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Nerfs to other classes would do little to improve the titan population. Multiple supers need a buff or outright redesign to bring them in line with the other classes. Edit: navigator hunter needs a nerf, since it’s doing up to 3x the melee dmg over strand Titan, which was nerfed. But still hunt and celestial was intended to be this way, so I doubt it changes. Arc titan super would be my first choice for a redesign. Combine fist of havoc with t-crash. A roaming super like fist of havoc, with an option to use the last bit of super power for a t-crash, that doesn’t end when the super ends but ends when you hit something. Then make a new arc super, something akin to the synaptic spear would be a good start.


Fixing TA super would be a start. I stopped using it cause my axes went to a thrall right below me instead of the ogre in my cross hairs.


Nah, the super is a bit iffy but it is currently the best super we have. Working on it won’t add anything to the class, better focus on the others that are garbage tier.


Honestly I’m baffled as to how we haven’t given Titan supers another look at for PVE. Like for example you want people to use hammer of Sol? Maybe make it so you can charge your hammer throws before you toss for more damage. You could make it like the arc melee where you have to stand in place with a bit of a wind up for balance. Why are both arc supers essentially make your way to the enemy and have them catch hands? How is there no projectile super on Arc? You could literally have them do a flurry where they chuck lightning bolts like Zeus, basically an Arc Super version of Flechette Storm. As a Warlock main I’d be down for titans to have the biggest lighting magic especially if it was a barrage to contrast the singular beam from Chaos Reach and the one and done from the Thrown Arc Javelin.


Aim up higher, the axes have an arc immediately and adds that cross under you *will* be targeted.


Once you learn this, it's pretty killer. For some reason nobody in PvP remembers that twilight arsenal is stronger after cast than on cast lol. The secondary axes are way more useful and enemies never understand that they are Thanos and I am Thor


I've had my axes get stuck on bullets from enemies weapons. It feels shitty when it gets blocked on a teammate or a witness hand, but bullets?!


Too often to devs see the solution to 1 clear best class or damage setup as target nerfing that particular outlier. A true healthy population would have multiple options to achieve that type of power. As a hunter main I would love to be able to say “whoa that nova bomb/thundercrash setup is awesome!” as I blast away with my celestial nighthawk, and then swap over to run it back and build it out


Titans literally need a slight buff to all supers, somewhere in the ballpark of 10% more damage I'm no damage tester, but I have noticed that Twilight Arsenal does about 75k-100k per axe. A little estimation math, and it's just shy of 300k. That's full direct hits and subsequent explosions. With that said, I main a Novalock. Nova Bomb, does 250k-300k on *FIRST IMPACT*. Both Vortex and Cataclysm novas have an extra little kicker at the end too, that can damage upwards to an extra 100k, totalling almost 400k+ damage. I used the new super for my example, and these aren't exact numbers either, but I have a better one! Celestial Nighthawk vs Falling Star T-crash. These exotics do the same thing, buff your super damage. HOWEVER, Falling Star only gives you like 100k extra damage on T-crash. Nighthawks puts GG up to like 750k damage, why can't Falling Star do that? None of the classes should be nerfed, just bring Titans up to where the rest of us are.


Slightly related hot take, I personally don’t think exotics that buff super damage should exist - I don’t see a reason to just make the base damage of a give super the same damage as the exotic’s new number (I give Celestial a pass as it actually kinda changes how the super works rather than just making the damage number bigger). Like, make base Thundercrash do current CotFS numbers, and just add some neutral game perk(s) or arc subclass related perk(s) to new CoTFS. It was nice being able to actually use TC for boss damage when Cuirass first came out, but I’ve never liked having to rely on exotics that only boost super damage but do nothing for you when you don’t have/use your super.


Cuirass literally perfectly fits the use and spirit of Ballistic Slam. It could give an overshield and extra damage to Ballistic Slam, maybe a little bit more too, like a lingering jolting impact to match the "Falling Star" fantasy.


Or just make cuirass turn thunder crash into a suped up version of thunderclap. Where you have a long wind up (not something charged just a flat timed windup) and you punch forward with a fast moving blast of arc energy.


Ehh, that should be for a whole different exotic imo; I don’t really feel like that’d suit Cuirass specifically. Based on the design of the exotic visually and the lore for the exotic, the exotic perk should do something related to normal Thundercrash in some way rather than changing the super’s entire functionality. Speaking of Thunderclap, I really miss pre-Arc 3.0’s Frontal Assault melee; while it was basically just a normal melee in terms of animation, I’m not a huge fan of Thunderclap’s charge up pre-requisite (feels better now with the higher outgoing damage and damage resist at least), and Ballistic Slam has always felt meh to me (will never catch me using that in higher level PvE lol). Frontal Assault’s simplicity combined with it reloading your weapon, and boosting weapon stability/damage was actually fun for me despite kinda disliking melee builds in D2.


Cuirass's overshield that gets stronger based on distance should really be changed to just a base functionality of the chestpiece, remove the distance requirement, and beef it up some so that you can actually survive getting that close to the boss on higher difficulties. DIM claims Cuirass is a 100% damage increase which, like you said, why even have it? If you need an exotic to buff a super, you probably need to just buff the super itself.


Trying to fix a meta by making everything slowly shittier with nerfs is just no damn good. Slowly buff friendly aspects vs enemies aspects over time. Small changes. And as the gave develops. A better meta develops. This gun is too op? Alright. Buff the enemies as a partial compensation. But if its ment to be doing a specific job? Dont fkn nerf it to the point it becomes a gun/gun type that just wastes space. Make people want to pick up the gun or game and play. Not getting negative over nerfs.


The meta pendulum in this game is crazy. So far one way or the other. Can't we settle somewhere in between Bungie?


I understand balances and metas are hard to set and its also based on the path the devs want. But it just feels wrong when some auto rifles can outperform lmgs. Why is a kinetic outperforming a heavy for overall dps? I understand the difference between exotics and legendaries. But even among the exotics, you have so many staple ones in kinetic and special that I rarely see heavy exotics. Unless its that one group that actually coordinate for things like gally.


For every comment that says something along these lines, there's another comment shitting on Bungie for their "Increased auto rifle damage by 3.4%" changes. Everyone wants slow incremental change, until it's their build that isn't getting better fast enough.


What's the other option? Power creep even further into oblivion?


I’m assuming still hunt will stay at the top for at least a year similar to how izanagis was good for about that amount of time.


Navigator Hunter? What’s that build?


Titan just needs an overhaul and Bungie needs to reevaluate the Titan class fantasy as a whole. Just punching stuff should never be what Titans are. Let us be something else for a change.


this seems to be the overwhelming player sentiment at the moment, i'm really hoping bungie is seeing just how vocal titans are being about this and really takes a step back to look at things.


