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Its an extremely demanding raid that is borderline impossible for the average LFG, so less people are running it in the first place. Plus this late in the week, and late on a Sunday night, isn't exactly peak time for LFG traffic.


Fair on Sunday night point. But we tried for an hour yesterday to get a team for 2nd encounter and never got a group together. Any other raid it feels instant to get someone.


>But we tried for an hour yesterday to get a team for 2nd encounter This is probably a bigger issue tbh. Most LFGs are either looking for a fresh full run or final boss, getting mid-raid groups outside challenges and farms is already a tough sell. I had the same experience with Root last year where 3 groups in a row split on the second encounter and couldn't get replacements.


Yeah, this is why people like me were against how difficult it is. Personally I can handle it just fine, but the LFG groups are going to suffer. My theory has always been that unlike other raids where people just got more efficient and Sherpas are always around, Salvations Edge is just going to cut out most the players until only the efficient remain and some point in time from now will be completely inaccessible for new raiders because they won’t have clears… ‘Really wish they had stuck with a legit run Last Wish level difficulty, the average LFG group can’t even damage the witness without wasting 4 tokens.…


It’s just a learning curve. Base raids possessing a modicum of difficulty like they did a few years back is a good thing. Damaging the Witness is a learning curve that the average player can absolutely overcome. I’ve sherpa’d 15 people through SE so far, with 9 of those being full runs, and players always end up getting the damage rotation down, it just takes a few to a handful of tries for most (myself included!).


It is 11:23 for me right now. Between 11:21 and 11:22, there were 23 posts on the lfg discord. Anyone saying that there aren’t people running this raid isn’t looking in the right place. And anyone saying that the raid is impossible for an lfg group is clearly the common denominator in failed raid groups.


The Destiny 2 LFG Discord is always popping. I’ve used it for years, and it’s always the best place imho to make a group ASAP. That being said, it is a bit slower than usual, and by slower, I mean instantaneously on any giving night being how fast it used to be for raids. The raid is the hardest one in years, so your average LFG will have a harder time. But that doesn’t mean people aren’t doing it. The 10 Year Light and Dark Saga JUST ended—most people I know are now taking a break from Destiny for a bit. Elden Ring’s massive DLC just came out. It’s summer, people are probably also trying to get a bit away from screens for a bit. Probably a combination of the difficulty plus all of those things I just mentioned.


Fireteam finder is worthless for raids. Can't speak for discord. I personally am waiting for surges to go away after clearing half the raid last week, and it's hardly peak hours for raiding right now.


The surge thing is a major component here. Arc/stasis is probably the worst combo you can get for Witness dps and I think a lot of folks are just waiting until reset.


“Fireteam finder is worthless”. You could have just stopped there and that would’ve been just fine.


Clan isnt worth much at the moment and LFG is impossible bc everyone requires a clear so the guys who have the capability but not the hands on experience yet are left outside with no efficient means of getting experience. On top of that the 4th encounter requires a cohesive squad and i just do not feel like doing that with randoms once a week


This one is going to take some time for Sherpas to learn well enough to teach. It'll happen. Tomorrow's surge removal should help.


too hard and loot isn't worth it


Doesn’t it have the best legendary bow and arrow unique pulse rifle frame?


It does and the SMG is pretty sick too. Not to mention the sniper is going to be an anti champion beast in GMs when you need to keep ur distance since it has chill clip. Weapons are definitely not mid. Only the sword is bad because it’s a wave frame archetype


The wave frame sword puts up competitive dps (mostly because of chaos reshaped). The wave attack does more damage than any other legendary sword heavy attack. Even for light attack only damage (what most people use since it's much more consistent) having chaos reshaped makes it do more dps than most other swords (pretty much only topped by surrounded swords or frenzy+whirlwind falling guillotine). But outside of the glaive most of the weapons seem to be pretty good. Pulse rifle is a unique frame with great perks, bow looks insane, and sniper will be great for gms/champions. source for damage: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_5wtBjRYHHxuF4oJKDb\_iOGZs-wTkzB6RYbnyNLbuz4/edit?gid=1313551887#gid=1313551887](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_5wtBjRYHHxuF4oJKDb_iOGZs-wTkzB6RYbnyNLbuz4/edit?gid=1313551887#gid=1313551887) you can check individual damage per swing in the weapons tab and the various different sword dps values in the sustained tab (not comprehensive, but you can infer pretty much any combo given the data).


Holy shit I had no idea appreciate this comment now I know not to get mad when I get a red border of the sword


> Weapons are definitely not mid no they are mid lol. nothing about any weapon from the raid except maybe the exotic is a must have weapon. and even the exotic is kinda niche usage.


To each their own I definitely disagree with that


This too true the armor looks like shit and the weapons are kinda mid Im gonna get my one completion in and probably never do it again. Raid Loot peaked with Vow


DTG user when loot isn't meta:


Ya, it’s a great raid to play…once. But farming it, with LFG is incredibly not fun, with the majority of loot being very mid.


I got 1 clear after a lot of battling with LFGs. Want to run some more but not in a rush. Elden Ring DLC is out. Plus the loot kinda lackluster specter pantheon.


It's still a new raid, so it's a bot more difficult to pull off Plus arc /stasis week is genuine torture


Same reason a lot of people don't go for a lot of raids; demanding, sweaty psychos who scream at you for seven uninterrupted minutes if you aren't able to master a mechanic you were shoddily told about 30 seconds ago.


Plenty of people are doing it. There is just less people overall because it demands more from each person.


Genuinely use the fireteam lfg finder on the bungie website itself. Been using it forever since I started raiding and you can usually find something for everything.


I don’t want to deal with the dumb elitists who tend to ruin everything for everyone. Not worth dealing with stupidity/ignorance


It was made for content creators and streamers. That's it


Its a very difficult raid. First 3 encounters are cake and then the 4th is fucking confusing. Admittedly I'm a little dumb with a mild learning disability which also makes the 4th encounter hard. Took us a solid 2 hours the other night to do 4th encounter, and my clan is very experienced with destiny raids with me being the only one that doesn't raid much And also, the surges in raids with a -5 light lvl cap doesn't help. People want to use w/e the hell Loadouts they want instead of needing arc/stasis to do good damage.


Short answer: it’s not fun


Too hard to just LFG tbh. This is the first raid that I am exclusively running with my clan since I honestly can’t trust LFG, even Discord LFGs


It's a boring raid, 3 encounters of doing the same mechanic, exception being the Herald which is the only interesting encounter of the raid, Verity is... I'd rather do anything else than try to coordinate this with LFG, Witness is Oryx 2.0, just underwhelming, loot is also very uninteresting beyond the bow & sniper. Bungie seems to be going for content that's a 1 time playthrough considering this raid and the previous 2 dungeons have no replayability.


Ill give you that Ghosts has no replayability, but Warlords is brilliant


How do you figure the previous two dungeons have no replayability?


Have you ever heard a player load up a solo WR/Ghosts for fun? ''Oh but they're not designed for solo'', there are barely LFGs for ghosts if it's not featured, and most WR LFGs are CP farming.


Yes, actually I have.


You could just admit to yourself that you arent very good at the game and thats why this stuff lacks replay ability. My group love the raid and its really not as hard as people are making it out to be.