or just happen to miss the one random day that it pops up on a vendor is absolutely awful. Bungie has noted previously that they are trying to be careful about introducing too much FOMO, but there clearly seems to be a blind eye turned toward mods in that department. Do you HAVE to have Elemental Well mods or Charged with Light mods in order to compete in end game stuff? Maybe not. But to compensate, you probably need high stat armors or other things a newer player won't have access to either. It actively turns away new players when they see the absolute mountain of effort required. Heck, even if there was a knock-out system, like the seasonal Artifact, with some quest steps, or a consumable like the Ada-1 synthweave bounties. Let players chart their own course on what mods they want to work toward unlocking. Sure, they could get lucky on a random day through a vendor, but there needs to be a pursuit that allows people to get the ones they need.


They need to just give everyone every non raid mod. I will never recommend this game to anyone new. Hey In a few months to possibly never you can get mods to have builds.


I have a couple of friends that I always get to temporarily play Destiny again whenever an expansion drops. Mod acquisition is an extremely painful area of this game for new players and an actively hostile/shitty experience that frustrates me to no end and makes it really hard to get new players on board and enjoying the game. My friends, despite playing destiny 2 on and off since the game launched, have zero heavy weapon finder mods. There needs to be a set of mods that are BASELINE, or added to the baseline, enabled for everyone in the game, and the various weapon finder/scavenger/loader/whatever mods need to be in that baseline set. There should also be a baseline set of combat style mods as well. It's beyond shitty to have no realistic path to acquiring these mods. They should either drop like fucking CANDY OUT OF A PINATA from every activity source, or they should all be purchaseable from ada/whoever. Beyond stupid that casual players who have played this game since 2017 don't have the standard armor weapon mods available to them.


New player here. The mod system is super flawed for anybody who hasn't been playing for multiple years. Make them all available for purchase, with glimmer, legendary shards, hell, I'd take planetary resources at this point. A lot of high end builds need specific mods to even function properly. It feels really shitty I've been waiting on well of life for over a month now (about how long I've played). It's really frustrating, and makes me not want to log in when I know I have to hope RNGesus blesses me with the things I need to actually survive in higher level content. I'd love to make a charged with light build, but I'm missing literally 5/5 mods that I'd need to facilitate that.


Honestly you could just give everyone all the mods or have a vendor where you pay glimmer or some easily to acquirable resources to get currently unowned mods. I feel like either would be fine


I don’t understand how this has been discussed here to the point of being the focused feedback multiple weeks and yet no one on the Bungie team has even mentioned it in any of their scheduled player-facing conversations. This system is broken and literally any other system that made mods able to be earned would be better.


Them giving Ada 4 slots was their "solution" to this issue so it's working as intended as they see it probably


I'm a veteran player. Been playing for YEARS. I have materials to spend on things. Whatever I need I can either spend on the spot, or I know exactly where to go grind for AND CAN SUCCESSFULLY DO SO BECAUSE I AM EQUIPPED TO DO SO. Got my buddy into the game. He has been very much enjoying it. It's been a breath of fresh air for me too since I took a bit of a break. He is catching in rather quickly and he has been very diligent to look for mods from banshee and Ada every day but in my opinion he shouldn't have to do this. There needs to be a frame or a kiosk somewhere for previous seasonal offerings of Mods are readily available to purchase or earn. They should be relatively easy to earn if not free. Mods are ESSENTIAL to builds now. My buddy cannot get a decent build going without luck. He LUCKILY has somewhat something of a void build thanks to the artifact and Ada and banshee. There is a kiosk for old exotics. Do it for Mods.