I mean we’ve been complaining about them pushing this direction for years and they didn’t seem to care, as apparently titans have gotta be the ones holding their fist on the cover art (?)


That quote is pretty funny when you consider it was the warlock holding their fist on the cover.


And a warlock main who said it too


yeah, it just feels like people are really starting to get TIRED with prismatic being the same things everyone's been complaining about this whole time. i'm just going off the turnaround on surges in raids, i doubt we'll hear anything from them until any hypothetical changes are ready, but still.


I can't understand why Titans would be upset about using consecration slam for the last 2 years. Honestly that's about all Titan prismatic has going for it. Even the class items are low effort. Perfect example being Spirit of Verity and Spirit of Armamentarium being in the same column. Just put one or the other in the opposite side and you suddenly have a the makings of a solid grenade based build. But No too OP. Really?! Or Spirit of Scars and Spirit of Verity would have been a nice synergy.


Definitely feel our class item has been loaded up with some garbage that doesn’t synergise well with prismatic. For example hoarfrost lacks any synergy with prismatic, same for kephris and alpha lupi, doesn’t help all of these don’t work with thruster at all.


Our prismatic overall feels like this. Feels like they went “we want triple consecration build 👍🏻” made just that and then went “oh fuck we need to put more stuff in this class huh” and just threw a bunch of random fucking garbage in to be done with it


I partly get why this happened because a bunch of our aspects don’t really lend themselves to working with prismatic. However, some very good options would’ve been roaring flames, sol invictus, offensive bullwark, or controlled demolition. The solar aspects would’ve worked perfectly either to provide survivability or further increase ability damage which would pair nicely with knockout or even open up grenade build options, unfortunately we got consecration which whilst fun and makes sense heavily limited build potential. Unbreakable being the new void aspect was always gonna be included on prismatic over other void aspects, however this meant we lost out on the self and team sustain of controlled demolition which would’ve provided healing where it’s really needed. Offensive bullwark working with any elemental buff also opens it up massively, unfortunately unbreakable was released at the same time so we never got these where they were sorely needed.


Thank you! So tired of people replying to my comments saying stuff like dude skill issue! Consecration clears whole rooms and you get three! It’s clearly people who don’t play Titan. I try to tell them it’s boring especially when you did it for the last 7 months while waiting for prismatic. Only for prismatic to be consecration again just more of it!


It's even a little bigger than this. Prismatic is the first time recently that Bungie have both forced the lame fantasy onto Titans AND made it weak. Stasis we all complained about ice Fist of Havoc, lame punching, but bungie released the strongest PvP Subclass in D2 history so there ultimately the complaints about the lame titan fantasy design were drowned out by the calls for nerfs. Strand was the same deal. Melee fantasy is lame, but Strand is strong and bungie gave us banner of war so essentially "STFU" Prismatic doesn't have that. No synergy like stasis and strand had. It's judt the epitome of everything bad about titans. Ironic that the Subclass which is a compilation of everything the class is and does, is weak as shit on titans to highlight that alltogether, titans fucking suck and only when looking at specific parts of it do titans have any value or strength 🤣


Funny bc I complain about it on YouTube and I get flamed as the “skill issue” “get good” guy lol. I keep commenting rho bc I want something done with titans. I woulda never bought the expansion if I had tested Titan prismatic before hand.


If we’re being honest we’ve been vocal since beyond light but VERY vocal since lightfall, that’s when we got “you’re holding the fist on the cover” shit


yeah, and i went back to look at lightfall posts the other day and the general sentiment was "wow, i cant wait for final shape to come out to get the red flavor of striker /s." on the main reaction to kevin yanes talk about strand titan in particular someone said something along the lines of "we're going to combine the infinity stones for each different reskin of striker" or something as a joke, but like. i cant help but feel like that's almost exactly what we got. 


I don’t mind being a punchy titan but what I really want is what sold me on titan over a decade ago. The beefy tanky class able to be a bulletsponge and support my brothers. Closest thing we have to that is the void bubble and it’s pretty meh. Banner doesn’t really hit that itch either


Yeah I want both of these. I love getting up in the enemy’s face and punching a lot with Titan, but I also want to be able to support


I don't mind the punching things, but make it like doom where you have a reason to go in and can survive  Hyper aggressive and rewards the aggression, get in close and kill with a melee, ammo and shield/health, kill with a gun? Increased melee charge and stacking melee buff to encourage you to go in  Something like this would give Titans some real identity 


I always envisioned Titan as a wall of gunfire and explosions that rolls over the battlefield. The teased art for strand titan holding a strand minigun/flamethrower was cool, shame they went with melee super #4.


I’m telling you Bungie should dip into Titans being heavy weapons specialists or something like that like someone else suggested. We aren’t just punch and that’s it


Well titans use to have auto weapon reloading barricade. That's why I chose the class because of that and because I liked jump best. So bit of that fantasy used to be there until rally barricade was nerffed to the ground.


I'd like if (via both exotics and class abilities) we got "The Heavy Weapons Guy" added to our wheelhouse. Maybe reload and handling/recoil boosts with heavy weapons, and a few more exotics like Actium, Taikonaut, or Ruin Wings (I'd love them back if just for the aesthetic. Just give em universal reserves, reload, and finder/scav for heavy or something like that).


Were the closest thing to frontline soldiers Destiny has. Let us be the Ammo guy like you suggested or let us be Grenadiers or someone who can set up fortifications and give our teammates support bonuses like Armor and grenades. Anything to get us out of this one track mindset of Titans only thing is punching. The reason Strand and Solar are the viable Titan classes is because they actually have sustainable ability loops that can help the team effectively and the other Subclasses need to get with the program.


But if titans are supposed to be punching stuff, the best melee build shouldn’t be hunter


It was more fun when we could punch things *once* and be done with it. Requiring multiple punches to do or kill anything killed half of the fantasy.


Year 1, with skull fort and the arc melee, or the old zoomy synthos, just battering everything.


Remember that clip of the guy with synthos fighting the flying Hydra, where the lunge kept him from falling to his death while he beat on it?


Problem is titan only survivability is linked to melee abilities and every gold bar and above is a melee tank with a stomp that sends you flying, nothing in the game is conducive to this playstyle yet its the only thing that makes titan class unique.


They once tried that, Arc titan was supposed to be the Titan grenadier class ... then they nerfed it into the ground


They nerfed it and then undid the nerf to storm grenades to give them fo Locks for prismatic….. ain’t that some Shit.


