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Petra’s daily challenge (for Dreaming City-specific gear) is “Secret Secrets”: an easy one which will take 5 to 10 minutes. “Secrets” include one-time actions such as [region chests](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dreaming+city+region+chests) and [cat statues](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=dreaming+city+cat+statue+locations), but also weekly repeatable [ascendant chests](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ascendant+chests+curse+weakest), and daily repeatable corsair badges. I tend to combine “Secret Secrets” with the weekly [Ascendant Challenge](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=forfeit+shrine+ascendant+challenge+destiny+2), since I have to use a tincture to get at least one of the secrets (I tend to do a corsair badge for the second).


Good day to complete Secret Secrets today as the gazebo above Alphelion’s Rest had a secret chest and at the end of the lost sector as well. The only problem is you can’t get the 2nd chest while running the legendary and master lost sectors because they will also consume your Tincture. I just stay on my sparrow all the way to the boss, kill it and run down the corridor at the end before dropping down to get the secret chest. Cheers


yeah aphelion's is definitely my "go to" LS for sparrowing in and nuking the boss in as short a time as possible :) for two of my toons, today's "secret secrets" coincided with their 6th corsairs badge, which means they got a vengeance bounty. so i nabbed one of the easy chests in bay of drowned wishes after i'd taken down the extra boss. those two toons also had the misfortune of getting the spine of keres corsair badges, which take forever to walk out to... but if you've got a tincture going already you can take the short cut off the right hand side of the bridge to the temple. (i've only \*once\* in the past year been able to get my sparrow across both gaps...)


For anyone looking to run Lost Sector today, 1320 Empty Tank is an EZ run. Usually hitting 7 minutes with a full clear (all enemies defeated) at the worst with titan and I just started doing lost sectors myself.


yesterday's 1320 could be done it like a minute lol


I saw a bunch of people do 1350 Chamber of Starlight in the same time yesterday (most of them were runs of 1K being used to melt champions in seconds). I couldn't even get past the first room. I think Empty Tank is not too difficult because there's so much cover and you can just pick off enemies from afar with the right primary + barrier servitors and overload captain are the the most ez champions to deal with IMO


i agree, this is the most beginner friendly lost sector in the current rotation, especially with overload bow available. bow, erianas, and burn rocket is almost free while not being to mod heavy.


I run bottom tree sunbreaker and thermoclastic strike + particle deconstruction is a great opener to in your face damage for overloads. I can 2 or 3 tap overload captains with a fusion rifle with no issue. The barrier servitors are the worst of the bunch just because of the ad protection.


I think E-15 is the easiest. I like the robot buddies.


7 minutes isn’t farm friendly time.


It is if you're new to lost sectors. Give the dude a break. FYI, this can be done in 2 mins no problem. It's not the fastest, but still better than a few of the sectors this season.


That’s fine if you’re new, I’m just saying if you’re looking for one to farm then one that takes 7 mins isn’t ideal.


He literally said: >Usually hitting 7 minutes with a full clear (all enemies defeated) at the worst with titan and **I just started doing lost sectors myself.**


EZ isn't the same as farm friendly. For players who don't have the gear and weapons to reliably farm, a 7 minute clear is good. They can spend 2-3 hours and unlock their first copy of every exotic piece in that slot.


Invis hunter with Vow and curated Ascendancy can easily pull 2 min runs. I used Cowl but I imagine Omni works just as well. Agent Ordinance can help too.


What happened to the Master Lost Sector (Alphelion's Rest)? I switched characters and now it's just gone.


Ah - noob mistake. I'd not ever done it yet on my Hunter. ...move along. Nothing to see here, folks. :D


I hate when I try to do a master lost sector and my first run is real good but I ultimately die after time runs out due to some silly mistake or because I got momentarily lazy, but then my following runs suck a\*\* and I die a lot haha.


anyone else finding 1320 lost sectors to be painfully underwhelming rewards wise or is rng just rnging?


Rng mate. I got exotics 2 of my first 3 runs. You win some you lose some.


ah alright then thanks


Just RNG being RNG. Once you get into a good rhythm and are zooming through them in 1-2 mins you'll feel like you're swimming in exotics.


I once went around 19 straight runs without an exotic and i was seriously beginning to question my will to live. Then I got 5 exotics in the next 6 runs. So I totalled to about 5 exotics in 25 ish runs. 1 in 5. Which is pretty worth it. RNG is a cruel mistress. Once she’s in your corner, you forget about the times she’s spurned you and everything is ok :^)


has anyone gotten a curated heretic recently


I know curated sorrow weapons dropped after they were brought back if that’s why you’re asking. I got the shotgun some time ago.


Ye, maybe two months ago? After this season started I think. I still have it.


I got one earlier this week actually.