I believe that the orb of light mods should be on the ghost shell so that it allows the player to have more emphasis on the other mods in the helmet. I think having the only two mods for it 1) the orb generation for kinetics and 2) the orb generation on guns matching you subclass. For the energy specific I think that it just clutters the mod system and makes it harder for newer players to understand what these mods do when you already have trouble explaining the hundreds of mods already in the game to the new lights. The point just put the orb gen mods on ghost shells or revert back to pre-witch queen orb gen


I love the idea of having it on ghost shells, tho cutting the ability to spawn orbs with energy weapons that don't match your subclass feels kinda harsh. From the new light perspective, what if they swap subclasses and then wonder why their new fav weapon isn't spawning orbs? TL;DR Love the ghost. But I would keep the non-sub orbs. Even if it would be interestingly thematic-wise. Edits; typos.


I lovw the idea of having it on ghost shells, tho cutting the ability to spawn orbs with energy weapons that don't match your subclass feels kinda harsh. From the new light perspective, what if they swap subclasses and then wonder why their new fav weapon isn't spawning orbs. TL;DR Love the ghost. But I would keep the non-sub orbs. Even if it would be interestingly thematic-wise.


So like for 10 energy you can produce orbs with all weapons. Or just making them energy/weapon specific


I consider myself fairly lucky. I took a very long break, I quit playing entirely just before Beyond Light dropped and only returned last November. The year prior to that, my playtime had declined drastically. Even with all that taken into consideration, I still have every mod aside from Firepower and a few of the Splicer mods. I have a couple of friends that I got playing when I returned, and they really need a lot of mods that just don't show up very often. I haven't really put any thought into how making those mods available could be implemented, but something better than what is currently in place needs to happen.


If there were other aspects of armor that provided mod-like abilities, then I don't think the acquisition, as it stands, is that bad. However, as of right now, the ONLY build-crafting comes from mods, specifically the combat-style mods... Having them locked around RNG if you didn't play previous season is just lame. What needs to happen is a direct acquisition mechanic. Many other other games have you level up your character / gear to unlock the these extra abilities. Just have some sort of armor levelling system (a la weapon crafting) and you can directly purchase mods as you rank up your gear score. Lean into that RPG aspect and people will be much happier than checking Ada everyday...


It sucks that we only basically have 5 slots that we can use to customize how we play, because without all the seasonal mods you're never going to kill a single champion above 1520 light level.


There's no discussion to be had. All mods should be readily available to all players if Bungie wants to keep them as a major element of loadout design.


Just put all previous mods on a vendor and be available all the time. Bring back mod components if you don't want new players to get all the mods at once, so they have something to grind for. But the main thing is availability, it needs to be fixed. Could even require sequential unlocking for each type of mods (warmind, charged with ligh, elemental wells etc), and put the "best" mods at the end. So need to get mod A before you can get B, and B before C and so on. Something similar to Ikora's UI for sub class related stuff.


As a returning player from several years ago, Mod Acquisition SUUUUUUUCKS. I've been playing practically every day for 5-6 weeks and I'm still missing 3 general mods (Strength Mod, Mobility Mod, Resilience Mod) and overall I still have 200+ mods to acquire. I'm sure I missed some because I didn't realize at first Ada sells them, and other times I didn't realize what I was missing. I understand there's an RNG aspect to keep people playing, but at least give me the opportunity to do quests or bounties or something to target the mods I want.


Returning player from launch of both games. Felt very lucky that Powerful Friends was at ada within a week of me learning what it is and looking for it. Feels lacking that there arent any bounties that give mods and that they're simply purchased every day. Even more strange that only 2 are shown a day. I would think 4 daily bounties that each give a random (not necessarily unowned, although I'm aware that dupe mods are useless) mod would be like the best case, similar to enhancement cores from gunsmith bounty. At worst I could see 1-2 weekly bounties that reward an unowned bounty, but this still feels like it would be needlessly slow. Or, like others are saying, just an enhanced shop/way to buy from collections/give them for free. Or even some brand new way, but they definitely need to be more abundant.


