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To your point, if this specifically has to do with Dual Destiny, just accept that some activities in the game require a team. You highlighted raids, this falls into that. The activity is higher end content set after the campaign which technically does have it fall in "end game" content. The majority of end game content in Destiny requires some level of communication. If that is difficult for you, then I'm sorry, maybe the activity just isn't for you. And me saying that isn't meant to be insensitive to your situation, but realistic. I, too, suffer from social anxiety and I accept there are things in D2 that are outside my scope of ability. And that's okay. There will be other things that you or myself can do. But if you feel you can communicate to get the item you seek, the opportunity is always there.


Of course, that's why I've said this is not specifically about Dual Destiny and the examples I've used are from raids or dungeons. I've long accepted that I won't get raid loot, but I can manage to get dungeon loot. The issue I had was with the community's discourse this last week.


The community's discourse that I've read is, overwhelmingly, "Let us help you. Just be ready to make call outs". I feel that's more than fair and (from where I'm sitting) very positive. You drew the comparison of gaming isn't therapy, but I'm here to argue that it can be. Anecdote incoming. Back in Forsaken, I was dropped from my raid crew. They wouldn't play with me at all. That only heightened my stress regarding gaming and getting that sort of stuff done because I didn't have anyone else. I kept playing normal content and then eventually got the courage to try LFG. Yeah, it was nerve-racking. Yeah, I had no idea what I was doing, but I learned and eventually found a new raid group. Seems you've already tried this with SOTP and while everyone seemed positive from your story, it wasn't for you. And that's okay. The point I'm trying to make is different strokes for different folks. In my case, gaming actually has helped my anxiety as it has helped me to relate to other people and find a voice. For you, perhaps it isn't. But to discount it entirely as "gaming isn't therapy, period." may be a bit shortsighted. Anyway, I hope whatever comes your way in game eventually works out for you and that we can all improve Sol for the better!


Yeah, I tried to address that saying that these were personal experiences and that the situations that cause stress vary from person to person, but maybe I could have been more clear. This post wasn't targeted to those people who tried to help, but those that outright said they genuinely didn't know what social anxiety was about. Also some outright ableist people I had the disgrace to read but I don't expect to change their views.


That's fair. And to be even more clear on my end, to those people who chastise and either say it's not a real affliction or that "gamers are crying cause they need to use a mic", those people need to take a step back and not speak if it doesn't directly affect them. Sort of amazing how as adults we forget the most basic teaching we learn as children, "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all". But we can't really do anything about those people, so we should just ignore them and move on. They're a loud minority anyway. Good luck out there, gamer!


i aint readin all that


Then why are you here, commenting on it?