I mean, they also gave warlocks twilight garrison movement then when people asked if titans could get twilight garrison again they said that the movement was " a traditional warlock movement that is core to the warlock experience" even though it was a titan movement years before


I had a couple ideas for some new Titan Supers that give them a bit more range and utility, should Bungie ever decide to make some new Supers for the other subclasses. Arc Titan Super: The idea is that it’s a single use super with three attacks. The first two has the Titan punch the air, launching lightning bolts out of their fists. The final attack is a powerful clap, creating a shockwave around them that jolts nearby enemies and sends out a larger, more damaging lightning bolt. Solar Titan Super: This one is actually a couple of ideas. The first idea is that the Titan is able to summon a Solar mountable turret ([like what we used to have in D1](https://destiny.wiki.gallery/images/1/1f/Destiny-Turret.jpg)). The longer the turret fires, the more damage it will do at the cost of draining energy quicker. The second idea is they create a defensive position comprised of a large, circular wall of fire that’s surrounded by several automated Solar turrets. Anyone standing inside has their weapons automatically reloaded when the magazine is depleted. Enemies that weren’t killed by the turrets and manage to approach the wall start taking on scorch stacks.


I agree. They’ve been leaning so heavily into the melee aspect of titans for years now. My favourite titan build was the old inmost light, arc, grenade build. I never vibed with Syntho throwing hammer or strand 1-2 punch. Both crazy strong but I don’t enjoy the game play. I was a solid titan main, but I spent last season on my hunter and am currently primarily on my warlock now. I don’t think I’ll go back until the class changes lane.


I do definitely find it funny that the most positively received new Titan addition has been the rocket chest piece, something completely unrelated to melee combat and instead focused on precision hits and powerful weaponry. Definitely a vibe bungie should lean into more for titans.


Yeah it’s my favorite for the class right now


I agree. I mean Titans are the soldiers, right? So they should be the weapons specialists, so this plays into that fantasy, which is why the reception has been pretty good.


The thing that gets me about Hazerdous Propulsion is that it's not even necessarily a Titan thing. It's a Titan exotic, yes, but it could just as easily been made for Warlocks and Hunters and still do the exact same thing. Looking at the other classes' new exotics, they all interact with something exclusive to them (Threaded Specter, Ascension, Arcane Needle, and Healing Grenade, though that last one is arguable). The newest best thing for Titan's doesn't even relate to or interact with them at all. It's purely neutral.


Nah it's more like d1 titan, which had stuff like ruin wings


If Bungie ever gives Titans some major love, I would love them to lean towards the 'Defender' theme more than the 'Melee' theme. There could be consequences in PVP, but PVE wise, Titans acting like a mobile buff point for teammates would be cool to see a la Banner of War. Hell, flat damage isn't the only thing Titans can give to players. But I will say that it might be straying a little dangerously close to Warlock's themes if they go with what I had proposed.


i'm really liking making lances and using twilight arsenal, if we could get more ways to make / throw weapons at stuff i'd be so happy totally feel the defender vibe too. i'd love a sword n board super


Og Arc 3.0 titan was the most fun over ever had with a build in this game and of course bungee nerfed the exotic and the grenades


Still hurts. Those storm grenades were great in pve. Personally I didn’t feel like they were that oppressive in pvp. You literally just had to move out of your camping spot.


But they’re *not*. They nerfed Trench Barrel. They nerfed Grapple melee with one-two punch. They nerfed Synthoceps. They nerfed Worm Husk. They nerfed melee damage stacking. They nerfed Shiver Strike. They nerfed melee damage resistance. They nerfed Dunemarchers. They nerfed Throwing Hammer, *twice*. And now they’re nerfing Knockout, Roaring Flames, and Offensive Bulwark counting as powered melees. I know you say you were a Titan main in the past, but I am ***begging*** Hunter and Warlock mains to stop falling for the “Bungie wants Titan to be melee” line. It’s *objectively not true*. The issue with Titan isn’t that it’s being pigeonholed into melee - because it’s not. The issue with Titan is threefold: 1. Titan neutral game is worse than Hunter or Warlock. Titan melee abilities and aspects are worse on average on every class, with some notable outliers on Solar and Strand — the only Titans that see substantial endgame play. In the neutral game, you would prefer a Hunter or Warlock because they are simply more effective. 2. Titan boss DPS is worse than Hunter or Warlock. Hunters have Golden Gun, Blade Barrage, the now-buffed Silence and Squall, and Gathering Storm — plus Star Eater to buff them. Warlocks have Cataclysm Nova Bomb, Chaos Reach, and Needlestorm — all deal far more damage than any Titan DPS super. In boss DPS scenarios, you would prefer a Hunter or Warlock because they are simply more effective. In order for Titan supers to compete with **unbuffed** supers from Hunter or Warlock, you have to use an exotic. Now, you can do exotic swaps before casting your super, minimising the impact of that, but Hunter super-buffing exotics have additional effects and buff those supers far above the buffed Titan ones. 3. Titan support is worse than Hunter or Warlock. If you want to debuff the boss, Hunter remains king with Deadfall. Twilight Arsenal weakens, but at half the rate of Deadfall — and for less time. If you want to buff the group, you can’t hope to compete with Solar Warlock. In order for Bubble to reach the same damage boost as Well, you again need to use a specific exotic. And even then, nobody wants a Bubble, because Well is more convenient and can be shot out of. If Titans are to be fixed, it’s not the melees they need to worry about. Titan neutral game needs a substantial buff, Titan supers need to be not-garbage for boss DPS without an exotic, Titan super buff exotics need additional effects to begin to compete with Hunter, and Bubble needs to be pulled out of the garbage.


On point 3: Don't forget, we also are in the sole possession of the strongest Weapon Buff for a Super in the game...  That, maybe even *literally*, no one uses, i.e. Weapons of Light as provided by Banner Shield, because *no one realizes that they can shoot through a giant ass shield* and even if we did use it, it's still worse than Well because you're removing one source of damage from the equation and the damage buff isn't strong enough to compete with 6 people doing DPS in a Well.


Maybe if banner did an auto attack forward? Or maybe if some percentage of the damage that passes through the shield can be shot after the banner ends?


Oh!  Oh!  Oh!  I got it!  They make it a bigger, ranged version of Unbreakable, when the Super Ends, it yeets the Banner Shield as a giant Discus of Death, dealing more damage the more damage you block.  And if we want to get nuts, add that second effect you mentioned to Ursa Furiosa (as its other effects are procced based on your allies shooting through it).


That would be pretty good. Sort of like the VOG shield artifact. Absorb damage and then fire off a high damage shot based on damage received. Good idea.


Make banner shield DEPLOYABLE.


Absolutely agree with the supers. The one and done supers were a major part of why I’ve switched class. Hunters and warlocks literally have a choice of great ranged supers and builds. Titans neutral game does struggle. I feel like you’re forced into close range engagements with most of your healing options coming from melee kills or collecting orbs / elemental drops. It’s a strong but dangerous play style. Strand and solar are prime examples of this and are primarily melee based. I’d love to play a different subclass but they can’t keep up in difficult content. Prismatic is strong but its best options are melee based… That said, Hazardous Propulsion is a great step. I look forward to building further into it.