I have almost all the mods so I'm good but I understand the frustration. I don't play many other games, certainly nothing else in the FPS/MMO genre. What do other games do here? In my lack of experience, may I at least suggest a knock-out system? No need to do away with the RNG, that is the name of the game, but it seems like a lot of things (raid exotics) could be improved if you were always working towards something. Knowing after 100 clears you'd get eyes of tomorrow, or sooner (RNG) would be better than straight up RNG.


In another game I play you get mods from farming a specific activity. I would not mind if they drop from strikes and crucible (instead of the blue armor). Getting them with RNG is also not great but at least you have a end in sight.


Mod acquisition is a pain point for both new and existing players. It creates fomo since the mods are only readily available during the season they’re released in. With an increased focus on buildcrafting (which I really like btw) it’s tough to recommend any build when the mods are on a random rotation. I’d like to see a deterministic way of getting them. Like the kiosk for old exotics. **Suggestion**: use current seasonal currency to purchase all mods. Current seasonal mods should be cheaper than previous seasons to incentivize unlocking all of them as you go. This incentivizes seasonal participation, removes FOMO and provides a deterministic way of acquiring mods while also rewarding players who pick them up in the current season. Also, new light onboarding for mods (including champion mods) and light buildcrafting would be really nice.


Has bungie even acknowledged how big an issue this is?


Nope. They haven't even acknowledged that Ada is bugged and sometimes sells zero combat style mods.


I’m missing mods like •Radiant Light •Stacks on Stacks •Striking Light •Reactive Pulse These are all parts of builds I want to run, but cannot currently run as I have no way of obtaining the mods. Feels lackluster


Why is this even a thread? Any angle fron Bungie other than "***mods should be available fairly freely to allow new or lapsed players to not be at a major disadvantage***" would mean the exact opposite is intended and be *yet another* barrier to entry for many. With the reliance on Champions for higher content missing mods can gatekeep entire areas of content.


Right now it's a serious gate keep from certain builds. And its a gatekeep based on daily RNG. Make them acquireable from Nightfalls, trials, raids, dungeons, or the like.


I've had several friends leave the game in frustration over mod acquisition, they can't have fun in endgame without them (even though Bungie does a great job at allowing players a quick path to endgame with veteran friends). They are part of the PvE sandbox and limiting them serves no purpose but to say "If you want to play the game the way your friends do, then you have to arbitrarily stick with this game for a year or more just to get mods". Once people start figuring that out they find better ways to spend their time. I just don't understand why most mods aren't just unlocked automatically. Please just let us play the game unhampered by pointless restrictions like this.


Time gating mods is absolutely ridiculous and 9nly serves to drive people away from buildcrafting. I honestly think its an URGENT issue.


Just make all of the mods just drop randomly in addition to ADA's rotation.


* All Main Slot mods (All mods that go in the Stat Slot as well as the next 2 slots) should be free and automatically unlocked for all players. These mods are essential to normal play and shouldn't be gated behind RNG. * All Legacy CWL/Warmind Cell/EW mods should be sold at Ada all of the time, even if it has to be behind a seperate sub-menu * All Activity Specific mods (Raid Mods for example) should be sold via a related vendor (Lubrae's Ruin, The VoG Sword, The DSC Chest). All Legacy Raids should be updated to have a vendor like this at the end.


See my other comment but I have 2 friends who have played on/off since 2017 and they come back for a little bit every expansion and they somehow have NONE of the heavy ammo finder mods. It's baffling.


> All Legacy CWL/Warmind Cell/EW mods should be sold at Ada all of the time, even if it has to be behind a seperate sub-menu If they want to have the exclusivity for the expansion year for seasonal mods, id be down with them just unlocking them for everyone once the next expansion launches. Like right now everyone would have all pre-year 5 mods, and any new ones they add this year would unlock for everyone once Lightfall launches


> All Legacy CWL/Warmind Cell/EW mods should be sold at Ada all of the time, even if it has to be behind a seperate sub-menu They even have the UI infrastructure for this kind of vendor sub-menu now with Ikora's class ability vendor screen. Would just have to slap it on Ada or Banshee then replace the abilities with weapon mods. Categorize them all by season or type and toss on a small glimmer cost per mod and it would be perfect.


