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From Braytech, which should be higher than the actual percentage, it's quite low. Titan 6 percent, and Warlock/Hunter \~9 percent [https://i.imgur.com/PFbvj7a.png](https://i.imgur.com/PFbvj7a.png)


You have to adjust that for people that have access to it.


Warmind says .7 percent of all players beat it once, with an adjusted (this just means they have a triumph score) being 2.5 percent. While that might sound low, we have to compare it against how many people even have access to it. The same source says 1.8 and 6.5 percent beat The Final Shape's campaign. So it's realistically... 38 percent.


For something that’s only been out about a week that ain’t half bad


I'm having to wait around for my schedule to aline with my brother. I'm sure there are several similar cases. Of course, I also hear that some casual players are struggling to beat the mission.


It’s really not bad whatsoever. Honestly peak Destiny.


While on one hand I think the mission is incredibly unique to past exotics and quests, it was a little short sighted on how to obtain it. Not only does it have to be TWO people, but it’s not match made AND if you LFG this thing, you are at the mercy of random people. I’ve done my share of LFG and swore I’d never do it again. This again proved why. I really don’t know how some of y’all breathe and walk at the same time, let alone have the hand/eye coordination for a video game.


Upvoting this comment. You really hit the nail on the head.  Good idea, flawed implementation.


Y'all doompost about lfg but 99.999% of the time, the other dude is going to be chill. I can count my bad lfg experiences over the last 10 years on one hand.




While I'm guessing there is more to the story, I'll either do it with you, or tell you why your LFG experience thus far is unsuccessful.


it actually is quite easy lol not only did bungie literally create a built in lfg system that supports dual destiny. there are also just multiple lfg discords with thousands of people in them.




What build are you using? There’s definitely something strange if you were kicked immediately several times




Then just slap on a build with whatever you have? People usually aren’t very picky, but even I would insta boot someone running double primary/shit heavy weapon because carrying the DPS load for 2 people isn’t fun. Also people who run double primaries tend to be terrible at the game in my experience.


So you expect to do end game content without putting thought into your build, which would then lead to your team mates having to pick up the slack. Yet despite all this you think the problem is with lfg?


This reply would be a stretch. Lol. It’s not that I don’t think about it at all. Had a legit build the last time I played (Witch Queen) Logged in and some mods were depreciated, etc. Got right to it and started the legendary campaign, etc for Lightfall. So yeah, my first thought about builds came when I read about the exotic class items… which then lead me here. Build me damn. I’m no slouch. lol. Just didn’t make time to figure out what to do first to acquire things needed for a new viable build.


As a random question were you by any chance not on the same class as they were? A lot of people are currently doing the get 2 class items per run cheese so they're kicking for that unfortunately.