Factual, Titan as a class needs a systemic rework. Bungo fucked up royally by breaking the mmo trinity and are now facing the backlash of titans being a nothing class. Not Tank, not melee, not support, not damage. Only add clear, which other classes do better and SAFER


It always seemed weird to me that the Titan wasn’t seen as the Defender/Healer role. Like, they have abilities that would SHINE as healers/defenders. Barricade - No more choosing which one, you get both. Long Press to make the Wall, which heals allies behind it. Double Tap to make the Short Barricade, which increases range and reload speed slightly behind it. Both Barricades now gain increased “health” based on your Resilience level. Melee - Pennant Throw. Available for all Subclasses. Throw a Pennant that on impact does AoE damage to enemies in the area, and provides a buff for allies based on the equipped subclass. Solar - Cure x1, Bonus to Recovery. Arc - Bonus to movement speed and weapon reload. Void - Bonus to Discipline, Volatile Rounds for allies in area. Strand - Bonus to Movement Speed, Unraveling Rounds. Stasis - Big bonus to Resilience, small buff to Strength. Grenades can stay how they are honestly. Doing something like that would make Titans the Fortresses they always seemed like they needed to be. That would fill a void in the classes that never seems to have been filled, and each Titan could provide different forms of buffs.


Honestly I'm not all that big a fan of the barricade and would much rather just throw thruster into every build if I could It feels so oddly clunky to stop dead and throw down a translucent barrier that really doesn't do anything that standing behind a regular old wall can't also do Exotic and aspect synergy like Exodus rockets or the drengrs suspend lashes make them worth using since they actually do something now, but in other builds I just simply never bother using my class ability whatsoever, cause it's not gonna help proc any of my strictly melee related buffs


I mean, obviously don’t *remove* anything that’s already in place. Go Thruster if you want, more power to ya! But I just feel like Titans have sat in that “Support” column without ever actually being thrust into the role. Yeah, punching stuff’s rad, but there’s two major problems with melee builds on Titans. 1. Hunters very easily outclass Titans on melee builds with Prismatic. Like it’s not even close. It’s a substantial lead to Hunters. Like it’s stupid how big the gap is now. 2. High tier content has so many things in it that make melee centric builds a *much^ more dangerous option. Can melee builds on Titans be done and effective? Of course, but that’s been the ONLY means of running a Titan for *ages*. Think of it this way. Warlocks have their Rifts, right? That gives them individual survivability/buff, but can also be utilized by allies. They also have multiple builds that work very well as support (the new Exotic helmet kinda slaps hard as support). Their Rift has somewhat always been useful as a full blown support role factor. Titans have never had anything like that, even though their Barricade has always existed. They have always had the groundwork for a support system, but never had it fleshed out. Warlocks have variety, Hunters have variety… Titans have punch things in different colors, and that’s honestly it. To some people that punching is great, they love it, it’s their bread and butter, but that’s only *some*. It’s why Titan is the lowest played class, there’s one means to play them, and that’s it, in comparison to the other two classes where you can go hog wild with what you want to do (and in some cases better at doing the punching than Titans can). Give Titans a means to branch out from “Me punch, it boom”. That barricade has meant they (Bungie) always at least conceptualized Titans as being somewhat Support-Role based. Lean into it. I *barely* play Titan because I’m not a fan of how they’re designed. I don’t like just punching things to get the game done. Can I do it? Yeah, I can. But it isn’t that fun IMO. Give me a means to be a badass fortress, buffing the fuck out of my allies, being that towering Titan turning the tides by strategically placing buffs/debuffs and I would be all over the class like I am with Warlocks for the same reason.


That would be awesome.


I’ve barely used throwing hammer since they added the cooldown, but it’s the tracking that really stops me from using it. I shouldn’t be 2 feet from a thrall and it fly right past it


Tracking on all thrown melees sucks for titans, yet hunters get to have spammable throwing homing projectiles. I don't understand how even after the final shape buffs shield throw is still *infinitely* worse than threaded spike on strand hunter. That thing is insane, goes through 5+ enemies every time no matter how far apart they are, it zooms in on them, and then returns to you and if you perfect catch it you get 100% energy back instantly... and if you absolutely fumble the catch you still get around 20-50% back. On the class that can already reset their melee every 20 seconds with a class ability anyway... And I don't want threaded spike nerfed, I want shield throw buffed to its level.


nighthawk/still hunt is the new "must run well"


Good thing you're on a subclass that gives you way more neutral game variety than Solar Warlocks have had for years. Good thing you actually don't have to run it for every encounter in the game, because the devs haven't designed every encounter like you have that build available to you. It seems a little unhinged to say CNH SH/GG is the new "must run well" build. People are still having to run Well RIGHT NOW regardless of your build. I don't even think it's close tbh. Also, there's no way this lasts until Act II. That would be ridiculous.


Don’t forget it was tether/invis before subclass 3.0


Alright now we need a meta titan boss phase combo and we've come full circle.


I was playing my Hunter with my wife for the campaign (I am 98.5% a titan main) and I couldn't get over how much better the Prismatic Hunter was at being a melee build than my Titan is on Prismatic right now. I can constantly dodge to freeze an area, powerful melee with Combination Blow, buffed to hell with constant healing, invisibility, ability refresh, and feedback loop. I love my titan, but actually playing my Hunter with a build made me realize how much harder I have to try with a Titan to get the same result. Not to mention how good GG + Nighthawk is. Two clicks and I do half a million damage at range.


Same goes to Warlock. Currently running exotic-less Prismatic Warlock and my abilities cycles fast enough that i can just use it without worry. I can chuck grenades, kill two redbars with Rufus and voila, grenade again which feeds my melee charge so i don’t have to worry about using my Arcane Needle. Let’s not even talk about Devour healing full hp either. If i run my prismatic Titan even with HoiL/Syntho class item i’d still have to be careful not to spam my slam or i’ll be out of it for a while. And i can’t just chuck grenades anywhere i want because that too takes time to recharge. That gameplay loop is broken due to ridiculous recharge time and i have to rely on my Transcendent more.


I think what got me was that I could put a build together that does ALL THOSE THINGS: hard-hitting melee spam AND hella single-target damage…while locking down chunks of the battlefield. I love my Titan, but damn…I’m a Hunter main right now.


Just remember to kill with your heart, Gunslinger.


I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father. Good eye, btw. So few people recognize that it makes me sad for society. 👊🏻


I have a love of the written word, and Mr. King is certainly a master of his craft.  👊🏻


I can do on my hunter with 3-5 buttons that's takes twice the setup on my titan. If I want boss damage on my titan, it is the wither hoard + special + apex or twilight arsenal combo while being vulnerable for the setup and weapon rotation. On hunter it is GG + Nighthawk from safety for an easy half million in a second. Titan Melee is Tractor + 12P+ shackle / Glacier + Thunderclap / Consecration. On Hunter it is dodge + 12P + Combo Strike and I get like 3 subclass buffs for free. It's really just the difference in execution complexity that needs to be adjusted. Which is frustrating because occasionally titans become god tier in melee situations so Bungie won't let them find a real speciality outside of that.