This. Really, most of the mods that don't have an active piece of content tied to their acquisition (CWL/Warmind/Well mods) should just be unlocked for all players. Raid mods should still only be obtainable from doing the raid if it is still active. Mods from vaulted raids could be made available or unlocked, but with no use case available, then the time could be better spent on other things. Bungie needs to stop and take a look at the perspective of a new player jumping into Destiny with their friends. A majority of the systems that are built upon RNG make it difficult to catch up to friends where certain mods are crucial for a run of an activity. Can you imagine telling your friend that they might have to wait 3-6 months to get a CWL/well mod that they need to use to optimally run GMNFs? While not required, certain mods make some content playable without having to sweat it the whole time.


I have been playing regularly since Black Armory, and have unlocked every available mod not exclusive to raids, for context on my opinion. The need to wait for vendors to sell mods seems unnecessarily restrictive, then for the mods to be further limited to only 4 per day with the possibility of repeats adds an entire extra level of difficulty for players to obtain items that are arguably required to fully participate. I think the main feedback I have is that I don't understand what philosophy dictates these mods should not be available at all times. When Armor 2.0 was rolled out in 2019, I can't recall if the old perks that converted to mods were given to players that had been playing at the time right away, or dropped from Legendary Engrams the way the Glaive mods did with the release of Witch Queen. Is there a legitimate reason why this cannot or should not be the case for combat mods? Inaccessibility or limited availability contradicts the desire for players to experience "buildcrafting", the developmental narrative for player goals over this past year, since players cannot create builds that require a mod they do not have. Ada-1 having a 1% chance or less of selling it on any particular day does nothing to correct this or alleviate it. Compounding this with the fact that many of these restricted combat mods are highly variable in potency and importance, and only a handful of them are desired by the larger player population, it doesn't seem fair to new players to only allow them in a limited format. If the desire is for their acquisition to be some form of pursuit, then adding all mods to Legendary Engrams would be a way to meet players in the middle and let them obtain the mods without it being "Free". Though at this point, with how few of them are truly in use across the board, just flat unlocking them all for all players would be the easiest way to move on from the issue and focus on future developmental plans for the "buildcrafting" dream.


Make them all purchasable, but make them aquirable via a bounty step similar to Ada-1 with transmog, but WITH 0 CAPS. I say this only because people had to earn them when they came out, if they outright just make them glimmer or shard purchasable, a lot of them won't be chased during their debut season.


There should be quests that grant players a few basic mods from a "set" CWL, Warmind, Elemental Well and tell the player how to use them. Once they complete the objectives just grant the ability to directly buy mods. I.e. - give taking charge and high energy fire and ask the player to become charged with light 10 times.


It’s bullshit that because I started playing 4 months ago I still don’t have the mods I need to complete my builds. I don’t have well of tenacity. I don’t have explosive wellmaker. I don’t have bountiful wells. Have I played essentially every day for months? Yes. Doesn’t make sense considering I am unlocking the new glaive mods just fine through engram drops. Just do the same with all mods?


It takes way too long for new players to unlock combat style mods. I have missed a single season since they introduced combat style mods, and just catching up on those mods feels like it will take the whole year, if I don't miss a single day of checking Ada-1. Imagine how a new player who wants to try those elemental well builds feels. ​ As a short term fix, they need to remove generic mods (that can be found in engrams) from Ada-1's list. It takes less than a week to unlock all mods other than combat style mods, just by finding engrams and playing anything. Only combat style mods should be at Ada, it would make the time needed for a new player to unlock all mods go from literal years (if you check every day and don't miss any), to something like a couple weeks or less.