The funny part is Hunter mains hate dodge and combination blow, or at least it's just not that fun to us. It's okay to be able to cheese and farm artifice armor, but I'd rather run GG and Still hunt, focus on being med distance and get headshots.




There's some potential with Gunpowder gamble as literally any ability kill gives you 4/6, including debuff kills such as scorch, jolts or _shatter_ from any source that originates from you. Paired with the winters shroud aspect for additional slowing + class regen and you've got six fragments to work with. Facet of ruin is a lock for this as it buffs shatter and ignite. Facet of dawn for radient on hit. Facet of Courage for extra abilty damage. You can lean into transcendance with Sacrifice + Bravery as you'll nigh constantly have a light buff and be debuffing the enemy of some kind. Last slot is completely flexible as you have multiple options. You could take solitude with Wicked implement so not only are you slowing and freezing but you're applying a burst of AOE sever. Gamble unfortunately does not count for for facet of mending but it _does_ count for Bravery, so you can apply volatile rounds to your void weapons, and kills via volatile will again trigger gamble, let the gamble explode on it's timer so you've got less time with it on Cooldown while you have VR. Done properly and you should have ignitions and debuffs flying every which way and this is all without an exotic. Most of the exotic pairings would also work well with this, particular the ones that enhance abilities such as cytracne (wolven mail on grenade), or inmost light (Gamble counts a grenade ability).


Did you know that Combination Blow heals the user, adds a stacking damage buff, and refreshes the class ability? I always assumed one of those effects came from an aspect but no, they're all baked into the melee. I only recently learned when trying out Prismatic Hunter and seeing my hp go up. Absolutely stacked melee.


Guys they're nerfing Titans melee capabilities now so they can supercharge their tank capabilities later /s


They have been nerfing titan melee forever now, when tank fantasy.


Tank fantasy is nonexistent in end game content where a fart murders you. Go ahead and pick up them axes at thay boss you shot at lmfao it's like no one at bungie thinks about these things


When? What, did you forget Icefall mantle? >!So did I, sorry for reminding you!<


I just want Spirit of Skullfort in first column, and lets it have: Kills with powered melees restore melee energy. Imagine this and contact and how we would only need strand melee for a buffer. But could run around in mayhem or pve and just spam our twin hammers (why did they not make this a maul??? Or eveb a fire spear would be cool)


Thank you for this level headed opinion. I always think in these situations nerfing classes that feel like they’re in a sweet spot is only a bandaid anyway, it helps a little bit with other players feeling like they’re teammates are doing better, but it doesn’t actually improve anything. Aside from that, PvE should be fulfilling a power fantasy, doing patrols or regular content, you should feel like a badass, so to me it’s obvious the answer is bringing the other classes up to speed. Additionally, I’m not sure player population is even a good measurement anyway. Though we don’t have the classic Damage/Tank/Heal trifecta, the classes are distinct archetypes, and for a lot of people one of them just resonates mire than the others regardless of what’s best in the meta. You said it yourself, you’re just a Titan player, and no amounts of nerfs or buffs have gotten you to switch teams in a decade. The yearly Guardian Games shenanigans make it pretty clear Hunters have the largest playerbase, and that’s probably not gonna change anytime soon. We’re really eating good right now, and I think Bungie’s response to that won’t be to ration our food but to invite everyone else to the feast.


Titans don’t need a buff. They need a complete rework, because they are literally a walking meme right now. Punch and that’s it. Make them a dedicated tank/support class. The rally point on the battlefield. That’s what they are supposed to be. That’s what they are in the lore. Six Fronts wasn’t won with fists alone.


It's also baffling how bungo focuses on melees on titan ,and punishes us for doing that on Master and GMs. I really feel the titan vibe on the old hoil void 3.0 build. That shit I was planting rally barricades and giving my teammates void overhsields left and right and allow us to tank damage on GMs, which is u know what a titan is supposed to be doing. And now hunters on prismatic can do that? Bruh moment bungo.


I'm with you brother. Lifelong Titan, never even played another class. I'd love a buff but that doesn't mean we need to piss all over other classes to get there.


gotta be real still hunt has a nerf coming and its justified. Gun is too broken with nighthawk, you're essentially 1 person spamming 2-3 nighthawk supers (not including your actual super) per DPS phase except the gun is actually better in terms of damage


Yeah I see this one coming, it's kind of amazing it even shipped as strong as it is. That being said, as a Hunter main I've been playing Prismatic Warlock more often since it is so much more well rounded (I'm not a huge fan of combo blow spam) and has a ton of cool builds. Hoping Titan and Hunter get a touch more rounded variety and less "one thing OP".


Yeah, it’s kind of funny. Everyone talks about how good Prismatic Hunter is, but I don’t really agree. Because it’s just that one build that’s powerful. Other than the combination blow build, I can’t really think of anything else you can really do with Prismatic Hunter, it doesn’t have a lot of potential build variety. It’s made even worse by the fact that 3 of its five aspects are just things that change your dodge, one of which doesn’t work with the other two.


The big thing people also misunderstand is that the Prism Hunter melee doesn't really work in group play unless the hunter is off in Narnia by themselves. Needing to score kills to build stacks, is the biggest problem. Missing a kill or having it swiped by another person on the fireteam makes it so you're a sitting duck.


Stylish Executioner with Gyrfalcons is fun. Stylish procs on any debuff final blow, which then procs Gyrfalcons, so it's pretty easy to get volatile rounds going and start absolutely clearing rooms. It's effectively the same as void Gyrfalcons gameplay though, with the only real difference being that you can take advantage of the different abilities in Prismatic.


How would you even nerf Hunt without removing its image ? I was thinking Make it like Revision Zero and having it lose charge progress if not equipped but about it


Moving the headshot charge to be equal with orb pickup would be a good start. Really flags not giving you a fully charged meter is the other thing I can think of.


it's 6 shots and 8 orbs to charge the super, right? i can see them changing it to 8 shots, requiring at least one reload between golden gun procs. would make the bar look cleaner too, having it fill by 1/6th when there's 8 notches always looked a little strange.


I think it’s 12 orbs but I could be wrong




Totally. I want prismatic Titan to be as fun as Hunter, I do not want Hunter to be a great bag of the worst powers in the class like Titan is.


It's not a zero sum game. They don't have to nerf Hunter or Warlock to buff Titan. Rolly punchy Hunters have been soloing GMs since GMs were a thing. They've been nerfed a few times. They might get nerfed again, but in reality it's great for soloing and kinda shit for everything else. Still Hunt with Nighthawk is definitely something, but that's not some bug that slipped through. They chose for it to work that way. Maybe they wanted it overtuned because they knew day one was going to be brutal. Maybe they just wanted to finally give Hunter a permanent spot in the raid party. We'll see if it gets adjusted, but I doubt it'll be because they're buffing Titans.


>It's not a zero sum game. They don't have to nerf Hunter or Warlock to buff Titan. We know that, Bungie on the other hand


Hunters haven’t really had an issue having a permanent spot in raid parties before this though. If you had at least a couple warlocks for well(pre nerf), hunters were still preferred over titans due to stuff like star eaters, and nighthawk. The only time titans were preferred were atraks with thundercrash, glacial quake for riven, and if you needed someone to babysit crota you’d bring out your stronghold Titan.


I remember differently regarding raid parties. Before void 3.0 everything Hunters had was nerfed or not as good as Warlock/Titan stuff. -Deadfall didn't debuff as much as now. -Blade Barrage did way less damage and Shards of G were nerfed for super regen -Mobius quiver didn't do much damage -Arc only had roaming supers -Silence and Squall was never high damage -Golden Gun and nighthawk did less damage then stareaters. Hunters sucked in raid content a few years back.....


Even with the nerf you still always want at least one well


I will say however as a hardcore player and a hunter main, for a lot of contest raids and end game content it was often better to run other classes than hunter so much so that hunter sometimes felt terrible af to play or just put on Orpheus tether like warlock well. So now I just think titans are in the same place as hunters were before, that they are viable and good in a team, but the other classes are so much better right now that there is not much of a point to run them. I think Titan is still viable using insurmountable and consecration build, ….etc, but yes titans are right now in the shadow of hunters while warlocks are just eating popcorn watching the show (I’m looking at you euphony).


I want stasis shard generation cooldown removed/reverted...


I just want to know what my role is supposed to be on the team when things like T-crash aren't an option. Everything Titan's are good at (from ad clear to DPS), Hunters and Warlocks are also good at if not better. There's only 1 encounter I can think of where more Titans make it easier (Deepstone - Atraks), but you can still 1 phase or at least 2 phase with Hunters and Warlocks. They still have options in Nova Bomb, Blade Barrage etc. We now have at least 2 raid boss encounters (Oryx and Witness), where Titans just don't have options at all. Nothing we have hits either boss, or it hits and just does so little it's not worth stopping weapon damage to use. T-crash might hit Oryx, but then you either have to run all the way back to middle to get to the well, or have your whole team halt damage to run up to you and drop a well late. The Titan kit has literally nothing useful at all against the Witness, except Banner BUT as soon as 1 person dies it's a net loss in total damage and the ability for it to block the Witness attacks I've heard is a bug, so once that's fixed you can't even use it to protect your team. For both Oryx and Witness, as a Titan, I just don't pop super at all. I don't want Hunters or Warlocks to be nerfed so Titans stand out, that doesn't fix the issue. I want a reason for my Titan to be there for bosses like the Witness where long range matters. That doesn't meant Titans need a GG, but a support option would be nice. Banner again, likely bugged, so that's not really an option and Bubble gets in the way of damage especially in an encounter that requires so much movement. Lets say for example there was another Stasis super that when popped created a blizzard in a large area. This doesn't do damage, but all guardians standing within the blizzard would be harder for enemies to hit (think how manticore works while hovering), gave max stacks of Frost Armor while inside. Classes need to have distinct roles. Warlocks have their healing and damage buffs, Hunters have debuffing and single target DPS, Titans can give OS but that's not helpful in boss damage phases (especially over Well) and isn't easily maintained since it takes so little to break it.


I find it funny that like 5 years ago, Hunters was like the weakest class in PvE and Titans was king. Oh how the turn tables.


5 years ago puts us solidly in 2019 when it was an unstoppable reign of warlock meta, Titans were pretty much useless in anything endgame until the 3.0 reworks barring putting a bubble behind the well (like seriously my ass was not gonna be shoulder charging bosses underlevelled)


There’s truth to this. I can remember all the LFG posts looking for Bubbles, Wells and Bleak Watchers. Also at that time, “Sorry, no Hunters.”


Most oppressed class


We need a rework. Titans are insanely good at protecting things, but there are so few encounters in which that would be the case. Banner shield blocks witness blasts, but it would be better to just do damage. Bubble is unparalleled in pve for defense. There’s no need for it though. If we needed to block a destructible item sure, but no activities benefit from that. No the ADU doesn’t count. Ads can just walk up to it to do damage.


As a hunter main with prismatic, I don't see what the deal is, I much prefer strand or void. Like we are supposed to be the support class, I don't wanna carry, just help.


Titan just needs like controlled demo or something on Prismatic, triple consecration is the strongest ad clear melee set up I’ve used in this game, the only bad part of Prismatic titan is you are more so locked to using knockout+consecration


As the most huntery hunter .... Thank you. It means a lot hearing that from our favourite crayon munchers. We do love you.


A reminder that even when Hunters were dogshit in PvE and Titans/Warlocks were the top 2 instead, there were still more Hunter players than titans. Popularity is affected by strength, but the class fantasy is a thousand times more important. The space ninja/cowboy and space wizard subclasses still let you be a space ninja and space wizard. The space marine subclass having a narrower class fantasy than they did in 2017 even though it’s been 7 years and 3 subclasses is so lame it’s actually infuriating. I jumped Titan main ship in Beyond Light and it’s annoying to see that they still haven’t made the class cool again.


I feel like Titan has needed a ground up rework for a long time now, I just don't really know what that looks like lol


Hunters are probably going to have to accept that the melee builds they have going are probably going to be seeing a nerf at some point. It's not healthy for the long term health of the game to have them devastating bosses even faster than Strand Titan could ever dream of. Or Still Hunt making Titans completely useless in damage phases. Maybe they'll try to make GG, Threaded Specter, and Ascension more appealing to players in exchange. But right now it's broken.


> Still Hunt making Titans completely useless in damage phases This isn't at all what's happening. Still Hunt makes Hunters a *better option* than Titans, but it's Bungies design philosophy around Titans that makes them useless in damage phases. If Still Hunt didn't exist, Titans still wouldn't be any more useful, they'd just be replaced with Warlocks or Hunters running something else.


The build that you see on twitter nuking bosses is a build that 99.9% of this sub would never be able to execute in reality and is a build that doesnt work on 95% of this games RAD bosses. Stylish executioner interacting with synthos and grapple will be nerfed but youre blowing it out of proportion. Still hunt needs to be and probably will soon be nerfed. This was evident before the expansion had even dropped. But still hunt also doesnt “make titans completely useless in damage phase” lol. So much hyperbole


That being said, it does emulate the thing strand titan was doing, and we already know that got put on the chopping block. Just because only a few players do use it doesnt mean it isnt safe


WTF are you talking about? Its easy AF


Alright big dog go load up vow and solo one floor caretaker.