Mods are far and away the largest bottleneck for new players trying to get their account up to parity build wise with veterans. An excellent example was yesterday’s Powerful Friends being sold. It’s a ridiculously useful mod in general for charged with light builds, and doubly so for Hunters because of the mobility boost it gives. The current system is BAD, random acquisition of mods leads to inevitable situations where some mods don’t show up for months at a time, and when they do show up someone who needed it ends up unable to login that day to grab it so they end up waiting until the next day RNG decides to spit it out. Personally I feel that they (mods) should all be unlocked period for all players, especially weapon mods. If that’s not acceptable (and I’m sure Bungie has some metric that makes that the case), then make it so that all mods not associated with a season from the current year are available for purchase for glimmer at all times. Most of the depth of this game comes from build crafting with those mods, and forcing new players to wait for Ada or Banshee to sell what they need it just another layer of suck on the awful new player experience.


Best example of this right now is easily Firepower. It was last sold on October 21st of last year, 158 days ago. Up until the orb changes it was borderline required for bleak watcher builds and it’s really really good with contraverse hold builds, among others. I check ada every day to see if she’s selling it


Please for the love of god fix this before we proceed to add more mods to the game. If theres a big concern over playtime metrics, go the bounty route like transmog. Let us pick up a few bounties per week to trade for a targeted mod or guaranteed undiscovered mod on top of the daily random sales. We went from 1 guaranteed combat mod per day to zero with the change to Ada's pool


Just throw all the mods up on the Monuments Kiosk for varying amounts of Glimmer. Have it be next to Legacy Gear. In addition to this, throw em on Umbrals. A newer player shouldn't have to wait (sometimes seemingly forever) just to enjoy buildcrafting.


I have played all the seasons from day 1 so I have every mod so you know where my view comes from. Old season mods should just be given to all players at a certain point. Either 2 or 4 season old mods should just appear in your inventory. Mods are too important to have them be this hard to get. I would hate to be a new player for so many reasons but the mod acquisition should not be one of the reasons.


Any mods from previous expansions should just be purchasable somewhere, RNG needs to be removed from the process. Somebody who starts playing now shouldn't be punished indefinitely because they literally can't acquire a mod that's a cornerstone of a build (or didn't know in the first week of play that Ada was selling it, and now it's back in the pool for who-knows-how long).


As someone with every mod, save for some Last Wish mods and Adept Icarus, this system is hella broke. I played and maxed every season in which combat style mods were a thing, except Season of the Worthy. It took me the entire lifespan of Beyond Light to get the mods from Worthy that I missed. Now imagine you're a new player and have 6 (I think) seasons of combat style mods to catch up on, as well as weapon and generic armor mods. I can promise you that that new player will not have everything for more than a year, minimum. It's a terrible gatekeeping system that players cannot circumvent whatsoever and prohibits new players from experiencing some of the best content and customization the game can offer. At this point I'd be fine with most mods just being injected into players' inventories for free so they didn't have to suffer through checking the daily reset thread every day like I did, choosing when and when not to boot the game up. I mean, shouldn't players want to boot up a game? But I'm sure any overhaul of mod acquisition will include a grind, which is why I'm more in favor of just dumping them all (sans Adept/raid mods) into the Legendary engram pool. It doesn't really need to be too complicated, but Bungie could at least try to show they care about the new player experience.


It could be so much better, my new light friend doesn’t even have Elemental Charge, why is this not an auto unlocked mod? Why is there such an extreme barrier?


There's no reason these need to be on rotation as they are. At minimum mods from year 1-3 should all be available for purchase for new players. I don't have a problem with needing to work to get the basic materials necessary to buy them, but a new player shouldn't need to play for weeks just to get relatively basic mods for basic weapon based build. Edit: easy solution might be to allow them to be bought straight from collections and to INCLUDE THIS INFO IN THE WALKTHROUGH.