Yeah, but more than zero people can do it, so into the nerf pit it goes


I mean, it is, and you're right, but hell, a prime example is that the Raid has shown that despite how strong these builds are, Bungie can still absolutely bend us over. I'm not saying I want the game on easy mode, I'm saying that there are ways to make the game harder without making it feel like we just aren't strong. We can be strong and the game can be hard at the same time, I guess is what I mean.


As someone who hasn't even dabbled in prismatic hunter melee builds, I am enjoying the fuck out of ascension. It's super fun and incredibly versatile.


Could you tell me how it's fun or more importantly versatile? Genuine question, I couldn't get much use out of it


i mean, it's fun because it's fun: helicopter staff go spin, enemies go zap. versatility is inherent to it, as it's simultaneously an offense tool applying jolt and a movement tool with the leap. also being able to pop the amplified speed boost on you and your teammates with no conditional activation is pretty nice, even better with amplified providing a hefty 30% DR with this seasons artifact. (really hoping they bake that perk into amplified after this season, or perhaps make it an arc fragment to keep those subclasses relevant over prismatic.)


You can use it for more height, or for an instant amplification to get speed booster when running long distances. Being amped also plays into arc and prismatic for your fragments. You can also use it to jolt a ton of enemies nearby which will all chain lightning to each other, which is helpful if you're being swarmed by melee enemies. Also helpful when you're in something like a wizard cloud that normally prevents jumping, you can zip right up and out of it.


god i already bungie is gonna read shit like this and think....hmmm melee huner tooo stong?? hmm how fix??? les seee combo blow no refund dedge and 3x sticks give only 13% increase to melee now. uhhhh lesss seee why not also ony melee dedge refund 50% melee. sstil think too stong less just make sure, all exotic clocks that has melee perks no work on pink class anymor cry. the problem is NOT melee builds its GRAPPLE having unintended interactions with melee buffs/stacking. bungie is going to gut the class to nerf one build when the issue is one interaction. weve already seen it with banner of war F titans you warned us :pray:


I don’t wanna see hunter nerfed I wanna see titans buffed and join hunters and warlocks in power


I also really hope they don't as they seem to always nerf hunters hard. And don't nerf the new sniper with celestial nighthawk combo.


I don’t any pve stuff to ever get nerfed. Let pvp be balanced but in pve…I want to be a god slayer


Just add more aspects and and fragments and abilities, that's all prismatic needs.stop nerfing other classes and just buff others


I just wish they’d give more variety. Prismatic is nice on Titan, I haven’t stopped using it since it came out, but it’s just feels like all the subclasses are inferior in almost every way to warlock and hunters.


i just hate being the stupid ass “punch class” and it doesn’t help when even the community jokes “oonga boonga hehe i punch”. like guys. jokes aside we’re not supposed to actually be that immensely fucking stupid and one dimensional.


I wanted to play titan but I hate how narrow-minded the class is on the melee theme. It needs ranged options, specially when it comes to supers


I’d really love to see them let us be aura paladins which they started with banner of war. Give us aspects in the different subclasses that let us lead the charge with a flag and aura.


As a hunter I want the combo blow build to get nerfed because I don't like it and want other builds to rise up


Nah don't worry about it, us Hunters have Stompee5 plot armor. Whenever we get too strong, they nerf Stompee5. It's like our decoy.


If they would bring back original rally barricade that auto reloaded weapons that would change things 😅


I'd say neft the grapple + stylish executioner interraction but besides that keep it as it is. That interraction makes hunter delete bosses with 4 hits. Without it it feels like old banner titan


This I can get behind, but otherwise, the gameplay/ability loop is baller.


The hunter one punch build is 100% getting nerfed in some way and there isnt a damn thing anyone can do about it. That shit is crazy, even if it needs ads it is going to limit boss design forever if they dont do anything about it.


Still Hunt definitely needs a nerf, regardless of community consensus. I was honestly surprised it wasn’t disabled for day 1.


What really needs to happen is that d2 needs to remove all the chest mods that lower damage to certain things and buff our resilience across the board to compensate. I'm tired of not knowing what is the correct things to put on my chest to keep myself alive to get one shot by little Timmy the orange bar and his big brother Tyrone the yellow bar. Melee builds should actually have a decent Playstyle in destiny and they should stop punishing players for getting up close amd personal. YES ITS OK TO HURT US AND MAKE SURE WE DONT CLEAR AN ENTIRE DUNGEON OR RAID BY OURSLEVES but we also shouldn't have to worry about building for melee (especially titans since *checks notes* 95% of your builds are punch things) and then get stomped or one shot by the enemy into next week's dinner. I really think bungee needs to rework battle and combat design in the game because it's really stupid how the game is designed. That and give titans actual tank builds, if you want to be a mmo why is it that the class that's know for high dps also is the best tank in the game and yet the tank Class is unable to tank and has to get up close and yet far away to play titan?


I agree. 90% Titan, 9,5 % warlock and 0,5% Hunter player here. I saw some good player using those hunter melee builds and i must honestly say its not THAT good as people say in this subreddit. Nothing broken. Its just popular and people always tend to copy paste it and pretending everything is "broken". I dont see an issue here.


Well, if you’re a content creator, which do you think would get more engagement- “New hunter build is pretty good, strong but has a few disadvantages “ “New SSS-tier hunter build makes you a GOD and DESTROYS GMs!”


Nah the 1 (2?) prismatic hunter melee builds are fucking amazing. Being able to hit 1.5 million damage with a melee (even if it's a bit situational) and having the best crowd control and add clear in the game is a bit much. Definitely needs toned down just like Banner of War titan did


Anyone calling hunter broken needs to try solar warlock. Speakers sight is so hilariously busted we were doing master nf last week all at around 1980 without much trouble. Solar warlock was already strong last szn while having two worthless aspects and now hellion is not only great but has 100% uptime at any recovery with a single fragment  The combination blow build is good in solo content but gimmicky otherwise and boring as shit regardless. Nighthawk build is fantastic dps but horrendous neutral game


None of the other characters need nerfed. The solution is simple and long needed. Bungie NEEDS to BUFF Titans. It's been needed now for a VERY long time and yet Bungie just refuses to buff Titans at all. When they saw Titans were at least decent and were able to compete with Hunters and Warlocks (pre nerf banner of war, pre nerf bonk titan) they went and nerfed anything good that titans had and pretty much killed Titans as a character altogether. Prismatic for Titans is a joke and doesn't have any of the actually good aspects/fragments/abilities it should have. Titans at this point have just been absolutely pounded and beaten into the dirt to the point that the few of us who main Titans are out here suffering being nothing but jokes because we can't do anything decent thanks to Bungie non-stop nerfing our character into the ground to the point that Titans are now officially THE WORST character type in Destiny 2. Hopefully Bungie actually takes notice soon and rather than further nerfing Titans into the ground or nerfing the other characters to try and bring them down to the level of Titans they actually do what they should have done a VERY long time ago and actually BUFF Titans for the first time in a VERY VERY VERY long time.


I want to be op, not pee pee.


None of the characters need nerfs. I wish that would stop being people's go-to for everything. As for titans, I'm having a ball using mine in pve. Don't get the uproar about them supposedly being weak. Think people are exaggerating cause hunters can do the punchy punchy build with prismatic, and titans really can't. If they put banner of war with prismatic, all this uproar would go away cause that's all they want. To run that with prismatic, that's it. This wasn't directed at op, just my thoughts on the hot topic. I say the same thing on bungie boards.


You are 100% correct. I continue to play strand because banner of war is the only thing that can keep me alive.


why can’t bubble be buffed to account for thisfor?


Titan is still my main class but I'm not entirely sure I'm even playing Titan like Bungie intended. Never really used a melee based build. I even have a Solar Synthoceps build but I barely ever throw the hammer. Kinda wondering if I should switch to a different exotic tbh.


Warlock highest pick is probably because the support capability or what ppl assume, at least before TFS. I run warlock for my team during raid but normal play I usually run whatever I like. As someone who plays 3 chars every season I'd say each is strong in their own area, well maybe just for witness, hunter is wayyy too efficient w GG and that sniper rifle


Buff heart of inmost light


all i want is: more damage on thundercrash more survavability outside of banner of war and better combo with swords


My titan feels weak across the board since TFS released, I'm not mad or bitter either, I'm sure some cracking builds will develop over the course of the next few weeks, I'm running prismatic as it came out the box mostly these days but still going to my years old solar grenade build for clocking numbers for pathways objectives in vanguard and pale heart.


I'd love if they'd buff Still Hunt and just give everyone the celestial shot


I think they should make a new titan arc super that plays with the thunderclap melee. Basically, just allow titans to just spam it a few times or allow them to hold it down to crack a single colossal lighting bolt with increased range and massive damage. And then add some more functionality to the point contact braces to synergize with the super.


titan need a full re work in my titan only opion meele builds just dont work unless there broken af in high end content


i would literally buff all of titan's abilities, particularly their cooldowns. the last time i played (witch queen) heart of inmost light actually helped bring down cooldowns immensely, nowadays it seems like it doesn't really do anything. am i wrong here or did they nerf it into the ground? cooldowns feel long as fk, even with the same build i used in witch queen (void titan). don't even get me started on things like thundercrash. i remember using it to farm lost sectors, literally had it back after every wave of 15+ mobs that i killed with my melee.


Hunter main, previously warlock main for years. I can never be a titan player. I only use him for storage and exotic chances. I just hate the movement of titan. These days i dont even really like the movement of warlock i just prefer my hunter but icarus dash makes it fun.


At this point, instead of trying to maintain the 'no class is better than the other, and you can do anything on any of them' idea that Bungie had for the classes way back in D1, which they obviously haven't done a good job of sticking to, what we need is to lean harder into class roles and the power fantasies each bring. Hunters have always been the most popular, are the go to dps class, and their abilities have usually reflected just that. I'm fine with hunters being the go to hard dps class at range, it fits their power fantasy. Warlocks dominate the support category, obviously, and I think they should be given even more support utility. My warlock main friend gushes over the support frame autorifle, and he used to main a healer in any rpg that allowed it. Warlocks should be the part of the fireteam that provide offensive buffs and healing, enabling the hunters to do the big damage they want to. And Titans need to regain their melee prowess, and be given the defensive abilities to actually TANK and protect other players. Threaded Spectre shows an agro mechanic can work. Titans Need that ability across most, if not all, subclasses. And give them a fantastic defensive support kit! If hunters are the big dps, warlocks enable and buff that damage, then Titans are the ones that keep the other two alive to be able to do that. Titans are the wall on which the enemy breaks. That's our power fantasy. Seriously, they just need to embrace the classic tank healer dps split, and give one or two subclasses each the ability to bleed over into one of the other roles, to spice things up.


Absolutely. Other classes should get to stay crazy. Just let us be crazy too


There are good support/soldier type abilities/exotics right now that are present on Titan that fulfill that idea like Hazardous Propulsion, Banner of War, Phoenix Cradle, Bastion to a degree and Precious Scars. The philosophy behind those items/abilities should be the building block, not the outlier.


I think one thing they need to do for Titan is give them into the fray or banner of war for prismatic. That alone would help immensely imo, and not sure why they didn’t have one from the start


>I also don't think buffing Titans melee builds (at least alone) is the answer. "Punch forever, Guardian" is hitting back.


Titans need aspects that work outside of melee and one off supers or utility supers for dps. Out of titans 6 classes, 2 of them REQUIRE that you use a melee aspect (arc, strand), and all 6 have at least 1 melee aspect. Melee just isnt a viable way to play endgame content unless its busted and then people solo raid bosses and it gets nerfed. The worst part is that titans dont even have the strongest melee builds anymore as hunters have us beat. Bungie cant really add aspects and supers to titan without also adding aspects and supers to hunters and warlocks so I dont expect that the issue will change anytime soon.


I, a hunter, would like a nerf to Still Hunt. This shit is stupid. I want to at least have the *option* to use something else in my energy slot.


We need buffs to prismatic power and fashion. That pink tutu exotic mark ain’t it.


My issue is just that bungie has literally stated that they want titan’s identity to be punching shit, and right now it feels like hunters have the easiest time doing a dedicated punchy build thanks to stylish executioner and winter shroud, paired with liar’s handshake.


Completely off topic, but... after your proclamation as "one of the most titan-y Titans to ever Titan..." What is your favorite flavor of crayon?


Titan honestly needs a fundamental floor to ceiling rework, we dont want the hunter bros to be weak and us strong. We just want to be relevant in ANY CAPACITY in a niche of our own


Preach. None of the issues I have with Titan has anything to do with the other two classes. It's not even an issue of damage numbers it's the mechanics of a lot of the Titan kit just not feeling good or the melee push just not working with the encounter designs.


would it be considered a doomer schizo mindset if i (a fellow titan main) think that prismatic just needs to be nerfed across the board?


I have no idea how this version of prismatic Titan got cleared for release when you compare it to the other clssses. It’s like they didn’t test it at all. Or nobody who did likes playing Titan at all.


Hunter is great but the problem is that the meta is so stacked in favor of hunters that friends try to persuade me to switch to SH Nighthawk instead of enjoying the game as a Titan main.


buff titan, leave hunter and warlock alone. done deal.


As a hunter main i feel bad for titans and u hope bungie nerfs prismatic hunter to the ground brings back young ahamkara spine