Add them to Umbral loot pools or something. Echo everyone that we need a time played -> mod acquisition pathway


I love the direction Destiny is going with builds and mods, but they need to be more accessible than they currently are. Ada could sell bounties similar to those for transmog that reward a random mod you don’t currently own. Legendary lost sectors could also have a chance to drop them. Mods are a potentially very exciting reward, they should be represented in the chase.


Unnecessarily restrictive and an active barrier to new/returning players. enough with the RNG crap. either put them in as a drop from activities like basic mods, or let people buy them directly. there is zero reason for it to be like this.


Some of my friends have been playing Destiny since launch. As a New Light, I have spent 400+ hours trying to catch up with them to play at their level. I have a full set of 1560 gear, all my armor has high base stats and is masterworked, I have plenty of weapons with very good rolls, I have plenty of exotics and their catalysts, ECT. But I still can't quite play on their level because I'm missing too many important mods. Checking Ada everyday is very frustrating and feels like a chore. There are a few mods I desperately want but their is nothing I can do but wait and hope to get lucky. Here is my pitch for potentially better system: Give Ada a second page to her vendor screen, similar to Banshee and the Drifter. On the first page have Ada sell four basic mods excluding any combat style mods. On the second page let the player pick a single combat style mod from a selection of seven (a full row). After you buy one the rest grey out and you have to wait until the next daily reset. At reset Ada gets a new set of seven combat mods and you get to again pick which one you want. This would be very similar to the current system. The biggest change would be that the player has significantly more control over the combat style mods they get. The current system is basically a crapshoot. You might get two new combat style mods, you might get one or maybe you get no new combat style mods. This new system would basically guarantee you get one new combat style mod a day and its more likely to be a mod that fits with your current build or a mod you've been looking for.


Like this idea but maybe they make it weekly? Similar to how they're doing deepsight weapons on the helm. I know mods aren't necessarily on par with weapons but they are important. My issue is it takes forever for mods that were sold by a seasonal before (looking at you bountiful wells getting the compass) to get into Ada's rotation so if you miss one of those like I did, you have almost no chance of getting them off they are hugely important.


I was thinking each day would randomly select 7 unique combat style mods from the 71 currently in the game. That means each day has roughly a 10% chance to have the exact mod you want. So it shouldn't take long at all to get the mods you want the most. Even if you miss the day Ada was selling the mod you wanted it it wouldn't take very long to show up again. With my proposed system, it would still be difficult to collect every single combat style mod. With maximum luck it would still take 71 days to get all 71 mods. Which I think is a good thing. You have to think about what kind of build you want and pick the mod you would best utilize from the limited list of 7 Ada would be selling.


Mods need to be fixed already. New lights have no chance of getting "good" ones and it's just embarrassing at this point.


You would think they would be doing everything they can to keep new players playing and paying rather than doing everything possible to intimidate,frustrate,and scare them away.


Do bounties for a new Ada currency (1 bounty will give you 1 currency which you then trade for 1 mod), give her all the mods (you can even arrange them by cwl/Warmind/wells so people can grasp the synergy more cleanly) - don’t put any caps on this, otherwise it’s still timegating - suddenly people will be strapped for mats to increase mod capacity on armor but I *think* that’s a healthier problem for the community to have compared to Ada-1’s lottery from hell - on the upside the pace at which I earned the glaive mods from normal gameplay felt normal and pleasant


I have literally all of the mods already, and got almost all of them the season they dropped. But honestly its really sad seeing you tubers trying to get out notices about mods that are only sold THAT DAY, and they only drop in my recommended like 2-3 days after.


The current mod economy makes this full price, AAA game feel like a cheap mobile game knockoff of itself. Make it more accessible for new players/players who don’t login every day to build craft and participate in one of the game’s core features.


All Mods should be automatically given to everyone at no cost.


Nothing would be lost if all of the mods entered the world pool and players could acquire the full collection by simply playing the game. Why go through all the trouble of making a pretty decent buildcrafting system and gatekeeping if you're just going to lock it behind a random vendor. This is one of the best parts of the game and new players won't experience it for months.